Research Article |
Corresponding author: Dian-Ming Hu ( ) Academic editor: Cecile Gueidan
© 2022 Zhi-Jun Zhai, Jun-Qing Yan, Wei-Wu Li, Yang Gao, Hai-Jing Hu, Jian-Ping Zhou, Hai-Yan Song, Dian-Ming Hu.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Zhai Z-J, Yan J-Q, Li W-W, Gao Y, Hu H-J, Zhou J-P, Song H-Y, Hu D-M (2022) Three novel species of Distoseptispora (Distoseptisporaceae) isolated from bamboo in Jiangxi Province, China. MycoKeys 88: 35-54.
Decaying bamboo in freshwater is a unique eco-environment for fungi. Three new Distoseptispora (Distoseptisporaceae) species, D. meilingensis, D. yongxiuensis and D. yunjushanensis from submerged decaying bamboo culms in Jiangxi Province, China, were discovered, based on phylogenetic analyses and morphological characters. The combined data of ITS-LSU-SSU-Tef1 sequences were used to infer the phylogenetic relationship between D. meilingensis, D. yongxiuensis, D. yunjushanensis and related species. Both molecular analyses and morphological data supported D. meilingensis, D. yongxiuensis and D. yunjushanensis as three independent taxa.
Hyphomycetes, phylogenetic analysis, Sordariomycetes, taxonomy, three new taxa
Distoseptispora was established by
Distoseptispora was regarded as saprobic lignicolous fungal genus, which has the ability to decompose lignocelluloses in wood (
Dead bamboo samples from different freshwater habitats in Jiangxi Province, China, were taken to the lab for detection of fungi using a Nikon SMZ-1270 microscope (Nikon Corporation, Japan). Micro-morphological characteristics were observed and captured using a Nikon ECLIPSE Ni-U compound microscope (Nikon Corporation, Japan), equipped with a Nikon DS-Fi3 camera. All measurements were calculated using PhotoRuler Ver. 1.1 software (The Genus Inocybe, Hyogo, Japan) and figures were processed using Adobe Photoshop CS6 Extended version 10.0 software (Adobe Systems, USA). Pure cultures of the fungi were obtained by the single spore isolation method (
Fungal genomes were extracted from fresh mycelium using a modified cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) method (
Taxa | Voucher | LSU | ITS | SSU | Tef-1α |
Aquapteridospora aquatica | MFLUCC 17-2371 | NG_075413 | NR_172447 | — | — |
Aquapteridospora fusiformis | MFLU 18-1601 | MK849798 | MK828652 | — | MN194056 |
Aquapteridospora lignicola | MFLU 15-1172 | KU221018 | — | — | — |
Distoseptispora adscendens | HKUCC 10820 | DQ408561 | — | — | — |
Distoseptispora appendiculata | MFLUCC 18-0259 | MN163023 | MN163009 | — | MN174866 |
Distoseptispora aquatica | GZCC 19-0452 | MZ227216 | MW133908 | MW134689 | — |
Distoseptispora aquatica | MFLUCC 16-0904 | MK849794 | MK828649 | MK828315 | — |
Distoseptispora aquatica | MFLUCC 18-0646 | MK849793 | MK828648 | — | — |
Distoseptispora aquatica | MFLUCC 16-1357 | MK849796 | MK828650 | MK828317 | — |
Distoseptispora aquatica | S-965 | MK849792 | MK828647 | MK828314 | MN194051 |
Distoseptispora bambusae | MFLUCC 20-0091 | NG_074430 | NR_170068 | NG_070348 | — |
Distoseptispora bambusae | MFLU 20-0261 | MT232718 | MT232713 | MT232716 | MT232880 |
Distoseptispora bambusae | MFLU 17-1653 | MT232717 | MT232712 | — | — |
Distoseptispora cangshanensis | MFLUCC 16-0970 | MG979761 | MG979754 | — | MG988419 |
Distoseptispora caricis | CPC 36498 | MN567632 | NR_166325 | — | — |
Distoseptispora clematidis | MFLUCC 17-2145 | MT214617 | MT310661 | MT226728 | — |
Distoseptispora clematidis | KUN-HKAS 112708 | MW879523 | MW723056 | MW774580 | — |
Distoseptispora dehongensis | KUMCC 18-0090 | MK079662 | MK085061 | — | MK087659 |
Distoseptispora euseptata | MFLUCC 20–0154 | MW081544 | MW081539 | — | — |
Distoseptispora euseptata | DLUCC S2024 | MW081545 | MW081540 | — | MW084994 |
Distoseptispora fasciculata | KUMCC 19-0081 | NG_075417 | NR_172452 | — | MW396656 |
Distoseptispora fluminicola | DLUCC 0391 | MG979762 | MG979755 | — | MG988420 |
Distoseptispora fluminicola | DLUCC 0999 | MG979763 | MG979756 | — | MG988421 |
Distoseptispora guttulata | MFLU 17-0852 | MF077554 | MF077543 | MF077532 | MF135651 |
Distoseptispora hydei | MFLUCC 20-0481 | MT742830 | MT734661 | — | — |
Distoseptispora leonensis | HKUCC 10822 | DQ408566 | — | — | — |
Distoseptispora lignicola | MFLUCC 18-0198 | MK849797 | MK828651 | MK828318 | — |
Distoseptispora longispora |
MH555357 | MH555359 | MH555431 | — |
Distoseptispora martinii | CGMCC 318651 | KX033566 | KU999975 | KX033537 | — |
Distoseptispora meilingensis |
OK562396 | OK562390 | OK562402 | OK562408 |
Distoseptispora meilingensis |
OK562397 | OK562391 | OK562403 | OK562409 |
Distoseptispora multiseptata | MFLUCC 15-0609 | KX710140 | KX710145 | NG_065693 | MF135659 |
Distoseptispora multiseptata | MFLU 17-0856 | MF077555 | MF077544 | MF077533 | — |
Distoseptispora neorostrata | MFLUCC 18-0376 | MN163017 | MN163008 | — | — |
Distoseptispora obclavata | MFLUCC 18-0329 | MN163010 | MN163012 | — | — |
Distoseptispora obpyriformis | DLUCC 0867 | MG979765 | MG979757 | — | MG988423 |
Distoseptispora palmarum | MFLUCC 18-1446 | MK079663 | MK085062 | MK079661 | MK087660 |
Distoseptispora palmarum | MFLU 18-0588 | NG_067856 | NR_165897 | — | MK087660 |
Distoseptispora phangngaensis | MFLU 17-0855 | MF077556 | MF077545 | MF077534 | MF135653 |
Distoseptispora phangngaensis | MFLUCC 16-0857 | — | NR_166230 | — | — |
Distoseptispora rayongensis | MFLUCC 18-0415 | NG_073624 | NR_171938 | NG_073504 | — |
Distoseptispora rayongensis | MFLU 18-1045 | MH457137 | MH457172 | MH457169 | — |
Distoseptispora rostrata | MFLUCC 16-0969 | MG979766 | MG979758 | — | MG988424 |
Distoseptispora rostrata | DLUCC 0885 | MG979767 | MG979759 | — | MG988425 |
Distoseptispora rostrata | MFLU 18-0479 | NG_064513 | NR_157552 | — | — |
Distoseptispora saprophytica | MFLUCC 18-1238 | NG_075419 | NR_172454 | — | MW396651 |
Distoseptispora songkhlata | MFLUCC 18-1234 | MW287755 | MW286482 | — | MW396642 |
Distoseptispora submersa | MFLUCC 16-0946 | MG979768 | MG979760 | — | MG988426 |
Distoseptispora suoluoensis | MFLUCC 17-0224 | NG_068552 | NR_168764 | NG_070113 | MF135654 |
Distoseptispora suoluoensis | MFLU 17-0854 | MF077558 | MF077547 | MF077536 | — |
Distoseptispora tectonae | MFLUCC 15-0981 | MW287763 | MW286489 | — | MW396641 |
Distoseptispora tectonae | MFLUCC 12-0291 | KX751713 | KX751711 | — | KX751710 |
Distoseptispora tectonae | S-2023 | MW081543 | MW081538 | — | — |
Distoseptispora tectonae | GZ 25 | MH555358 | MH555361 | — | — |
Distoseptispora tectonigena | MFLUCC 12-0292 | KX751714 | NR_154018 | — | — |
Distoseptispora thailandica | MFLUCC 16-0270 | MH260292 | MH275060 | MH260334 | MH412767 |
Distoseptispora thysanolaenae | KUN-HKAS 112710 | MW879524 | MW723057 | — | — |
Distoseptispora thysanolaenae | KUN-HKAS 102247 | MK064091 | MK045851 | — | MK086031 |
Distoseptispora xishuangbannaensis | KUMCC 17-0290 | MH260293 | MH275061 | MH260335 | MH412768 |
Distoseptispora yongxiuensis |
OK562394 | OK562388 | OK562400 | OK562406 |
Distoseptispora yongxiuensis |
OK562395 | OK562389 | OK562401 | OK562407 |
Distoseptispora yunjushanensis |
OK562398 | OK562392 | OK562404 | OK562410 |
Distoseptispora yunjushanensis |
OK562399 | OK562393 | OK562405 | OK562411 |
Distoseptispora yunnansis | MFLUCC 20–0153 | MW081546 | MW081541 | — | MW084995 |
Reference sequences of 35 Distoseptispora species and three Aquapteridospora species, based on recent publications (
All obtained sequences were aligned using the online service of MAFFT (
According to the results of BLAST analysis and sequence alignment, the ITS sequence of D. meilingensis has 11 different loci from those of D. yongxiuensis, the ITS sequence of which shares 99% similarity (five different loci) with that of D. suoluoensis. The ITS sequence of D. yunjushanensis is 97% similar (22 different loci) to that of D. obclavata. The aligned matrix for the combined analysis, ITS + LSU + SSU + Tef-1α, had 4015 bp, including ITS 596 bp, LSU 799 bp, SSU 1715 bp and Tef-1α 905 bp. The topologies of trees generated by ML and BI analyses are highly similar. The Bayesian tree with BS and PP is shown in Fig.
Phylogenetic tree of Distoseptispora, inferred from the combined regions (ITS-LSU-SSU-Tef 1α) using Bayesian Inference (BI) analysis. The Aquapteridospora clade was used as the outgroup. The lineages with new species were shown in bold. PP ≥ 0.95 and BS ≥ 75% were indicated around the branches. The new sequences generated in this study are given in bold.
Referring to the collecting site of the Meiling Mountain in Jiangxi Province, China.
Saprobic on culms of bamboo. Sexual morph: Undetermined. Asexual morph: Hyphomycetous. Colonies effuse, brown to dark brown, hairy. Mycelium mostly immersed, composed of pale to dark brown, septate, branched, smooth, hyaline to subhyaline hyphae. Conidiophores 69–192 × 4–7 μm (x‒ = 120.6 × 5.5 μm, n = 25), macronematous, mononematous, erect, cylindrical, straight or slightly flexuous, 5–12-septate, yellowish-brown or brown, robust at the base. Conidiogenous cells holoblastic, mono- to polyblastic, integrated, terminal, cylindrical, yellowish-brown or brown. Conidia 32‒64.5 × (7‒)9‒12.5 μm (x‒ = 43.7 × 9.8 μm, n = 30), acrogenous, solitary, straight or slightly curved, obclavate, 5–7-distoseptate, thick-walled, rounded at the apex, truncate at the base, tapering towards apex, bud scars disjunctors at base, mostly brown when mature.
Distoseptispora meilingensis (
Conidia germinating on PDA within 24 h and germ tubes produced from both ends. Colonies on PDA reaching 17–23 mm diam. at two weeks at 25 °C, in natural light, circular, with dense, light olivaceous mycelium on the surface with entire margin; reverse brown to dark brown.
China, Jiangxi Province, Nanchang City, Meiling Mountain, alt. 305 m, near 28.79°N, 115.72°E, on decaying bamboo culms submerged in a freshwater stream, 16 Aug 2021, Z. J. Zhai, SLT-3 (
Distoseptispora meilingensis clusters with the clade including D. suoluoensis and D. yongxiuensis with high support in the phylogenetic tree (Fig.
Synopsis of morphological characteristics, habitats, hosts and district compared across Distoseptispora species.
Species | Conidiophores (μm) | Conidia (μm) | Conidia septation | Conidia characteristics | Habitat | Host | District | References |
Distoseptispora meilingensis | 69‒192 × 4‒7 | 32‒64.5 × (7‒) 9‒12.5 | 5‒7-distoseptate | Obclavate, mostly bright brown when mature | Freshwater | Dead bamboo culms | China, Jiangxi | This study |
D. yongxiuensis | 112‒253 × 4‒9 | 46–74 (‒86) × 10–13 (‒16) | 6‒9-euseptate | Obclavate or obspathulate, olivaceous to yellowish-brown or brown, guttulate | Freshwater | Dead bamboo culms | China, Jiangxi | This study |
D. yunjushanensis | 100‒175 × 5.5‒10 | 39‒67.5 (‒77) × (7–)9.5–13.5(–16.5) | 7‒13-distoseptate | Obpyriform or obclavate, olivaceous when young, dark brown when mature | Freshwater | Dead bamboo culms | China, Jiangxi | This study |
D. adscendens | 28‒46 × 8‒10 | (80‒)350‒500 × 15‒18 | 80-distoseptate | Cylindrical, hemispherical apex, hyaline | Terrestrial | Decaying wood of Fagus sylvatica | Hungary |
D. appendiculata | 62‒86 × 4.5‒5.5 | 67‒89 × 10‒16 | 13‒17-distoseptate | Obpyriform or obclavate, olivaceous or dark brown, with gelatinous sheath around tip | Freshwater | Unidentified submerged wood | Thailand, Khwaeng Phra |
D. aquatica | 29‒41 × 7‒9 | 110‒157 × 13.5‒16.5 | 15‒28-distoseptate | Obclavate, dark brown with bluish-green to malachite green tinge | Freshwater | Unidentified submerged wood | China, Yunnan |
D. bambusae | 40‒96 × 4‒5.5 | 45‒74 × 5.5‒9.5 | 5‒10-distoseptate | Obclavate, olivaceous or brown | Terrestrial | Dead bamboo culms | China and Thailand |
D. cangshanensis | 44‒68 × 4‒8 | 58‒166(‒287) × 10‒14 | Multi-distoseptate | Obclavate or lanceolate, rostrate, olivaceous or brown | Freshwater | Unidentified submerged wood | China, Yunnan |
D. caricis | 35‒90 × 6‒7 | (55‒)65‒85(‒100) × 15‒16(‒17) | 5‒10-distoseptate | Obclavate, brown, septa with central pore, basal cell pale brown, with truncate hilum | Terrestrial | Leaves of Carex sp. | Thailand, Chiang Mai |
D. clematidis | 22‒40 × 4‒10 | 120‒210 × 12‒20 | 28‒35-distoseptate | Oblong, obclavate, cylindrical or rostrate, brown with green tinge, bud scars or disjunctors present at the site of attachment | Terrestrial | Dried branches of Clematis sikkimensis | Thailand, Chiang Rai |
D. dehongensis | 45‒80 × 4‒5 | 17‒30 × 7.5‒10 | 3‒5-distoseptate | Obpyriform to obclavate, broad cylindrical or irregular, olivaceous | Freshwater | Unidentified submerged wood | China, Yunnan |
D. euseptata | 19‒28 × 4‒5 | 37–54 × 8‒9 | 4‒7-euseptate | Obpyriform to obclavate, often constricted at septa, olivaceous | Freshwater | Unidentified submerged wood | China, Yunnan |
D. fasciculata | 12‒16 × 5‒6 | 46‒200 × 10‒16.5 | 10‒40-distoseptate | Subcylindrical to obclavate, olivaceous when young, dark brown when mature | Freshwater | Unidentified submerged wood | Thailand, Nakhon Si Thammarat |
D. fluminicola | 21‒33 × 5.5‒6.5 | 125‒250 × 13‒15 | 17‒34-distoseptate | Oblong, obclavate, cylindrical or rostrate, brown with green tinge | Freshwater | Unidentified submerged wood | China, Yunnan |
D. guttulata | 55‒90(‒145) × 3.5‒5.5 | 75‒130(‒165) × 7‒11 | 11‒14(‒20)-euseptate | Obclavate or lanceolate, rostrate, mid to dark brown or olivaceous | Freshwater | Unidentified submerged wood | Thailand, Prachuap Khiri Khan |
D. hydei | 87‒145 × 3‒7 | 32‒58 × 10‒15 | 7‒9-distoseptate | Obpyriform to fusiform, olivaceous to brown, with a hyaline, globose, gelatinous sheath around tip | Terrestrial | Dead bamboo culms | Thailand, Phitsanulok |
D. leonensis | Up to 175 × 6‒7 | (38‒)50‒75(‒85) × 11‒15 | 7‒12-distoseptate | Obclavate, rostrate, brown | Terrestrial | Dead culms of Freycinetia sp. | Malaysia |
D. lignicola | 84‒124 × 4‒5 | 60‒108 × 7‒9 | 5‒9-euseptate | Obclavate, curved, brown | Freshwater | Unidentified submerged wood | Thailand, SaiKhu Waterfall |
D. longispora | 17‒37 × 6‒10 | 189‒297 × 16‒23 | 31‒56-distoseptate | Obclavate, elongated, brown to yellowish-brown | Freshwater | Unidentified submerged wood | China, Yunnan |
D. martinii | 50‒110 × 3.5‒4.5 | 15‒20 × 11‒16 | Transversal septa | Transversal ellipsoid, oblate or subglobose, muriform, pale brown to brown | Terrestrial | Unidentified dead branches | China, Guizhou |
D. multiseptata | 29‒47 × 4‒6 | 147‒185 × 12‒14 | Multi-distoseptate | Obclavate, rostrate, dark olivaceous green | Freshwater | Unidentified submerged wood | Thailand, Prachuap Khiri Khan |
D. neorostrata | 93‒117 × 5.5‒6.5 | 109‒147 × 13‒15 | Multi-distoseptate | Obclavate, rostrate, dark olivaceous to mid or dark brown | Freshwater | Unidentified submerged wood | Thailand, Khwaeng Phra Khanong Nuea |
D. obclavata | 117.5‒162.5 × 5‒7 | 46‒66 × 9‒11 | 9-11-distoseptate | Obclavate, olivaceous to pale or dark brown, guttulate | Freshwater | Unidentified submerged wood | Thailand, Khwaeng Phra Khanong Nuea |
D. obpyriformis | 97‒119 × 5‒7 | 53‒71 × 12‒16 | 9‒11-distoseptate | Obpyriform, olivaceous to pale or dark brown, guttulate | Freshwater | Unidentified submerged wood | China, Yunnan |
D. palmarum | 90‒165 × 4‒7 | 35‒180 × 7–11 | 7‒27-distoseptate | Oblong, obclavate, greenish-black to brown | Terrestrial | Rachis of Cocos nucifera | Thailand, Trat |
D. phangngaensis | 18–30(–40) × 4.3‒6.5 | 165–350 × 14–19 | Multi-distoseptate | Elongate, obclavate, rostrate, dark olivaceous to mid or dark brown | Freshwater | Unidentified submerged wood | Thailand, Phang Nga |
D. rayongensis | 75–125 × 3.5–5.5 | (36–)60–106(–120) × 9–14.5 | 9‒13-euseptate, rarely 14–15-septate | Obclavate or obspathulate, rostrate, pale brown or pale olivaceous, with percurrent proliferation | Freshwater | Unidentified submerged wood | Thailand, Rayong |
D. rostrata | 82‒126 × 5‒7 | 115‒155 × 9‒11 | (15‒)18‒23-distoseptate | Obclavate or lanceolate, rostrate, olivaceous to pale brown | Freshwater | Unidentified submerged wood | China, Yunnan |
D. saprophytica | 50–140 × 3.2–4.2 | 14.5–30 × 4.5–7.5 | 2‒6-distoseptate | Subcylindrical to obclavate, olivaceous to brown | Freshwater | Unidentified submerged wood | Thailand, Songkhla |
D. songkhlaensis | 70–90 × 4–5.5 | 44–125 × 9–14.5 | 9‒16-distoseptate | Obclavate, constricted at septa, olivaceous to brown | Freshwater | Unidentified submerged wood | Thailand, Songkhla |
D. submersa | 55‒73 × 7‒9 | 95‒123 × 15‒19 | 17‒23(‒28)-distoseptate | Obclavate, brown to dark brown or olivaceous | Freshwater | Unidentified submerged wood | China, Yunnan |
D. suoluoensis | 80‒250 × 4.5‒5.8 | (65‒)80‒125(‒145) × 8‒13 | 8‒10-euseptate | Narrowly obclavate or obspathulate, yellowish-brown or dark olivaceous, verrucose, with percurrent proliferation | Freshwater | Unidentified submerged wood | China, Guizhou |
D. tectonae | 19.5‒95 × 4.5‒9 | 45‒270 × 11‒16 | 10‒40-distoseptate | Obclavate, brown to dark brown or olivaceous | Terrestrial/Freshwater | Dead twig of Tectona grandis (Lamiaceae) | Thailand, Prachuap Khiri Khan |
D. tectonigena | Up to 110 × 5‒11 | (83‒)148‒225(360‒) × (10‒)11‒12(‒13) | 20–46-distoseptate | Flexuous, cylindrical-obclavate, elongated, verruculose, dark reddish-brown | Terrestrial | Dead twig of Tectona grandis (Lamiaceae) | Thailand, Chiang Rai |
D. thailandica | 15‒26 × 3‒6 | 130‒230 × 13.5‒17 | 35–52-distoseptate | Oblong, obclavate, cylindrical or rostrate, reddish-brown to brown | Terrestrial | Dead leaves of Pandanus sp. | Thailand, Prachuap Khiri Khan |
D. thysanolaenae | 30‒80 × 3.5‒5.5 | 21.5‒80 × 6.5‒12.8 | 8–14-distoseptate | Elongated obclavate, light to dark brown, flat apex, with conspicuous spore attachment loci | Terrestrial | Dead culms of Thysanolaena maxima | China, Yunnan |
D. xishuangbannaensis | 12‒17 × 2‒5 | 160‒305 × 8‒15 | Up to 40-distoseptate | Cylindrical-obclavate, green-brown to brown, tapering towards apex | Terrestrial | Dead leaf sheaths of Pandanus utilis | China, Yunnan |
D. yunnanensis | 131–175 × 6‒7 | 58‒108 × 8‒10 | 6‒10-euseptate | Obclavate, rostrate, mid-olivaceous to brown | Freshwater | Unidentified submerged wood | China, Yunnan |
With reference to Yongxiu, from where the holotype was collected.
Saprobic on decaying bamboo culms. Sexual morph: Undetermined. Asexual morph: Hyphomycetous. Colonies effuse, brown, hairy, glistening, often inconspicuous. Mycelium partly superficial, partly immersed in the substratum, composed of hyaline to pale brown, septate, branched hyphae. Conidiophores 112–253 × 4–9 μm (x‒ = 198 × 6.9 μm, n = 15), macronematous, mononematous, solitary or aggregated at the base, cylindrical, straight or slightly flexuous, 8–13-septate, olivaceous to dark brown, sharply curving near the base, paler at the apical part, rounded at the apex. Conidiogenous cells integrated, terminal, monoblastic, rarely polyblastic, cylindrical, olivaceous to dark brown. Conidia 46–74(‒86) × 10–13(‒16) μm (x‒ = 65.6 × 12.6 μm, n = 30), acrogenous, solitary, obclavate or obspathulate, straight or flexuous, rostrate, 6–9-euseptate, olivaceous to yellowish-brown or brown, becoming paler or hyaline towards the apex, guttulate, 2.5–4 μm wide at the base and 2.5–5 μm wide at the apex, with a darkened scar at the base.
Distoseptispora yongxiuensis
Conidia germinating on PDA within 24 h and germ tubes produced from both ends. Colonies on PDA reaching 24–32 mm diam. at two weeks at 25 °C, in natural light, circular, with dense, light olivaceous mycelium on the surface with entire margin; reverse dark brown to black.
China, Jiangxi Province, Jiujiang City, Yongxiu County, alt. 680.5 m, 29.09°N, 115.62°E, on decaying bamboo culms submerged in a freshwater stream, 28 Apr 2020, Z. J. Zhai and W. W. Li, YJS-70 (
In the multi-gene phylogenetic tree (Fig.
The epithet refers to the collecting site from the Yunjushan Mountain in China.
Saprobic on decaying bamboo culms submerged in freshwater habitats. Sexual morph: Undetermined. Asexual morph: Hyphomycetous. Colonies effuse, olivaceous or dark brown, hairy, velvety. Mycelium mostly immersed, consisting of branched, septate, smooth, subhyaline to pale brown hyphae. Conidiophores 100–175 μm × 5.5–10 μm (x‒ = 129×7.1 μm, n = 30), single or in groups of 2 or 3, macronematous, mononematous, erect, straight or slightly flexuous, 4–7-septate, unbranched, olivaceous to dark brown, smooth, cylindrical, rounded at the apex. Conidiogenous cells monoblastic, integrated, terminal, determinate, pale to dark brown, cylindrical. Conidia 39‒67.5(‒77) μm × (7–)9.5–13.5(–16.5) μm (x‒ = 52 × 12 μm, n = 30), acrogenous, solitary, obpyriform or obclavate, thick-walled, tapering towards the rounded apex, slightly curved, truncate at the base, 7–13-distoseptate, guttulate, smooth-walled, olivaceous, dark brown when mature, sometimes with the percurrent proliferation which forms another conidium from the conidial apex.
Distoseptispora yunjushanensis (
Conidia germinating on PDA within 24 h and germ tubes produced from both ends. Colonies on PDA reaching 12–18 mm diam. at 14 days at 25 °C, in natural light, with fluffy, dense, thin olivaceous mycelium in the centre, becoming sparse and paler at the entire margin; reverse dark brown, pale brown at the smooth margin.
China, Jiangxi Province, Jiujiang City, Yongxiu County, Yunjushan Mountain, alt. 672.5 m, 29.23°N, 115.59°E, on decaying bamboo culms submerged in a freshwater stream, 28 Apr 2020, Z. J. Zhai and W. W. Li, YJS-42 (
In the phylogenetic analysis, D. yunjushanensis clusters with D. obclavata and D. rayongensis with moderate support (BS/PP = 81/1.00). However, D. yunjushanensis is easily distinguished from D. obclavata by its comparatively wider (5.5–10 μm vs. 5–7 μm) conidiophores and conidia ((7–)9.5–13.5(–16.5) μm vs. 9–11 μm) (
Previous reports of Distoseptispora were mainly concentrated in tropical areas, such as Thailand (Chiang Rai, Phitsanulok, Phang Nga;
Distoseptisporaceae is a holomorphic group of Sordariomycetes that are saprobic on decaying wood and plant debris in terrestrial and freshwater habitats (
We are grateful to Deng-Mei Fan and Yi Yang (Agricultural college, Jiangxi Agricultural University) for the valuable advice in the context of this study. This study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC 32070023 and NSFC 32060014), the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangxi Province (20151BAB214002) and Science and Technology Plan Project of Jiangxi Province (GJJ160417).