Research Article |
Corresponding author: Anna Rosling ( ) Academic editor: R. Henrik Nilsson
© 2021 Peter Meidl, Brendan Furneaux, Kassim I. Tchan, Kerri Kluting, Martin Ryberg, Marie-Laure Guissou, Bakary Soro, Aïssata Traoré, Gbamon Konomou, Nourou S. Yorou, Anna Rosling.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Meidl P, Furneaux B, Tchan KI, Kluting K, Ryberg M, Guissou M-L, Soro B, Traoré A, Konomou G, Yorou NS, Rosling A (2021) Soil fungal communities of ectomycorrhizal dominated woodlands across West Africa. MycoKeys 81: 45-68.
Forests and woodlands in the West African Guineo-Sudanian transition zone contain many tree species that form symbiotic interactions with ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi. These fungi facilitate plant growth by increasing nutrient and water uptake and include many fruiting body-forming fungi, including some edible mushrooms. Despite their importance for ecosystem functioning and anthropogenic use, diversity and distribution of ECM fungi is severely under-documented in West Africa. We conducted a broad regional sampling across five West African countries using soil eDNA to characterize the ECM as well as the total soil fungal community in gallery forests and savanna woodlands dominated by ECM host tree species. We subsequently sequenced the entire ITS region and much of the LSU region to infer a phylogeny for all detected soil fungal species. Utilizing a long read sequencing approach allows for higher taxonomic resolution by using the full ITS region, while the highly conserved LSU gene allows for a more accurate higher-level assignment of species hypotheses, including species without ITS-based taxonomy assignments. We detect no overall difference in species richness between gallery forests and woodlands. However, additional gallery forest plots and more samples per plot would have been needed to firmly conclude this pattern. Based on both abundance and richness, species from the families Russulaceae and Inocybaceae dominate the ECM fungal soil communities across both vegetation types. The community structure of both total soil fungi and ECM fungi was significantly influenced by vegetation types and showed strong correlation within plots. However, we found no significant difference in fungal community structure between samples collected adjacent to different host tree species within each plot. We conclude that within plots, the fungal community is structured more by the overall ECM host plant community than by the species of the individual host tree that each sample was collected from.
biodiversity, eDNA, fungal community, gallery forest, Guineo-Sudanian woodlands
Throughout West Africa, forests, woodlands and savannas represent ecosystems of great biodiversity and economic importance as resources for food, fuel and fiber (
Wooded vegetation covers much of West Africa south of the Sahelian savanna and is geographically structured largely based on water availability (
Fungal diversity in West Africa is understudied and only recently was a fungal check list for West Africa completed to facilitate monitoring and communication of fungal diversity (
The recent proliferation of environmental DNA-based studies has overcome many limitations of fruiting body-based surveys, advancing knowledge of large-scale patterns of fungal diversity (
Although woodlands and gallery forests in the Guineo-Sudanian transition zone are known to host many ECM fungi, little is known about how ECM tree composition and density affect the abundance and composition of ECM and other fungi in soil. The majority of existing studies describing fungal biodiversity in West Africa rely on observation and collection of fruiting bodies. Because these structures are highly ephemeral, and many species don’t produce them at all, sequencing DNA from soil samples is a more reliable means of providing a more complete perspective of a given soil fungal community. As ECM-dominated vegetation in West Africa varies widely in tree species composition and structure (
Field collections were carried out during June and July of 2018 in five West African countries: Benin, Burkina Faso, Mali, Guinea and Ivory Coast. Sites were selected opportunistically from natural areas where ECM host trees were present, with relatively uniform vegetation and slope. A total of seven locations with nine sites were sampled: Kota Waterfall (KOTA-G and KOTA-W) in Benin, Kou Forest Reserve (KOUF-G) and Niangoloko Forest Reserve (NIAN-W) in Burkina Faso, Farako Forest Reserve (FA01-W and FA15-W) in Mali, Bissandougou Forest Reserve (BISS-W) and Moussaya Forest Reserve (MOUS-W) in Guinea and Kouadianikro Forest Reserve (KDNK-W) in Ivory Coast (Fig.
In each plot, soil sample locations were selected according to the protocol used in
Field lysed samples were returned to Uppsala University (Sweden) for DNA extraction using the Xpedition Soil/Fecal Prep kit following the manufacturer’s protocol. DNA concentration and integrity were verified by 0.8% agarose gel electrophoresis in 0.5% Tris Acetate-EDTA buffer (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, Missouri, USA) stained with 1× GelRed (Biotium Inc., Hayward, California, USA). Approximately 1500 bases of the rDNA ITS and LSU regions were amplified from all soil DNA extracts using the primer set ITS1 (White et al. 1990) and LR5 (
Rather than applying the typical OTU clustering approach using a preselected sequence dissimilarity threshold to control both sequencing error and intraspecies variation, we used model-based approaches to address sequencing errors and intraspecies variation separately. We first generated denoised amplicon sequence variants (ASVs) in DADA2 (
Denoised ASVs were generated from the dataset using the procedure established in
The tool ITSx (version 1.1-beta;
In order to create a phylogenetic tree to assist in grouping ASVs into species hypotheses and identification of sequences without good ITS database matches, we utilized the highly conserved LSU region of each sequence. All LSU regions were aligned using MAFFT (version 7.402;
We used the Poisson-tree process (PTP) method to generate phylogenetic SHs based on branch length distribution in a ML tree based on the LSU region, including all fungal ASVs (
Functional guilds were assigned to SHs based on their taxonomic annotation using the FUNGuild database (
The robustness of vegetation type site classification was tested using a non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) ordination based on Bray-Curtis distances calculated on total basal area in m2/ha for each ECM species and the total basal area for all non-ECM trees at each site. NMDS was calculated using the metaMDS function from vegan (version 2.5.6;
Mean annual temperature and precipitation for each site were extracted from 1970–2000 historical averages in 2.5-minute maps from WorldClim 2.1 (
Species accumulation curves and asymptotic diversity estimates were calculated using the iNEXT package (version 2.0.20;
The SH occurrence table was normalized to relative read abundance within each sample. Variation in the total fungal communities and ECM fungal communities were visualized using unconstrained NMDS based on Bray-Curtis dissimilarities between relative read abundances of SHs. NMDS was calculated using metaMDS as above, with stepacross distances for the ECM communities, where high beta diversity led to some samples having no shared species. The number of dimensions in each NMDS was increased until the stress was below 0.2. Correlations between vegetation type, host species and plot identity and the community composition of the total fungal as well as the ECM fungal community composition were tested for significance in a series of three permutation tests (
All statistical analysis and resultant figure generation was conducted in R (version 3.6.3;
In order to verify our initial visual classifications of sites into gallery forests and woodlands, sites were condensed using the basal area of ECM tree species separately and all non-ECM trees combined. This classified the nine sites into two distinct vegetation types, gallery forest and woodlands, for further analysis in this study (Figs
Sampling sites of the West African Centre for Tropical Mycology’s 2018 National Geographic Explorer Grant expedition. Shapes and colors separate the different woodland types with blue circles for gallery forests and red triangles for woodlands. With site names (abbreviations): Bissandougou (BISS-W), Moussaya (MOUS-W), Kota (KOTA-G and KOTA-W), Kouadianikro (KDNK-W), Kou (KOUF-G), Niangoloko (NIAN-W) and Farako (FA01-W and FA15-W). The dotted line represents the route taken on the sampling trip, beginning on the coast of Benin and concluding in Ivory Coast. Ecoregions are from
NMDS ordination of tree communities based on Bray-Curtis dissimilarities between sites, based on total basal areas of each ECM trees species separately and all non-ECM trees combined. The nine sites were classified into two distinct woodland types, woodlands in red and gallery forests in blue. Site abbreviations: Bissandougou Forest Reserve (BISS-W), Moussaya Forest Reserve (MOUS-W), Kota Waterfall (KOTA-G and KOTA-W), Kouadianikro Forest Reserve (KDNK-W), Kou Forest Reserve (KOUF-G), Niangoloko Forest Reserve (NIAN-W) and Farako Forest Reserve (FA01-W and FA15-W). ECM tree species abbreviations: Afzelia africana (Aa), Ac: Anthonotha crassifolia (Ac), Bg: Berlinia grandiflora (Bg), Id: Isoberlinia doka (Id), I. tomentosa (It), Monotes kerstingii (Mk), Uapaca guineensis (Ug) and Uapaca togoensis (Ut).
While all ECM host trees were B. grandiflora at Kou and Kouadianikro, three host species were present at Kota-G, with Uapaca guineensis being co-dominant with B. grandiflora. Across the gallery forest sites, the total basal area was on average 28.2 m2/ha, with ECM hosts making up 46–76% of total basal area (Table
Vegetation type and site | Country | Lat./Lon. | Elev (m) | MAT (°C) | MAP (mm) | All trees | Av. Girth | % ECM | ECM trees | Dom. ECM tree spp. (Rel abund) | ||||
BA (m²/ha) | n | ECM (cm) | non (cm) | BA | Nr. | n | Sp | |||||||
Gallery forest | 375 | 26.7 | 1070 | 28.2 | 110 | 99 | 49 | 83% | 59% | 56 | 2 | |||
Kota-G | Benin | 10°12.76"N, 1°26.77"E | 500 | 26.5 | 1190 | 35.9 | 107 | 110 | 56 | 80% | 56% | 60 | 3 | B. grandiflora (51%), U. guineensis (48%) |
Kou | Burkina Faso | 11°11.25"N, 4°26.48"W | 375 | 27.4 | 980 | 26.4 | 113 | 86 | 48 | 77% | 46% | 54 | 1 | B. grandiflora (100%) |
Kouadianikro | Ivory Coast | 7°37.77"N, 4°44.81"W | 250 | 26.3 | 1030 | 22.3 | 72 | 102 | 42 | 94% | 76% | 53 | 1 | B. grandiflora (100%) |
Woodland | 440 | 26.4 | 1240 | 12.7 | 160 | 58 | 32 | 56% | 40% | 65 | 3 | |||
Bissandougou | Guinea | 10°11.33"N, 9°11.60"W | 425 | 25.9 | 1520 | 8.3 | 205 | 29 | 34 | 59% | 62% | 125 | 4 | U. togoensis (54%), I. doka (43%) |
Moussaya | Guinea | 10°42.24"N, 9°59.71"W | 430 | 25.8 | 1460 | 14.3 | 297 | 39 | 26 | 51% | 37% | 115 | 3 | U. togoensis (71%) |
Farako 01 | Mali | 11°14.12"N, 5°25.25"W | 460 | 26.7 | 1080 | 9.1 | 58 | 91 | 37 | 46% | 35% | 15 | 2 | I. tomentosa (70%) |
Farako 15 | Mali | 11°14.38"N, 5°25.15"W | 460 | 26.7 | 1080 | 8.4 | 121 | 63 | 17 | 66% | 42% | 20 | 3 | I. doka (52%), I. tomentosa (40%) |
Kota-W | Benin | 10°12.54"N, 1°26.73"E | 515 | 26.5 | 1190 | 18.1 | 200 | 60 | 45 | 44% | 27% | 54 | 3 | I. tomentosa (86%) |
Niangoloko | Burkina Faso | 10°10.33"N, 4°55.74"W | 345 | 27.0 | 1140 | 18.0 | 168 | 67 | 32 | 69% | 38% | 60 | 3 | I. doka (89%) |
There were no statistically significant differences between the two vegetation types in elevation (Z = -0.77, p = 0.44), mean annual temperature (Z = 0.39, p = 0.70) or mean annual precipitation (Z = -1.4, p = 0.15). The average girth of ECM host trees was generally larger than that of non-ECM trees in both gallery forests (Z = 6.17, p = 8.2e-7) and woodlands (Z = 10.025, p < 2.2e-16). Trees in gallery forests tended to have greater girth than those in woodlands for both ECM host trees (Z = 4.93, p = 8.7e-12) and non-ECM trees (Z = 2.68, p = 0.0073). The total basal area of all trees (Z = 2.32, p = 0.020) and the fraction of the total basal area represented by ECM trees (Z = 2.32, p = 0.020) were both greater in gallery forest plots than woodland plots. There was no significant difference in the total number of trees (Z = -1.55, p = 0.12), or the number of ECM trees (Z = -0.39, p-value = 0.70) between vegetation types (Table
Across the nine plots, a total of 520 soil fungal taxa were detected as SHs based on branch length distribution in a ML tree generated from an alignment of the LSU region of 1,014 fungal ASVs (Suppl. material
Species accumulation curves for each plot. Curves are based on SHs, by sequencing depth (A) and number of trees sampled (B), presented separately for three gallery forest sites (left panels) and six woodland sites (right panels). Points represent the observed species richness at the actual sequencing depth and trees sampled in A, B respectively. Thin lines represent the accumulation curve calculated by rarefaction (darker) and extrapolation (lighter); shaded regions represent the associated 95% confidence intervals. Dotted lines represent the asymptotic estimate for each site.
Ordination analysis based on relative abundance of soil fungal SHs show that community structure is affected by vegetation type (Fig.
NMDS ordination of fungal communities based on Bray-Curtis dissimilarity of species hypothesis-based community composition, grouped into woodland (W) and gallery forests (GF) samples, for All fungi, axis 1–2 (A) and axis 2–3 (B), and for ECM fungi, axis 1–2 (C) and axis 3–4 (D). Stress value = 0.1902 for all fungi and 0.1723 for ECM fungi. Ellipses represent 95% confidence intervals around the mean of each vegetation type.
After evaluating the taxonomic affiliation of all ASVs based on their phylogenetic placement in the tree (Suppl. material
Fungal guild assignment of the soil fungal community in gallery forest and woodlands. Abundance measured as fraction of reads (A) and richness measured as fraction of species hypotheses (SH) (B) Guilds representing less than 2% of both abundance and richness are grouped together in “other”.
Except for two SHs in the family Elaphomycetaceae (Ascomycota), the ECM fungal communities in both vegetation types are made up of species in the phylum Basidiomycota (Fig.
The overall ordination patterns of the ECM communities are similar to those of the total soil fungal community (Fig.
Most tropical tree species form symbiotic interactions with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (
The total fungal community as well as the ECM fungal communities in gallery forest soils are different from those in woodland soils (Fig.
Spatial effects influence beta diversity of ECM fungi, more so in tropical ecosystems than in boreal forests (
Our data largely confirms earlier observations that the ECM fungal communities of West Africa are dominated by fungi in the families Russulaceae and Thelephoraceae (
Based on fruiting body inventories in Benin,
Gallery forest and woodlands in the Guineo-Sudanian transition zone harbor partially overlapping and differently structured soil fungal communities. Site-specific composition of ECM host tree species shapes ECM fungal communities and total soil fungal communities. Our data provides a baseline, albeit incomplete, for phylogenetic placement and taxonomic resolution of environmental sequences from ECM-dominated forests in the Guineo-Sudanian transition zone. Sampling of more samples per site and more sites of the gallery forest is needed for a more complete characterization of the studied ecosystems.
Sampling was funded by the National Geographic Society as part of exploration grant #CP-126R-17. B. Sulistyo assisted with sampling, and the molecular laboratory work was performed by Dr Y. Strid at UU. Dr J. Tångrot assisted us in raw data and ASV submission as part of the Biodiversity Atlas Sweden which is made possible by its partners and by grants from the Swedish Research Council. We acknowledge support for sequencing at the National Genomics Infrastructure (NGI) / Uppsala Genome Centre and SciLife Laboratory, Uppsala, supported by the Swedish Research Council and the KAW. Bioinformatic analysis was possible thanks to the National Bioinformatics Infrastructure Sweden (NBIS) and enabled by resources provided by the Swedish National Infrastructure for Computing (SNIC), partially funded by the Swedish Research Council through grant agreement no. 2018-05973.
Datafile 1
Data type: Site and sample information
Explanation note: This file contains site and host tree information from ECM dominated woodlads of West Africa sampled during the National Geographic Society exploration grant #CP-126R-17.
Datafile 2
Data type: Barcodes and primer sequences
Explanation note: This file contains the primer barcode sequence information for forward primer ITS1 and reverse primer LR5 used for amplification of total fungal (and other eukaryotes) from soil samples collected in ECM dominated woodlands of West Africa collected during the National Geographic Society explorer grant #CP-126R-17.
Datafile 3
Data type: ASV list with accession nr, taxonomy and functional guild assignment
Explanation note: This file contains a list of all 1147 ASVs with accession nr and the taxonomy assignment inlcuding UNITE SH when assigned and functional guild assignment. Generated from soil samples collected in ECM dominated woodlands of West Africa collected during the National Geographic Society explorer grant #CP-126R-17.
Datafile 4
Data type: Phylogenetic tree for inference of SHs
Explanation note: A Phylogenetic tree of all fungal ASVs in the study.
Table S1 and Figs S1–S4
Data type: table and images
Explanation note: Supplementary tables and figures.