Research Article |
Corresponding author: Walter M. Jaklitsch ( ) Academic editor: Andrew Miller
© 2020 Walter M. Jaklitsch, Hermann Voglmayr.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Jaklitsch WM, Voglmayr H (2020) The genus Melanconis (Diaporthales). MycoKeys 63: 69-117.
The genus Melanconis (Melanconidaceae, Diaporthales) in the strict sense is here re-evaluated regarding phylogenetic structure, taxonomy, distribution and ecology. Using a matrix of sequences from ITS, LSU, ms204, rpb2, tef1 and tub2, eight species are recognised and their phylogenetic positions are determined. Based on phylogenetic, morphological and geographical differentiation, Melanconis marginalis is subdivided into four subspecies. Melanconis italica is reduced to a subspecies of Melanconis marginalis. The two species Melanconis larissae from Betula sp. and M. pacifica from Alnus rubra are described as new. Melanconis alni and M. stilbostoma are lectotypified and M. alni, M. marginalis and M. stilbostoma are epitypified. All GenBank sequences deposited as Melanconis alni are shown to actually represent M. marginalis and those as M. marginalis belong to the newly described M. pacifica. Currently, Alnus and Betula are the sole host genera of Melanconis. All species and subspecies are (re-)described and illustrated. In addition, the neotypification of Melanconium pterocaryae is here validated.
Juglanconis, Melanconiella, Melanconium, multigene phylogeny, pyrenomycetes, systematics, 1 new combination, 2 new species
Melanconis, the type genus of the family Melanconidaceae (Diaporthales), was originally described by
All isolates included in this study originated from ascospores or conidia of freshly collected specimens derived from recently dead branches or twigs. Details of the strains including NCBI GenBank accession numbers of gene sequences used to compute the phylogenetic trees are listed in Table
Isolates and accession numbers of sequences used in the phylogenetic analyses.
Taxon | Strain1 | Origin | Host | GenBank accession no.2 | |||||
ITS | LSU | ms204 | rpb2 | tef1 | tub2 | ||||
Juglanconis appendiculata | MC | Greece | Juglans regia | KY427141 | KY427141 | KY427159 | KY427191 | KY427210 | KY427227 |
Juglanconis japonica | MAFF 410079 = ME20* | Japan | Pterocarya rhoifolia | KY427155 | KY427155 | KY427172 | KY427205 | KY427224 | KY427240 |
Juglanconis juglandina | CBS 133343 = ME22 | Austria | Juglans regia | KY427149 | KY427149 | KY427166 | KY427199 | KY427218 | KY427234 |
Juglanconis oblonga | CBS 133344 = ME14 | USA | Juglans cinerea | KY427151 | KY427151 | KY427168 | KY427201 | KY427220 | KY427236 |
Juglanconis pterocaryae | CBS 144326 = D272* | Austria | Pterocarya fraxinifolia | MK229175 | MK229175 | MK238314 | MK238324 | MK238332 | MK238338 |
Melanconis alni | CBS 131693 = MAMI | Austria | Alnus glutinosa | MN784962 | MN784962 | MN780721 | MN780745 | MN780774 | MN780803 |
CBS 131695 = MAW* (from ascospores) | Austria | Alnus glutinosa | MN784963 | MN784963 | MN780722 | MN780746 | MN780775 | MN780804 | |
MEW*(from conidia) | Austria | Alnus glutinosa | MN784964 | MN784964 | MN780723 | MN780747 | MN780776 | MN780805 | |
MAIV | France | Alnus incana | MN784965 | MN784965 | MN780724 | MN780748 | MN780777 | MN780806 | |
D156 | Poland | Alnus glutinosa | MN784966 | MN784966 | MN780725 | MN780749 | MN780778 | MN780807 | |
Melanconis betulae | CFCC 50471* | China | Betula albosinensis | KT732952 | KT732971 | – | KT732984 | KT733001 | KT733022 |
CFCC 50472 | China | Betula albosinensis | KT732953 | KT732972 | – | KT732985 | KT733002 | KT733023 | |
CFCC 50473 | China | Betula albosinensis | KT732954 | KT732973 | – | KT732986 | KT733003 | KT733024 | |
Melanconis groenlandica | CBS 116450 = UPSC 3407* | Denmark (Greenland) | Betula nana | KU878552 | KU878553 | – | – | KU878554 | KU878555 |
MAFF 410219 = M4-2 = ME1 | Japan | Betula maximowicziana | MN784967 | MN784967 | MN780726 | MN780750 | MN780779 | MN780808 | |
CBS 133341 = LCM191.01 = ME10 | USA | Betula papyrifera | MN784968 | MN784968 | MN780727 | MN780751 | MN780780 | MN780809 | |
CBS 133339 = LCM 02.02 = ME13 | USA | Betula sp. | MN784969 | MN784969 | MN780728 | MN780752 | MN780781 | MN780810 | |
CBS 133340 = LCM 185.01 | USA | Betula papyrifera | MN784970 | MN784970 | MN780729 | MN780753 | MN780782 | MN780811 | |
Melanconis itoana | MAFF 410080 = LFP-M4-9 = ME8 | Japan | Betula ermanii | MN784971 | MN784971 | MN780730 | MN780754 | MN780783 | MN780812 |
CFCC 50474 | China | Betula albosinensis | KT732955 | KT732974 | – | KT732987 | KT733004 | KT733025 | |
CFCC 52876 | China | Betula albosinensis | MK096324 | MK096364 | – | MK096409 | MK096284 | – | |
CFCC 52877 | China | Betula albosinensis | MK096326 | MK096366 | – | MK096411 | MK096286 | – | |
CFCC 52878 | China | Betula albosinensis | MK096327 | MK096367 | – | MK096412 | MK096287 | – | |
Melanconis larissae | CBS 123196 = AR 3886 = ME7* | USA | Betula sp. | MN784972 | MN784972 | MN780731 | MN780755 | MN780784 | MN780813 |
Melanconis marginalis subsp. europaea | D157 | Austria | Alnus alnobetula | MN784973 | MN784973 | – | MN780756 | MN780785 | – |
D158 | Austria | Alnus alnobetula | MN784974 | MN784974 | MN780732 | MN780757 | MN780786 | MN780814 | |
D257 | Austria | Alnus incana | MN784975 | MN784975 | – | MN780758 | MN780787 | MN780815 | |
CBS 131692 = MAI* | Austria | Alnus incana | MN784976 | MN784976 | MN780733 | MN780759 | MN780788 | MN780816 | |
CBS 131694 = MAV | Austria | Alnus alnobetula | MN784977 | MN784977 | MN780734 | MN780760 | MN780789 | MN780817 | |
MAV1 | Austria | Alnus alnobetula | MN784978 | MN784978 | MN780735 | MN780761 | MN780790 | MN780818 | |
Melanconis marginalis subsp. italica | MFLUCC 16-1199* | Italy | Alnus cordata | MF190151 | MF190096 | – | – | – | – |
MFLUCC 17-1659* | Italy | Alnus cordata | MF190152 | MF190097 | – | MF377602 | – | – | |
Melanconis marginalis subsp. marginalis | D321 (from ascospores)* | Canada | Alnus alnobetula subsp. crispa | MN784979 | MN784979 | – | MN780762 | MN780791 | MN780819 |
D321a (from α-conidia)* | Canada | Alnus alnobetula subsp. crispa | MN784980 | MN784980 | – | MN780763 | MN780792 | MN780820 | |
D321b (from β-conidia)* | Canada | Alnus alnobetula subsp. crispa | MN784981 | MN784981 | – | MN780764 | MN780793 | MN780821 | |
CBS 109496 = AR 3529 = ME2 | Russia | Alnus alnobetula subsp. maximowiczii | MN784982 | MN784982 | MN780736 | MN780765 | MN780794 | MN780822 | |
AR 4864 = ME5 | USA | Alnus alnobetula | MN784983 | MN784983 | MN780737 | MN780766 | MN780795 | MN780823 | |
CBS 133346 = AR 4865 = ME6 | USA | Alnus alnobetula | MN784984 | MN784984 | MN780738 | MN780767 | MN780796 | MN780824 | |
MAFF 410218 = M4-6 = ME9 | Japan | Alnus alnobetula subsp. maximowiczii | MN784985 | MN784985 | MN780739 | MN780768 | MN780797 | MN780825 | |
Melanconis marginalis subsp. tirolensis | CBS 122310 = AR 3748 = ME4* | Austria | Alnus alnobetula | MN784986 | MN784986 | MN780740 | MN780769 | MN780798 | MN780826 |
D322a | Austria | Alnus alnobetula | MN959458 | MN959458 | – | MN989415 | MN989416 | MN989417 | |
Melanconis pacifica | CBS 109744 = AR 3442 = AFTOL-ID 2128 | Canada | Alnus rubra | EU199197 | AF408373 | – | DQ862022 | DQ862038 | EU219103, DQ862038 |
Melanconis stilbostoma | D143 | Poland | Betula pendula | KY427156 | KY427156 | KY427173 | KY427206 | KY427225 | KY427241 |
D258 | Italy | Betula aetnensis | MN784987 | MN784987 | – | MN780770 | MN780799 | MN780827 | |
CBS 109778 = AR 3501 = AFTOL-ID 936 = ME11* | Austria | Betula pendula | MN784988 | MN784988 | MN780741 | MN780771 | MN780800 | MN780828 | |
MAFF 410225 = M3-9 = ME12 | Japan | Betula platyphylla var. japonica | MN784989 | MN784989 | MN780742 | MN780772 | MN780801 | MN780829 | |
CBS 121894 = MS | Austria | Betula pendula | KY427156 | KY427156 | MN780743 | JQ926302 | JQ926368 | MN780830 | |
CBS 133338 = DMW 514.3 | USA | Betula papyrifera | MN784990 | MN784990 | MN780744 | MN780773 | MN780802 | MN780831 | |
CFCC 50475 | China | Betula platyphylla | KT732956 | KT732975 | – | KT732988 | KT733005 | KT733026 | |
CFCC 50476 | China | Betula platyphylla | KT732957 | KT732976 | – | KT732989 | KT733006 | KT733027 | |
CFCC 50477 | China | Betula platyphylla | KT732958 | KT732977 | – | KT732990 | KT733007 | KT733028 | |
CFCC 50478 | China | Betula platyphylla | KT732959 | KT732978 | – | KT732991 | KT733008 | KT733029 | |
CFCC 50479 | China | Betula platyphylla | KT732960 | KT732979 | – | KT732992 | KT733009 | KT733030 | |
CFCC 50480 | China | Betula platyphylla | KT732961 | KT732980 | – | KT732993 | KT733010 | KT733031 | |
CFCC 50481 | China | Betula platyphylla | KT732962 | KT732981 | – | KT732994 | KT733011 | KT733032 | |
CFCC 50482 | China | Betula platyphylla | KT732963 | KT732982 | – | KT732995 | KT733012 | KT733033 | |
CFCC 50483 | China | Betula platyphylla | KT732964 | KT732983 | – | KT732996 | KT733013 | KT733034 | |
CFCC 52843 | China | Betula platyphylla | MK096338 | MK096378 | – | MK096423 | MK096298 | – | |
CFCC 52844 | China | Betula platyphylla | MK096341 | MK096381 | – | MK096426 | MK096301 | – | |
CFCC 52845 | China | Betula platyphylla | MK096343 | MK096383 | – | MK096428 | MK096303 | – | |
Melanconis stilbostoma | CFCC 52846 | China | Betula platyphylla | MK096347 | MK096387 | – | MK096432 | MK096307 | – |
CFCC 52847 | China | Betula platyphylla | MK096348 | MK096388 | – | MK096433 | MK096308 | – | |
CFCC 52848 | China | Betula platyphylla | MK096349 | MK096389 | – | MK096434 | MK096309 | – | |
CFCC 52849 | China | Betula platyphylla | MK096328 | MK096368 | – | MK096413 | MK096288 | – | |
CFCC 52850 | China | Betula platyphylla | MK096329 | MK096369 | – | MK096414 | MK096289 | – | |
CFCC 52851 | China | Betula platyphylla | MK096330 | MK096370 | – | MK096415 | MK096290 | – | |
CFCC 52852 | China | Betula platyphylla | MK096331 | MK096371 | – | MK096416 | MK096291 | – | |
CFCC 52853 | China | Betula platyphylla | MK096332 | MK096372 | – | MK096417 | MK096292 | – | |
CFCC 52854 | China | Betula platyphylla | MK096333 | MK096373 | – | MK096418 | MK096293 | – | |
CFCC 52855 | China | Betula platyphylla | MK096334 | MK096374 | – | MK096419 | MK096294 | – | |
CFCC 52856 | China | Betula platyphylla | MK096335 | MK096375 | – | MK096420 | MK096295 | – | |
CFCC 52857 | China | Betula platyphylla | MK096336 | MK096376 | – | MK096421 | MK096296 | – | |
CFCC 52858 | China | Betula platyphylla | MK096337 | MK096377 | – | MK096422 | MK096297 | – | |
CFCC 52859 | China | Betula platyphylla | MK096339 | MK096379 | – | MK096424 | MK096299 | – | |
CFCC 52860 | China | Betula platyphylla | MK096340 | MK096380 | – | MK096425 | MK096300 | – | |
CFCC 52861 | China | Betula platyphylla | MK096342 | MK096382 | – | MK096427 | MK096302 | – | |
CFCC 52862 | China | Betula platyphylla | MK096344 | MK096384 | – | MK096429 | MK096304 | – | |
CFCC 52863 | China | Betula platyphylla | MK096345 | MK096385 | – | MK096430 | MK096305 | – | |
CFCC 52864 | China | Betula platyphylla | MK096346 | MK096386 | – | MK096431 | MK096306 | – | |
CFCC 52865 | China | Betula platyphylla | MK096316 | MK096356 | – | MK096401 | MK096276 | – | |
CFCC 52866 | China | Betula platyphylla | MK096317 | MK096357 | – | MK096402 | MK096277 | – | |
CFCC 52867 | China | Betula platyphylla | MK096318 | MK096358 | – | MK096403 | MK096278 | – | |
CFCC 52868 | China | Betula platyphylla | MK096319 | MK096359 | – | MK096404 | MK096279 | – | |
CFCC 52869 | China | Betula platyphylla | MK096320 | MK096360 | – | MK096405 | MK096280 | – | |
CFCC 52870 | China | Betula platyphylla | MK096321 | MK096361 | – | MK096406 | MK096281 | – | |
CFCC 52871 | China | Betula platyphylla | MK096322 | MK096362 | – | MK096407 | MK096282 | – | |
CFCC 52872 | China | Betula platyphylla | MK096323 | MK096363 | – | MK096408 | MK096283 | – | |
CFCC 52873 | China | Betula platyphylla | MK096350 | MK096390 | – | MK096435 | MK096310 | – | |
CFCC 52874 | China | Betula platyphylla | MK096351 | MK096391 | – | MK096436 | MK096311 | – | |
CFCC 52875 | China | Betula platyphylla | MK096325 | MK096365 | – | MK096410 | MK096285 | – |
Microscopic observations were made in tap water, except where noted. Morphological analyses of microscopic characters were carried out as described by
Ascospore isolates were prepared and grown on 2% corn meal dextrose agar (CMD; CMA: Sigma, St Louis, Missouri; supplemented with 2% (w/v) D(+)-glucosemonohydrate) or 2% malt extract agar (MEA; 2% w/v malt extract, 2% w/v agar-agar; Merck, Darmstadt, Germany). Growth of liquid cultures and extraction of genomic DNA was performed as reported previously (
PCR products were purified using an enzymatic PCR cleanup (
The newly generated sequences were aligned with the Melanconis sequences of
Maximum Likelihood (ML) analyses were performed with RAxML (
Maximum Parsimony (MP) analyses were performed with PAUP v. 4.0a166 (
In the Results and Discussion sections, bootstrap values (BS) below 70% are considered low, between 70–90% medium and above 90% high.
Comparison of our sequences with GenBank sequences revealed that all accessions of Melanconis alni and M. marginalis, deposited in GenBank, were misidentified. All GenBank accessions of M. alni were shown to actually represent M. marginalis, while the single isolate of M. marginalis turned out to be a new species, described as M. pacifica below. These misidentifications were also confirmed by morphological re-investigation of specimens from which these sequences were generated.
Of the 6052 characters included in the combined multilocus analyses, 925 were parsimony informative (133 from ITS-LSU, 142 from ms204, 214 from rpb2, 245 from tef1 and 191 from tub2). The best ML tree (lnL = −18240.558) revealed by RAxML is shown as Fig.
Phylogram of the best ML tree (lnL = −18240.558) revealed by RAxML from an analysis of the ITS-LSU-ms204-rpb2-tef1-tub2 matrix of Melanconis, with 5 species of Juglanconis (Juglanconidaceae) selected as outgroup. ML and MP bootstrap support above 50% are given at the first and second position, respectively, above or below the branches. Strain numbers are given following the taxon names; strains formatted in bold were sequenced in the current study. Melanconis taxa occurring on Alnus are marked blue, those on Betula in green. The broken branches to the outgroup were scaled to 10%.
All species of Melanconis received high (M. itoana, M. groenlandica) to maximum (M. alni, M. betulae, M. marginalis, M. stilbostoma) support in both analyses (Fig.
Culture images of seven studied Melanconis species, grown on MEA and CMD, are illustrated in Figure
Melanconis cultures. a–c M. alni (a, b D156, c MAW) d M. groenlandica ME13 e M. itoana ME8 f M. larissae ME7 (after irregular rehydration) g–i M. marginalis subsp. europaea (g, h D257, i MAI) j–l M. marginalis subsp. marginalis (j, k D321, l ME5) m M. marginalis subsp. tirolensis ME4 n M. pacifica ME3 o, p M. stilbostoma (o D143, p ME11) a, b, g, h, j, o on CMD c–f, i, k, l–n, p on MEA a, b, g, h, j at 16 °C, j, k at 22 °C c–f, i, k, l–n, p at room temperature a, g, j, k after 3 weeks b, h after 3 c, i 5 d–f, l–n, p 3.7 o 2 months.
?= Melanconium Link : Fr., Mag. Gesell. naturf. Freunde, Berlin 3(1–2): 9 (1809).
Melanconis stilbostoma (Fr. : Fr.) Tul. & C. Tul., Select. fung. carpol. (Paris) 2: 115 (1863).
In contrast to Diaporthe, species of Melanconis always develop in bark, never in wood and lack stromatic zones. Pseudostromata are pulvinate to conical, circular to elliptic in outline and usually slightly project beyond the bark surface with perithecial contours remaining indistinct. Ectostromatic discs usually project distinctly from the surface of the pseudostromata and are bright, white to yellowish, to brown when old.
Nomenclaturally, the older genus Melanconium potentially competes with the younger genus Melanconis. However, as outlined in
≡ Melanconis alni Tul., Annls Sci. Nat., Bot., sér. 4, 5: 109 (1856). (Nom. inval., Art. 35.1).
= Rehm, Ascom. exs. 148 (1872).
?= Melanconium apiocarpum Link, in Willdenow, Sp. pl., Edn 4 6(2): 90 (1825).
?= M. sphaeroideum Link, in Willdenow, Sp. pl., Edn 4 6(2): 92 (1825).
?= Stilbospora microsperma Pers., Observ. mycol. (Lipsiae) 1: 31 (1796).
Melanconis alni is recognised by ascospores having filiform, tapering appendages and dark brown α-conidia with a pale to subhyaline median area.
, here designated: France, Hauts-de-Seine, Chaville, on Alnus glutinosa, 1 Feb 1856, Tulasne (PC 0723592; MBT390380). Epitype, here designated: Austria, Oberösterreich, Raab, Wetzlbach, grid square 7648/1, on Alnus glutinosa, 4 Jun 2011, H. Voglmayr (
Melanconis alni. Sexual morph a, b ectostromatic discs c pseudostroma with ectostromatic disc in face view d cross section showing remnants of asexual morph at the sides of the sexual pseudostroma e cross section showing perithecia with lateral ostiolar necks and central column f vertical section showing perithecium with central ostiolar neck g–j asci k, l ascus apices showing apical ring m–x ascospores j, l, w in aqueous Congo Red a, b, i
Melanconis alni. Asexual morph a, b conidiomata in face view c conidioma in cross section d conidioma in vertical section e–i conidiophores and conidiogenous cells j–p α-conidia q–t β-conidia a, f
Sexual morph : Pseudostromata developing in bark after the asexual morph and sometimes with acervuli of the asexual morph still present within their sides, 0.9–2.7 mm diam., scattered, pulvinate, more or less circular in outline, slightly projecting from the bark surface and then causing a greyish bark surface; consisting of an ectostromatic disc and perithecia embedded in an entostroma. Ectostromatic discs 0.3–1.4 mm diam., white to yellowish, brownish when old, flat to convex, circular, fusoid, angular or elongate in section, projecting up to 0.6 mm. Ostiolar necks cylindrical, laterally attached on perithecia and convergent in the disc, centrally only on centrally arranged perithecia, 1–15(–20) per disc, in the disc plane, convex to papillate and slightly projecting, with dark rounded tips; first pale brownish to greyish-brown, turning black, (70–)93–162(–210) µm (n = 33) diam. apically, mostly present at the margins but often also randomly within the disc. Entostroma bark-coloured, not or only slightly paler than the surrounding bark, consisting of bark cells and some light-coloured hyphae. Perithecia (390–)450–645(–765) µm (n = 24) diam., formed below overmature conidiomata in valsoid configuration, globose to subglobose, collapsing up- or laterally inwards upon drying. Hamathecium of wide multiguttulate paraphyses, collapsing, dissolving and usually absent amongst mature asci. Asci floating free at maturity, (68–)79–97(–110) × (10.5–)12.5–16.5(–21) µm (n = 114), narrowly clavate, fusoid, oblong to nearly ellipsoid, with an apical ring staining in Congo Red but invisible or indistinct in the strongly thickened apex in 3% potassium hydroxide (KOH), containing 8 biseriate ascospores. Ascospores (14.5–)16–21(–25.3) × (4.7–)6–7.8(–9) µm, l/w (1.9–)2.3–3.2(–4.8) (n = 198), hyaline, ellipsoid, clavate or inequilaterally fusoid, bicellular with upper cell usually slightly wider, slightly or strongly constricted at the median septum, thick-walled, multiguttulate or with one large and several small guttules when fresh, with a filiform, tapering and acute, less commonly short and stout rounded, triangular or truncate appendage (2.5–)4.7–10(–24.3) × (1.7–)2.3–3(– 4) µm, l/w (1–)1.8–3.8(–8.4) (n = 224) at one or both ends; in 3% KOH, appendages invisible and cells tending to be more equal.
Asexual morph acervular, often conspicuous due to thick black conidial masses, first subperidermal, after ejection forming deposits 0.5–3.6 mm diam., sometimes confluent from 2–3 conidiomata and then up to 5 mm long, projecting to 0.5 mm. Conidiomata scattered, gregarious, sometimes confluent, pulvinate to conical, (0.6–) 0.8–2.5 mm diam., consisting of a superficial, ca. 0.2–1.3 mm wide, flat, white to yellowish, slightly projecting disc becoming concealed by dark brown to black conidial deposits, a whitish to yellowish, when old orange-brown, compact, more or less pseudoparenchymatous base, in the centre arising as central column with circular to longish outline and sometimes wavy margin, surrounded by conidiophores and black conidial chambers. Conidiophores emerging radially from the pseudoparenchymatous base and column surface, filiform, to ca. 50 × 4 µm, branching 1–3 times from their bases producing whorls of conidiogenous cells. Conidiogenous cells (10–)12–43 × 2–4 µm, annellidic, more or less cylindrical, hyaline, turning brown with age, forming more or less simultaneously two types of conidia on top. Conidia dimorphic, α-conidia (9–)10.5–12.2(–14) × (4.8–) 6.8–8(–9) µm, l/w (1.2–)1.4–1.7(–2.4) (n = 301), dark brown, more or less cuboid or subglobose and often with pinched sides or oval, oblong to broadly ellipsoid, with a diffuse or more or less well-defined, paler to subhyaline median area or stripe; β-conidia produced in small numbers, (5.3–)7.3–10.3(–11.5) × (2–)2.5–3.2(–3.7) µm, l/w (2–)2.6–3.9(–4.7) (n = 38), oblong, mostly straight, hyaline to subhyaline, turning dilute brownish with age, containing few minute guttules, with a distinct basal abscission scar.
Culture : Colony on CMD at 16 °C first hyaline, turning yellowish-brown from the centre, becoming covered by flocks of white aerial hyphae and conidiomata forming around the centre or colony irregular, with limited growth, turning green to black due to conidiomata; on MEA first hyaline, circular, with short aerial hyphae, forming concentric zones, the outer white, the inner turning brown, black conidiomata forming between the zones, margin becoming diffuse and the entire colony turning brown. Odour indistinct.
Melanconis alni occurs in Europe on dead twigs and branches of Alnus glutinosa and A. incana, mainly at lower elevations.
Austria, Kärnten, Eisenkappel, Bad Vellach, Vellacher Kotschna, grid square 9653/1, on Alnus incana, 7 Sep 1998, W. Jaklitsch W.J. 1194 (
Melanconis alni was described by Tulasne from Alnus glutinosa in 1856 after a presentation of the topic in April 1856.
Ascospore appendages of Melanconis alni may sometimes be similar to those of M. marginalis, at least in fractions, although truncate appendages in M. alni are rather a consequence of microscopic mount preparation. On Alnus incana both species occur, therefore the asexual morph should be sought for to reliably identify the species.
According to
≡ Myrothecium groenlandicum M. Bohn, Mycotaxon 46: 336 (1993) (Basionym).
Holotype (not examined): Greenland, Qaqortoq, (isolated from) twigs of Betula nana, July 1991, M. Bohn (C; dried culture UPSC 3416; isotype in UPS; living cultures CBS 116450 = UPSC 3407, UPSC 3416).
Culture (own observations): Colony on MEA circular, first hyaline, turning and long remaining whitish, with age forming narrow concentric zones with tooth-like margins and turning pale brownish. Odour indistinct to unpleasant.
Melanconis groenlandica is known from North America (Greenland, USA) and Japan from Betula maximowicziana, B. nana and B. papyrifera.
Japan, Hokkaido, Sorachi, Furano, Hokkaido Experimental Forest of Univ. Tokyo, on B. maximowicziana, 25 Sep 1964, T. Kobayashi (TFM FPH2478, culture MAFF 410219 = M4-2, ME1). USA: New Hampshire, close to the top of Mount Washington, on Betula sp., 28 Jul 2006, L. Mejia (BPI 879597; culture CBS 133339 = LCM 02.02 = ME13); New York, Adirondack High Peaks Region, Marcy Dam, on Betula papyrifera, 2 Jun 2007, L. Mejia (BPI 881485; culture CBS 133341 = LCM191.01 = ME10); ibidem, same host, 9 Jun 2007, L. Mejia (BPI 881515; culture CBS 133340 = LCM 185.01).
This species was isolated as a putative endophyte from Betula nana and described from MEA and potato dextrose agar as a species of Myrothecium. In our phylogenetic analyses, three isolates from North America and one from Japan grouped with the ex-type isolate of M. groenlandica with high support.
Holotype : Japan, Shizuoka, Fujinomiya, Mt. Fuji, on Betula ermanii, 6 Aug 1968, T. Kobayashi (TFM FPH3375; ex-type culture MAFF 410080 = LFP-M4-9 = ME8).
Culture : Colony on MEA circular, first hyaline, forming a white outer and brown inner zone, with radial stripes; conidiomata forming mostly in the inner zone. Odour indistinct.
This species occurs on Betula ermanii in Japan and Betula albosinensis in China and is particularly well characterised by its long narrow fusoid conidia, which are more or less pointed at each end. It was originally described by
Melanconis larissae differs from M. stilbostoma by α-conidia having a broad diffuse light-coloured zone.
Holotype. USA, New York, Adirondack Mts., Cranberry Lake, on Betula sp., 13 Jun 2002, L. Vasilyeva (BPI 870998; ex-type culture CBS 123196 = A.R. 3886, ME7).
Named after the collector Larissa Vasilyeva.
Melanconis larissae holotype (BPI 870998) a–o sexual morph a, b ectostromatic discs c, d cross sections showing white upper and yellow lower parts of central columns, ostiolar necks and perithecia e–g asci h–o ascospores f, g in aqueous Congo Red p–y asexual morph p conidial deposit q conidioma in cross section r, s conidiophores and conidiogenous cells (showing annellations in s) t–y α-conidia r–y in 3% KOH. Scale bars: 500 µm (a–d, p, q), 15 µm (e–g), 7 µm (h–o, r), 5 µm (s–y).
Sexual morph : Pseudostromata 1.8–2.7 mm diam., scattered to aggregated, not or only scarcely projecting from the bark surface, pulvinate, circular to elliptical in outline; consisting of an ectostromatic disc and perithecia embedded in an entostroma around a central column and sometimes conidial locules present on the ostiolar level. Ectostromatic discs 0.5–1.4 mm diam. or long, slightly projecting, fusoid to circular, flat or concave, white to yellow, often concealed by ostioles; central column beneath disc brightly white at upper levels, yellow amongst ostiolar necks at lower levels, consisting of hyaline hyphae and colourless crystals. Ostiolar necks cylindrical, laterally or centrally attached on perithecia, convergent and irregularly inserted in the disc; visible part (88–)130–204(–230) µm (n = 32) diam., 1–12 per disc, black, subglobose to subconical with flat or pointed tips, projecting to 200 µm. Entostroma consisting of hyaline hyphae and bark cells. Perithecia (420–)490–650(–690) µm (n = 14) diam., arranged in valsoid configuration around and below central column, globose to subglobose, collapsing up- or laterally inwards upon drying. Peridium pseudoparenchymatous, consisting of a dark brown small-celled outer and a hyaline to brownish, large-celled inner layer. Hamathecium absent at maturity. Asci floating free at maturity, (69–)84–106(–117) × (11–)13–17.5(–19.7) µm (n = 22), fusoid to oblong, with an apical ring distinct in water and staining in Congo Red, but invisible or indistinct in 3% KOH, containing (2–)4–8 ascospores in biseriate or obliquely uniseriate arrangement. Ascospores (14.8–)17–21.5(–25) × (5.8–)6.5–8.3(–9.7) µm, l/w (1.9–)2.3–3(–3.7) (n = 93), ellipsoid to subfusoid, symmetric or inequilateral, bicellular, hyaline, dilute brownish when old, slightly constricted at the central to slightly eccentric septum, thick-walled, becoming verruculose with age, devoid of appendages.
Asexual morph acervular, intermingled with pseudostromata of the sexual morph or developing separately, conspicuous. First white tissue (central column) forming within the bark, becoming surrounded by a yellow margin and narrow whitish to yellowish discs emerging through bark cracks, followed by the production of conidia in olivaceous to dark brown chambers. Conidiomata 1.3–2.7 mm diam., pulvinate, more or less circular in outline, scattered or crowded. Covering discs 0.25–1.2 mm long, narrowly fusoid or longish to circular, flat to convex, whitish to yellowish, becoming obscured by large, coppery to olivaceous brown conidial deposits 1–4 mm diam., projecting to 1.2 mm, also confluent from two or several conidiomata; discs and pulvinate or conical columns beneath consisting of textura intricata of hyaline hyphae and numerous colourless crystals, becoming brittle with age. Conidiophores emerging around the central column from a pseudoparenchymatous base, ca. 40–70 µm long, filiform, branched near the base and usually 1–3 fold asymmetrically at higher levels, first hyaline, turning brown from their tips; terminal conidiogenous cells (10.5–)14.5–28(–36.5) × (1.7–)2.5–3.5(–4.2) µm (n = 70), cylindrical and often widened towards base, with funnel-shaped collarette and up to 5 or 6 annellations, densely arranged, repetitive, producing α-conidia. Conidia (9.7–)11–13(–14.5) × (6.5–)7.7–9(–9.5) µm, l/w (1.1–)1.3–1.6(–2.2) (n = 66), oval, subglobose to drop-like, unicellular, dark brown, thick-walled, with a broad lighter coloured median zone and a small scar, smooth. No β-conidia detected.
Culture : Colony on MEA at room temperature circular, dense, first hyaline, turning rosy. Odour indistinct to musty.
Melanconis larissae is known from a single specimen collected in New York State from an unidentified species of Betula.
The description of this taxon is based on a single specimen with over-mature sexual morph and well-developed asexual morph with thick masses of conidia. Melanconis larissae differs from M. stilbostoma by the broad light-coloured zone of its conidia. No β-conidia have been detected in this specimen, but oblong to ellipsoid, hyaline to dilute brownish conidia 5–9 × 1.7–5 µm, which we interpret as immature α-conidia.
This species is here subdivided into four subspecies below. See under subsp. marginalis for the original species.
This subspecies of Melanconis marginalis occurs in Europe and differs from the American subsp. marginalis phylogenetically and by slightly larger asci, ascospores and ascospore appendages.
Holotype. Austria, Steiermark, Judenburg, Pusterwald, Hinterwinkel, grid square 8651/4, on Alnus incana, 11 Jun 2011, H. Voglmayr (
For its occurrence in Europe.
Melanconis marginalis subsp. europaea. Sexual morph a pseudostroma in face view b, c ectostromatic discs d subglobose visible part of ostiolar necks e, f cross sections (e showing central column and marginal ostioles f showing central column and perithecia) g vertical section showing central column and two perithecia h–p asci q–y ascospores m–p in aqueous Congo Red a
Melanconis marginalis subsp. europaea. Asexual morph a, b conidiomata and conidial deposits in face view c conidioma with β-conidia in cross section d conidioma with α-conidia in vertical section e–h conidiophores and conidiogenous cells (producing α-conidia in e, f, β-conidia in g, h) i–p α-conidia q–t β-conidia e–t in 3% KOH a, b, d–f, i–k, q–s
Sexual morph : Pseudostromata 1.5–3.6 mm diam., usually conspicuous and numerous, scattered to tightly aggregated, forming pustules, pulvinate, circular to elliptical in outline, typically elevated beyond bark surface; consisting of an ectostromatic disc and perithecia embedded in an entostroma around a central column. Ectostromatic discs 0.5–2.1 diam. or long, discrete, less commonly confluent, bright white to yellowish, turning brownish with age, variable, fusoid, elliptic or circular in outline, flat, convex, concave, entire or coarsely fissured and crumbly, projecting up to 1 mm including projecting part of the pseudostroma; central column beneath disc whitish to yellowish, consisting of hyaline hyphae and colourless crystals. Ostiolar necks cylindrical, laterally attached on perithecia, centrally attached only on centrally arranged perithecia, convergent in the disc margin or crowded at the ends of fusoid discs, 1–25(–35) per disc. Visible part of the ostiolar necks (53–)103–167(–212) µm (n = 90) diam., black or brown with black tips, usually circular in section, sometimes plane with the disc, but much more frequently papillate and projecting to 250 µm, often resembling minute perithecia with pointed tips or discoid with depressed centre to nearly ring-like, sometimes conical to bristle-like and projecting to 0.4 mm. Entostroma bark coloured, not or only slightly paler than the surrounding bark, consisting of bark cells and some light-coloured hyphae. Perithecia (450–)515–680(–810) µm (n = 58) diam., arranged in valsoid configuration around and below central column, globose to subglobose, collapsing up- or laterally inwards upon drying. Peridium pseudoparenchymatous, consisting of a dark brown small-celled outer and a hyaline to brownish, large-celled inner layer. Hamathecium of broad multiguttulate paraphyses, collapsing, dissolving and usually absent amongst mature asci. Asci floating free at maturity, (52–)68–85(–98) × (8.7–)10.5–15.5(–18.7) µm (n = 126), narrowly fusoid to oblong or narrowly ellipsoid, with an apical ring distinct in water and staining in Congo Red, but invisible or indistinct in 3% KOH, containing 8 biseriate or obliquely uniseriate ascospores. Ascospores (13.8–)17–20(–22.8) × (3.5–)4.7–6.5(–7.7) µm, l/w (2.5–)2.9–3.8(–5.5) (n = 242), hyaline, mostly oblong or narrowly ellipsoid, sometimes broadly ellipsoid upon release, symmetric or inequilateral, bicellular with nearly equal cells, slightly or strongly constricted at the median septum, multiguttulate or with few large and several small guttules when fresh, with a short and broad, rounded, sometimes tapering, angular or bell-shaped and typically terminally truncate appendage (1.8–)2.7–4.7(–8.4) × (2–)2.5–4(–5.5) µm, l/w (0.4–)0.9–1.5(–2.8) (n = 318), at one or both ends becoming invisible in 3% KOH and Congo Red after release.
Asexual morph acervular, intermingled with pseudostromata of the sexual morph or more frequently developing separately, usually inconspicuous, but sometimes becoming conspicuous due to greyish-brown to dark brown conidial deposits 0.2–0.6 mm diam., rarely confluent from 2 conidiomata and then up to more than 1 cm long. First, white to yellow tissue (central column) forming within the bark, becoming visible by pustulate bark and narrow whitish to yellowish or brownish slit-like discs emerging through bark cracks, usually first followed by the production of β-conidia in olivaceous chambers and later α-conidia on the same or similar conidiophores turning the contents brown and oozing out from ends of the discs or perithecia of the sexual morph formed below the acervulus. Conidiomata 1–2 mm diam., pulvinate, more or less circular in outline, scattered or aggregated in lines. Covering discs 0.3–0.9(–1.6) mm (n = 45) long, narrowly fusoid or longish to rounded, plane to convex, becoming covered and obscured by conidial deposits; discs and pulvinate or conical columns beneath, consisting of compact textura intricata of hyaline hyphae and numerous colourless crystals. Conidiophores emerging around the central column or directly on bark in dense palisades, up to ca. 50 µm long, filiform, branched near the base or sometimes 1–2 fold asymmetrically at higher levels, hyaline, turning brown from their tips; terminal conidiogenous cells (10–)14.5–23(–27) × (1.8–)2.3–3.5(–5) µm (n = 90), cylindrical and often widened in the middle or towards base and at the funnel-shaped tips beyond its width, with up to 3 annellations, producing β-conidia and/or α-conidia. Conidia dimorphic, α-conidia (9–)11–14(–16.3) × (3.2–)4.5–5.5(–6.2) µm, l/w (1.7–)2.2–2.9(–3.6) (n = 172), first hyaline, soon turning pale to medium brown or greyish-brown, unicellular, mostly fusoid, but also oblong, oval or ellipsoid, straight, less commonly slightly curved, upper end usually subacute and sometimes elongated, lower end narrowly truncate, containing several guttules, smooth; β-conidia (8–)9–11.5(–12.7) × (2–)2.5–3(–3.3) µm, l/w (2.8–)3.3–4.6(–5.8) (n = 39), hyaline to dilute brownish, unicellular, oblong to cylindrical, straight or slightly curved, thick-walled in water, with few guttules to eguttulate, smooth.
Culture : Colony on CMD at 16 °C first hyaline, partly or entirely turning brownish or ochre, either covered by a dense white mat of aerial hyphae or not, sometimes becoming indistinctly zonate, sometimes forming irregularly disposed conidiomata; on MEA at room temperature, first hyaline to whitish, soon forming a few broad zones with uneven margins forming teeth, the latter partly turning brown.
Common on Alnus alnobetula (syn. A. viridis) and A. incana in mountainous areas of Central and Eastern Europe (confirmed for Austria, the Czech Republic fide
Austria, Burgenland, Forchtenstein, Kohlstatt, on Alnus incana, 24 Sep 2016, H. Voglmayr & W. Jaklitsch (
This subspecies differs mainly in its occurrence in (Central) Europe and by forming a clade of its own in phylogenetic analyses (Fig.
Under the name Melanconis alni,
≡ Melanconis italica Senan., Camporesi & K.D. Hyde, in Senanayake et al., Stud. Mycol. 86: 273 (2017) (Basionym).
Holotype. Italy, Province of Forlì-Cesena, Fiumicello di Premilcuore, on dead branch of Alnus cordata, 4 Dec 2013, E. Camporesi IT 1557 (MFLU 17–0879; ex-type cultures MFLUCC 16–1199, MFLUCC 17–1659; isotype BBH 42441).
It is presently unclear, whether this poorly described and illustrated taxon that is only known from a single collection is simply Melanconis marginalis subsp. europaea or merits a subspecies name of its own. First, the host given by the authors, Alnus cordata, naturally occurs in southern Italy and Corsica and, thus, may be correct only if planted in the collection area, which is not given by the authors. Secondly, the ascospores are in the range of other subspecies and appendages are neither mentioned nor illustrated, although a few are visible in their ascus images. Apparently, ascospores were mounted in KOH, where appendages are invisible. Thirdly, they describe the asexual morph from culture and include only a poor image of conidia without giving any measurements. Last but not least, only LSU, ITS and rpb2 are available, which are insufficient to reliably resolve its true phylogenetic position. In addition, instead of comparing their taxon with M. marginalis, they compare it with M. alnicola (
≡ Diaporthe marginalis Peck, Rep. (Annual) Trustees State Mus. Nat. Hist., New York 39: 52 (1887) [1886] (Basionym).
≡ Melanconis alni var. marginalis (Peck) Wehm., Revision of Melanconis, Pseudovalsa, Prosthecium & Titania: 27 (1941).
= Diaporthe nivosa Ellis & Everh., Proc. Acad. nat. Sci. Philad. 42: 222 (1890).
= Melanconium dimorphum Peck, Ann. Rep. New York State Mus. Nat. Hist. 40: 62 (1887).
of Diaporthe marginalis: USA, New York, Essex County, Elisabethtown, on Alnus alnobetula subsp. crispa (given as Alnus viridis), May 1885, C.H. Peck (NYSf 1859!; material separated into 2 envelopes NYSf 1859.1 and NYSf 1859.2). Epitype, here designated: Canada, New Brunswick, Charlotte Co., 1.5 km SW of Little Lepreau, on Alnus alnobetula subsp. crispa attached to the tree, soc. Tortilispora aurantiaca, 3 Sep 2019, D. Malloch (
Melanconis marginalis subsp. marginalis. Sexual morph a pseudostroma in face view b–d ectostromatic discs (note conical to bristle-like ostiolar necks in c discoid in d; e vertical section showing central column and perithecia f–i, p–u asci j–o, v–y ascospores t, u, y in aqueous Congo Red x in 3% KOH a, f BPI 614844 b, g, h, t holotype NYSf 1859 c, k, j BPI 748233 d, e, n, o, q–s, v, w, y epitype
Melanconis marginalis subsp. marginalis. Asexual morph a early stage of covering disc b, c conidiomata and conidial deposits in face view d, e conidiomata in cross section (d with β-conidia, e with α-conidia) f conidioma with α-conidia in vertical section g–k conidiophores and conidiogenous cells (producing α-conidia in g, h β-conidia in i–k) l–w α-conidia x–e1 β-conidia g–e1 in 3% KOH a, b, d–g, i–k, n–s, x–b1 epitype
Sexual morph : Pseudostromata immersed in bark causing pustules, scattered or aggregated, sometimes fused in pairs, 1.2–3.2 mm diam., pulvinate, circular to elliptic in outline, often elevated beyond bark surface; consisting of an ectostromatic disc and perithecia embedded in an entostroma around a central column, sometimes also acervuli containing α-conidia on the ostiolar level. Ectostromatic discs 0.3–1.5(–2) mm diam. or long, bright white to yellowish or cream, flat, convex or concave, sometimes fissured or with dark stellate stripes around disc on the bark surface, sometimes concealed by ostioles, circular, elliptic or fusoid in outline, typically distinctly projecting up to 1 mm including projecting part of the pseudostroma; central column beneath disc white to yellowish, consisting of hyaline hyphae and colourless crystals. Ostiolar necks cylindrical, laterally attached on perithecia, centrally attached only on centrally arranged perithecia, convergent in the disc margin or crowded at the ends of fusoid discs, sometimes completely filling disc, 1–15(–22) per disc. Visible part of the ostiolar necks (55–)87–153(–230) µm (n = 128) diam., shiny black or brown with black tip, flat discoid to ring-like, papillate to subglobose with pointed tip or conical, sometimes bristle-like and projecting up to 0.6 mm. Entostroma bark coloured, not or only slightly paler than the surrounding bark, consisting of bark cells and some light-coloured hyphae. Perithecia (420–)480–650(–750) µm (n = 34) diam., arranged in valsoid configuration around and below central column, depressed subglobose, collapsing up- or laterally inwards upon drying. Peridium pseudoparenchymatous, consisting of a dark brown small-celled outer and a hyaline to brownish, large-celled inner layer. Hamathecium of broad multiguttulate paraphyses, collapsing, dissolving and usually absent amongst mature asci. Asci floating free at maturity, (46–)56–69(–82) × (10–)11–14.5(–18) µm (n = 116), mostly oblong to fusoid, but also clavate or narrowly ellipsoid, with an apical ring distinct in water and staining in Congo Red but invisible or indistinct in 3% KOH, containing 8 ascospores in bi- or obliquely uniseriate arrangement. Ascospores (13.8–)15.5–18(–20.7) × (3.7–)4.5–5.7(–7.7) µm, l/w (2.4–)2.9–3.7(–4.4) (n = 236), hyaline to yellowish, oblong to ellipsoid, bicellular with equal or slightly unequal cells, slightly to distinctly constricted at the more or less median septum, multiguttulate or with few large and several small guttules when fresh, with a roundish to triangular or broadly oblong to beak-like and truncate appendage (1.1–)1.8–3.5(–6.1) × (2.2–)2.5–3.5(–4.2) µm, l/w (0.4–)0.6–1.2(–2.1) (n = 140) at each end; in 3% KOH, ascospores wider and more ellipsoid; appendages mostly invisible.
Asexual morph acervular, intermingled with pseudostromata of the sexual morph or more frequently developing separately, usually inconspicuous but sometimes becoming conspicuous due to greyish-brown to dark brown conidial deposits to 2.7 mm diam., sometimes confluent from 2 conidiomata and then up to 7 mm long. First white to yellow tissue (central column) forming within the bark, becoming visible by pustulate bark and narrow whitish to yellowish or brownish slit-like discs emerging through bark cracks, usually first followed by the production of β-conidia in olivaceous chambers, followed by fusion of the chambers and production of α-conidia on the same or similar conidiophores, turning the cavity brown and oozing out from ends of the discs or perithecia of the sexual morph formed beneath. Conidiomata ca. 0.9–3 mm long or diam., pulvinate, more or less circular in outline, scattered or aggregated in lines. Covering discs 0.3–0.7 mm long or diam., narrowly fusoid or longish to circular, plane to convex, white-yellowish-brownish, becoming covered and obscured by conidial deposits; discs and pulvinate or conical columns beneath consisting of compact textura intricata of hyaline hyphae and numerous colourless crystals. Conidiophores emerging around the central column from a textura intricata, fasciculate, filiform, branched near the base or sometimes 1–2 fold asymmetrically at higher levels, hyaline, turning brown from their tips; terminal conidiogenous cells (10–)13.5–23(–31) × (1.7–)2–3(–3.5) µm (n = 68), cylindrical and often widened in the middle or towards the base and at the funnel-shaped tips beyond its width, annellidic, producing α- and/or β-conidia. Conidia dimorphic, α-conidia (9–)10.5–13.3(–16.8) × (3.8–)4.5–5.3(– 6) µm, l/w (1.7–)2–2.8(–3.9) (n = 171), first hyaline, soon turning light to medium brown, unicellular, mostly fusoid, but also oblong, oval, citriform or ellipsoid, straight or slightly curved to sigmoid, upper end often subacute, lower end narrowly truncate, containing several guttules or eguttulate, smooth; β-conidia (6–)8–10.5(–12.2) × (1.7–)2.2–2.8(– 3) µm, l/w (2.4–)3–4.6(–6.4) (n = 46), hyaline to dilute brownish, unicellular, oblong to cylindrical, sometimes reniform, straight or curved, thick-walled in water, with few guttules to eguttulate, smooth.
Culture : Colony on CMD at 22 °C circular with slightly uneven margin, hyaline to whitish, forming a broad inner white zone with tooth-like margin and narrow hyaline outer zones; on MEA at room temperature circular, first hyaline to white, margin becoming diffuse, narrow or coarse concentric zones formed, turning brown from the margins, aerial hyphae short, dense, surface sometimes becoming imbricate, sometimes growth limited and ceasing after a few weeks.
Widespread in North America and also occurring in Japan and eastern Russia on various subspecies of Alnus alnobetula and A. incana; recorded also from A. rubra (
Canada, British Columbia, Kelowna, June Springs road, June Springs trail, on Alnus incana, 18 Jul 1999, J. Ginns 10834 (DAOM 227767; measurements separately given, see below under Notes); Nelson, on Alnus incana subsp. tenuifolia, soc. Cryptosporella sp., 26 Jun 1930, G.G. Hedgcock (BPI 614844, F.P. 50704); Victoria, Lake Cowichan, Mesachie Lake, 48.7942N 124.1573W, on Alnus rubra, 14 Sep 1988, C. Dorworth (DAVFP 24976, dried culture PFC-051 only); Victoria, Ucluelet, Kennedy Lake, 49.0416N 125.5315W, on Alnus rubra, 16 May 1987, C. Dorworth (DAVFP 24972, dried culture PFC-025 only); Manitoba, W Hawk Lake, on Alnus sp., 5 Jun 1932, G.R. Bisby 4593 (DAOM 202917); Nova Scotia, Kings Co., Glenmont, on Alnus alnobetula subsp. crispa (as Alnus crispa var. mollis), 25 Jul 1936, I.L. Conners (Ottawa 3798 (DAOM)); Kentville, on Alnus alnobetula subsp. crispa, 11 May 1953, D. Creelman (DAOM 54346); Ontario, District of Nipissing, Temagami Forest Reserve, Lake Temagami, Bear Island, on Alnus alnobetula subsp. crispa (as Alnus viridis var. mollis), 19 Jun 1933, R.F. Cain 2686 (DAOM 86075); trail at Matagama Point, on Alnus alnobetula subsp. crispa (as Alnus crispa var. mollis), 23 Jun 1933, R.F. Cain 2687 (DAOM 86074); Sharp Rock Inlet, on Alnus alnobetula subsp. crispa (as Alnus crispa var. mollis), 29 Jun 1933, R.F. Cain (BPI 614977, F.P. 69748). Japan, Hokkaido, Shirikinai, on Alnus alnobetula subsp. maximowiczii, 1 Sept 1967, T. Oguchi (TFM FPH3290; culture MAFF 410218 = M4-6, ME9). RUSSIA, Sakhalin Island, Lake Dvoynoe, on Alnus alnobetula subsp. maximowiczii, 3 Aug 2000, A. Bogachova, comm. L. Vasilyeva (BPI 748233; culture CBS 109496 = A.R. 3529, ME2). USA, Alaska, Fairbanks, Large Animal Research Station, on Alnus alnobetula, 5 Aug 2011, L. Mejia (BPI 884096; culture A.R. 4864, ME5); same area, on Alnus alnobetula (given as Betula neoalaskana), 5 Aug 2011, L. Mejia (BPI 884097; culture CBS 133346 = A.R. 4865, ME6); Juneau, on Alnus alnobetula subsp. sinuata, 6 Sep 1936, D.V. Baxter (BPI 615125).
The asexual morph of Melanconis marginalis subsp. marginalis is inconspicuous with usually only thin greyish patches of α-conidia. The two types of conidia may be present at the same time or only one is present; acervuli containing α-conidia are sometimes present in pseudostromata of the sexual morph. The specimen DAOM 227767 from Alnus incana differs from all others by very large and conspicuous conidial deposits (Fig.
Sizes of asci depend on the age of the material. They shrink with time and in specimens, which are 20 or more years old, they are smaller and do not obtain the original size even in KOH; also, it is very difficult to release ascospores from asci. In fresher specimens, asci are easily separable and ascospores are readily released. Vital asci open readily in mounts. Nonetheless, fresh asci of the epitype of subsp. marginalis were distinctly smaller than fresh asci of subsp. europaea.
Poor representation of the asexual morph in fungarium specimens may be due to the fact that the sexual morph is usually abundant, with numerous white ectostromatic discs; thus, the asexual morph may have been neglected during collecting or even discarded. β-conidia are often absent or scant and old amongst α-conidia in dark conidial deposits, hence they are either not formed or produced before α-conidia.
This subspecies differs from Melanconis marginalis subsp. europaea and subsp. marginalis phylogenetically and by slightly larger α-conidia, asci, ascospores and ascospore appendages.
: Austria, Tirol, Osttirol, Prägraten am Großvenediger, Umbalfälle, grid square 8939/4, on Alnus alnobetula, 10 Sep 2001, W. Jaklitsch W.J. 1796 (BPI 872035; ex-type culture CBS 122310 = A.R. 3748 = ME4; part preserved as isotype
Named after its occurrence in Tirol, Austria.
Melanconis marginalis subsp. tirolensis. Sexual morph a, b pseudostromata with ectostromatic discs c conical ostioles d vertical section showing central column and two perithecia e ectostromatic disc with subglobose ostiolar tips f cross section showing central column, marginal ostioles and upper parts of perithecia g–j asci (compressed in j) k–p ascospores; i, j, o, p in aqueous Congo Red a, c, k–p holotype BPI 872035 b, d–j isotype
Melanconis marginalis subsp. tirolensis (isotype
Sexual morph : Pseudostromata 1.3–5.5 mm diam., conspicuous and numerous, scattered to aggregated, pulvinate, circular to elliptical in outline, elevated beyond bark surface forming pustules; consisting of an ectostromatic disc and perithecia embedded in an entostroma around a central column. Ectostromatic discs 0.35–1.55 mm (n = 43) diam. or long, bright white to yellowish, turning brownish with age, mostly fusoid, also elliptic or circular in outline, mostly flat, crumbly, distinctly projecting up to 1.3 mm, including projecting part of the pseudostroma; central column beneath disc white to yellowish, consisting of hyaline hyphae and colourless crystals. Ostiolar necks cylindrical, laterally or centrally attached on perithecia, convergent in the disc margin or crowded at the ends of fusoid discs, 1–15 per disc. Visible part of the ostiolar necks (53–)85–180(–240) µm (n = 56) diam., black, often with olivaceous tips, frequently conical to bristle-like and projecting to 0.4 mm, but also papillate, resembling minute perithecia or discoid with depressed centre. Entostroma bark coloured, not or only slightly paler than the surrounding bark, consisting of bark cells and some light-coloured hyphae. Perithecia (510–)570–780(–900) µm (n = 36) diam., arranged in valsoid configuration around and below central column, globose to subglobose, collapsing up- or laterally inwards upon drying. Peridium pseudoparenchymatous, consisting of a dark brown small-celled outer and a hyaline to brownish, large-celled inner layer. Hamathecium absent at maturity. Asci floating free at maturity, (74–)86–102(–115) × (11.3–)13–20(–25) µm (n = 61), fusoid to oblong or clavate, short-stipitate prior to full maturation, with an apical ring distinct in water and staining in Congo Red, but invisible or indistinct in 3% KOH, containing 8 biseriate or obliquely uniseriate ascospores. Ascospores (15.8–)17.8–21.2(–24) × (4.5–)5.5–7(–8) µm, l/w (2.5–)2.8–3.5(–4) (n = 123), hyaline, turning pale brown with age, oblong to ellipsoid, symmetric to slightly inequilateral with nearly equal cells, slightly or strongly constricted at the median septum, multiguttulate or with 1–2 large and several small guttules when fresh, with a short and broad, rounded, parabolic or vesicular, sometimes tapering but typically terminally broadly truncate appendage (2–)3.8–6.2(–9.5) × (3–)4–5.7(–7.2) µm, l/w (0.4–)0.8–1.4(–2) (n = 104) at each end, after release becoming invisible in 3% KOH, but partly persistent in Congo Red.
Asexual morph acervular, intermingled with pseudostromata of the sexual morph or developing separately, inconspicuous. First white to yellowish tissue (central column) forming within the bark, becoming visible by slightly pustulate bark and narrow whitish to yellowish discs emerging through bark cracks, usually first followed by the production of β-conidia in olivaceous chambers and later α-conidia or both more or less simultaneously on the same or similar conidiophores, chambers fusing into a single locule, turning brown and dark conidial patches 0.5–1.5 mm diam. or perithecia of the sexual morph forming. Conidiomata 1.2–3.2 mm diam., pulvinate, more or less circular in outline, scattered or crowded. Covering discs 0.2–1.5 mm (n = 14) diam. or long, narrowly fusoid or longish to circular, flat to convex, whitish, yellowish to brownish; discs and pulvinate or conical columns beneath consisting of compact textura intricata of hyaline hyphae and numerous colourless crystals, becoming brittle with age. Conidiophores emerging around the central column in dense palisades, up to ca. 65 µm long, filiform, branched near the base and usually 1–3 fold asymmetrically at higher levels, first hyaline, turning brown from their tips; terminal conidiogenous cells (9–)15–25(–28) × (1.7–)2.3–3.2(–3.7) µm (n = 63), cylindrical and often widened towards base, even wider at the funnel-shaped tips, with up to 3 annellations, proliferating and producing α- or β-conidia. Conidia dimorphic, α-conidia (10–)11.5–16.3(–21.8) × (2.5–)4.5–6.3(–7.5) µm, l/w (1.8–)2.1–3.2(–5.3) (n = 70), first hyaline, soon turning light to medium brown, mostly fusoid, also oblong, oval or ellipsoid, straight or slightly curved, upper end usually subacute and sometimes elongated, lower end narrowly truncate, containing several guttules, smooth; β-conidia (7.3–)8.8–12(–16.5) × (2–)2.2–2.7(–3.4) µm, l/w (2.6–)3.3–5.3(–8.9) (n = 104), hyaline, dilute brownish with age, sometimes turning rosy in 3% KOH, oblong to cylindrical, straight or curved or sigmoid, thick-walled in water, smooth, with truncate basal scar and minute guttules to eguttulate.
Culture : Colony on MEA dense, first hyaline to white, with restricted growth, forming brown radial portions mostly submerged in the agar. Odour unpleasant.
Co-occurring with Melanconis marginalis subsp. europaea in a subalpine area of eastern Tyrol, Austria, Europe, on Alnus alnobetula.
Austria, Tirol, Osttirol, Virgental, Prägraten am Großvenediger, Lasörling, Zopatnitzen on path between Wetterkreuz and Berger See, 2100 m a.s.l., on Alnus alnobetula, 26 Oct 2019, H. Voglmayr & C.M. Botoaca (
As this subspecies differs morphologically only subtly from the other varieties of M. marginalis, we prefer to classify it as a subspecies rather than a separate species. While the ITS sequences of Melanconis marginalis subsp. tirolensis differs from Melanconis marginalis subsp. europaea in only a single base pair, the differences are substantial in all other markers included, particularly tef1 and tub2.
This species is characterised by its occurrence on Alnus rubra and α-conidia, which are wider and darker than those of M. marginalis and differ by a different shape and absence of a light band from those of M. alni.
Holotype. Canada, British Columbia, Sidney, off Jura, on Alnus rubra, 26 May 2000, M.E. Barr 1021A (DAOM 230637; ex-type culture CBS 109744; isotype BPI 748446).
For its occurrence in the Pacific region of western North America.
Melanconis pacifica. Asexual morph a–d conidiomata in face view e conidioma in cross section f conidioma in vertical section g–k conidiophores (g with both conidial types, note annellations in right conidiophore in k) l–r α-conidia s–z β-conidia a–k, n–p, z DAOM 220988 l, m, r–y holotype DAOM 230637 q isotype BPI 748446 g–o, r–z in 3% KOH. Scale bars: 300 µm (a–f), 30 µm (g), 10 µm (h–k), 5 µm (l–z).
Asexual morph : Conidiomata 0.7–2.1 mm diam., visible as dark brown to blackish spots, acervular, subperidermal, scattered, discrete, rarely two confluent, pulvinate to conical, consisting of an erumpent central or eccentric, circular or elliptic to fusoid, flat or convex disc 0.2–1.3 mm diam., whitish, yellowish to reddish-orange when young, becoming concealed by ejected conidia and internally a narrow central or eccentric, whitish to yellowish stromatic column sometimes fraying out laterally and a dark ring-like periphery containing conidia. Conidia becoming discharged through a mostly slit-like rupture of the disc, forming dark brown to black, up to 0.7 mm high masses or tendrils. Conidiophores densely aggregated forming palisades, up to ca. 50 µm long, arising from a yellowish, nearly pseudoparenchymatous tissue of compacted hyphae, either consisting solely of conidiogenous cells or of a stout main axis with few side branches and a terminal whorl of 2–4 more or less vertical conidiogenous cells, hyaline to yellowish. Conidiogenous cells mostly 11–32 × (2–)2.5–3.3(–3.5) μm, annellidic, more or less cylindrical, hyaline, turning brown with age, forming simultaneously two types of conidia on top. Conidia dimorphic, α-conidia (8.8–)10.5–12.5(–15.5) × (5–)6.5–7.7(–8.8) µm, l/w (1.2–)1.4–1.8(–2.7) (n = 615), oval to ellipsoid, dark brown, with a distinct basal abscission scar; β-conidia (6.2–)8.2–12.5(–18.5) × (2–)2.3–3(–3.6) µm, l/w (1.7–)3–4.9(–7.6) (n = 103), oblong to cylindrical, straight or curved, sometimes sigmoid or kidney-shaped to subellipsoid, hyaline, turning dilute brownish with age, typically containing two subterminal groups of minute guttules, with a distinct basal abscission scar.
Culture : Colony on MEA circular, first hyaline, turning white and later brownish in spots or patches, with stellate margin and radial stripes; black conidiomata forming along the stripes. Odour indistinct.
(all on/from Alnus rubra). Canada, British Columbia, Sidney, Bazan Bay, 28 May 1995, M.E. Barr (DAOM 220988); Victoria, 26 km N of Campbell River, 50.1262N, 125.3084W, 2 Jan 1989, T.N. Sieber (DAVFP 24981, dried culture PFC-071 only); Caycuse, W shore of Cowichan Lake, 48.8810N, 124.4321W, 24 Oct 1988, T.N. Sieber (DAVFP 24980, dried culture PFC-068 only); Gordon Head, C. Dorworth’s property, 48.4396N, 123.3380W, 4 Jun 1988, C. Dorworth (DAVFP 24973, dried culture PFC-043 only); East Sooke, 48.4377N, 123.7436W, 29 Jun 1948, W.G. Ziller (DAVFP 3092); Nanaimo, DeCourcy Island, 49.0641N, 123.7732W, 1 Jun 1988, C. Dorworth (DAVFP 24974, dried culture PFC-047 only); Parksville, NW Bay, 3.1 km W of M&B office, 49.3238N, 124.1479W, 13 Jul 1988, C. Dorworth (DAVFP 24975, dried culture PFC-050 only); Port Renfrew, Sombrio Beach, 48.5229N, 124.2866W, 4 Nov 1988, C. Dorworth (DAVFP 24977, dried culture PFC-053 only); Revelstoke, Jordan River, gravel pit S of the river, 48.4356N, 124.0140W, 24 Oct 1988, C. Dorworth (DAVFP 24978, dried culture PFC-055 only); ibid., 24 Oct 1988, T.N. Sieber (DAVFP 24979, dried culture PFC-067 only); Sooke, East Sooke Park, Babbington Trail, 48.3485N, 123.6073W, 9 Sep 1988, C. Dorworth (DAVFP 25029, dried culture PFC-054).
The description is largely based on DAOM 220988 due to good development of conidiomata. However, we select DAOM 230637 as the holotype, because DNA data are only available for this specimen. Microscopic data of the two specimens are identical. This species is currently only known as an asexual morph. One specimen from Victoria (DAVFP 3092) contains also an immature sexual morph, which corresponds to Melanconis alni superficially. Barr apparently identified her collections as M. marginalis because the latter was, at that time, considered to be the only alnicolous species occurring in North America (
In DAOM, two additional specimens, labelled Melanconis marginalis collected by Barr in the same area, are extant, DAOM 227727 and DAOM 227345. These specimens, however, do not contain M. pacifica, but the sexual morph of a Diaporthe sp.
≡ Sphaeria stilbostoma Fr. : Fr., K. svenska Vetensk-Akad. Handl., ser. 3, 39: 102 (1818) (Basionym)
≡ Melanconis stilbostoma (Fr. : Fr.) Tul., Annls Sci. Nat., Bot., sér. 4, 5: 109 (1856). (Nom. inval., Art. 35.1).
?= Melanconium bicolor Nees : Fr., Syst. Pilze (Würzburg): 32 (1816) [1816–17].
= Melanconium betulinum J.C. Schmidt & Kunze, Deutschl. Schwämme, Neunte Lieferung: 3 (1819).
= Melanconium elevatum Corda, Icon. fung. (Prague) 3: 22 (1839).
Sweden, without data, Fries, Scleromyc. Suec. no. 145, as Sphaeria stilbostoma (UPS:BOT:F-117590, lectotype here designated; MBT390467)). Epitype, here designated: Austria, Tirol, Prägraten, Umbalfälle, grid square 8939/4, on Betula pendula, 28 Aug 2000, W. Jaklitsch W.J. 1543 (BPI 748447; ex-epitype culture CBS 109778 = A.R. 3501 = ME11; AFTOL-ID 936; MBT390383; iso-epitype
Melanconis stilbostoma. a–r Sexual morph a–d pseudostromata with ectostromatic discs in face view e cross section through 2 adjacent pseudostromata f vertical section showing 2 perithecia, ostiolar necks and central column g–k asci l–r ascospores j, k in aqueous Congo Red s–b1 Asexual morph s, t conidiomata in face view u conidioma in cross section v–x conidiophores and conidiogenous cells y–b1 α-conidia v–b1 in 3% KOH a, j, s, v–x iso-epitype
Sexual morph : Pseudostromata 1.3–3.6(–4.5) mm diam., scattered to aggregated, slightly or distinctly projecting from bark surface, pulvinate with bluntly conical centre (projecting disc), circular to elliptical in outline; consisting of an ectostromatic disc and perithecia embedded in an entostroma around a central column and often chambers filled with conidia. Ectostromatic discs 0.4–2.4(–2.7) mm diam. or length, fusoid to circular, projecting from the bark surface to 0.5 mm, less commonly 1 mm including pseudostroma, white or yellow, brown when old, flat, concave or convex, often completely filled by tips of ostiolar necks; central column beneath disc brightly white to yellow, consisting of hyaline hyphae and colourless crystals. Ostiolar necks cylindrical, laterally or centrally attached on perithecia, convergent and densely and irregularly or evenly disposed in the disc or around the margin; visible part in the discs (106–)139–231(–283) µm (n = 68) diam., 1–25 per disc, shiny black, convex papillate, discoid with depressed centre or conical to cylindrical and projecting to 300 µm. Entostroma paler than surrounding inner bark, consisting of hyaline to white hyphae and bark cells, sometimes forming white patches. Perithecia (450–)540–700(–780) µm (n = 45) diam., arranged in valsoid configuration around and below central column, globose to subglobose, collapsing upon drying. Peridium pseudoparenchymatous, consisting of a dark brown small-celled outer and a hyaline to brownish, large-celled inner layer. Hamathecium absent at maturity. Asci floating free at maturity, (69–)80–123(–141) × (10–)13–18(–21) µm (n = 64), fusoid to oblong or narrowly clavate, with an apical ring distinct in water and staining in Congo Red but invisible or indistinct in 3% KOH, containing 4–8 biseriate or obliquely uniseriate ascospores. Ascospores (13.7–)16–19(–23) × (4.7–)6.5–8.5(–9.7) µm, l/w (1.9–)2.1–2.7(–3.6) (n = 186), first narrow, fusoid or oblong and with small roundish appendages (1.5–)2–5(–7.3) × (2.2–)3.3–5.5(–6.8) µm, l/w (0.3–)0.5–1.1(–1.7) (n = 60) within asci, later becoming broadly ellipsoid with rounded ends, symmetric or inequilateral, slightly constricted at the central to slightly eccentric septum, hyaline, thick-walled, smooth; appendages fugaceous and absent on released ascospores.
Asexual morph acervular, intermingled with pseudostromata of the sexual morph or developing separately, conspicuous. First white tissue (central column) forming within the bark, becoming surrounded by sterile yellow margin and narrow discs rupturing bark epidermis, followed by the production of conidia in olivaceous to black chambers containing black conidial masses translucent though bark. Conidiomata 0.9–3.2 mm diam., subconical or pulvinate, more or less circular in outline, scattered or crowded.
Covering discs 0.3–1.2 mm long, slit-like to circular, flat to convex, shiny white to yellowish, becoming obscured by dark olivaceous brown to black conidial deposits forming patches to 2.7 mm diam., sometimes confluent to 1 cm; discs and pulvinate or conical columns beneath, consisting of dense textura intricata of hyaline hyphae and numerous colourless crystals, becoming brittle with age. Conidiophores emerging around the central column from a pseudoparenchymatous base, filiform, branched near the base and usually 1–3 fold asymmetrically at higher levels, first hyaline, turning brown from their tips; terminal conidiogenous cells (11.5–)18–33(–42.5) × (2–) 2.5–3.5(–4.5) µm (n = 47), more or less cylindrical, with up to 5 or 6 annellations, densely arranged, repetitive, producing α-conidia. Conidia (10.5–)12.5–15(–17.5) × (6.2–)7.2–8.5(–9.5) µm, l/w (1.3–)1.6–2(–2.7) (n = 260), oval, ellipsoid or subglobose, 1-celled, dark brown, thick-walled, smooth, with a few drops and a small scar. No β-conidia detected.
Culture : Colony on CMD at 16 °C forming irregular white and brown to ochre zones partly covered by aerial hyphae or hyaline, undifferentiated, forming brown spots and irregularly disposed conidiomata; on MEA at room temperature first white, later with broad white and brown zones with undulating margin and conidiomata forming mostly on the outer margin. Odour indistinct to fruity.
Melanconis stilbostoma occurs frequently on Betula spp. on the northern Hemisphere in Asia, Europe and North America (
(all on twigs of Betula pendula except where noted): Austria, Kärnten, Gallizien, near Wildensteiner Wasserfall, grid square 9453/3, 11 Jul 2007, W. Jaklitsch (
Melanconis stilbostoma and its basionym Sphaeria stilbostoma (α papula) were mentioned by
Several asexual morph names have been linked with Melanconis stilbostoma: Melanconium bicolor predates Melanconis stilbostoma, but there is no material extant in B, thus it cannot be checked; also Quercus but not Betula was given as host in the protologue. In addition, Melanconis stilbostoma is a well-known and well-defined name for the generic type of Melanconis. The second name is Melanconium betulinum, which is clearly a later synonym upon our examination of type material. Melanconium elevatum is another synonym. We have, however, not seen type material of this taxon, but the description and illustrations in
Here we also validate the neotypification of Melanconium pterocaryae, the basionym of Juglanconis pterocaryae by
≡ Melanconium pterocaryae Kuschke, Trudy Tiflissk. Bot. Sada 28: 25 (1913) (Basionym).
Austria, Oberösterreich, Bad Hall, Kurpark, on corticated twigs of Pterocarya fraxinifolia, 20 Oct 2017, W. Jaklitsch (
As already mentioned in the Introduction, the genus Melanconis historically has been considered a large, heterogeneous genus. Many species were removed to other genera in the past on morphological grounds or due to different associated asexual morphs: Chapeckia (
All melanconis-like species form their fructifications in bark and lack black zones, which delimit the pseudostromata from surrounding bark tissue in genera like Diaporthe. The sexual morph in Melanconis sensu stricto is characterised by distinctly projecting white to yellowish ectostromatic discs, which continue as stromatic central columns downwards, by entostroma, which is optically scarcely different from internal bark tissue, by long cylindrical ostiolar necks, which converge in the disc, by hyaline bicellular ascospores with or without appendages, by absence of paraphyses at maturity and asci, which have an apical ring and are released from the subhymenium at maturity. Conidiomata of the asexual morph are acervular. They commonly produce two types of conidia, melanconium-like brown α-conidia and narrow hyaline to brownish β-conidia. Species of Dendrostoma in the Erythrogloeaceae (
In Melanconiella, 15 species have been recognised (
Taxa on Alnus spp. may pose difficulties in differentiation. Ascospores of M. alni and M. marginalis differ in shape, size and particularly in appendages from each other. Nonetheless, all features are overlapping and, for example, ascospore appendages of M. alni are not always long and pointed, particularly in old fungarium specimens, but show some similarities with those of M. marginalis. In such cases, it is important to have the asexual morph in order to study its conidia, which are strikingly different from those of M. marginalis. The same applies to Melanconis accessions from the western North American Alnus rubra, where the co-occurring M. pacifica and M. marginalis can be reliably distinguished by their conidia (see, for example, also fig. 2 in
The situation is particularly complex within M. marginalis, which splits up into four subclades in our phylogenetic analyses. Morphology amongst those subclades is very similar, measurements are heavily overlapping and only subtle differences or tendencies are recognisable. In addition to the lack of distinctive morphological characters, there is also a substantial amount of genetic variation within the two of the four subclades, for which several accessions are available, particularly within M. marginalis sensu stricto, which will certainly increase if more accessions from additional geographic areas and Alnus species and subspecies are added. Only a small part of the distribution area of M. marginalis is yet sampled. We, therefore, do not think that these subclades should be interpreted as different species, but as a single variable species. Acknowledging the geographical and genetic differentiaton, we decided to classify them as subspecies that may be within the process of speciation. Vicariant speciation may be the reason for splitting of the M. marginalis clade into two main clades, but the residual two clades that are only based on a single and two specimens, were gathered within a small restricted region in Austria and northern Italy. The internal structure of the whole clade may therefore change, in particular, if isolates from additional specimens collected in western and central Russia were added to the phylogenetic analyses and if sequences of all phylogenetic markers of Melanconis marginalis subsp. italica were included.
Misidentification of M. alni and M. marginalis is also prominent in GenBank sequences that were used in all published phylogenetic analyses including these species, resulting in an interchanged application of the names. Based on, as we now know, incorrect assumptions purported in the literature (e.g.
While Juglanconis is confined to the Juglandaceae, subtribus Juglandinae (
We thank David Malloch for fresh material of Melanconis marginalis subsp. marginalis, Amy Rossman for providing Melanconis cultures, Ibai Olariaga for studying and Åsa Kruys for providing information on the type of Sphaeria stilbostoma in UPS, Paul Kirk for nomenclatural information, the curators of B, BPI, DAOM, DAVFP, NYS, PC and TFM for loan of herbarium material and Irmgard Greilhuber and Walter Till (