Research Article |
Corresponding author: Emmanuël Sérusiaux ( ) Academic editor: Thorsten Lumbsch
© 2020 Richard Spjut, Antoine Simon, Martin Guissard, Nicolas Magain, Emmanuël Sérusiaux.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Spjut R, Simon A, Guissard M, Magain N, Sérusiaux E (2020) The fruticose genera in the Ramalinaceae (Ascomycota, Lecanoromycetes): their diversity and evolutionary history. MycoKeys 73: 1-68.
We present phylogenetic analyses of the fruticose Ramalinaceae based on extensive collections from many parts of the world, with a special focus on the Vizcaíno deserts in north-western Mexico and the coastal desert in Namibia. We generate a four-locus DNA sequence dataset for accessions of Ramalina and two additional loci for Niebla and Vermilacinia. Four genera are strongly supported: the subcosmopolitan Ramalina, the new genus Namibialina endemic to SW Africa, and a duo formed by Niebla and Vermilacinia, endemic to the New World except the sorediate V. zebrina that disjunctly occurs in Namibia. The latter three genera are restricted to coastal desert and chaparral where vegetation depends on moisture from ocean fog. Ramalina is subcosmopolitan and much more diverse in its ecology.
We show that Ramalina and its sister genus Namibialina diverged from each other at c. 48 Myrs, whereas Vermilacinia and Niebla split at c. 30 Myrs. The phylogeny of the fruticose genera remains unresolved to their ancestral crustose genera.
Species delimitation within Namibialina and Ramalina is rather straightforward. The phylogeny and taxonomy of Vermilacinia are fully resolved, except for the two youngest clades of corticolous taxa, and support current taxonomy, including four new taxa described here. Secondary metabolite variation in Niebla generally coincides with major clades which are comprised of species complexes with still unresolved phylogenetic relationships. A micro-endemism pattern of allopatric species is strongly suspected for both genera, except for the corticolous taxa within Vermilacinia. Both Niebla and saxicolous Vermilacinia have chemotypes unique to species clades that are largely endemic to the Vizcaíno deserts.
The following new taxa are described: Namibialina gen. nov. with N. melanothrix (comb. nov.) as type species, a single new species of Ramalina (R. krogiae) and four new species of Vermilacinia (V. breviloba, V. lacunosa, V. pustulata and V. reticulata). The new combination V. granulans is introduced. Two epithets are re-introduced for European Ramalina species: R. crispans (= R. peruviana auct. eur.) and R. rosacea (= R. bourgeana auct. p.p). A lectotype is designated for Vermilacinia procera. A key to saxicolous species of Vermilacinia is presented.
Atacama, Baja California, Namib, Namibialina, Niebla, Ramalina, taxonomy, Vermilacinia, Vizcaíno deserts
The genus Ramalina Ach. is one of the best known lichen genera, easily recognized and widely studied by scientists in various fields of research, including biomonitoring of environmental changes (
Furthermore, the genus is at the cutting edge of research about the very nature of lichenization as several species [mostly R. farinacea (L.) Ach.] have been shown to host and use several strains or even species of their green algal partners within the same thallus (
As the genus Ramalina is subcosmopolitan and easily detected, it is almost always included in any floristic account, usually with ecological and biogeographical data, of any area in the world (
Yet the evolutionary history of the genus is poorly known, with a positioning within the Lecanorales, suborder Sphaerophorinae in the Lecanoromycetes (
More recently, using a 5-locus dataset,
In this study, our first objective was to revisit the delimitation of the “fruticose” genera within the Ramalinaceae, their phylogenetical relationships and biogeography, with a special focus on Niebla and Vermilacinia sensu
The second objective was to evaluate the diversity within Niebla and Vermilacinia with molecular data and statistical inferences in a phylogenetic context. We wish to compare the taxonomical treatment of both genera proposed by
Our third and last objective was to evaluate the phylogenetic variation within the genus Ramalina s. str., with an expanded sampling compared to the current available data (
As indicated above, three geographical areas play a special role in the evolutionary history and the present range of the fruticose genera of the Ramalinaceae: (I) the coasts of California/USA and Baja California/Mexico; (II) the Atacama and Sechura deserts along the western coasts of South America and (III) the coasts of Namibia and the South-West of South Africa. These areas are briefly presented in Suppl. material
Almost all collections used for this study were gathered by the authors during several field trips, especially to Mexico/Baja California and Baja California Sur (Figs
Landscapes of Baja California and Baja California Sur. A Arenicolous species of Niebla in sand dunes at San Quintín
Species of Ramalina on rocky seashores in Italy/Sardinia A general view of species and habitat B from left to right: R. tingitana, R. breviuscula and R. cribrosa C R. implexa D from left to right: R. clementeana and R. requienii E R. tingitana F R. inaequalis. Photographs by M. Guissard and E. Sérusiaux.
During the field trip to Baja California and Baja California Sur, fruticose Ramalinaceae were sampled from 31 localities, treated as 11 broader collection areas (Suppl. material
Unfortunately, we were unable to include material of Vermilacinia from South America. Several species of Vermilacinia occur in the Atacama desert (Peru and Chile): the terricolous V. ceruchis, which is related to North American saxicolous species and corticolous V. flaccescens, “Niebla” granulans (
During the field trip to Namibia, we sampled Ramalina s.l. from the coastal desert, between Swakopmund (22°20.389'S, 014°26.446'E) and Cape Cross (21°39.319'S, 013°59.550'E) where the so-called “lichen fields” are well-developed and partly protected. The sampling was extensive, but restricted to a short portion (ca. 120 km long) of the coast enjoying fog and thus providing appropriate ecological conditions for lichen communities, that spread from southern Angola down to the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa.
We included most accessions used by
Several species of Niebla and Vermilacinia. Identifications based on
Finally, we added two accessions retrieved from GenBank, R. complanata and Vermilacinia cephalota (both collected in the USA) for which the four targeted loci were available; they were included in the phylogenetic synthetic analysis of the Lecanoromycetes by
Identification of collections was performed with the following support:
In order to assess validly published epithets appropriate for several species, type collections and related material were examined at the Natural History Museum in London (
Specimens at the University of Liège (Liège, Belgium) were studied using standard microscopic techniques. Morphological descriptions are based on observations using a Leica S4E dissecting microscope (Leica Microsystems GmbH, Wetzlar, Germany) and a Nikon Eclipse 80i compound microscope (Nikon Corporation, Tokyo, Japan). Thin-layer chromatography (TLC) was carried out following
For the overall analysis of the generic delimitation of the target genera (Niebla, Ramalina s.l. and Vermilacinia), we included two representatives of the Psoraceae (Protoblastenia calva and Psora rubiformis) and one representative of the Tephromelataceae (Tephromela atra) as outgroups, following
Two datasets were analyzed independently for this study:
– Matrix 1: a four-locus dataset (ITS-LSU-RPB1-RPB2) comprising a selection of accessions for Niebla (37 out of 101) and Vermilacinia (19 out of 46) and all representatives (9) of Ramalina angulosa and R. melanothrix (these two species are assigned to the new genus Namibialina) and Ramalina, except for one accession of R. rosacea and all accessions of R. sarahae (102 out of 112). Accessions included in Matrix 1 are marked with X in the first column of Suppl. material
– Matrix 2: a six-locus dataset (ITS-LSU-RPB1-RPB2-GDP-EF-1α) comprising all representatives of Niebla and Vermilacinia (147 specimens), with R. farinacea and R. tingitana as outgroup.
For further information regarding the sequences generated and used in this study, see Suppl. material
Multiple sequence alignments were performed with MAFFT using the auto option (
PartitionFinder 2 (Lanfear 2016) was used to determine the best partitioning schemes and nucleotide substitution models for the subsequent analyses. For Matrix 1, eight initial subsets were considered (ITS; LSU; RPB1 1st, 2nd, 3rd codon positions; RPB2 1st, 2nd, 3rd codon positions). Seven additional subsets were considered for Matrix 2 (GAPDH 1st, 2nd, 3rd codon positions; EF-1α 1st, 2nd, 3rd codon positions and introns). PartitionFinder 2 was run with the default configuration settings (branchlengths = linked, model_selection = BIC, search = greedy); for the ML analyses, the GTR+G model was the only one allowed.
We ran an analysis on Matrix 1 running BEAST2 v.2.6.1 (
A maximum likelihood analysis was performed on Matrix 2 with RAxML 8.2.3 on the CIPRES portal using the rapid hill-climbing algorithm and bootstrapping with 1000 pseudoreplicates under a GTR+G model of evolution for each partitioned subset. We provide the bootstrap results obtained with the method recently developed by
Species delimitation was inferred from molecular data following four methods: ABGD (
A first species delimitation was performed using the ITS dataset only (extracted from Matrix 2), following the ABGD method (
The second method uses the so-called Poisson tree processes model (PTP;
The third method uses a Bayesian MCMC implementation of the MultiSpecies Coaslescent model, which allows both species delimitation and species tree inference (
The fourth method is the STACEY package, implemented in BEAST2 (
We ran a *BEAST analysis as implemented in BEAST2 v. 2.6.1 with the STACEY module enabled. Substitution models were determined using jModeltest as above. Substitution models were TN93+G for EF and TN93+I+G for GDP. Exponential relaxed clocks were used. The analysis was run for 500 million generations, sampling every 10 000th generation. We discarded the first 9 960 000 generations as burn-in and kept a tree every 25 000th generation, resulting in a sample of 19 600 trees which was used to generate a consensus species tree with TreeAnnotator. The graphical display of the STACEY matrix was generated using R version 3.2.1 (
This tree encompasses all accessions of Ramalina (except for one accession of R. rosacea and all accessions of R. sarahae) and those assigned to the new genus Namibialina and is based on accessions included in Matrix 1. Therefore, the tree is a subset of the analysis performed on Matrix 1; all calibrations and parameters are identical.
Altogether, we generated DNA sequence data for a total of 283 specimens of the Ramalinaceae sensu lato (Suppl. material
A single strongly supported branch sustains all accessions of fruticose taxa in the Ramalinaceae. Strong support is detected for the delimitation of two lineages for the fruticose genera: (1) Ramalina as sister to a strongly delimited group endemic to the coastal desert in SW Africa assigned to the new genus Namibialina, the relationship between the two genera being strongly supported; (2) two genera (Niebla and Vermilacinia), endemic to coastal deserts along the Pacific coast in the New World, strongly supported together and, further, sister to three species of Cliostomum, including the type species (C. corrugatum), but with weak support. Both accessions of the crustose Cliostomum griffithii form a lineage sister to the strongly supported clade, including all other lineages studied: Cliostomum s. str., Namibialina, Niebla, Ramalina and Vermilacinia. Therefore, the genus Cliostomum, as delimited by
Time-calibrated phylogenetic tree generated by the BEAST2 analysis on four loci (Matrix 1), for the four genera of fruticose Ramalinaceae studied and their crustose sister genus Cliostomum: Namibialina, Niebla, Ramalina and Vermilacinia. Values above branches represent the posterior probabilities of support.
The time calibration, based on a fossil of Phyllopsora, yielded results (Suppl. material
The mean divergence time of the clade including all accessions of the fruticose Ramalinaceae plus their crustose sister taxon (Cliostomum s. str., including the genus type C. corrugatum) is 55.53 Myrs [95% highest posterior density (HPD) interval: 40.23–72.29] at the boundary between the Paleocene and the Eocene.
The emergence of the duo Ramalina + Namibialina is dated at 48.45 Myrs (HDP: 35.13–63.66) at the middle of Eocene. The duo Niebla + Vermilacinia diverged from one another at 30.05 Myrs (HDP: 17.27–43.11) during the Oligocene period; this date is almost identical to the diversification within Cliostomum s. str. Interestingly, Vermilacinia diversified starting at the beginning of the Miocene, 22.47 Myrs (HDP: 3.44–32.06), whereas Niebla began later, mid-Miocene, at 13.14 Myrs (HDP: 7.05–21.05). Namibialina diversified at 19.71 Myrs (HDP: 8.47–32.75) almost at the same time as the diversification within the basal species of Ramalina, R. sinensis.
Results of the species delimitation methods are summarized in Fig.
The two genera Niebla and Vermilacinia, as circumscribed by
Evolutionary tree for the genera Niebla and Vermilacinia, produced with the 6-locus matrix (Matrix 2) and using RAxML. Support value for branches follow
Evolutionary tree for the genera Niebla and Vermilacinia, produced with the 6-locus matrix and using *BEAST (Matrix 2). Values above branches represent posterior probabilities of support. Epithets in colour following insert: green = collected in USA/California; pink = collected in Mexico/Baja California; blue = collected in Mexico/Baja California Sur. Similarity matrix from the STACEY analysis on the right. Each rectangle represents posterior probability (white = 0, black = 1) of pairs of specimens to belong to the same species. Shades of grey represent intermediate values. Rectangles delimited by red lines represent the species delimitation with a 0.3 cut-off.
The genus Niebla is divided into two clades (Fig.
The branching within the “ß-depsidones” clade does not discriminate amongst the three secondary medullary metabolites (protocetraric, salazinic and hypoprotocetraric acids).
Following Spjut’s identification key (1996), nine ß-depsidone species were identified by secondary metabolites followed by morphology. None is supported even though 9 putative species are recognized by the BPP analysis. Other delimitation methods recognized fewer putative species: STACEY five species, PTP four species and the ABGD three species.
The “depsides” clades are also very diverse with little match between the identification following
In order to evaluate the evolutionary scenario that might be hidden under such discrepancies, we built three data tables for accessions of Niebla (Suppl. material
The phylogenetic tree for Vermilacinia (Fig.
The second clade has two branches: one with the saxicolous V. laevigata, not distinguished by the BPP and STACEY methods from the related V. combeoides and the other one with all accessions of epiphytic species, including the populations found in SW Africa. A single species, as circumscribed by
A paraphyletic assemblage of ten species forms the base of the phylogenetic tree of Ramalina (Fig.
Following these early diverging clades, is a strongly supported clade resolved in four assemblages, all strongly supported. However, significant incongruence amongst the four loci has been detected at this level, affecting the topological position of two lineages, the R. clementeana one with a single species and the R. fastigiata lineage with R. carpatica, R. sp. 1 and the eponym species. This matter remains to be resolved.
Apart from the paraphyletic early diverging assemblage, the tree here produced is divided into four main clades. The first (Fig.
Evolutionary tree for the genera Namibialina and Ramalina (subset of Matrix 1). The tree is a close-up of Figure
The phylogenetic tree, here produced for the fruticose taxa within the Ramalinaceae, is strongly supported and rejects their monophyly. Indeed, both lineages that support fruticose genera are nested within accessions referred to the crustose genus Cliostomum s.l.: C. griffithii is sister to all other lineages and Cliostomum s. str. (including the type species C. corrugatum) is sister to the lineage Niebla + Vermilacinia with poor support. Thus, both strongly supported lineages comprising fruticose taxa are sister groups to Cliostomum s. str., forming an unresolved strongly supported group of three lineages.
One lineage contains two genera (Niebla + Vermilacinia) with all species but one restricted to coastal deserts of the New World subjected to oceanic fog and the other is divided into two genera, one (Namibialina) only with species with the same ecological requirements, but with a disjunct distribution (SW Africa) and the other (Ramalina) widely distributed throughout the world, with a basal species (R. sinensis) that is widespread throughout the Northern Hemisphere. It further includes, inter alia, at least two clades (the R. bourgeana and the R. decipiens gr.;
The divergence between the Ramalina + Namibialina clade (RN) and the Cliostomum + Vermilacinia + Niebla clade (CVN) occurred before or at the beginning of the Eocene Climatic Optimum (55–50 Myrs) which was the warmest period during the Cenozoic (
– the RN clade evolved into two fruticose genera, Ramalina and Namibialina. Starting at c. 43 Myrs, Ramalina rapidly spread throughout the world, colonizing a wide range of habitats from saxicolous sea-shores to trunks and tiny branches in boreal, temperate and tropical forests. Its sister genus, Namibialina, radiated under more specialized ecological conditions in the coastal deserts of SW Africa, starting much later at c. 19–20 Myrs. Its diversification is thus much older than the full establishment of the cold-water upwelling system of the Benguela Current in the Late Miocene (10–7 Myrs;
– the poorly supported CVN clade divided in two taxa, one crustose (Cliostomum s. str.) and the other diverging at the mid Oligocene (ca. 30 Myrs) and splitting into two lineages of fruticose taxa. Therefore, the divergence of the duo Vermilacinia + Niebla is hardly younger than the establishment in northern Chile of the ecological conditions required (Oligocene to Middle Eocene;
A similar geographical pattern is observed in three other lineages of lichenized fungi that have the same ecology, occurring on coastal rocks in fog deserts. These are: (a) the Redonographoideae which further includes two corticolous species (
When the fruticose genera in the Ramalinaceae diverged c. 48 Myrs into the RN and CVN clades, the breakdown of Gondwana was almost complete. The Antarctic current had cooled the Antarctic continent to where all vegetation disappeared under immense glaciers (
The number of Niebla species recognized by the most sophisticated BPP and STACEY statistical methods at each locality is very low. A methodology bias can influence those data, as all ITS barcodes detected at each locality could not be included in the 6-locus dataset, because of poor amplification of several loci. Nevertheless, the hypothesis of a micro-endemism pattern of allopatric species cannot be ruled out and variation in space and time of fog conditions may provide support for this scenario. Indeed, their restricted geographical range and their radiation at c. 22 Myrs for Vermilacinia and at ca. 13 Myrs for Niebla clearly point to the paramount importance of climate change since the Miocene (
Pacific coastal fog relates to seasonal high/low pressure areas that impact the strength of an inversion layer and temperature of the California Current (for the Northern Hemisphere) or the Chile-Peru Current (for the Southern Hemisphere), location of upwelling water caused by wind and Coriolis force diverting water away from shore (“Ekman transport”) and topography, including offshore continental slope and shelf width (
However, several alternative patterns can substantiate or dispute the hypothesis of micro-endemism such as incomplete lineage sorting or hybridization (
Despite the incongruence of morphological species with phylogenetic reconstructions in Niebla, geographical lineages are apparent such as the Niebla homalea group (Fig.
None of the ß-depsidones-producing species as
The taxonomy proposed by
Although future inclusion of data for species occurring in South America may bring in new structure for the Vermilacinia phylogenetic tree, it is nevertheless interesting to highlight that, for the Northern Hemisphere Pacific coasts, the corticolous habitat is a more recent autapomorphy. Contrarily to saxicolous species whose species delimitation is resolved, the terminal and, thus, most recent corticolous Vermilacinia are taxonomically problematic. Only the two oldest clades are fully resolved: V. cerebra is resolved as a monophyletic group and the sorediate populations are resolved into two different species (V. cephalota for populations from USA/California and a yet undescribed species for those from Baja California). All others are resolved into two strongly supported clades: (1) one without any black bands can be attributed to V. corrugata, a species with a corrugated cortical surface that is deficient in terpenes except zeorin and occasionally T3 (
As for the saxicolous and terricolous species of Vermilacinia, the taxonomical weight given to chemistry by
Delimiting species boundaries and establishing robust taxonomies for these two genera are challenging tasks that need more samples and data and more sophisticated techniques for species delimitation (
Two typical species occurring in the coastal deserts of SW Africa are here assigned to the new genus Namibialina: “Ramalina” melanothrix recovered as a single taxon and “Ramalina angulosa” (
The taxonomical status of Ramalina melanothrix is straightforward, while that of R. angulosa is not. First, the type material was not available for study and its nomenclature is confusing (see § Taxonomy and Nomenclature). Further, we suspect this morphotype is widespread from the coastal desert of Namibia (of which only a short portion ca. 120 km long was sampled; see above under Material and methods) down to the Cape area where the type was collected. A much higher diversity is expected as three supported and sympatric species are easily detected in our material, differing from one another by the branching pattern including capillary cilia, the cortex surface, several characters associated with the cartilaginous strands under the cortex and production or not of apothecia.
The subcosmopolitan genus Ramalina exhibits an impressive thallus variation as it ranges from luxuriant pendulous thalli up to several metres long, hanging down from branches of tall trees (such as in R. hoehneliana and R. menziesii) to unattached and almost pulverulent thalli hidden in rock crevices. Further, the thallus branches are very diverse as they can be terete or markedly compressed and applanate, hollow or solid, usually with a chondroid tissue and lax medulla; with or without fenestrations, reticulate ridges, pseudocyphellae, laminal striae, tiny lateral hooked fibrils, cilia, soralia; pycnidia with a black ostiole or not. The number of species is expected to be 230 (
All species lacking secondary metabolites, except for usnic acid in the cortex, are resolved at the base of the tree. However, these species do not form a single lineage and are intermingled in paraphyletic lineages with two species (R. crispans and R. rubrotincta) that do produce secondary metabolites.
Although the sampling of species included in this study may not be representative of the variation throughout the genus, chemistry-based branches supporting several species are numerous with, inter alia: (1) two clades characterized by the production of ß-depsidones: the farinacea and the cribrosa clade, with one anomaly in R. subgeniculata whose thalli produce divaricatic acid, the ß-depsidone salazinic acid being restricted to the apothecia; (2) two clades characterized by the production of evernic acid: the breviuscula and the fastigiata clade (the latter with one exception with sp. 1 which produces several ß-depsidones); (3) the bourgeana clade characterized by the production of bourgeanic acid, with the exception of R. webbii, which does not produce that metabolite; and (4) two supported clades with all species producing divaricatic acid: the canariensis-clade and the huei-clade.
Strongly supported clades, however, can have a diverse chemistry, such as the decipiens clade, endemic to the Canary Islands and the Madeira archipelago (including Porto Santo), which have species producing either ß-depsidones or depsides. Therefore, worldwide sampling is needed to further evaluate secondary chemistry to give support for deep node segregation, such as in other macrolichen genera (Xanthoparmelia pulla-group:
Other interesting results include: (1) R. requienii, a rather common saxicolous species in the Mediterranean region and in the Canary Islands, from sea-level to montane regions, here resolved into two different species: one restricted to the Canary Islands and the Madeira archipelago and the other to the Mediterranean region; as the type was collected in France/Corsica (
As expected, detailed morphological and chemical studies supported by molecular inferences end up with taxonomical adjustments, descriptions of new taxa or resurrection of old epithets. An interesting case is the basal species R. sinensis which started its diversification c. 19 Myrs (Early Miocene) and produced four different lineages that might be worthy of recognition at species level: the earliest divergence isolated an accession from Western North America; the second (16–17 Myrs) isolated an accession from Taiwan (East Asia); the third one (9.5 Myrs) separated two accessions of the Caucasus region s.l. (Armenia and Iran) from two others from central Europe (Switzerland) and central Canada (Alberta).
The Ramalinaceae include two strongly supported lineages of fruticose thalli: (1) Ramalina and Namibialina (gen. nov.) and (2) Vermilacinia and Niebla. Both form an unresolved clade with the crustose genus Cliostomum, excluding the well-known C. griffithii which is resolved in its own clade, sister to all others. The relationship of the monotypic Cenozosia, endemic to the Atacama Desert, remains to be determined.
Three of the fruticose genera are endemic to coastal fog deserts, Namibialina in SW Africa, Vermilacinia along the Pacific coasts in South America and North America, with a recent dispersal of a sorediate epiphytic species, V. zebrina, to Namibia and Niebla only in North America. All three genera are actively speciating and need further work to thoroughly address their taxonomy and diversification patterns.
The taxonomy of Niebla and Vermilacinia proposed by
Our study confirms that the genus Ramalina, with a subcosmopolitan distribution and colonizing so many different habitats, is indeed a monophyletic group, based on 50 identified species (plus three without a specific epithet) represented for an estimated total of 230 species. The topology shown by the evolutionary tree confirms that all species that do not produce secondary metabolites (other than usnic acid produced in the cortex) are resolved at the base of the tree, but do not form a monophyletic group. Several clades supporting several species correspond to the production of peculiar secondary metabolites, but none of these constitutes an autapomorphy for a well-supported monophyletic clade, with the exception of bourgeanic acid which is unique to the bourgeana-clade. The data largely confirmed the present taxonomy with several corrections needed, the most interesting one being the diversity of the largely distributed basal species R. sinensis which started to diversify ca. 19 Myrs ago.
We here provide several notes on the taxonomy and nomenclature of a few taxa discussed in this paper, including re-assessment of three epithets and description of a new genus and five new species.
= Ramalina melanothrix Laurer, Syn. Meth. Lich. 1(2): 290, tab. VIII, fig. 26, 1860
= Trichoramalina melanothrix (Laurer) Rundel and Bowler, The Bryologist 77(2): 194, 1974
= Niebla melanothrix (Laurer) Kistenich, Timdal, Bendiksby, S. Ekman, Taxon 67(5): 893, 2018
Namibialina melanothrix (Laurer) Spjut & Sérus., comb. nov.
Thallus shrubby, usually arising from a single holdfast, stiff or flexuose, several cm in height when epiphytic or, saxicolous or developing terricolous shrubby cushions up to ca. 10–15 cm in diam. and 2–6 cm in height (fig. 2 in
The type species of Trichoramalina (
Two described species are here assigned to the new genus Namibialina: Ramalina melanothrix recovered as a single taxon and “Ramalina angulosa” (
Strands of cartilaginous tissue develop longitudinally under the cortex in all species of Namibialina and in several species of Ramalina resolved at the base of the tree, such as R. sinensis and R. celastri. In Namibialina, chrondroid stands are “attached to the cortex”, not isolated in the medulla, the medulla is arachnoid, very thin and supported by a 2-layered cortex, sometimes the external layer indistinct (
The nomenclature of the above-mentioned epithets can be summarized as follows: Theodor Magnus Fries (Flora 44: 411, 1861) clearly recognized Ramalina melanothrix as different from what had been assigned to R. angulosa. He referred to an annotation of Johann Friederich Laurer using that epithet for a collection made by Johann Franz Drège “in Africa meridionali”. J.F. Drège is a very famous plant collector in the Cape area (
Further, a collection assumed to be a type from the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh E is available at:
There is no doubt that this collection belongs to the “angulosa” assemblage. It has a label indicating it was collected in Tahiti, but annotations by B.J. Coppins (Feb. 1976) reads as “This is a Drège specimen from South Africa”.
Type species of Niebla
There has been a lot of debate regarding the type species of this genus (
Lectotypification for Niebla procera
The holotype of Niebla procera Rundel & Bowler at ASU is represented by two specimens shown in Bowler et al. (1994, fig. 4) in black and white and a mirror image is available in colour in the CNALH website ( The CNALH image clearly shows that two specimens are involved. We identify Vermilacinia procera on the left and Vermilacinia cf. paleoderma on the right; therefore, we designate the left-hand specimen as the lectotype of “Niebla procera”.
The lichen metabolites reported for N. procera in Bowler et al. (1994) are “[-]-16α-hydroxykaurane, ± zeorin, ± salazinic acid, terpenes, fatty acids, ± usnic acid”. A fragment of the specimen on the right may have been removed for TLC (the upper part of a thallus branch appears scraped just below the tip). The morphological description given in Bowler et al. (1994) generally agrees with the specimen on the left. Both species have similar chemistry (
Morocco – Original publication reads “ad corticem Quercus suberus L. in Mamora silva prope Rabat” (
Thallus epiphytic, almost always on tiny branches, shrubby, usually rather small (less than 2–5 cm long), formed of densely intricate branches that are solid, slightly flattened and irregularly thickened; soralia conspicuous albeit quite small, granular, often with small fibrils; pseudocyphellae common, ellipsioid or linear; apothecia and pycnidia unknown.
Acids in the sekikaic aggregate with sekikaic and homosekikaic acids as the main compounds detected; usnic acid.
Mediterranean area and Cabo Verde archipelago; assumed to be present in the Canary Islands, the Madeira archipelago and the Azores archipelago; on branches, including twigs, never found on trunks, in open shrubland.
This species was described as “spec. nova ad interim”, an unclear status that could be questioned under the ICN code art. 34.1 (b). Nevertheless, we adopt it pending further nomenclatural clarification. Following
Cabo Verde archipelago – São Vicente, Monte Verde; assumed at 16°52.2'N, 024°56.0'W; alt. ca. 730 m; 04.2008; J. Lambinon 08/20 leg.; on shrubs (LG DNA 428); [DNA: GU726358 (LSU), GU827317 (ITS), MN757015 (RPB1), MN757230 (RPB2)]. Greece – Dodecanese, Karpathos Is., top of Mt Hagios Elias; 35°43.6'N, 027°10.5'E; alt. 710 m; 07.2007; H. Sipman & Th. Raus 56261 leg.; on Erica dwarf shrubs (B, LG DNA 1553); [DNA: MN811427 (ITS)]. Morocco – “Chellak ruinas prope Rabat”; 07.04.1934; R.G. Werner s.n.; “ad radices Chamaropsis humilis” (
Ramalina krogiae is recognized by its saxicolous habitat, ascending, 1–2 dichotomous branched, rigid lobes, producing abundant granules, but no genuine soralia, nor apothecia, producing divaricatic acid and endemic to the Canary Islands and Madeira archipelagoes
Spain – Canary Islands, La Gomera, W of Arure, N of Ermitago de Santo; 28°08.10'N, 017°19.23'W; alt. 825–830 m; 04.2009; E. Sérusiaux s.n. leg; subvertical outcrops in open matorrales; (LG DNA 666! – holotype; TFMC! – isotype) [TLC: divaricatic and usnic acid; DNA: MN811446 (LSU), MN811250 (ITS), MN757049 (RPB1), MN757257 (RPB2)]
Thallus saxicolous, ascending, usually rigid, when well-developed up to 3–4 cm high, usually with 1–2 dichotomous branching in the upper half of the branch, 3–4 mm large at most, usually less, branches contorted or irregularly twisted, small dissected and elongated lobes (small laciniae) usually present, together with tiny rounded or irregularly shaped granules, these granules sometimes abundant; cortex locally and usually irregularly broken off, but no typical production of soralia observed. Apothecia rare to abundant, lateral, disc usually strongly concave (“wide open” apothecia rarely seen) with a scrobiculate outer cortex, margins of the disc usually with cortex interruption and production of tiny granules. Ascospores straight or slightly concave, 1-septate, 9–13 × 4–5 µm. Pycnidia not found.
Divaricatic and usnic acid, triterpenoids.
On exposed rocks at low elevation, in the Canary Islands and the Madeira archipelago.
Epithet chosen after our most distinguished colleague Prof. Hildur Krog (1922–2014), author, inter alia, of a remarkable and detailed revision of the genus Ramalina in the Canary Islands (
Besides its distinct geographical range (Mediterranean region vs. Canary Islands and Madeira archipelago), the morphologically and chemically similar R. requienii can be distinguished by its usually larger lobes with sublinear pseudocyphellae and especially the lobes extremities rather typically labriform, with a lower surface with large patches of disrupted cortex and production of coarse soralia. In typical populations of R. krogiae, no such labriform and slightly, but distinctly, expanded lobes are formed and tiny granules produced on or around the rather large cortex interruptions at the lobe extremities are not observed. Therefore, the distinct phylogenetic relationships of R. krogiae, as well as its disjunct distribution, are complemented by morphological features, which albeit rather cryptic can be easily detected with some taxonomic expertise.
Portugal – Madeira, Ponta de São Lourenco; 32°44'N, 16°40'W; alt. 150 m; 05.04.2007; D. Ertz 10520 leg.; rock outcrop near the sea; (BR, LG DNA 431); [DNA: GU726360 (LSU), GU827319 (ITS), MN757017 (RPB1), MN757232 (RPB2)]. Portugal – Porto Santo, between Pico de Castelo and la Capela de Nossa Senhora da Graça; 33°04.41'N, 016°19.37'W; alt. 200–220 m; 04.2007; M. Dewald, A. Hambuckers & E. Sérusiaux leg.; outcrops in pastures; (LG DNA 459); [DNA: MN811437 (LSU), MN811241 (ITS), MN757040 (RPB1)].
Portugal – Estramadura, Serra da Arrabida, between Setubal and Torre de Outao; 01.05.1931; G. Degelius leg.; on trees (UPS L-78721 ! – holotype).
Thallus corticolous, usually on branchlets, erect or rarely partly pendulous, up to 4–5 cm in diam., with a fan-shaped appearance (with terminal apothecia) or a small-cushion one; lobes divided dichotomously or trichotomously, rather stiff, flat or slightly concave, up to 3–4 mm large just before the first division; upper surface slightly grooved or channelled, often longitudinally ridged; lower surface undulating, distinctly scrobiculate on well-developed lobes. Apothecia usually present and abundant, terminal or lateral on young lobes, up to 4–5 mm in diam., usually 2–3 mm, disc concave, with no spur or with the lobe margin that carry the apothecium developing into a ligulate to triangular spur. Ascospores straight or slightly concave, 10–14 × 3–5 µm. Pycnidia not found.
Divaricatic and usnic acid, unknown fatty acid.
Corticolous on branchlets in forest or more open areas at low elevation in the western Mediterranean region, so far confirmed on DNA-basis from the islands of Corsica (France) and Sardinia (Italy); probably more widespread.
The type collection of Ramalina lusitanica has many small and brittle fragments, with an upper surface with verruciform ridges, reticulate lower surface and several apothecia. Its author considered it was close to “Ramalina evernioides” that represents the taxon now named R. lacera; he added that it “cannot be considered a variety of that species on account of absolute absence of sorediate parts and of distinct reticulation”. We were able to produce DNA sequences out of material collected in Italy/Sardinia and France/Corsica and therefore to stabilize this epithet erratically used, because of confusion with R. canariensis and R. lacera. Typical specimens are easily recognized (when young) by their fan-shaped, rather rigid lobes, some being slightly concave, usually longitudinally striate, without fenestrations, usually with abundant and terminal apothecia and production of divaricatic acid.
Ramalina lusitanica is resolved as a distinct species in a clade together with R. huei and all accessions of R. requienii from Macaronesia, here assigned to the newly described R. krogiae. However, R. huei (Fig.
Without identification of its secondary metabolite (divaricatic acid), the general appearance of this species brings it close to forms of R. fastigiata (producing evernic acid) or R. panizzei and R. elegans (both producing acids in the sekikaic group). Further information about these species can be found in
We considered Ramalina latzelii Zahlbr., a species producing divaricatic acid and abundant apothecia, as a putative synonym. This epithet was reduced into synonymy with R. canariensis by Poelt (1969) and examination of the type material (W) confirms that it is, indeed, a fertile rather than sorediate form of that species; divaricatic acid is detected by TLC.
France – Corsica, Terzanili; 41°25.21'N, 09°12.37'E; alt. 60 m; 10.2010; M. Guissard & E. Sérusiaux ; olive orchard (LG DNA 1702); [DNA : MN811471 (LSU), MN811275 (ITS), MN757073 (RPB1), MN757273 (RPB2)] Italy – Sardinia, E of Sanat Teresa, La Licciola; 41°13.33'N, 09°15.32'E; alt. 70 m; 10.2010; M. Guissard & E. Sérusiaux leg; on twigs in disused olive plantation; (LG DNA 1525); DNA : MN811462 (LSU), MN811266 (ITS), MN757064 (RPB1), MN757269 (RPB2)] Morocco – Oued “Rotbar, sur racines accidentellement découvertes de Chamerops humilis“, 01.06.1937, leg. J. Gattefosse leg. (
Type collection of Ramalina latzelii Zahlbr., Oesterr. Botan. Zeitschrift 60: 18 (1910): Croatia – “Dalmatien, Meleda, an Pinus halep. auf der Grabova”, ca. 200 m, 18.02.1908, leg. Dr. A. Latzel n° 22” (W! – holotype).
var. Bas.: Ramalina polymorpha var. rosacea Massal., Schedul. Critic., fasc. IX: 157 (1856).
= R. bourgeana auct. europ., non Mont. ex Nyl.
Corsica, Cavallo, Lich. Exs. Ital. 228 (
Thallus saxicolous, firmly attached to the substrate (rock), formed of rigid, rather large lobes (2–8 cm large and 1–14 cm long) almost all attached with a single holdfast, lobes surface strongly reticulate-wrinkled. Apothecia usually present, marginal, usually at lobe extremities, with an outer exciple strongly scrobiculate. Ascospores straight or slightly curved, 1-septate, 10–12 × 3–5 μm. Pycnidia not found.
Bourgeanic, norstictic, stictic and cryptostictic acid, PCR-1 and triterpenes.
Very rare, found on rocky sea-shores at two localities in the western parts of the Mediterranean Sea (France/Corsica and Spain; see below).
The original material was collected on the island of Cavallo, a small islet south of Corsica (France) and distributed through the Lichenes Italici Exsiccati, n° 288. The original publication (Schedulae criticae in lichenes exsiccatos Italiae IX n° 286–323) can be accessed through the permanent link We could examine the material preserved in
Quite interestingly, this easily recognized species (at least in the local Mediterranean context) is absent elsewhere in southern Corsica and northern Sardinia where two of us (MG and ES) looked carefully for it in several localities, including on other islets of the Lavezzi archipelago, the archipelago to which the island of Cavallo belongs. See for more at:
The ITS barcode sequence of this material is strictly identical with that of a second population of that species found at the Cabo de Gata in SE Spain, a coastal locality most famous for its lichen flora (
France – Corsica, Cavallo Island; 41°22'N, 009°15'E; alt. 0–10 m; 2014; D. & O. Gonnet s.n. leg; rocky sea-shores (hb, LG DNA 4642); [DNA: MN788731 (ITS)]. Spain – Sierra del Cabo de Gata, path W of Torre de Vela Blanca to lighthouse; 36°43.82'N, 02°10.46'W; alt. 150 m; 2007; P. van den Boom 3835 leg; on exposed outcrops (hb van den Boom, LG DNA 426); [DNA: GU726357 (LSU), GU827316 (ITS), MN757014 (RPB1), MN757229 (RPB2)].
This species belongs to the Ramalina lacera group (
Cape Verde archipelago – São Vicente, Monte Verde, just below the summit, NW slope; 16°52.2'N, 024°56.0'W; alt. 700 m; 2006; P. van den Boom 36603 & 36603b leg; on twigs (hb, LG DNA 1963 and 1964); [DNA 963: MN788729 (ITS); DNA 964: MN788730 (ITS)]; Namibia – East of the road Swakopmund-Henties Bay; 22°20.38'S, 014°26.44'E; alt. 20 m; 04.2016; E. Sérusiaux s.n leg.; desert dunes, on twigs in “lichen field” (LG DNA 5012); [DNA: MN788735 (ITS)] – Omaruru distr., Laguneberg, N of Mile 72; ca. 21°49.8'S, 014°04.6'E; alt. 70 m; 09.2007; V. Wirth 40683 & 40686 leg; on twigs (KR, LG DNA 563 and 564); [DNA 563: MN788727 (ITS); DNA 564: MN788728 (ITS)]; – N-E of Cape Cross, southern part of the Laguneberg Range; 21°39.31'S, 013°59.55'E; alt. 100–130 m; 04.2016; E. Sérusiaux leg; rocky outcrops in “lichen field”, on twigs (LG DNA 5021); [DNA: MN788735 (ITS)] Mexico – Baja California, laguna and peninsula of San Quintín; 30°29.74'N, 116°00.04'W; alt. 4 m; 02.2016; heavily disturbed chaparral over volcanic rocks; R. Spjut & E. Sérusiaux 17032 leg; on branches of Aesculus parryi (hb WBA, LG DNA 4676; [DNA: MN788731 (ITS)] – Baja California, El Rosario, Punta Baja; 29°58.26'N, 115°47.26'W; alt. 70 m, 02.2016; R. Spjut & E. Sérusiaux 17090 leg; on twigs and branches of small shrub (hb WBA, LG DNA 4728); [DNA: MN788732 (ITS)]; – Baja California Sur, SE of Bahía de Asunción, near the coast; 27°09.81'N, 114°14.75'W; alt. 20 m; 02.2016; R. Spjut & E. Sérusiaux 17136 leg; on twigs; (hb WBA, LG DNA 4756); [DNA: MN788733 (ITS)] – Baja California Sur; along the road from Bahía de Tortugas to Vizcaíno; 27°37.82'N, 113°25.19'W; alt. 70 m; 02.2016; R. Spjut 17233c & E. Sérusiaux leg; on twigs (hb WBA, LG DNA 4823); [DNA: MN788734 (ITS)].
Saxicolous species of Vermilacinia are often described to have cylindrical prismatic branches, cylindrical for their lengthwise three-dimensional shape that in x-section are ± round in outline but with short line segments to form a polygonal shape as opposed to teretiform being uniformly round in x-section. The lichen metabolites zeorin, T3 (terpene, UV+ orange), and [-]-16α-hydroxykaurane are usually present. Exceptions are T3 lacking in species with T1 & T2 (Rf class 2–3, Solvent G) and zeorin sometimes absent in V. combeoides and V. rigida.
Similar to V. robusta by the inflated branches and to V. polymorpha by the relatively short length of branches; differs by the honeycomb-like cortex or by the contorted lobes.
Mexico – Baja California, Pacific Coast ca. 100 km N of Guerrero Negro, just N of Punta San Rosalillita west of road to Punta Negra along track to Puerto San Andrés in a narrow arroyo leading to a tidal inlet (estuary); 28°42.62'N, 114°16.19'W, alt. 50 m, 26.01.2016, R. Spjut & E. Sérusiaux 17117 leg.; on steep north-facing rock ledges bordering south-side of tidal marsh, (LG ! – holotype; BCMEX !, US !, hb. Spjut at World Botanical Associates! – isotypes) [TLC : salazinic acid, triterpene 3, zeorin, [-]-16α-hydroxykaurane ; DNA : MN811491 (LSU), MN811295 (ITS), MN757090 (RPB1), MN757285 (RPB2), MN757407 (GDP), MN757544 (EF-1α)]
Thallus 1–1.5 (-2.5) cm high and 0.5–1 cm broad; basal branches 1–5 or rarely more, short cylindrical, teretiform or prismatic, 1–3 mm diam., loosely united at brownish base, ± erect, inflated, irregularly shriveled and contorted when dry, transversely segmented and ruptured when wet at ± regular intervals, terminally divided into short lobes with or without apothecia; terminal lobes often many and close together or fewer and spreading, 4–6 mm long, 2–4 mm diam. Cortex two-layered, 35–50 μm thick, outer thicker, melanized, externally pale olive green, with irregular reticulate cortical ridges, recessed-concave within ridges (honeycomb-like surface), occasionally plicate on inflated lobes. Medulla subfistulose, hyphae flexuous when wet, intertwining in a net arrangement, ± periclinal, frequently uniting into minute knots; Photobiont in small yellow green to green round colonies ± continuous around the perimeter of the medulla. Apothecia many, aggregate terminally on a primary branch, each subtended by a short stalk-like lobe partly deflated and constricted to junction with branch lobe, bowl-shaped when young, to 4 mm diam., lenticular with age; thalline margin thickened, incurved, entire or crenulate or incised, disc pale orange, concave; asci 8-spored; spores opaque, 1-septate, short ellipsoid, 6–7 × 4–5 μm. Pycnidia black, common on the upper half of branches in shallow concave depressions within cortical ridges, ostiole flush with cortical surface, immersed below; conidia not observed.
Salazinic acid, triterpene 3, zeorin, [-]-16α-hydroxykaurane.
Mexico, Baja California, North Vizcaíno Desert, between Punta Santa Rosalillita and Punta Negra. Only known from that locality. On rock ledges of north-facing cliffs bordering estuary inland from the sea, occurring with species of Niebla, Vermilacinia cedrosensis and V. paleoderma, within a semicircular arc of volcanic coastal hills with steep ravines and narrow ridges trending in various directions, 200–400 m in altitude, extending approx. 20 km along the coast and to 7 km inland at midpoint near the Punta Negra Road (Google Earth 2019). Fog often lingers amongst the higher ridges and peaks during the day (
Epithet breviloba refers to the short lobes.
Vermilacinia breviloba appears related morphologically to V. polymorpha and V. robusta, neither of which could be included in our phylogeny. Vermilacinia polymorpha was described by Bowler et al. (1994) from a specimen collected by Janet Marsh on Santa Catalina Island. V. robusta, a widespread species, differs by its much larger, terminally round inflated branches with a relatively smooth cortical surface. Vermilacinia polymorpha differs by its deflated-canaliculate branches near base. Both V. polymorpha and V. robusta occur in the USA/California and Mexico/
Same locality as the type: R. Spjut & E. Sérusiaux 17121, 17126, 17128b, 17129b.
Prior to year 2000, Puerto San Andrés was accessible directly from San Andrés Ranch, which appeared occupied at the time and not far from where V. breviloba occurs (Spjut pers. obs.). In January 2016, the ranch was not seen while we observed a new earth road that circumvented the estuary by passing north over a saddle and down across a wide arroyo to the north end of Puerto San Andrés, ca. 7 km southeast of Punta Rocosa via a precipitous rocky coastline (Google Earth 2019). A mixed community of local fishermen and nomads appear to reside at Puerto San Andrés. The most disturbance to lichens – evident to Spjut – was on the volcanic hill along the earth road that passes between the estuary and the arroyo north of the pass and also at the north end of Puerto San Andrés. An example is a strongly inflated form of N. podetiaforma observed in May 1985 to be common on pebbles on the rain shadow side of the hill (
Similar to V. reptilioderma morphologically by the cylindrical-prismatic branches and chemically by the triterpenes T1 and T2, but differing in chemistry by the additional lichen substance, methyl 3,5-dichlorolecanorate (tumidulin).
Mexico – Baja California Sur, Vizcaíno Peninsula, 2.5 km SE of Punta Eugenia, rock outcrops along coastal hills trending west-east separated by wide arroyo, just east of the coastal community of La Lobera; 27°49.701'N, 115°03.454'W; alt. 35–40 m; 29.01.2016, R. Spjut & E. Sérusiaux 17174 leg.; on calcareous rocks of north facing slope; (LG! – holotype; BCMEX!; US!; hb. Spjut at World Botanical Associates! – isotypes) [TLC: Triterpenes 1 & 2, zeorin, [-]-16α-hydroxykaurane, usnic acid, methyl 3,5-dichlorolecanorate (= tumidulin), two unknown triterpenes; DNA: MN811420 (ITS), MN757203 (RPB1), MN757370 (RPB2), MN757488 (GDP)]
Thallus divided into many subcylindrical branches from a basal reddish-brown to blackish holdfast, to 2.5 cm high and broad. Primary branches ascending to erect, ± ellipsoid-arcuate in x- section, simple or once dichotomously divided near mid region, terminating in aggregate of up to 8, commonly 5, apothecia or with single apothecium, or apothecia not fully developed on most branches, occasional branches without apothecia tapering to obtusely rounded apex; surface of branches commonly lacunose, deeply recessed within reticulate or circular cortical ridges when dry. Cortex pale yellow green, 50–125 μm thick, each of two layers equal in thickness, outer melanized, inner pale. Medulla hyphae flexuous when wet, intertwining in a net arrangement, ± periclinal, frequently uniting into short knots; photobiont in small yellow green clusters irregularly discontinuous around perimeter. Apothecia subsessile, differentiated from branch by constriction or very short stalk-like lobe, bowl-shaped, to 2 mm diam. Alternatively, wider with shallower disc in age, thalline margin not differentiated by thicker cortex, incurved, entire or crenulate with age, disc pale yellow green or yellowish with age, concave; asci 8-spored; spores not observed outside asci. Pycnidia black, common on upper branches and on apothecia, mostly along cortical ridges, immersed except for ostiole flush with surface, conidia straight, short, needle-like.
Triterpenes 1 & 2, zeorin, [-]-16α-hydroxykaurane, usnic acid, methyl 3,5-dichlorolecanorate (tumidulin), unknown triterpenes just below and above T1 and T2, respectively (TLC solvent G).
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Vizcaíno Peninsula. Known only from a single collection on calcareous rocks on the north slope facing towards a wide arroyo just inland from the sea on the far western Vizcaíno Peninsula, occurring with Vermilacinia paleoderma and vascular plants Fouquieria diguetii, Pachycormus discolor, Eriogonum pondii and Gossypium sp. This region lies within the El Vizcaíno Biosphere Reserve, the largest reserve in Mexico. Additional details on the vegetation of the Vizcaíno Peninsula can be found in
Epithet lacunosa refers to the cortical depressions or ‘holes’ in the branch.
Vermilacinia lacunosa is a distinct saxicolous species for containing the rare lichen metabolite methyl 3,5-dichlorolecanorate (tumidulin), identified by its high Rf on TLC plates in two specimens, previously known only from South American epiphytic species of Vermilacinia (
In contrast,
The type locality of Vermilacinia lacunosa, 2.5 km southeast of the fishing community of Punta Eugenia, is vulnerable to off-road travel. Spjut observed the Punta Eugenia community to have expanded considerably since his first visit there in 1986. Although the type locality lies within the El Vizcaíno Biosphere Reserve, this reserve is referred to as a wildlife refuge. However, to the northeast is the protected area of flora and fauna at Valle de los Cirios in the southern portion of Baja California. “The El Vizcaíno overlaps with smaller protected areas on land and in the waters, including the protected grey whale (Eschrichtius robustus) sanctuaries at Ojo de Liebre (Scammon’s Lagoon), Guerrero Negro, and San Ignacio. Protection is provided by international organizations including UNESCO, Ramsar and Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network (WHSRN). The area is not only important to plant and animal life, but more than 300 ancient rock painting sites have been discovered throughout the reserve” (CONANP-20:; accessed 09.06.2019).
Similar to V. cedrosensis in the flexuous long cylindrical branches with a pale yellow-green cortex, but differs by the pustular cortical protrusions, in contrast to pitted and transversely reticulated cortex of V. cedrosensis.
Mexico – Baja California Sur, Vizcaíno Peninsula, ca. 11 km NW of Bahía Tortugas, 2.6 km NE of Rompiente along the west side of peninsular Coast, west to southwest along track off the Bahía Tortugas-Punta Eugenia Road; 27°44.969'N, 114°56.690'W; alt. 140–160 m; 30.01.2016, R. Spjut & E. Sérusiaux 17191 leg.; on white calcareous rock outcrops along coastal hills trending northwest, (LG! – holotype; BCMEX!; US!; hb. Spjut at World Botanical Associates! – isotypes); [TLC : Salazinic acid, triterpene 3, zeorin, [-]-16α-hydroxykaurane, unknown triterpene UV+ bright blue Rf just below T3, traces of several other unknown triterpenes; DNA : MN811556 (LSU), MN811360 (ITS), MN757151 (RPB1), MN757492 (GDP), MN757618 (EF-1α)]
Thallus divided into many long, uniformly narrow cylindrical-teretiform, flexuous branches from a pale brown to blackened base, to 7.0 cm long and 1 cm diam. at base. Primary branches fastigiate, ascending near base, flexuous above, simple or dichotomously divided, 1–2 mm diam., terminating in aggregate of few to several apothecia, occasional branches obtuse to a blunt apex; surface of branches densely pustular and blistered, conspicuously in a line along one side. Cortex pale yellow green or whitish-green, 40–60 μm thick. Medulla with strong orange pigmentation in central region within the lower half of branches, becoming pale yellow and then clear in upper half or medulla pale yellow or without noticeable pigmentation; photobiont in small yellowish-green colonies irregularly dispersed around the perimeter of medulla. Apothecia mostly terminal, occasionally subterminal well below apex, developing from a short terminal expansion and flattened lobe, bowl-shaped when young, to 5 mm diam.; thalline margin lip-like, incurved to disc, becoming deeply lobulate; disc pale yellow green to pale grey or white or yellowish with age, plane to slightly concave; asci 8-spored; mature spores not seen outside asci. Pycnidia black, conspicuous on conical protrusions, immersed except for ostiole flush with surface.
Salazinic acid, triterpene 3, zeorin, [-]-16α-hydroxykaurane, unknown triterpene UV+ bright blue Rf just below T3, traces of several other unknown triterpenes, one above salazinic acid and another above T3 (TLC in Solvent G).
Epithet pustulata refers to the pustular outgrowths on the cortex.
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Vizcaíno Peninsula and Baja California, Punta Morro Santo Domingo and Puerto San Andrés.
Vermilacinia pustulata is closely related to V. cedrosensis from which it can be distinguished by its surface of branches densely pustular and blistered, conspicuously in a line along one side. This species is resolved as sister to V. reptilioderma, a species easily distinguished by its cylindrical-prismatic branches and production of the triterpenes T1 and T2. All species delimitation methods recognized the two as different, except for STACEY which merged them. This incongruence may require further investigation.
The species appears threatened at type locality by trash discarded in the open desert, observed to be increasing in density as one approaches within several km from the west side of Bahía Tortugas. Fortunately, the species occurs elsewhere.
Mexico – Baja California, west of Villa Jesus María along shoreline at Punta Morro Santo Domingo; elev. 10 m; 12.2016; S. Leavitt et al. 16–938 leg. (BRY!); ibid.; vicinity of Puerto San Andrés; 19.05.1986; R. Spjut 9893A1 leg. (hb. Spjut at World Botanical Associates).
Recognized by its thallus divided into subcyclindrical-prismatic branches, appearing quadrangular in x-section, with sharply raised ± wavy ridges in a reticulate pattern, the primary branches shortly 5-lobed near apex.
Mexico – Baja California Sur, Vizcaíno Peninsula, 2.5 km SE of Punta Eugenia, rock outcrops along coastal hills trending west-east separated by wide arroyo, just east of the coastal community of La Lobera; 27°49.701'N, 115°03.454'W; alt. 35–40 m; 29.01.2016, R. Spjut & E. Sérusiaux 17153 leg.; on calcareous rocks of north facing slope; (LG! – holotype; BCMEX!; US!; hb Spjut at World Botanical Associates! – isotypes)[TLC : Salazinic acid, triterpene T3, zeorin, [-]-16α-hydroxykaurane, unknown triterpenes ; DNA : MN811551 (LSU), MN811355 (ITS), MN757146 (RPB1), MN757332 (RPB2), MN757486 (GDP), MN757613 (EF-1α)]
Thallus divided into several or many subcylindrical-prismatic branches from a common basal attachment, up to 6 cm high and 5.5 cm broad. Primary branches ascending, once dichotomously divided near mid region, terminally shortly 5-lobed, with apothecia or, if without apothecia, obtusely rounded to bluntly pointed apex, compressed, 4-lobed or angled in x-section, occasional branches dilated and flattened to apex, sharply recessed along cortical ridges mostly in a reticulate pattern. Cortex pale yellow green or bluish green, smooth and deeply recessed within the ± reticulate or circular ridges along the face of the branch, 2-layered or a dense algal layer in outer medulla closely adhering as a third supportive layer, 75–150 μm thick. Medulla with a central dense grey area and outer white area. Apothecia on a short compressed lobe slightly constricted at junction with primary branch, bowl-shaped, to 2 mm diam. or up to 5 mm diam. with less concave disc or appearing to abort development, the branch terminally inflated and lobulate; thalline margin incurved, entire or crenulate with age, disc pale yellow green or yellowish with age or cream, concave; spores opaque, 1-septate, fusiform-curved, 8–10 μm. Pycnidia black, common to abundant on upper half of branches, immersed except ostiole flush with surface; conidia needle-like.
Salazinic acid, triterpene T3, zeorin, [-]-16α-hydroxykaurane, unknown triterpenes UV + light blue without border, UV+ dark blue with border at Rf just above salazinic acid (TLC in solvent G).
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Vizcaíno Peninsula, known from a single location on conglomerate outcrops along north to northeast facing slopes near Punta Eugenia, occurring with Vermilacinia paleoderma.
Vermilacinia reticulata is distinguished from V. paleoderma by the sharply delineated cortical ridges and deeply recessed surface within, often appearing in a reticulate pattern. TLC revealed an unknown UV+ dark blue with a well-defined border under UV+ just above salazinic acid. Thalli with concentrated development of pycnidia on rugose cortical ridges resemble Niebla rugosa, which differs by the stepladder arrangement of the cortical ridges, in addition to the chemical and medulla character features that define the genus and species. Vermilacinia reticulata is sister to a clade comprising V. paleoderma and the newly described V. breviloba.
Epithet reticulata refers to the cortical ridges exhibiting a nice and obvious reticulate pattern.
The species may be threatened by off-road travel as discussed under V. lacunosa.
Same at the all type locality: R. Spjut & E. Sérusiaux 17175a [DNA: MN811502 (LSU), MN811306 (ITS), MN757420 (GDP), MN757557 (EF-1α)], 17179c [DNA: MN811504 (LSU), MN811308 (ITS), MN757101 (RPB1), MN757423 (GDP), MN757559 (EF-1α)], 17173D [DNA: MN811552 (LSU), MN811356 (ITS), MN757147 (RPB1), MN757487 (GDP, MN757614 (EF-1α)] (all: LG, hb Spjut at World Botanical Institutes).
Key based on
1 | Thallus branches densely compacted into hemispherical moss-like cushions (Cladonia-Cladina habit), 0.5–2.5(–5.0) cm high, often broader or in irregularly shaped clumps with basal prostrate branches from which ascending to erect secondary branches arise; terminal branches long to short bifurcate or abruptly pointed to obtuse apex; apothecia absent or undeveloped on most branches or, if developed, strictly subterminal with extended spur-like branch | 2 |
– | Thallus branches not tightly compacted into moss-like cushions, generally > 3.0 cm high, taller than wide; branches ribbon-like (flattened and contorted), blade-like (compressed-straight) or long tubular or cylindrical-prismatic, generally erect-fastigiate or spreading outward from one another, often branching in mid region, as well as near apex, not regularly bifurcate near apex; apothecia terminal or nearly so, often aggregate, rarely absent | 6 |
2 | Thallus terricolous; basal branches prostrate to ascending near tip, with occasional upright secondary branches or thallus of numerous capillary matted branches (< 1.0 mm diam.; Ramalina ceruchis var. tumidula (Tayl.) Howe, probably a distinct species); terminal branches long bifurcate and attenuate to apex; apothecia absent; Peru, Chile | V. ceruchis |
– | Thallus terricolous or saxicolous, branches ascending to erect; mainly N America | 3 |
3 | Branches (0.5-) 1–2.0 (-5.0) mm diam., terminally swollen, then abruptly tapered to a pointed obtuse apex, simple to occasionally bifurcate or rarely trifurcate near apex, never isidiate; thallus similar to V. combeoides that differs by the development of terminal apothecia or by truncated apices on branches without apothecia. | V. pumila |
– | Branches mostly ≤ 1.0. mm diam.; with short acicular terminal branchlets or isidiate | 4 |
4 | Branches not united by holdfast; terminal branches equally short bifurcate to apex; isidioid branchlets and/or isidia lacking | V. ceruchoides |
– | Branches arising from a common base or holdfast, unequally very short bifurcate or trifurcate near apex, occasional to frequent isidioid branchlets below apex; isidia often present; rarely sorediate | 5 |
5 | Pycnidia absent or only at apex of terminal or isidioid branchlets; isidia often present; apothecia absent; California and Baja California Chaparral, Chile Atacama Desert | V. acicularis |
– | Pycnidia common to near base of branches; apothecia present, with short spur branchlets; rare, California Chaparral – San Luis Obispo County, Morro Bay | V. tuberculata |
6 | Apothecia subterminal well below apex or lateral – facing perpendicular away from primary branch; Peru, Chile (V. ceruchis variants, |
V. cf. ceruchis |
– | Apothecia terminal or subterminal; N America | 7 |
7 | Pair of triterpenes present in Rf class 2–3 (TLC, Solvent G) | 8 |
– | Triterpenes absent in Rf class 2–3 | 12 |
8 | Methyl 3,5-dichlorolecanorate (tumidulin) present | V. lacunosa * |
– | Tumidulin absent | 9 |
9 | Branches irregularly shaped, neither blade-like nor cylindrical, expanded near apex; Islas San Roque and Cedros, western Vizcaíno Peninsula | V. rosei |
– | Branches ± regular in shape, compressed or teretiform, sublinear to ± oblong | 10 |
10 | Branches cylindrical-prismatic | V. reptilioderma |
– | Branches compressed, ribbon-like (flattened, contorted) or bladelike | 11 |
11 | Branches twisted (ribbon-like) | V. ligulata |
– | Branches straight to recurved (blade-like) | V. johncassadyi |
12 | Branches more blade-like (compressed) than cylindrical | 13 |
– | Branches generally cylindrical-round or cylindrical-prismatic or tubular-inflated | 14 |
13 | Basal branches 0.5–2 cm long, closely fastigiate; rare, N Vizcaíno Desert – coastal ridge south of Punta Negra N of Punta Santa Rosalillita | V. rigida |
– | Basal branches mostly 3–6 cm long; spreading apart from base towards apex; California and Baja California Chaparral | V. laevigata |
14 | Primary branches tubular inflated, loosely united at base | 15 |
– | Primary branches not tubular inflated, generally cylindrical, recessed within reticulate or round cortical ridges, closely united at base | 18 |
15 | Primary branches irregularly shaped, expanded near apex; S Vizcaíno Desert – Isla San Roque, Chile – Atacama Desert [BRY specimen] | V. varicosa |
– | Primary branches ± regular in shape, cylindrical, teretiform or prismatic | 16 |
16 | Basal branches cylindrical prismatic, as least in part, near apex distinctly lobed or with aggregate apothecia; N Vizcaíno Desert – San Andrés Cañon | V. breviloba * |
– | Basal branches tubular inflated, simple or irregularly shortly lobed near apex | 17 |
17 | Branches broadly rounded to apex; California and Baja California Chaparral, mostly islands | V. robusta |
– | Branches abruptly tapered to pointed apex; Chile – Atacama Desert | V. aff. robusta |
18 | Basal branches mostly simple, closely fastigiate; apothecia terminal and solitary; zeorin often absent; California and Baja California Chaparral, mainland and islands | V. combeoides |
– | Basal branches spreading outwards above base; apothecia often terminally aggregate, sessile or on short branches or solitary and subterminal; zeorin present | 19 |
19 | Branches with bladderlike swellings; pycnidia prominent on elevated rugose cortical ridges; rare, N Vizcaíno Desert – between Punta Canoas and Puerto Catarina | V. vesiculosa |
– | Bladder-like swellings absent; pycnidia on various cortical angular ridges or at base of cortical depressions or at apex of pustular protrusions | 20 |
20 | Branches cylindrical-teretiform, often flexuous; cortex with shallow depressions or pits and often with transverse fissural cracks | 21 |
– | Branches cylindrical-prismatic; cortex not cracked transversely | 23 |
21 | Cortex dark green, persistent, blackened irregularly from base to apex, notably where in contact with substrate; California and Baja California Chaparral | V. procera |
– | Cortex relatively thin, yellowish-green, often eroding towards apex, the branches appearing white due to exposed medulla; Vizcaíno Deserts | 22 |
22 | Pycnidia mostly in shallow cortical depressions or pits; cortex mostly pitted; apothecia rim entire to slightly lobed | V. cedrosensis |
– | Pycnidia mostly on conical tubercles; cortex also pustular; apothecia lobulate | V. pustulata * |
23 | Branch surface honeycomb-like, with deep, ± angular depressions | V. reticulata * |
– | Branch surface with various shallow depressions, crater-like or with pastry-like creases or relatively smooth and uneven | 24 |
24 | Thallus much branched; pycnidia only at apex of branches; apothecia absent; terminal branches shortly bifurcate to sharp pointed apex; branch surface regularly recessed at ‘branch nodes’, sharply angled along ridges; rare, N Vizcaíno Desert – Punta Morro Santo Domingo, Atacama Desert | V. aff. paleoderma |
– | Primary branches sparingly divided; pycnidia below apex; apothecia on some branches; surface of branches variable | 25 |
25 | Branches ± oblong (< 10× longer than wide), deflated in part, canaliculate, especially near base, rounded along margins, usually with smooth concave depressions; California and Baja California Chaparral | V. polymorpha |
– | Branches ± linear to broad linear (> 10× longer than wide), cylindrical prismatic; cortex irregularly creased, reticulately ridged, angularly recessed, plicate or the surface smooth and uneven; Vizcaíno Deserts | V. paleoderma |
Alignments and trees have been deposited in TreeBASE (Accession No: S25433).
Field studies in many parts of the world where we could sample fruticose Ramalinaceae were made possible with the help and advice of many friends and colleagues; we would like to mention: Dr. F. Chase (National Herbarium of Namibia in Windhoek), Prof. J.M. Delgadillo (University of Ensenada
Sampling the targeted lichens in Mexico/Baja California was conducted under permit PPFE/DGOPA-006/15 issued by the Secretaría de Agriculture, Ganadería, Desarrollo rural, Pesca y Alimentación, Permiso de Pesca de Fomento a extranejeros on 08.12.2015. Sampling the targeted lichens in the coastal Namib desert, especially in the Skeleton Coast Park was conducted under research/collecting permit 2109/2015 issued by The Ministry of Environnement and Tourism of Namibia on 06.01.2016. We thank both official bodies for their interest in our research.
Three Major Ecogeographic Areas of Evolution in Fruticose Ramalinaceae
Data type: occurrence
Explanation note: Three geographical areas play a special role in the evolutionary history and present range of the fruticose genera of the Ramalinaceae: (1) the coasts of California/USA and Baja California/Mexico; (2) the Atacama and Sechura deserts along the western coasts of South America and (3) the coasts of Namibia and South-West of South Africa. These areas are briefly presented in this section, focusing on their biodiversity, especially for lichenized fungi, and their recent climatic history. Chapter (1) further includes updates on the ecogeographical data and evolutionary interpretation for the genera Niebla and Vermilacinia in Baja California.
Table S2. PCR conditions and primers for each locus
Data type: molecular
Explanation note: PCR conditions and primers for each locus: ITS, LSU, RPB1, RPB2, GDP and EF-1α.
Table S3. Table of accessions of the lichen collections studied
Data type: species data
Explanation note: Table of accessions of the lichen collections studied, with the following data: name; locality and year of collection; collector(s) and herbarium references; reference accession number in DNA data bank at Uliège (LG herbarium); secondary chemical compounds (as detected by TLC) and GenBank accessions numbers of each locus examined (ITS, LSU, RPB1, RPB2, GDP and EF-1α). The first column points to the accessions that were included in the time-calibrated phylogeny for the four genera of fruticose Ramalinaceae studied (Namibialina, Niebla, Ramalina and Vermilacinia) and several accessions of their crustose sister genus Cliostomum, including the type species C. corrugatum. The last five columns (M to Q) refer to the results of species delimitations methods run on Niebla and Vermilacinia (ABGD; PTP; BPP and STACEY analyses).
Table S4. Time calibration
Data type: species data
Explanation note: Time calibration based on a fossil of Phyllopsora and constraint on the Ramalinaceae node conducted on the evolutionary tree.
Table S5. Comparison of the identification of the Niebla collections
Data type: species data
Explanation note: Comparison of the identification of the Niebla collections following
Table S6. Data for the Niebla collections studied
Data type: species data
Explanation note: Data for the Niebla collections studied: number of localities for each species recognized by BPP and number of species for each locality sampled.
Table S7. Data for the Niebla collections studied
Data type: species data
Explanation note: Data for the Niebla collections studied: number of localities for each species recognized by STACEY and number of species for each locality sampled.
Identification of the chemistry of Ramalina rosacea
Data type: species data
Explanation note: Identification of the chemistry of Ramalina rosacea, a coastal saxicolous species of the R. bourgeana-group, endemic to the Western Mediterranean sea-shores (2 localities known).