Research Article
Research Article
Two new species of Phallus (Phallaceae) with a white indusium from China
expand article infoTing Li§, Wang-Qiu Deng, Bin Song, Ming Zhang, Mu Wang|, Tai-Hui Li
‡ Institute of Microbiology, Guangdong Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou, China
§ Tibet University, Lhasa, China
| Tibet Agricultural and Animal Husbandry University, Nyingchi, China
Open Access


Two new Phallus species, P. cremeo-ochraceus and P. rigidiindusiatus were discovered in southwestern and southern China, respectively. Phallus cremeo-ochraceus is morphologically characterized by its cream to ochraceous receptacle, white to very slightly pinkish indusium, white to pinkish pseudostipe and white to slightly purplish pink volva. Phallus rigidiindusiatus is characterized by a white to yellowish white receptacle, a strongly rigid indusium usually without serrated margin and smaller basidiospores than those of P. serratus. Phylogenetic positions of the two species are located in two independent lineages respectively. Detailed descriptions, color photographs, illustrations and a key to the related species are presented.


Edible mushrooms, Gasteromycetes, Phallus indusiatus, phylogeny, taxonomy


Phallus Junius ex L. (1798) is a well-known and widespread gasteroid genus from tropical to temperate zones. Studies based on molecular phylogenetic analyses about a dozen years ago have shown that the existence of an indusium and a perforate pore at top of receptacle has no phylogenetic significance at generic level, and members of Dictyophora Desv. (1809), which are mainly characterized by possession of an indusium, should be merged into genus Phallus (Cabral et al. 2012; Moreno et al. 2013). In the last decade, quite a lot of species with or without an indusium have been discovered under the genus of Phallus (Mohanan 2011; Li et al. 2014; Rebriev et al. 2014; Adamčík et al. 2015; Li et al. 2016; Medeiros et al. 2017; Trierveiler-Pereira et al. 2017; Song et al. 2018; Cabral et al. 2019; Li et al. 2020a).

Thirty-one species, nearly one-third of the world’s total members of known Phallus species, have been recorded in China, and sixteen of them were originally reported from there. Many of them are notably edible mushrooms, for instance, Phallus fragrans M. Zang, P. haitangensis H.L. Li, P.E. Mortimer, J.C. Xu & K.D. Hyde, P. lutescens T.H. Li, T. Li & W.Q. Deng and P. luteus (Liou & L. Hwang) T. Kasuya; and some have even been produced commercially, e. g. P. dongsun T.H. Li, T. Li, Chun Y. Deng, W.Q. Deng & Zhu L. Yang, P. echinovolvatus (M. Zang, D.R. Zheng & Z.X. Hu) Kreisel, P. rubrovolvatus (M. Zang, D.G. Ji & X.X. Liu) Kreisel and P. serratus H. Li Li, L. Ye, P.E. Mortimer, J.C. Xu & K.D. Hyde (Zang end Ji 1985, 1988; Kreisel 1996; Kasuya 2008; Li et al. 2014, 2016, 2020a).

In the past decades, Phallus indusiatus Vent. (1798), characterized by a white and touching-ground indusium, had been reported from the tropical and subtropical Africa and Asia, temperate China, Japan, South Pacific islands, Australia and South America (Dring 1964; Kobayasi 1965; Liu et al. 2005; Young 2005; Cabral et al. 2019). However, recent studies revealed that many collections named as “ Phallus indusiatus” or “Dictyophora indusiata (Vent.) Desv. (1809)” were misidentified, and P. indusiatus might be only distributed in Brazil and adjacent countries in South America, rather than widespread from the temperate and subtropical zones (Zang and Ji 1985; Calonge et al. 2005; Song et al. 2018; Cabral et al. 2019). Phallus indusiatus s.s. has recently been redescribed with a neotype, which strongly suggested that the P. indusiatus-like species from other continents should be considered different taxa from P. indusiatus s.s. (Cabral et al. 2019).

During these years, the authors further investigated the diversity of Phallus species from China with some new collections. Based on detailed morphological data and DNA-based phylogenetic analyses, two additional new P. indusiatus-like species to science were confirmed, and then formally introduced in this study.

Materials and methods

Morphological studies

Fresh specimens of Phallus with white or nearly white indusium were collected from various sites in southern and southwestern China. Photographs of the basidiomata were taken in the field with digital cameras in natural light. Voucher samples were dried with an electronic dryer and deposited in the Fungorum of Guangdong Institute of Microbiology (GDGM), Guangzhou, China. Methods for morphological descriptions followed the previous study by Li et al. (2020a). Color codes mentioned in the description were referenced from Kornerup and Wanscher (1978). Basidiospore dimensions were given as: (a) b–c (d), in which b–c contains 90% of the measured values and a or d represent extreme values. Q denotes to length/width ratio of an individual basidiospore, Qm refers to the average Q value of all basidiospores.

Molecular studies

Genomic DNA were extracted from the dried materials using fungi Genomic DNA Purification Kit (Sangon Biotech Co., Ltd.) following the instructions. The nuclear ribosomal large subunit (LSU) and internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions were amplified using primer pairs LROR/LR5 and ITS1-F/ITS4, respectively (Vilgalys and Hester 1990; White et al. 1990). Newly generated sequences in this study were deposited to GenBank ( Available sequences of related species of Phallus and Mutinus were retrieved from the databases of GenBank or Unite Community (, whereafter, aligned and edited the matrix of sequences using MAFFT v.7 (Katoh and Standley 2013) and BioEdit v.7.0.9 (Hall 1999).

In order to infer the phylogenetic relationships among new species and other known taxa of Phallus, two analyses were run; one for the ITS dataset and the other for ITS and LSU concatenated dataset. Maximum Likelihood (ML) and Bayesian Inference (BI) analyses were performed with MEGA v.7.0 (Hall 2013) and MrBayes v.3.1.2 (Ronquist and Huelsenbeck 2003), respectively. The best substitution model (Tamura 3-parameter+G+I) was chosen for both ITS and concatenated ITS-LSU analyses. Bootstrap (BS) analysis was implemented with 1,000 replicates. BI was calculated with 4 million and 14 million generations for ITS and ITS-LSU datasets, respectively, and stoprule command with the value of stoprule set to 0.01. Trees were sampled every 100 generations and obtained using the sump and sumt commands with the first 25% generations discarded as burn-ins. Branches corresponding to partitions reproduced <50% BS replicates were collapsed; the confidence values of BI were estimated with Posterior probabilities (PP), and discarded the values without reaching 0.95 PP. Trees were edited using FigTree version 1.4.2.


Molecular phylogenetic results

In this study, sixteen sequences were newly generated from specimens of Phallus spp. and deposited in GenBank (Table 1), all of which were collected from China. In phylogenetic analyses, ITS dataset included 66 sequences from 27 taxa; ITS-LSU concatenated dataset included 77 assembled sequences consisting of 32 taxa; Mutinus zenkeri (Henn.) E. Fisch. (1900) was chosen as the outgroup (ITS: KC128650; LSU: KC128654) (Table 1). The ITS dataset contained 771 nucleotide sites (gaps included), and the concatenated dataset (ITS-LSU) contained 1687 nucleotide sites (gaps included) for each sample, of which 766 were ITS, 921 were LSU. In MrBays analyses, BI generations reached 3,458,000 for ITS dataset and 13,007,000 for ITS-LSU dataset as the value of stoprule became to 0.01, and the number of burn-in was 864.5 and 3251.75, respectively. Both ML and BI analyses had a very similar topological structure, but differed in minimum support values. Six collections (GDGM 54237, GDGM 81179, GDGM 81195, GDGM 81196, GDGM 85470 and Dcy 2517) are nested in a paraphyletic group containing P. serratus and P. haitangensis with strong supports (91%/1.00 BS/PP, Figure 1; 75%/0.99 BS/PP, Figure 2); while two other collections (GDGM 80700 and GDGM 85857), formed a monophyletic group containing P. luteus, P. fuscoechinovolvatus, P. multicolor, P. echinovolvatus with moderate supports in the ML analysis (76%/- BS/PP, Figure 1). However, in the ITS-LSU dataset analysis, both GDGM 80700 and GDGM 85857 separate from them and formed an independent clade with strong supports (99%/1.00 BS/PP, Figure 2).

Table 1.

Sequences information of samples used for the ITS and ITS-LSU combined tree. Newly generated sequences were bold. The star “*” indicates the holotype or neotype specimens.

Name of the speices Voucher/collection no. Locality LSU ITS
Phallus atrovolvatus MEL:2382871 Australia KP012745 KP012745
P. atrovolvatus MEL:2382962 Australia KP012823 KP012823
P. aureolatus ICN 176962* Brazil MF372127 MF372135
P. calongei AH31862 Pakistan FJ785522
P. campanulatus ICN 176970 Brazil MF372130 MF372138
P. cinnabarinus INPA:255835 KJ764821
P. costatus MB02040 DQ218513
P. cremeo-ochraceus GDGM 80070* China MZ890577 MZ890332
P. cremeo-ochraceus GDGM 85857 China MZ890578 MZ890333
P. denigricans INPA:272383* Brazil MG678455 MG678486
P. dongsun GDGM 29086 China MN264676 MN303794
P. dongsun GDGM 75343 China MN264678 MN303796
P. dongsun GDGM 75346 China MN264677 MN303795
P. dongsun GDGM 75402* China MN264679 MN303797
P. dongsun GDGM 75582 China MN264680 MN303798
P. echinovolvatus TNS-F-34480 Thailand MF372129 MF372137
P. echinovolvatus GDGM 79020 China MN523216
P. echinovolvatus GDGM 79013 China MN611444 MN613536
P. fuscoechinovolvatus GDGM 48589* China MF039585 MF039581
P. fuscoechinovolvatus GDGM 48677 China MF039586 MF039583
P. hadriani OSC KH 11092003-1 Reference material NG_060067 NR_119579
P. hadriani TNS Kasuya B2045 Japan KP222544 KP222542
P. hadriani TNS-F-70036 Japan KU516107 KU516100
P. hadriani GDGM 83732 China MW031865 MW031862
P. haitangensis HKAS:88197* China NR_155668
P. haitangensis HKAS:88199 China KU705384
P. impudicus CBS 294.53 U.K. MH868748
P. impudicus FO 46622 Germany AY152404
P. impudicus GDGM 77656 North Macedonia MN264675 MN303793
P. impudicus TU118231 Estonia UDB015413
P. impudicus O-F-248130 Norway UDB038029
P. impudicus KA13-1262 South Korea KR673719
P. impudicus TNS-F-70035 Japan KU516106 KU516099
P. impudicus TNS-F-70037 Japan KU516108 KU516101
P. impudicus KH-TGB11-1034 (TNS) Japan KF783249
P. indusiatus Mushroom Observer # 181359 Mexico MF428417
P. indusiatus OSC36088 Japan DQ218627
P. indusiatus INPA264931* Brazil MG678463 MG678502
P. lutescens GDGM 49991 China MN131077 MN131081
P. lutescens GDGM 71306 China MN131074 MN131080
P. lutescens GDGM 72218* China NG_073753 NR_171847
P. lutescens GDGM 76604 China MN131076 MN131078
P. luteus TNS Kasuya B218 Japan KP222545 KP222543
P. luteus GDGM 26326 China MT261793 MT261850
P. luteus GDGM 43986 China MT261794 MT261851
P. mengsongensis HKAS:78345 China KF052625
P. mengsongensis HKAS:78343* China NR_158805
P. merulinus CJL-120214-03 Guiana KF783250
P. multicolor MEL:2382891 Australia KP012762 KP012762
P. cf. multicolor ICN 176976 Guiana MF372128 MF372136
P. purpurascens UFRN-Fungos 2808* Brazil MG678456 MG678487
P. ravenelii UMO(USA-MO):0001 USA KP779906
P. ravenelii CUW s.n DQ218515
P. rigidiindusiatus GDGM 54237 China MZ890579 MZ890334
P. rigidiindusiatus GDGM 81179 China MZ890580 MZ890335
P. rigidiindusiatus GDGM 81195 China MZ890581 MZ890336
P. rigidiindusiatus GDGM 81196* China MZ890582 MZ890337
P. rigidiindusiatus GDGM 85470 China MZ890583 MZ890338
P. rigidiindusiatus Dcy 2517 China MZ890584 MZ890339
P. rubicundus CLO 3220 USA MK652718
P. rubicundus CLO 4473 USA MK652720
P. rubrovolvatus D20 China MH381785
P. rubrovolvatus YZS040 China KF939503
P. rubrovolvatus YZS018 China KF939513
P. rubrovolvatus YZS044 China KF939515
P. rugulosus TNS-F-46049 China, Taiwan MF372134 MF372142
P. rugulosus ASI 32004 - - AF324169
P. rugulosus GDGM 58232 China MT261858 MT361864
P. rugulosus GDGM 73550 China MT261859 MT361865
P. serratus HKAS:78341 China KF052623
P. serratus HKAS:78340* China KF052622
P. serratus GDGM 78709 China MZ508445 MZ508443
P. squamulosus UFRN-Fungos 2806* Brazil MG678497
P. ultraduplicatus HMAS:253050* China KJ591586 KJ591584
P. ultraduplicatus HMAS:253051 China KJ591587 KJ591585
P. sp. HKAS:78339 China KF052621
Mutinus zenkeri MA-2013 JD781 São Tomé and Principe (Africa) KC128654 KC128650
Figure 1. 

Phylogenetic overview of the genus Phallus inferred from ITS data using Maximum Likelihood (ML) and Bayesian Inference (BI). Mutinus zenkeri was selected as outgroup. Bootstrap values (≥50%) and Posterior probabilities (≥0.95) were presented around the branches.

Figure 2. 

Phylogenetic overview of the genus Phallus inferred from concatenated data (ITS-LSU) using Maximum Likelihood (ML) and Bayesian Inference (BI). Mutinus zenkeri was selected as outgroup. Bootstrap values (≥50%) and Posterior probabilities (≥0.95) were presented around the branches.


Phallus cremeo-ochraceus T. Li, T.H. Li & W.Q. Deng, sp. nov.

MycoBank No: MycoBank No: 840963
Figures 3, 5a–c


Similar to Phallus indusiatus with an indusium almost touching ground, but mainly characterized by the cream to ochraceous receptacle, white to very slightly pinkish indusium and pseudostipe, white to pinkish volva, and basidiospores up to 4.0 × 1.7 µm.

Figure 3. 

Basidiomata of Phallus cremeo-ochraceus a-c GDGM 80700 d GDGM 85857. Scale bars: 5 cm (a), 2 cm (b, d), 1 cm (c).

Holotype . China. Guizhou Province, Libo County, Xiaoqikong Scenic Area (25°15'12"N, 107°44'16"E, alt. 428 m), Zhang Ming, 2 July 2020 (GDGM 80700).

Immature basidioma globose to subglobose, 55 × 50 mm, white to pinkish (9A2), purplish pink (14A4) when injured, smooth to very slightly rimose-areolate, attached to substrate by pinkish white to pinkish (9A2) rhizomorphs. Exoperidium membranous; endoperidium gelatinous, hyaline. Expanded basidioma up to 240 mm high when fresh. Receptacle 42–50 mm high, 50–60 mm broad, campanulate, cream to ochraceous (4A3-5), reticulated with irregularly ridges up to 4.0 mm deep, covered with gleba; apex truncate, with a pale yellow (4A2), prominent disc up to 15 mm in diam. Gleba olive brown (4E4-6, 4F5-8), mucilaginous. Pseudostipe subcylindrical, constricted at apex, enlarged downwards, 200–220 mm high when mature, 22–27/32–38/40–45 mm broad (apex/middle/base), white (9A1) to slightly pinkish white (9A2), spongiform, hollow; pseudostipe wall 6–9 mm thick, usually consisting of small irregular chambers up to 3 mm. Volva obovate, 47–52 mm high, 40–45 mm broad, smooth, pinkish (9A2). Indusium well-developed, almost touching ground, white to very slightly pinkish, 190–210 mm in length, attached to the apex of pseudostipe, with polygonal to irregular meshes; meshes 7–20 mm wide, 2–4 mm thick. Rhizomorphs simple, yellowish white (4A2) to pinkish (9A2), 1–2 mm thick, about 20 mm long. Odour foetid (mainly from gleba). Taste mild.

Basidiospores (3.2–)3.5–3.8(–4.0) × 1.2–1.5(–1.7) μm, Q= (2.0–)2.3–2.7(–3.0), Qm= 2.5 ± 0.5, cylindrical to long ellipsoid, hyaline and light olivaceous in H2O and 5% KOH solution, inamyloid, thin-walled, smooth under light microscope. Hyphae of receptacle, pseudostipe and indusium hyaline or slightly yellowish, thin-walled, pseudoparenchymatic, consisting of globose to subglobose or irregularly globose cells up to 30 μm in diam. Hyphae of volva tubular and branched, 4–8 μm in diam., thin-walled, smooth, septate, with clamp-connections. Hyphae of rhizomorphs filamentous, up to 8.0 μm in diam., thin-walled, smooth, septate, rarely branched.

Habitat and distribution

Solitary or scattered on soil with decaying litter under bamboo groves. So far known only from southwestern China (Guizhou). Season: July.


With reference to the cream to ochraceous color of receptacle.

Additional specimens examined

China. Guizhou Province, Libo county, Xiaoqikong Scenic Area (25°15'46"N, 107°41'4"E, alt. 480 m), Zhang Ming, 2 July 2020, (GDGM 85857).

Phallus rigidiindusiatus T. Li, T.H. Li & W.Q. Deng, sp. nov.

MycoBank No: MycoBank No: 840965
Figures 4, 5d–f


Characterized by a well-developed indusium with thick meshes, morphologically similar to Phallus serratus, but different in its rigid, round or irregular meshes of indusium without serrated margin, and in smaller basidiospores.

Figure 4. 

Basidiomata of Phallus rigidiindusiatus. a GDGM 54237 b GDGM 85470 c, e, f GDGM 81196 d 81195. Scale bars: 5 cm (a-c), 3 cm (d), 2 cm (e), 1 cm (f).

Figure 5. 

Characteristics of Phallus cremeo-ochraceus a-c and Phallus rigidiindusiatus d-e under the light microscope. a, d basidiospores b, e pseudoparenchymatous hyphae from pseudostipe c, f hyphae from volva. Scale bars 5 µm (a–f).

Holotype. China. Guangdong Province, Jiangmen City, Yunkaishan National Nature Reserve. (22°17'57"N, 111°12'37"E, alt. 1350 m), Song Bin and Wen Huashu,10 June 2020 (GDGM 81196).

Immature basidioma globose to subglobose, 55–65 × 50–57 mm, white (1A1), slightly yellowish white (4A2) to orange white (7A2) or pinkish white (10A2), partially darker to grayish brown (7D3), smooth, attached to substrate by grayish violet (17D5-7) rhizomorphs. Exoperidium membranous; endoperidium gelatinous, hyaline. Expanded basidioma big-sized, 220–240 mm high when fresh. Receptacle 40–50 mm high, 50–60 mm broad, campanulate to subconical, white (1A1) to yellowish white (3A2), reticulated with irregularly ridges up to 4.5 mm deep, covered with gleba; apex truncate, perforated, or with a white spongy expansion up to 8 mm high, 10 mm in diam. Gleba yellowish brown to linoleum brown (5E5-7), mucilaginous. Pseudostipe subcylindrical, constricted at apex, enlarged toward base, white (1A1), spongiform, hollow, 170–190 mm high, 15–20/28–35/35–40 mm broad (apex/middle/base); pseudostipe wall 5–9 mm thick, usually consisting of small irregular chambers in 1–3 mm width. Volva obovate, 55–65 mm high, 50–60 mm broad, smooth, brownish orange (7C6) to light brown (7D8). Indusium well-developed, expanded to 3/4–5/6 portion of pseudostipe, white, up to 170 mm in length, attached to apex of pseudostipe, with rigid polygonal to irregular meshes becoming gradually smaller from top to bottom, margin entire; meshes usually not serrated at margin, 5–20 mm wide, up to 7 mm thick. Rhizomorphs simple, grayish orange (6C5) to brown (7E4), up to 3 mm thick, 4 cm long. Odour foetid (mainly from gleba). Taste mild.

Basidiospores (3.5–)3.7–4.2(–4.5) × 1.6–2.0(–2.3) μm, Q= (1.7–)2.1–2.4 (–2.6), Qm= 2.3 ± 0.2, cylindrical to long ellipsoid, hyaline and light olivaceous in H2O and 5% KOH solution, inamyloid, thin-walled, smooth, truncate at one end under light microscope. Hyphae of receptacle, pseudostipe and indusium hyaline, thin-walled, pseudoparenchymatic, consisting of globose to subglobose or irregularly globose structures, up to 25 μm in diam. Hyphae of volva tubular and branched, 3–5 μm in diam., thin-walled, smooth, septate, with clamp-connections. Hyphae of rhizomorphs filamentous, up to 6.0 μm in diam., thin-walled, smooth, septate, rarely branched.

Habitat and distribution

Solitary or scattered on soil with decaying litter in forests dominated by broad-leaved trees and bamboo groves. So far known only from southern China and southwestern China (Guizhou). Season: May to June.


With reference to the rigid indusium.

Additional specimens examined

China. Hunan Province, Rucheng County, Jiulongjiang National Forest Park (25°26'49"N, 113°48'10"E, alt. 555 m), Huang Hao, 7 May 2015 (GDGM 54237); Guizhou Province, Duyun County, Doupengshan scenic place (26°21'17"N, 107°22'49"E, alt. 1300 m), Deng Chunying, 16 May 2020 (Dcy2517); Guangdong Province, Shaoguan City, Nanling National Nature Reserve (24°49'54"N, 113°7'22"E, alt. 994 m), Song Bin and Xie Dechun, 27 May 2021 (GDGM 85470); Guangdong Province, Jiangmen City, Yunkaishan National Nature Reserve. (22°15'22"N, 111°9'23"E, alt. 1480 m), Song Bin and Wen Huashu, 10 June 2020 (GDGM 81179); Guangdong Province, Jiangmen City, Yunkaishan National Nature Reserve. (22°17'58"N, 111°12'36"E, alt. 1420 m), Song Bin and Wen Huashu, 10 June 2020 (GDGM 81195).


Based on the ITS dataset P. cremeo-ochraceus nested in a group containing P. luteus, P. echinovolvatus, P. fuscoechinovolvatus and P. multicolor (Figure 1). However, in the ITS-LSU dataset P. cremeo-ochraceus separates from them and formed an independent clade (Figure 2). Therefore, the sister relationships of P. cremeo-ochraceus remain unclear. Morphologically, all of them have similar color in receptacle except P. multicolor and P. luteus which have a bright yellow to orange indusium (Berkeley and Broome 1883; Kasuya 2008).

Phylogenetically, P. rigidiindusiatus is closely related to P. serratus and P. haitangensis with strong support (Figures 1, 2). Morphologically, P. serratus resembles P. rigidiindusiatus in having a white and strongly reticulate receptacle, a white and well-developed indusium and a brownish-gray volva. However, P. serratus can be easily distinguished from the new species in having the serrated meshes of indusium and larger basidiospores (4–5 × 2–3 µm) (Li et al. 2014); Phallus haitangensis is another closely related taxon, which is different in its golden orange receptacle and a well-developed, light orange indusium (Li et al. 2016). Interestingly, P. haitangensis and P. serratus have distinct morphological characteristics but shared with a 98.4% similarity of ITS sequence (Li et al. 2014, 2016). Both two new species were separated from P. indusiatus in phylogenetical analyses.

Other Phallus species with a white indusium are relatively easier to be distinguished from the new species P. cremeo-ochraceus and P. rigidiindusiatus (Table 2). For example, the Chinese species P. echinovolvatus and P. fuscoechinovolvatus are distinguished by having an obviously echinate volva (Zang et al. 1988; Song et al. 2018); and P. atrovolvatus Kreisel & Calonge, described from the Central America, can be easily distinguished by having a rugulose to merulioid receptacle, a black volva, and an indusium expanded to midway from the receptacle and volva (Calonge 2005). Although the Brazilian species P. aureolatus L. Trierveiler-Pereira & A.A.R. de Meijer has a rigid, white and almost touching ground indusium which is similar to that of P. rigidiindusiatus, it differs in having a rugulose to merulioid receptacle, a shorter pseudostipe (up to 10 cm high) and a shorter basidiospores (3.0–4.1 × 1.5–2.0 μm) (Trierveiler-Pereira et al. 2017).

Table 2.

Type location, receptacle, volva, indusium, and basidiospores of the Phallus indusiatus-like species.

Species name Type location Receptacle Volva Indusium Basidiospores
Phallus cremeo-ochraceus China, Guizhou Pale yellow to light yellow, reticulated Pinkish, smooth surface Almost touching the ground 3.2–4.0×1.2–1.7 μm
P. echinovolvatus China, Hunan White to yellow, reticulated Whitish or pale brown, with echinulate projections Almost touching the ground 3.0–4.0×1.3–2.0 μm
P. fuscoechinovolvatus China, Guangdong Yellowish, reticulated Dark brown or blackish, with many white to pale yellow echinules Almost touching the ground 2.5–4.0×1.0–2.0 μm
P. indusiatus Brazil, Pará White, reticulated White, with pinkish pigments Extending to the ground 3.6–4.1×1.5–2.2 µm
P. merulinus Indonesia, Java White, minutely convoluted folds Dull white Expanded to 1/2 portion of pseudostipe 3.3–4.0×1.4–1.8 μm
P. rigidiindusiatus Southern and Southwestern of China White to yellowish, reticulated Brownish orange to light brown, smooth surface Expanded to 3/4–5/6 portion of pseudostipe, with rigid polygonal to irregular meshes, without serrated margin. 3.5–4.5×1.6–2.3 μm
P. rubrovolvatus China, Yunnan Yellowish, reticulated Dark purple, smooth surface Expanded to 1/2 portion of pseudostipe 3.7–4.0×1.5–2.5 μm
P. serratus China, Yunnan White, reticulated Brownish-gray, without scales Almost touching the ground, with the serrated margin in hole of indusium. 4.0–5.0×2.0–3.0 µm
P. ultraduplicatus China, Liaoning White, reticulated Flesh-ocher Short, 20–40 mm long, 4.0–5.0×1.5–2.0 µm

Among the complex members of P. indusiatus s.l. published by Cabral et al. (2019), P. denigricans T.S. Cabral, B.D.B. Silva & Baseia has a volva varying from white to dark brown and basidiospores up to 4.6 × 2.5 µm; Phallus purpurascens T.S. Cabral, B.D.B. Silva & Baseia has a white receptacle, a purplish volva and larger basidiospores (4.4–5 × 2.5–3.4 µm); and P. squamulosus T.S. Cabral, B.D.B. Silva & Baseia is characterized by its squamous surfaces of immature basidioma and volva. Besides, P. maderensis Calonge, described from the Atlantic Island of Africa, has an interesting indusium attaching to the base of pseudostipe and is not hanging from the receptacle (Calonge et al. 2008); and P. merulinus (Berk.) Cooke from Indonesia differs in a rugose receptacle with minutely convoluted folds (Lloyd 1909). The Chinese species P. rubrovolvatus is distinguished by the red purple volva, although it also has a rigid indusium reaching on the midway or 3/4 portion of the pseudostipe (Liu et al. 2005); and P. ultraduplicatus X.D. Yu, W. Lv, S.X. Lv, Xu H. Chen & Qin Wang from northeastern China has a shorter indusium hanging down less than 1/2 portion of the pseudostipe and longer and narrower basidiospores than those of P. rigidiindusiatus (Adamčík et al. 2015).

According to the original description, Phallus indusiatus, a South American species, is characterized by the campanulate and reticulated receptacle and the white indusium touching the ground (Ventenat 1798). However, it was not possible to find the original material in herbarium for comparison due to the unspecific information (Ventenat 1798). Recently, based on same characteristics as the original description, close geographical location with the same forest domain, and submitted the available molecular sequences to GenBank, a neotype of P. indusiatus was designated, which has a campanulate and reticulated receptacle, a white and fully developed indusium, a white volva and elongated and smooth basidiospores (3.6–4.1 × 1.5–2.2 µm); according to all known data about the Phallus taxa, its distribution is presumed to be restricted to South America (Cabral et al. 2019).

In phalloid fungi, macro-characters, such as the shape, the surface characters and color of the main structures (receptacle, pseudostipe, indusium, volva and rhizomorphs), are generally more important than micro-characters for infrageneric classification (Kreisel 1996). Therefore, if without any molecular phylogenetic analyses, two or more species shared similar macro-characters, then these could easily be confused for the same species. However, when geographical distribution has been taken into account as the taxonomic evidence, they tend to become easily distinguishable, because phalloid fungi have a passive basidiospore dispersal mechanism that depends mainly on insects as transporters, and this factor together with environmental conditions (such as temperature, humidity, illumination, soil nutrition and dominated plants) arguably limit their geographical distributions (Wilson et al. 2011). According to our previous studies, for example, quite a lot of Asian specimens labeled as “P. impudicus” were actually identical to P. dongsun from China, and Phallus rubicundus (Bosc) Fr. originally described from America was probably not naturally distributed in China, even in Asia (Li et al. 2020a, b). Therefore, morphological analyses and geographical distributions, as well as molecular phylogeny are the most useful evidences to identify the phalloid fungi. The two Phallus indusiatus-like species from China were proven as new to science with strong supports of those evidences in this study while the natural distribution of P. indusiatus in China becomes more suspicious.

Key to Phallus species with a white or nearly white indusium

1 Volva squamulose or echinulate 2
Volva smooth or nearly so, not squamulose or echinulate 4
2 Volva surface squamulose, white P. squamulosus
Volva surface obviously echinulate 3
3 Volva dark brown or blackish P. fuscoechinovolvatus
Volva generally white P. echinovolvatus
4 Volva discoloring from white to dark brown P. denigricans
Volva unchanging in color or only slightly discoloring, not discoloring to dark brown 5
5 Receptacle rugulose to merulioid 6
Receptacle reticulate 8
6 Volva black P. atrovolvatus
Volva pinkish or white 7
7 Vovla pinkish; indusium almost touching ground P. aureolatus
Volva white, with minutely convoluted folds; indusium not touching ground P. merulinus
8 Indusium attached to the base of the pseudostipe and free from receptacle P. maderensis
Indusium attached to the apex of the pseudostipe 9
9 Volva white P. indusiatus
Volva colored 10
10 Indusium shorter than 40 mm when mature P. ultraduplicatus
Indusium longer than 40 mm when mature 11
11 Receptacle cream to ochreous P. cremeo-ochraceus
Receptacle white 12
12 Indusium with obviously serrated meshes P. serratus
Indusium with round or irregular meshes, but without obviously serrated meshes 13
13 Volva brownish orange to light brown, not red to purple obviously; indusium strongly rigid; basidiospores narrower, (3.5–)3.7–4.2(–4.5) × 1.6–2.0(–2.3) μm P. rigidiindusiatus
Volva obviously red to purple; basidiospores broader 14
14 Volva deep red; basidiospores smaller, 3.7–4 × 2–2.5 µm P. rubrovolvatus
Volva purplish or becoming purple; basidiospores larger, 4.4–5 × 2.5–3.4 µm P. purpurascens


The authors express sincere gratitude to Dr. Chunying Deng, Mr. Guorui Zhong and Mr. Hao Huang for collecting the specimens, also to Dr. Chaoqun Wang and Dr. Md. Iqbal Hosen for their helpful suggestions on improving the morphological descriptions, molecular phylogenetic analyses, figure illustration and references. This work was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31800014, 31970016); the Science and Technology Planning Project of Guangdong Province, China (2019B121202005, 2018B020205001, 2018B030324001); the Science and Technology Planning Project of Guizhou Province, China [No. Qian Ke He Fu Qi (2019) 4007]; the project of macrofungi investigation in Shenzhen (SZCG2019191412) and the project of Macrofungal Investigation in Zhongshan (ZZ21901438). We also sincerely thank the two anonymous reviewers for their corrections and suggestions to improve the paper.


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