Research Article
Research Article
New species of Hydnotrya (Ascomycota, Pezizomycetes) from southwestern China with notes on morphological characteristics of 17 species of Hydnotrya
expand article infoLin Li§, Shan-Ping Wan|, Yun Wang, Naritsada Thongklang#, Song-Ming Tang#, Zong-Long Luo, Shu-Hong Li¤
‡ Dali University, Dali, China
§ Mae Fah Luang University, Chiang Rai, China
| Yunnan Agricultural University, Kunming, China
¶ New Zealand Institute for Crop and Food Research Limited, Invermay Agricultural Centre, Mosgiel, New Zealand
# Mae Fah Luang University, Chiang Rai, Thailand
¤ Biotechnology and Germplasm Resources Institute, Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Kunming, China
Open Access


More specimens of Hydnotrya have been collected from southwestern China in recent years. Morphological and molecular analyses showed that they belonged to three species of Hydnotrya, of which two are new to science, H. oblongispora and H. zayuensis. The third one was H. laojunshanensis, previously reported in 2013. The new species are described, and their relationship to other species of Hydnotrya is discussed. H. laojunshanensis is re-described in more detail. The main morphological characters of 17 species of Hydnotrya are compared and a key to them is provided as well.

Key words

Discinaceae, hypogeous fungi, ITS, morphological diversity, taxonomy


Hydnotrya Berk. & Broome is a genus of hypogeous fungi belonging to Pezizomycetes, Ascomycota. It was placed in the family Helvellaceae by Spooner (1992) and Abbott and Currah (1997) but based on the recent molecular analyses it has been shifted into the family Discinaceae (O’Donnell et al. 1997; Hansen and Pfister 2006; Tedersoo et al. 2006; Læssøe and Hansen 2007; Wang et al. 2023). Their ascomata are hollow to convoluted with simple or folded chambers, even nearly solid, lined with recognizable hymenium. Hydnotrya species usually forms a symbiotic relationship with both conifer and broadleaf trees and are distributed throughout the northern hemisphere (Trappe 1975; Spooner 1992; Trappe and Castellano 2000; Stielow et al. 2010; Xu et al. 2018; Slavova et al. 2021). There are 22 names listed in the Index Fungorum online database ( However, among them, the species H. jurana Quél. and H. carnea (Corda) Zobel was synonymized with H. tulasnei (Berk.) Berk. & Broome (Gilkey 1954; Trappe 1969), H. ploettneriana (Henn.) Hawker, H. yukonensis Gilkey and H. dysodes Kirschstein with H. michaelis (E. Fisch.) Trappe (Soehner 1942; Trappe 1975), and H. convoluta (McAlpine) McLennan was renamed as Peziza jactata Burds. & Korf (Burdsall-Jr 1968), H. ellipsospora Gilkey combined as P. ellipsospora (Gilkey) Trappe (Trappe 1979). To date, there are 15 accepted species remaining in the genus Hydnotrya.

To date, nine Hydnotrya species have been reported in China: H. cerebriformis in Shanxi and Xinjiang, H. cubispora in Tibet, H. michaelis, H. tulasnei and H. brunneospora in Jilin (Tao and Liu 1989; Zhang 1991; Xu 2000; Xu et al. 2018), H. laojunshanensis and H. badia in Yunnan (Li et al. 2013), H. nigricans in Sichuan, H. puberula in Yunnan and Jilin (Xu et al. 2018).

Over the past two years, more Hydnotrya specimens have been collected in southwest China. Based on the morphological and molecular analyses, two new species were detected and described: H. oblongispora and H. zayuensis. Their relationships with other known Hydnotrya species are discussed and a more detailed supplementary description is given to another species H. laojunshanensis, previously found in Yunnan. Additionally, the main morphological characteristics of 15 species of Hydnotrya are listed and a key to the species of the genus is provided.

Materials and methods

The specimens were collected from Yunnan and Tibet, China. The type and other studied specimens were deposited at the Biological Science Museum of Dali University (BMDLU) and HKAS (Herbarium of Kunming Institute of Botany, Academy Sinica), China.

Descriptions of microscopic and macroscopic characters were based on specimens (BMDLU L20069, L20067, L21197, L21211, L21212, L21215, L21217, L22024, L22027, and HKAS95802) following the methods of Kumar et al. (2017) and Truong et al. (2017). The sections were made with a razorblade by hand, mounted in a 5% KOH solution or water, and then stained with a cotton blue or lactophenol solution. The sections were observed under an Olympus BH-2 microscope. Key colors were obtained from Kornerup and Wanscher (1978).

Total genomic DNA was extracted from the specimen using the OMEGA Plant Genomic DNA Kit. The internal transcribed spacer (ITS) rDNA region was amplified with PCR primers ITS1F and ITS4 (White et al. 1990; Gardes and Bruns 1993; Truong et al. 2017). The large subunit nuclear ribosomal DNA (LSU) region was amplified with the PCR primers LROR and LR5 (Vilgalys and Hester 1990). PCR reactions were performed on a BIO-RAD C1000TM instrument. Thermal cycles with the following settings: initial denaturation for 5 min at 94 °C, followed by 32 cycles of 40 s denaturation at 94 °C, annealing at 56 °C for 40 s for ITS, and 52 °C for 30 s for LSU, extension for 1 min at 72 °C, and final extension at 72 °C for 10 min. The PCR products were verified on 1% agarose electrophoresis gels stained with ethidium bromide. The purification and sequencing of the PCR products was conducted by Sangon Biotech Limited Company (Shanghai, China).

ITS was used for the analysis of Hydnotrya species diversity in this study because ITS appears as a useful locus for the delimitation of Hydnotrya species. 46 ITS sequences from NCBI and this study representing 14 species of Hydnotrya (Table 1), including Gyromitra infula (Schaeff.) Quél. and Gyromitra esculenta Pers. ex Fr. as outgroups (Fig. 1). All Hydnotrya ITS sequences were extracted with an ascoma. Sequences of Hydnotrya species generated in this study were submitted to the GenBank database. We first used the Basic Local Alignment Search Tool for the GenBank database to recheck whether the newly generated sequences were amplified DNA from contaminant or not and examine clusters with closely related sequences. DNA sequences were retrieved and assembled using SeqMan. Sequence alignments were aligned using MAFFT version 7 (Katoh and Standley 2013), ITS gene was analyzed using BioEdit v. 7 (Hall 2007) Maximum Likelihood (ML) analysis was performed using RAxML-HPC2 v. 8.2.12 (Stamatakis 2014) as implemented on the Cipres portal (Miller et al. 2011), with the GTR+G+I model and 1,000 rapid bootstrap (BS) replicates for all genes. A reciprocal 70% bootstrap support approach was used to check for conflicts between the tree topologies from individual genes. As the topology of the ML tree and the Bayesian tree are similar, the ITS1, ITS2, and 5.8s sequences were combined using SequenceMatrix (Vaidya et al. 2011), partitioned phylogenetic analyses. For Bayesian Inference (BI), the best substitution model for each partition was determined by MrModeltest 2.2 (Nylander et al. 2004). The result suggested that ITS1: JC+I, 5.8S: GTR+G+I, ITS2: K80+I+G. Bayesian analysis was performed using MrBayes ver. 3.2.7a (Ronquist et al. 2011) on the Cipres (Miller et al. 2011), four parallel runs, were performed for 10 million generations sampling every 100th generation for the single gene trees. Parameter convergence > 200 was verified in Tracer v. 1.7 (Rambaut et al. 2018). The phylogenetic clade was strongly supported if the bootstrap support value (BS) was ≥ 70% and/or a posterior probability (PP) <0.01.

Figure 1. 

Phylogeny derived from a maximum likelihood (ML) analysis of the nrDNA-ITS sequences from Hydnotrya species, using Gyromitra esculenta and G. infula as outgroup. Values next to nodes reflect, maximum likelihood bootstrap support values (BS), left, and Bayesian posterior probabilities (PP), right. Names of novel species and samples with newly generated sequences in bold. Symbols by taxon names indicate specific fruiting body types, the arrangement of the ascospores in the ascus and ascospore appearance.

Table 1.

Taxa information and GenBank accession numbers of the sequences used in this study. The newly generated sequences are in bold.

Species name Voucher Origin GenBank No. Reference
Gyromitra esculenta Gyr3 France AJ544208 Kellner et al. (2007)
Gyromitra esculenta m954 UK AJ544209 Kellner et al. (2007)
Gyromitra infula UBC F15196 Canada DQ384573 GenBank
Gyromitra infula Vellinga GLM USA AJ698480 Kellner et al. (2007)
Hydnotrya badia BJTC:FAN270 China NR_161070 Yu et al. (2018)
Hydnotrya badia BJTC:FAN270 China MH445399 Yu et al. (2018)
Hydnotrya bailii PRM 902032 Czech AM261522 Stielow (2010)
Hydnotrya bailii P.Reil_2 Germany GQ140239 Stielow (2010)
Hydnotrya bailii P.Reil Germany GQ140238 Stielow (2010)
Hydnotrya bailii 997 Germany GQ149465 Stielow (2010)
Hydnotrya bailii 979 Germany GQ149464 Stielow (2010)
Hydnotrya brunneospora HMAS 97138 China NR_161073 Yu et al. (2018)
Hydnotrya brunneospora HMAS 97138 China MH445404 Yu et al. (2018)
Hydnotrya cerebriformis 89_A12_Stielow Germany GQ140236 Stielow (2010)
Hydnotrya cerebriformis 87_G11_Stielow Germany GQ140235 Stielow (2010)
Hydnotrya cerebriformis BJTC:FAN647 China MH430537 Yu et al. (2018)
Hydnotrya cerebriformis GO-2010-097 Mexico KC152120 Piña-Páez et al. (2017)
Hydnotrya cerebriformis GO-2009-455 Mexico KC152118 Piña-Páez et al. (2017)
Hydnotrya cerebriformis GO-2009-242 Mexico KC152119 Piña-Páez et al. (2017)
Hydnotrya cubispora SAT-13-273-01 USA MZ054357 GenBank
Hydnotrya cubispora K(M)104976 UK EU784273 Brock et al. (2009)
Hydnotrya laojunshanensis YAAS L2425 China NR_132886 Li et al. (2013)
Hydnotrya laojunshanensis BMDLU L21211 China ON982580 This study
Hydnotrya laojunshanensis BMDLU L21212 China ON982593 This study
Hydnotrya laojunshanensis BMDLU L21215 China ON982594 This study
Hydnotrya laojunshanensis BMDLU L21197 China ON982592 This study
Hydnotrya laojunshanensis HKAS95802 China OP908303 This study
Hydnotrya michaelis K(M)61643 UK EU784275 Brock et al. 2009
Hydnotrya michaelis K(M)38647 UK EU784274 Brock et al. 2009
Hydnotrya michaelis 6463-307EMC Germany HM146816 Cox et al. 2010
Hydnotrya nigricans BJTC:FAN349 China NR_161071 Yu et al. 2018
Hydnotrya nigricans BJTC:FAN349 China MH445400 Yu et al. 2018
Hydnotrya oblongispora BMDLU L20067 China OM232075 This study
Hydnotrya oblongispora BMDLU L20069(Holotype) China OM232079 This study
Hydnotrya oblongispora BMDLU L21217 China OM232084 This study
Hydnotrya puberula BJTC:FAN721 China NR_161072 Yu et al. 2018
Hydnotrya puberula BJTC:FAN721 China MH445401 Yu et al. 2018
Hydnotrya puberula HMAS96758 China MH445402 Yu et al. 2018
Hydnotrya tulasnei K(M)99871 UK EU784276 Brock et al. 2009
Hydnotrya tulasnei Berk. & Broome C34659 Denmark AJ969621 Tedersoo et al. 2006
Hydnotrya tulasnei IT8 Germany GQ140240 Stielow 2010
Hydnotrya tulasnei 605040 Russia KY401249 GenBank
Hydnotrya variiformis TK1615 USA AY558770 Izzo et al. 2005
Hydnotrya zayuensis BMDLU L22024 China OP908304 This study
Hydnotrya zayuensis BMDLU L22027 (Holotype) China OP908305 This study
Hydnotrya sp1. SNF160 USA AY558768 Izzo et al. 2005
Hydnotrya sp2. SNF82 USA AY558769 Izzo et al. 2005
Hydnotrya sp3. JT19176 USA MN653030 GenBank
Hydnotrya sp4. JT19085 USA MN653044 GenBank
Hydnotrya sp5. JLF2015 USA MH220061 GenBank


Phylogenetic analysis

The ML and Bayesian analyses of the 50 ITS sequences, are shown in Fig. 1 with associated bootstrap supports for branches.

In the phylogenetic tree, the 46 ITS sequences from Hydnotrya ascomata revealed the phylogenetic relationship of 14 species: Clade 1 includes 5 sequences of H. bailii from Europe. Clade 2 includes 2 sequences of H. brunneospora from China. Clade 3 includes 4 sequences of H. tulasnei from Europe. Clade 4 includes 3 sequences of H. puberula from China. Clade 5 includes 2 sequences of H. badia from China. Clade 6 includes 2 sequences of H. nigricans from China. Clade 7 includes 6 sequences of H. cerebriformis from Germany, China, and Mexico; two other distinct clades were revealed, one comprising Eurasian specimens, and the other comprising specimens from Mexico, which is probably because these specimens, respectively, are from Holarctic and Neotropical regions. Clade 8 includes 3 sequences of H. variiformis from the USA. Clade 9 includes 2 sequences of H. cubispora from the UK and USA. Clade 10 includes 3 sequences of H. michaelis from Europe. Clade 11 includes 3 sequences of new species, H. oblongispora from China. Clade 12 includes 3 sequences of Hydnotrya sp. from the USA. They may be new species from North America that have not yet been reported. Clade 13 includes 6 sequences of H. laojunshanensis from China. When the latter was reported, only one specimen was found, and many more were collected over the past few years, so new DNA sequences of H. laojunshanensis were added. Clade 14 includes 2 sequences of a new species, H. zayuensis from China. The phylogenetic analysis shows that the new species are distinct from other Hydnotrya species. In addition to the ITS sequences used in this phylogenetic analysis, the LSU sequences were amplified from the newly supplemented specimens in this study and uploaded to NCBI for future study.

Based on the ITS locus, two major monophyletic lineages are presented, showing a strong sister relationship (BS=100%; PP = 1.0). They are Clade A (including Clade 1–9) and Clade B (include Clade 10–14) respectively. The species included in these two phylogenetic morphologically share commonalities and uniqueness.


Hydnotrya oblongispora L. Li & S.H. Li, sp. nov.

MycoBank No: 846735
Plate 1


Differs from other species in the genus Hydnotrya by its nearly single-chambered ascomata and long ellipsoidal ascospores.


oblongispora, refers to the long ellipsoidal ascospores.


China, Yunnan, Lijiang (26°37.00'N, 99°42.00'E), alt. 3737 m, in the forest of Abies forrestii Coltm.-Rog, 12 August 2020, Lin Li, BMDLU L20069.


Ascomata irregularly globose, 1.0–2.5 cm in diameter when fresh, smooth, sometimes gently folded inward, surface light khaki (4C5) to reddish brown (8D8); nearly single-chambered with a primary apical opening up to 0.2–0.8 cm in diameter, sometimes the opening is just an almost closed seam, white fluffy inside cavity. Elastic and crisp. No special smell was noticed.

Peridium two-layered, 280–340 µm thick, outer layer 80–100 µm thick, composed of light brown (6D8) ellipsoidal or irregular cells, with a red brown (6E8) pigment deposited on the outermost cells; inner layer, 200–240 µm thick, consists of hyaline interwoven hyphae. Gleba chamber hollow, lined with a milky white (4B2) hymenium, hymenial surface fluffy. Asci cylindrical, 102.5–138.5 × 13.0–25.5 µm, 8-spored, thin-walled, narrowed into a long stalk (20–35 μm) at the base, without croziers, arranged in a palisade. Ascospore strictly uniseriate, long ellipsoidal, (20.0–) 26.5–39.0 × (9.5–) 11.0–21.5 μm, Q = 2.0±0.03, hyaline when immature, golden yellow (5B7) when mature, with a thickened exosporium, surface pitted. Paraphyses hyaline, straight stick shape, 2.5–5 µm in diam, septate, exceeding the asci by 60–70 µm.

Ecology and distribution

Hypogeous, solitary, or in groups in soil, under A. forrestii mixed with shrubs of Rhododendron spp., fruiting from late summer to early autumn. Known only from Yunnan Province, China.

Additional specimens examined

China, Yunnan Province, Lijiang, Jiuhe, (26°38.00'N, 99°42.00'E), alt. 3946 m, in the forest of A. forrestii, 12.Aug.2020, Lin Li (BMDLU L20067. GenBank: ITS = OM232075, LSU = ON982626); same locality, 19.Sept.2021, Lin Li (BMDLU L21217. GenBank: ITS = OM232084, LSU = ON982625).


H. oblongispora is characterized by its mostly simple-chambered ascomata and golden yellow long-ellipsoid ascospores, especially with pitted surfaces, which differ from all other species of Hydnotrya. Molecular analysis also shows that H. oblongispora is distinct from other Hydnotrya species, although it is closely related to H. michaelis. However, H. michaelis has convoluted, lobed ascomata and broadly ellipsoid spores with warty ascospores, which differ from this new species.

Plate 1. 

Hydnotrya oblongispora A young sarcomata B mature ascomata with different openings C a piece of section of the ascomata in lactophenol cotton blue D a peridium section in lactophenol cotton blue E a section of paraphyses in 5% KOH F a base of asci in lactophenol cotton blue G ascospores released from the ascus H asci in lactophenol cotton blue I an ascus with 8 ascospores J–L ascospores under SEM. Scale bars: 1 cm (A, B); 100 μm (C); 50 μm (D); 10 μm (E–I); 5 μm (J, L); 2 μm (K).

Hydnotrya zayuensis L. Li & S.H. Li, sp. nov.

MycoBank No: 846736
Plate 2


Differs from all other species in Hydnotrya by its almost single-chambered ascomata, light golden yellow ellipsoidal ascospores.


zayuensis from Latin, referring to the type locality.


China, Tibet, Zayu (28°35.00'N, 98°06.00'E), alt. 3770 m, in a forest of Abies sp., 11 August 2022, Lin Li BMDLU L22027.


Ascomata irregularly globose, 1.5–2.5cm in diameter when fresh, smooth, convoluted, almost single-chambered with a primary apical opening, sometimes the opening nearly closed like a seam, white fluffy inside, surface cinnamon (5E8); shrunken, becoming fuzzy when dried, although there are no protruding hyphae cells from the outermost layer of the peridium. Elastic to crisp. No special smell was noticed.

Peridium two-layered, 180–250 µm thick, outer layer 40–80 µm thick, composed of ellipsoid or irregular cells, which grow larger toward the surface, with a yellow brown (4C5) pigment deposited on the outermost cells; inner layer, 110–160 µm thick, consisting of hyaline parallel interwoven hyphae. Gleba chamber hollow, lined with off-white (1A2) hymenium when immature; two-layered when mature, the outer layer golden brown (5C7), the inner layer yellowish to whitish (4A2), hymenial surface fluffy. Asci cylindrical, 118.5–130.5 × 15.0–22.5 µm, 8-spored, thin-walled, narrowed into a long stalk (20–40 μm) at the base, without croziers, arranged in a palisade. Ascospore strictly uniseriate, ellipsoid (shape including the thickened exosporium), (17–)20–30.5 × 15.5–18.0 μm, Q = 1.5 ± 0.16, hyaline, exosporium thin when immature, surface roughness, and looks crumbly, golden yellow (4B8) when mature. Paraphyses hyaline, straight stick shape, 1.5–2.5 µm in diam, septate, apical slightly inflated, exceeding the asci by 120–160 µm.

Plate 2. 

Hydnotrya zayuensis A ascomata B section of ascomata, with hymenium-lined chambers C habitat D inner surface of ascomata E peridium in 5% KOH F hymenium G asci in 5% KOH H paraphyses I ascospores in 5% KOH J–L ascospores under SEM (L. SEM of a single ascospore cut in half). Scale bars: 1cm (A); 1 mm (B); 0.5cm (D); 100 μm (E); 50 μm (F); 20 μm (G); 10 μm (H); 10 μm (I); 5 μm (J–L).

Ecology and distribution

Hypogeous, solitary in the humus under Abies sp. mixed with shrubs of Rhododendron spp. Fruiting in summer, from July to September. Known only from Zayu, Tibet, China.

Additional specimen examined

China, Tibet, Zayu, 28°47.00'N, 98°21.00'E, alt. 3840 m, in a forest of Abies sp., 15.July.2022, Shucheng He (BMDLU L22024. GenBank: ITS = OP908304, LSU = OP908301).


Morphologically, H. zayuensis is similar to H. laojunshanensis. However, H. zayuensis has much smaller ascospores, and a thinner peridium, as well as lighter colored ascomata. Molecular analysis showed that H. zayuensis is distinct from H. laojunshanensis and other species of Hydnotrya.

Hydnotrya laojunshanensis L. Li, D.Q. Zhou & Y.C. Zhao 2013

MycoBank No: 803968
Plate 3


Ascomata irregularly globose, 1.0–3.0 cm in diameter when fresh, brownish orange (6C8), smooth, mostly single-chambered with a primary apical opening to 0.1–0.5 cm in diameter, the opening rarely narrowing into a slit, sometimes folded forming few channels, lined with white fluffy hymenium. Elastic to crisp. No special smell was noticed.

Peridium two-layered, 350–570 µm thick, outer layer 160–200 µm thick, composed of light brown (6E8) angular or irregular cells, inner layer, 220–350 µm thick, consisting of hyaline interwoven hyphae. Gleba chamber hollow, lined with off-white (1A2) hymenium when immature; two-layered when mature, the outer layer orange (6B8), the inner layer yellowish to whitish (4A2), hymenial surface fluffy. Asci cylindrical, 331.5–390.5 × 25.5–35.5 µm, 8-spored, thin-walled, narrowed at the base into a long stalk (30–50 μm), without croziers, arranged in a palisade. Ascospore strictly uniseriate, ellipsoid (excluding the thickened exosporium), rectangular (with the exosporium), (26.5–)33.0–50.5 × (15.5–)20.5–35.5(–38.0) µm Q = 1.35±0.02, surface rough, reddish orange to golden (6B8) when mature. Paraphyses hyaline, straight stick shape, 2.0–6 µm in diam, apical slightly inflated, septate, exceeding the asci by 180–300 µm.

Plate 3. 

Hydnotrya laojunshanensis A young sarcomata cut in half B mature ascomata with one cut in half C infolded and chambered ascoma D section of hymenium in 5% KOH E a peridium section in 5% KOH F ascospores released from asci in 5% KOH G–I ascospores under SEM (I. SEM of a single ascospore cut in half). Scale bars: 1 cm (A, B); 50 μm (D, E); 20 μm (F); 5 μm (G–I).

Ecology and distribution

Hypogeous, solitary, or in groups in soil, under Abies spp., fruiting from late summer to early autumn. Known only from Yunnan Province, China.

Additional specimens examined

China, Yunnan Province, Laojun mountains, 26°42.00'N, 99°42.00'E, alt. 3786 m, in a forest of A. forrestii var. smithii, 30.Aug.2012, Lin Li (Holotype, YAAS L2425; GenBank KC878618); Shangri-La, 28°16.00'N, 99°11.00'E, alt. 3978 m, in a forest of Abies sp., 19 Aug. 2014, Shanping Wan (HKAS95802 GenBank: ITS = OP908303), Lijiang, 26°42.00'N, 99°58.00'E, alt. 3540 m, in a forest of A. forrestii, 12 Sept. 2019, Lin Li (BMDLU L21197 GenBank: ITS = ON982592, LSU = ON982620); Lijiang, 26°56.00'N, 99°32.00'E, alt. 3805 m, in a forest of A. forrestii, 21 Sept. 2021, Lin Li (BMDLU L21211 GenBank: ITS = ON982580, LSU = ON982621, BMDLU L21212 GenBank: ITS = ON982593, LSU = ON982622, BMDLU L21215 GenBank: ITS = ON982594, LSU = ON982623).


When the species was described in 2013 by Li et al., only one collection from Mt. Laojun in Yunnan Province, China, was reported. More specimens of H. laojunshanensis have been found at other places in Yunnan since then. We discovered that this species had not only simple chambered ascomata but also folded, chambered ascomata. This species has large, rectangular ascospores (including thickened exsporium) with a rough surface differentiating from other species in Hydnotrya.


To date, 17 species of Hydnotrya (including these two new species) are accepted worldwide (Kirk et al. 2008; Stielow et al. 2010; Li et al.2013; Xu et al. 2018). The main macroscopic and microscopic characters of these species are provided and discussed based on available literature (Table 2).

Table 2.

List of main characteristics of Hydnotrya.

Species Ascomata Gleba Ascospore Asci Host Plants Distribution References
Hydnotrya badia L. Fan, Y.W. Wang & Y.Y. Xu 2018 Irregularly subglobose, 7–15 × 14–19 mm diam., surface even, brown to earth brown. Gleba solid, with numerous variably compacted canals and chambers (usually without empty space). Roughly globose, 25–40 μm in diam. including ornamentation, 17.5–27.5 μm in diam. excluding ornamentation, red-brown to reddish, thickened exisporium with regular large protuberances Asci broadly clavate to somewhat saccate, sessile, or narrowed at the base into a short stalk, 125–172.5 × 65–75 μm, randomly immersed in paraphyses, 8-spored, spores mostly biseriate. Pinus sp. Huize, China Asia 2000–2900m Yu et al. 2018
Hydnotrya bailii Soehner 1959 Irregularly subglobose, 10–20(–25) mm diam., dark brown, with deep furrows often with multiple lobes, with one or many openings at the apex, with pleasant aromatic smell. Gleba solid, dark brown, strongly convoluted cavities. Globose, (27.5-) 30–34 (–37.5) μm in diam, brown reddish, exosporium thickening with blistered warts Asci cylindrical, 250–300×30–40 μm, 8-spored, spores mostly uniseriate. Picea abies Europe Stielow et al. 2010
Hydnotrya brunneospora L. Fan, Y.W. Wang & Y.Y. Xu 2018 Irregularly globose, 20–23 mm diam., dark brown when dry, surface smooth. Gleba solid, scattered with some small, isolated, and irregularly shaped chambers. Roughly globose, 26.25–46.25 μm diam., brown to golden brown at maturity (never reddish), exosporium thickening with small protuberances. Asci cylindrical to clavate, narrowed at the base into a short stalk, 162.5–237.5 × 30–47.5 μm, randomly immersed in paraphyses, 8-spored, spores mostly uniseriate. Betula platyphylla Jilin, China Asia Yu et al. 2018
Hydnotrya cerebriformis Harkn. 1899 Irregular spherical, lobulated, 10–35 × 10–20 mm diam., reddish-brown, cerebriform, with cavities that communicate with the gleba. Gleba with labyrinthine chambers composed of invagination and fusion from the walls of the ascoma. Globose ascospores 20–25μm diam. (x = 22.85 μm), excluding ornamentation, amber-brown, walls 1μm wide. Finely warty ornamentation, warts up to 4μm long. Asci cylindrical, 175–200 × 25–35 μm, 8-spored, spores mostly uniseriate. Pinus sp. Abies sp. Europe North America 3100–4000m Harkness 1899 Abbott and Currah 1997 Piña-Páez et al. 2017
Hydnotrya confusa Spooner 1992 Ovoid or irregular, size from ca. 20 × 20 × 15 cm up to 40 × 40 × 20 mm, greyish-brown or red-brown, with a primary apical opening and sometimes some smaller secondary openings. Gleba hollow, with single chambered but mostly cerebriform folded. Ovoid or very broad ellipsoid, 38–50 × 28–32 µm, golden brown, exosporium much thickened, vertically grooved, forming irregular warts. Asci cylindrical, 290–320 × 38–43 μm, 8-spored, spores mostly uniseriate. clavate at immature, with irregular or biseriate, cylindric at maturity, strictly uniseriate. Picea sp. Europe 361m Spooner 1992 Bemmann and Bandini 2011
Hydnotrya cubispora (E.A. Bessey & B.E. Thomps.) Gilkey 1939 Irregularly globose, 5–10 mm diam., Isabella color, with somewhat cerebriform folds radiating distinctly from central opening Gleba with cavity simple, but somewhat irregular due to surface lobing. Cubical, 47–50 × 23–32µm, including thickening exosporium, brownish, with maturity. Asci cylindrical, 100–120 μm long, 8-spored, spores mostly uniseriate. Coniferous forest Europe North America Gilkey 1939 Bryan 2003 K(M)189248
Hydnotrya inordinata Trappe & Castellano, 2000 Irregular globose, 8–30mm diam., dark red-brown, convolute and infolded ptychothecia with one or a few openings from the interior Gleba complex, of infolded tramal plates forming canals and chambers 0.5–3mm broad. Globose to ellipsoid, 20–30×20–28μm excluding ornamentation, brown-yellow, with aggregated , irregular flexuous spines Asci cylindrical, ±300 × 25–33 μm, (6–) 8-spored, spores mostly uniseriate. Abies amabilis Tsuga mertensiana North America 1800m Trappe and Castellano 2000
Hydnotrya laojunshanensis Lin Li, D.Q. Zhou & Y.C. Zhao 2013 Irregularly globose, 10–30 mm diam., brownish orange, smooth, mostly single-chambered with a primary apical opening, rare the opening narrowing into a slit, sometimes folded forming a few channels, lined with white fluffy hymenium. No special smell. Gleba hollow, single-chambered, sometimes infolded and chambered, lined with hymenium with orange asci and whitish to yellowish paraphyses. Ellipsoid without thickened exosporium, rectangle (including exosporium), (42.5–) 50.0–57.2(–60.3) × (27.5–)30.4–36.9(–38.2) µm, reddish orange, thickening exosporium with rough surface. Asci cylindrical, 331.5–390.5 × 25.5–35.5 µm, 8-spored, spores strictly uniseriate Abies spp. Yunnan, China Asia 3500–3800m Li et al. 2013 This study
Hydnotrya michaelis (E. Fisch.) Trappe 1975 Irregular or subspherical, up to 60 mm across, with rounded opening, wrinkled, lobulate, with numerous invaginations, odor very strong, somewhat pungent, rather persistent. Gleba labyrinthoid, with large, sinuous cavities, separated by folded inwards portions of ascoma wall. Broadly ellipsoid, (21.2–)24.9–29.6(–32.2) ×(18.8–)19.8–22.4 (–24.9) µm; ornamentation excluded), honey-yellow, exosporium thickened, with conspicuous, irregular, often interconnected warts Asci cylindrical, 200–220 × 30–35 µm, 8-spored, spores strictly uniseriate Pinaceae Europe North America Trappe 1975 Slavova et al. 2021
Hydnotrya nigricans L. Fan, Y.W. Wang & Y.Y. Xu 2018 Irregular globose, 13 × 9mm, black brown to blackish Gleba solid, brown, red to dark reddish, with some irregularly shaped and isolated small chambers lined with pale whitish hymenium. Irregularly globose, 25.0–37.5 μm in diam., red brown, exosporium unevenly thickened, and usually of trigonal outline in cross section Asci broadly clavate to saccate, sessile or narrowed at the base into a short stalk, 87.5–190 × 25–62.5 μm, scattered between paraphyses in a hymenium,8-spored,with spores mostly biseriate. Pinus sp. Sichuan, China Asia Yu et al. 2018
Hydnotrya oblongispora sp. nov. Irregularly globose, 10–25mm in diam. when fresh, light khaki to reddish brown, smooth, mostly single-chambered with a primary apical opening up to 02–08 mm in diam., sometimes infolded. Gleba hollow, single-chambered lined with milky white hymenium, hymenium surface fluffy. Long-ellipsoid (20.0–) 26.5–39.0 × (9.5–) 11.0–21.5 μm, golden brown, thickened exporium with pitted surface. Asci cylindrical, 102.5–138.5 × 13.0–25.5 µm, narrowed at the base into a long stalk (20–30 μm), 8-spored, spores strictly uniseriate Abies forrestii Yunnan, China Asia 3500–4000m This study
Hydnotrya puberula L. Fan, Y.W. Wang & Y.Y. Xu 2018 Irregularly subglobose, 11–20 × 8–19 mm, brown to dark brown, sometimes with purple tints when fresh, much convoluted with deep furrows, ascoma surface tomentulose Gleba solid, compact, dark brown to purple reddish at maturity, with numerous small chambers. Roughly globose, 22.5–42.5 μm in diam., red brown to reddish, exosporium unevenly thickened by irregularly large protuberances. Asci clavate to saccate, 125–190 × 55–80 μm, sessile or with a short stalk, borne among palisade-like paraphyses in the hymenium, 8-spored, with spores mostly biseriate. Pinus sp. Yunnan, China Asia Yu et al. 2018
Hydnotrya soehneri Svrček, 1955 Irregularly subglobose, tuberous, 10–40 mm wide, reddish and reddish-gray to reddish brown, odor light fragrance Gleba solid, whitish to yellowish gray, at maturity is colored reddish-brown corridors (from mature spores). Spherical, 25 – 36 (– 42), red brown, exosporium thickened, coarsely warty. Asci mostly cylindrical to saccate, 150–300 × 35–70 µm, 8-spored, mostly incompletely arranged biseriate. Mixed woods Europe Svrček 1955
Hydnotrya subnix Trappe & Castellano, 2000 Irregular subglobose, 50–65mm in diam, dark red-brown, glabrous to minutely roughened. Odor and taste strongly of spicy garlic. Gleba variable, deeply convoluted and infolded lacking openings from the interior, forming canals and locules 1–10mm broad. Globose to rarely ellipsoid, 23–30μm in diam. excluding ornamentation, brown, coarsely warty. Asci mostly cylindrical, 300–340 × 25–40 µm, 8-spored, mostly incompletely arranged uniseriate Abies amabilis North America 950m Trappe and Castellano 2000
Hydnotrya tulasnei (Berk.) Berk. & Broome, 1846 Irregularly spherical or lobed, sometimes with inward folds, 20–70 mm diam., ochre-reddish to brick red Gleba solid, later yellow brown, with labyrinthic chambers. Globose, 20–30 (–33) μm diam. (including ornamentation), ochre-reddish, with conspicuous, irregular warts. Asci broadly clavate or cylindrical, 175–210 × 30–62.5 µm, (4–) 8-spored, spores biseriate. Coniferous forest Europe North America 1600m Dimitrova and Gyosheva 2008 Stielow et al. 2010
Hydnotrya variiformis Gilkey, 1947 Globose to subglobose to flattened, somewhat depressed, 7–40 mm broad, cinnamon-buff to cream-buff Gleba variable, from a simple cavity to extremely lobed with numerous small chambers the interior, usually opening to the exterior at one or more points. Ellipsoid, 24–28×36–36 μm, yellow-brown, thickened exosporium wall, surface appearing punctate and with small irregular nodules Asci 240–280 × 24 µm, 8-spored, clavate at immaturity, spores incompletely biseriate; cylindrical at maturity, spores strictly uniseriate. Coniferous forest North America 1200–2400m Gilkey 1947 Abbott and Currah 1997 Beug et al. 2014
Hydnotrya zayuensis sp. nov. Irregularly globose, 15–20 mm in diameter when fresh, smooth, gentle inward folds, surface cinnamon. Mostly single-chambered with a primary apical opening, the opening is just an almost closed seam, white fluffy inside cavity. Elastic and crisp. No special smell. Gleba hollow, single-chambered with a primary apical opening, sometimes the opening is just an almost closed seam. Ellipsoid, (17–)20–30.5 × 15.5–18.0 μm, (including thickened exosporium), golden yellow, surface rough, looking like crumbly. Asci cylindrical, 118.5–130.5×15.0–22.5 µm, 8-spored, spores strictly uniseriate Abies sp. Zayu, China Asia 3770m This study

The ascospore morphology is highly variable among different species in Hydnotrya, which is useful for distinguishing species. Abbott and Currah (1997) once divided the genus Hydnotrya into two subgenera: subg. Hydnotrya and Cerebriformae, according to the characters of their ornamentation. The subg. Hydnotrya had four species of H. tulasnei, H. michaelis, H. cubispora, and H. variiformis showing ascospores with rounded or irregular warts. The subg. Cerebriformae has only one species of H. cerebriformis differs from Subg. Hydnotrya in ascospores with short, rounded aculei. However, the current phylogenetic analysis showed that ascospore characteristics were not reliable for differentiating species of Hydnotrya into these subgenera (Fig. 1).

Based on ITS analyses, 14 species of Hydnotrya are divided into two lineages, A and B. The species in the clade A mostly have nearly solid gleba (6 out of 9) and globose, warty ascospores, either uniseriately or biseriately arranged in asci. The clade A is divided into two subclades: the subclade Aa (clade 1–6) and Ab(clade 7–9). The species in the subclade Aa have solid ascomata. Two groups can be distinguished: the group 1 (clade 1 and 2) and group 2 (clade 3–6), both found in China and Europe. The group 1 contains two species with ascospores uniseriately arranged in asci; the group 2 contains four species with ascospores biseriately arranged in asci. Species in the subclade Ab are distributed in China, Europe, and America, and have hollow ascomata and ascospores uniseriately arranged in asci. The species in the clade B has hollow to chambered gleba and ellipsoidal ascospores (without thickened exosporium), biseriately arranged in asci. The clade B is divided into two groups: Ba and Bb. The group Ba (clade 10 and 11) contains 2 species distributed in China and Europe, with ellipsoidal ascospores, with a pitted surface. The group Bb (clade 13 and 14) contains two species, only found in China, with rectangular and ellipsoidal ascospores (with thickened exosporium), with a rough surface. (Fig. 1).

Based on the morphological and molecular phylogenetic analyses there seems to be a trend in morphological traits among the species within the genus Hydnotrya, that is, the gleba evolved from being hollow or chambered to nearly solid; the ascus becoming shorter and wider, with ascospores arranged from uniseriate to biseriate; ascospores from ellipsoidal to globose, with an ornamentation from smooth to rough as well. This evolutionary trend in the genus Hydnotrya is probably related to their hypogeous habits, that is, if the gleba has more chambers, the ascoma will hold more ascospores, and so there are more chances of ascospores to be dispersed by animals that eat them (Hawker 1955; Ławrynowicz 1990; Læssøe and Hansen 2007; Bonito et al. 2013). All of this improves their survival and reproduction. Of course, more collections would be needed for comprehensive morphological and molecular analyses to provide more evidence to support this hypothesis.

In China, 9 species were recorded before this study (Xu et al. 2018). In this paper, two new species are described. 11 species are now known in China, among which 7 species are distributed in southwest China.

Key to species of Hydnotrya

1 Ascomata hollow, gleba chamber simple or infolded 2
Ascomata solid, gleba labyrinthine chambered 11
2 Ascospores rectangular or cubical 3
Ascospores ellipsoidal or globose 4
3 Ascospores cubical H. cubispora
Ascospores rectangular H. laojunshanensis
4 Odor distinct, with a special smell 5
Odor not distinct 6
5 Odor and taste strongly garlic H. subnix
Odor strong pungent and persistent H. michaelis
6 Ascospores mostly globose 7
Ascospores ellipsoidal or long ellipsoidal 8
7 Ascospores globose, with prominent echinate ornamentation H. cerebriformis
Ascospore mostly globose, with aggregated, irregular flexuous spines H. inordinata
8 Ascospores long ellipsoidal, surface pitted, ascomata mostly single chambered H. oblongispora
Ascospores ellipsoidal, Q ratio less than 2 9
9 Ascospores incompletely biseriate at immaturity, strictly uniseriate at maturity in asci 10
Ascospores strictly uniseriate from immature to mature asci H. zayuensis
10 Ascospores broadly ellipsoidal, vertically grooved, forming irregular warts H. confusa
Ascospores ellipsoidal, surface appearing punctate and with small irregular nodules H. variiformis
11 Ascospores mostly uniseriate 12
Ascospores mostly biseriate 13
12 Ascospores less than 35 μm1 in length, reddish brown H. bailii
Ascospores up to 46 μm* in length, brown to golden brown H. brunneospora
13 Odor with a light fragrance H. soehneri
Odor not distinct 14
14 Ascoma surface tomentose, withpurple tints when fresh H. puberula
Ascoma not tomentose 15
15 Ascospores without prominent protuberances, trigonal outline in cross section, ascomata blackish H. nigricans
Ascospores with recognizable protuberances 16
16 Ascospores, 20–30 μm diam.*, ochre-reddish, with conspicuous, irregular warts H. tulasnei
Ascospores, 25–40 μm in diam.*, red brown to reddish, with regular large protuberances H. badia


Thanks to Mr. Shucheng He for his help in specimen collection. Thanks to the Fungal Diversity Conservation and Utilization Team in Northwest Yunnan for providing the research platform and team members for their help.

Additional information

Conflict of interest

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

Ethical statement

No ethical statement was reported.


This study was financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 31800009, 32060008) and the Yunnan Fundamental Research Project (2017FD135).

Author contributions

Data curation: SPW. Methodology: SMT. Writing - original draft: LL. Writing - review and editing: YW, NT, SHL, ZLL.

Author ORCIDs

Lin Li

Shan-Ping Wan

Naritsada Thongklang

Song-Ming Tang

Zong-Long Luo

Shu-Hong Li

Data availability

All of the data that support the findings of this study are available in the main text.


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1 Including ornamentation.
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