Research Article |
Corresponding author: Chang-Lin Zhao ( ) Academic editor: R. Henrik Nilsson
© 2021 Qian-Xin Guan, Yi-Fei Li, Chang-Lin Zhao.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Guan Q-X, Li Y-F, Zhao C-L (2021) Morphological and phylogenetic evidence for recognition of two new species of Hyphoderma (Basidiomycota) from southern China, with a key to all Chinese Hyphoderma. MycoKeys 83: 145-160.
Wood-inhabiting fungi play crucial roles as decomposers in forest ecosystems and, in this study, two new wood-inhabiting corticioid fungi, Hyphoderma puerense and H. tenuissimum spp. nov., are proposed, based on a combination of morphological features and molecular evidence. Hyphoderma puerense is characterised by effused basidiomata with smooth to floccose hymenial surface, a monomitic hyphal system with clamped generative hyphae and ellipsoid basidiospores. Hyphoderma tenuissimum is characterised by resupinate basidiomata with tuberculate to minutely-grandinioid hymenial surface, septate cystidia and cylindrical to allantoid basidiospores. Sequences of ITS and nLSU rRNA markers of the studied samples were generated and phylogenetic analyses were performed with Maximum Likelihood, maximum parsimony and Bayesian Inference methods. These analyses showed that the two new species clustered into Hyphoderma, in which H. puerense grouped with H. moniliforme and H. tenuissimum formed a singleton lineage. In addition, an identification key to Chinese Hyphoderma is provided.
Corticioid fungi, diversity, Hyphodermataceae, molecular phylogeny, taxonomy, Yunnan Province
Fungi are eukaryotic microorganisms that play fundamental ecological roles as decomposers and mutualists of plants and animals. They drive carbon cycling in forest soils, mediate mineral nutrition of plants and alleviate carbon limitations of other soil organisms (
Hyphoderma Wallr. was typified by H. setigerum (Fr.) Donk (
Hyphoderma has been studied using molecular data, particularly the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region and the large subunit nuclear ribosomal RNA gene (nLSU).
In this study, two undescribed species of corticioid fungi from forest ecosystems were collected in the Yunnan Province, China. We present morphological and molecular phylogenetic evidence that support the recognition of two new species in Hyphoderma, based on the nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer region (ITS1, 5.8S and ITS2) and the nuclear ribosomal nLSU (28S) gene.
The studied specimens are deposited at the Herbarium of Southwest Forestry University (
The CTAB rapid plant genome extraction kit-DN14 (Aidlab Biotechnologies Co., Ltd, Beijing) was used to obtain genomic DNA from the dried specimens following the manufacturer’s instructions (as done in
List of species, specimens and GenBank accession numbers of sequences used in this study.
Species name | Specimen No. | GenBank accession No. | References | |
ITS | LSU | |||
Climacocystis borealis | FD-31 | KP135308 | KP135210 |
Diplomitoporus crustulinus | FD-137 | KP135299 | KP135211 |
Hyphoderma amoenum | USO 286622 | HE577030 | — |
H. assimile | CBS 125852 | MH863808 | MH875272 |
H. cremeoalbum | NH 11538 | DQ677492 | DQ677492 |
H. crystallinum | CLZhao 9338 | MW917161 | MW913414 |
CLZhao 9374 | MW917162 | MW913415 |
CLZhao 10224 | MW917163 | MW913416 |
CLZhao 11723 | MW917164 | MW913417 |
CLZhao 15841 | MW917165 | MW913418 |
CLZhao 18459 | MW917166 | MW913419 |
H. definitum | GEL 2898 | — | AJ406509 |
NH 12266 | DQ677493 | DQ677493 |
H. fissuratum | CLZhao 6731 | MT791331 | MT791335 |
CLZhao 6726 | MT791330 | MT791334 |
H. floccosum | CLZhao 17129 | MW301683 | MW293733 |
CLZhao 17296 | MW301686 | MW293736 |
CLZhao 16492 | MW301688 | MW293734 |
CLZhao 17215 | MW301687 | MW293735 |
H. granuliferum | KHL 12561 | JN710545 | JN710545 |
H. incrustatum | KHL 6685 | — | AY586668 |
H. litschaueri | NH 7603 | DQ677496 | DQ677496 |
FP-101740-Sp | KP135295 | KP135219 |
H. macaronesicum | MA:Fungi:16099 | HE577027 | — |
TFC:Mic.15981 | HE577028 | — |
H. medioburiense | NH 10950 | DQ677497 | DQ677497 |
H. membranaceum | CLZhao 5844 | MW917167 | MW913420 |
CLZhao 6971 | MW917168 | MW913421 |
H. microporoides | CLZhao 6857 | MW917169 | MW913422 |
CLZhao 8695 | MW917170 | MW913422 |
H. moniliforme | Wu 0211–42 | KC928282 | — |
Wu 0211–46 | KC928284 | KC928285 |
H. mopanshanense | CLZhao 6498 | MT791329 | MT791333 |
CLZhao 6493 | MT791328 | MT791332 |
H. nemorale | TNM F3931 | KJ885183 | KJ885184 |
Wu 9508–14 | KC928280 | KC928281 |
H. nudicephalum | Wu 9307–29 | AJ534269 | — |
Wu 9508–225 | AJ534268 | — |
H. obtusiforme | KHL 1464 | JN572909 | — |
KHL 11105 | JN572910 | — |
H. obtusum | JS 17804 | — | AY586670 |
H. occidentale | KHL 8469 | — | AY586674 |
KHL 8477 | DQ677499 | DQ677499 |
H. paramacaronesicum | MA:Fungi:87736 | KC984399 | — |
MA:Fungi:87737 | KC984405 | — |
H. pinicola | Wu 0108–32 | KJ885181 | KJ885182 |
Wu 0108–36 | KC928278 | KC928279 |
H. prosopidis | E09/58–9 | HE577029 | — |
H. puerense | CLZhao 9476* | MW443045 | — | Present study |
CLZhao 9583 | MW443046 | MW443051 | Present study | |
H. roseocremeum | NH 10545 | — | AY586672 |
H. setigerum | FCUG 1200 | AJ534273 | — |
H. setigerum | FCUG 1688 | AJ534272 | — |
H. sinense | CLZhao 7963 | MW301679 | MW293730 |
CLZhao 17811 | MW301682 | MW293732 |
CLZhao 7981 | MW301680 | MW293731 |
Hyphoderma sp. | KUC20121102–21 | KJ668522 | — | Unpublished |
KUC11052 | KJ714002 | — |
Wu 0311–25 | KR868735 | — | Unpublished | |
Wu 0310–6 | KR868736 | — | Unpublished | |
Wu 0808–87 | KR868737 | — | Unpublished | |
GEL3689 | DQ340327 | — | Unpublished | |
H. subsetigerum | Wu 9304–18 | AJ534277 | — |
Wu 9202–15 | AJ534278 | — |
H. subsetigerum | HHB11620 | GQ409521 | — |
CFMR MJL1536 | GQ409522 | — |
H. tenuissimum | CLZhao 6930 | MW443047 | MW443052 | Present study |
CLZhao 7003 | MW443048 | MW443053 | Present study | |
CLZhao 7221* | MW443049 | MW443054 | Present study | |
CLZhao 16210 | MW443050 | MW443055 | Present study | |
H. transiens | NH 12304 | DQ677504 | DQ677504 |
H. variolosum | CBS 734.91 | MH862320 | MH873992 |
CBS 735.91 | MH862321 | MH873993 |
Hypochnicium erikssonii | NH 9635 | — | DQ677508 |
H. geogenium | NH 10910 | — | DQ677509 |
MA-Fungi 48308 | FN552534 | JN939576 |
H. michelii | MA-Fungi 79155 | NR119742 | NG060635 |
H. punctulatum | FP101698sp | KY948827 | KY948860 |
H. sphaerosporum | RLG15138sp | KY948803 | KY948861 |
H. wakefieldiae | MA-Fungi 7675 | FN552531 | JN939577 |
Physisporinus subcrocatus | Dai 15917 | KY131870 | KY131926 |
P. subcrocatus | Dai 12800 | KY131869 | KY131925 |
P. tibeticus | Cui 9588 | KY131873 | KY131929 |
Cui 9518 | KY131872 | KY131928 |
Rigidoporus eminens | Dai 17200 | MT279690 | MT279911 |
R. undatus | Miettinen-13591 | KY948731 | KY948870 |
The sequences were aligned in MAFFT version 7 (
Maximum parsimony strict consensus tree illustrating the phylogeny of the two new species and related species in Hyphoderma, based on ITS1+5.8S+ITS2+nLSU sequences. Branches are labelled with maximum likelihood bootstrap values > 70%, parsimony bootstrap values > 50% and Bayesian posterior probabilities > 0.95, respectively.
Maximum parsimony analysis in PAUP* version 4.0a169 ( was applied to the combined ITS1+5.8S+ITS2+nLSU dataset. All characters were equally weighted and gaps were treated as missing data. Trees were inferred using the heuristic search option with TBR branch swapping and 1,000 random sequence additions. Max-trees were set to 5,000, branches of zero length were collapsed and all parsimonious trees were saved. Clade robustness was assessed using bootstrap (BT) analysis with 1,000 pseudoreplicates (
MrModeltest 2.3 (
The ITS1+5.8S+ITS2+nLSU dataset comprised sequences from 86 fungal specimens representing 46 taxa. The dataset had an aligned length of 2,034 characters, of which 1,360 characters were constant, 131 were variable and parsimony-uninformative and 543 (35%) were parsimony-informative. Maximum parsimony analysis yielded 108 equally parsimonious trees (TL = 3,317, CI = 0.3361, HI = 0.6946, RI = 0.7051 and RC = 0.2370). The best model of nucleotide evolution for the ITS1+5.8S+ITS2+nLSU dataset estimated and applied in the Bayesian analysis was found to be GTR+I+G. Bayesian analysis and ML analysis resulted in a similar topology as in the MP analysis. The Bayesian analysis had an average standard deviation of split frequencies = 0.008952 (BI) and the effective sample size (ESS) across the two runs is double the average ESS (avg. ESS) = 1,771. The Bayesian tree is shown here (Fig.
The phylogram inferred from ITS1+5.8S+ITS2+nLSU sequences (Fig.
China. Yunnan Province, Puer, Jingdong County, Huilianghe Village, GPS co-ordinates 24°04'45"N, 100°56'32"E, altitude 1246 m a.s.l., on fallen angiosperm branch, leg. C.L. Zhao, 4 January 2019, CLZhao 9476 (
puerense (Lat.): referring to the locality (Puer) of the specimens.
Basidioma annual, resupinate, adnate, byssoid, without odour and taste when fresh, up to 15 cm long, 3 cm wide, 100–260 µm thick. Hymenial surface smooth to floccose, cream when fresh, cream to slightly buff on drying. Margin sterile, thinning out, narrow, cream.
Hyphal system monomitic, generative hyphae with clamps, colourless, thick-walled, frequently branched, interwoven, 2.5–4.5 µm in diameter; IKI-, CB-; tissues unchanged in KOH; subhymenial hyphae densely covered by crystals.
Cystidia tubular, encrusted with small crystals, 25–97 × 5.5–9.5 µm.
Basidia clavate to subcylindrical, slightly constricted in the middle to somewhat sinuous, with 4 sterigmata and a basal clamp, 20–30 × 4.5–6 µm.
Basidiospores ellipsoid, colourless, thin-walled, smooth, IKI-, CB-, (5.5–)6–7.5(–8) × 3–4.5(–5) µm, L = 6.53 µm, W = 3.71 µm, Q = 1.73–1.79 (n = 60/2).
Climate of the sample collection site is subtropical monsoon climate area, the forest type is evergreen angiosperm forest and samples were collected on fallen angiosperm branches.
China. Yunnan Province, Puer, Jingdong County, Huilianghe Village, GPS co-ordinates 24°04'45"N, 100°56'32"E, altitude 1246 m a.s.l., on fallen angiosperm branch, leg. C.L. Zhao, 5 January 2019, CLZhao 9583 (
China. Yunnan Province, Chuxiong, Zixishan Forestry Park, GPS co-ordinates 25°01'26"N, 101°24'37"E, altitude 2313 m a.s.l., on fallen angiosperm branch, leg. C.L. Zhao, 1 July 2018, CLZhao 7221 (
tenuissimum (Lat.): referring to the thin basidiomata.
Basidioma annual, resupinate, adnate, membranaceous when fresh, hard membranaceous upon drying, up to 20 cm long, 3 cm wide, 30–100 µm thick. Hymenial surface tuberculate to minutely-grandinioid, slightly buff when fresh, buff upon drying, cracking. Margin sterile, slightly buff, 1 mm wide.
Hyphal system monomitic, generative hyphae with clamps, colourless, thick-walled, frequently branched, interwoven, 3–5 µm in diameter, IKI-, CB-; tissues unchanged in KOH.
Cystidia large, cylindrical, with 4–12 clamped septa, with abundant encrustations, 50–220 × 6.5–13 µm.
Basidia clavate to subcylindrical, constricted, somewhat sinuous, with 4 sterigmata and a basal clamp connection, 17–31 × 4.5–8 µm.
Basidiospores cylindrical, colourless, thin-walled, smooth, with oil drops inside, IKI–, CB–, 7–10.5(–11) × 3–4.5(–5) µm, L = 8.75 µm, W = 4.15 µm, Q = 2.02–2.18 (n = 120/4).
Climate of the sample collection site is subtropical monsoon climate area, the forest type is evergreen angiosperm forest and samples were collected on fallen angiosperm branches.
China. Yunnan Province, Chuxiong, Zixishan National Forestry Park, GPS co-ordinates 25°01'26"N, 101°24'37"E, altitude 2263 m a.s.l., on fallen angiosperm branch, leg. C.L. Zhao, 1 July 2018, CLZhao 6930, CLZhao 7003 (
In the present study, two new species, Hyphoderma puerense and H. tenuissimum are described, based on phylogenetic analyses and morphological characters.
Phylogenetically, the two new taxa were found to belong to Hyphoderma, in which H. puerense forms a sister species to H. moniliforme and H. tenuissimum forms an independent monophyletic lineage (100% BS, 100% BP and 1.00 BPP).
Morphologically, Hyphoderma puerense is similar to H. obtusiforme J. Erikss. & Å. Strid and H. obtusum in having a smooth hymenium, non-septate cylindrical cystidia and ellipsoid basidiospores. However, H. obtusiforme differs from H. puerense by both larger basidia (30–40 × 8–9 µm) and basidiospores (10–14 × 5–7 µm;
Morphologically, Hyphoderma tenuissimum is similar to H. floccosum C.L. Zhao & Q.X. Guan, H. mopanshanense, H. nudicephalum Gilb. & M. Blackw., H. pinicola, H. setigerum and H. subsetigerum Sheng H. Wu in having septocystidia and cylindrical basidiospores. However, Hyphoderma floccosum differs from H. tenuissimum by having a floccose hymenial surface and tubular cystidia (
In the current phylogenetic tree, two partially annotated GenBank sequences (KJ668522 and KJ714002) of Hyphoderma sp. (South Korea) cluster closely with four sequences of the new species Hyphoderma tenuissimum, although whether they really belong to this species remains to be assessed. It is certainly conceivable that they do, which would mean that Hyphoderma tenuissimum has been collected and sequenced at least six times in Asia. Regarding the new taxon H. puerense (Fig.
1 | Cystidia absent | 2 |
– | Cystidia present | 5 |
2 | Hymenial surface grandinioid | H. acystidiatum |
– | Hymenial surface smooth | 3 |
3 | Basidiospores > 10.5 µm in length | H. densum |
– | Basidiospores < 10.5 µm in length | 4 |
4 | Hymenophore cracked; basidiospores > 8.5 µm in length | H. fissuratum |
– | Hymenophore uncracked; basidiospores < 8.5 µm in length | H. sibiricum |
5 | Hymenophore smooth | 6 |
– | Hymenophore tuberculate, porulose, grandinioid or odontoid | 15 |
6 | Two types of cystidia present | 7 |
– | One type of cystidia present | 8 |
7 | Moniliform cystidia absent | H. microcystidium |
– | Moniliform cystidia present | H. sinense |
8 | Hymenophore uncracked | 9 |
– | Hymenophore cracked | 11 |
9 | Basidiospores > 11 µm in length | H. definitum |
– | Basidiospores < 11 µm in length | 10 |
10 | Basidiospores > 8.5 µm in length | H. microporoides |
– | Basidiospores < 8.5 µm in length | H. puerense |
11 | Cystidia moniliform | 12 |
– | Cystidia cylindrical | 13 |
12 | Basidiospores > 9 µm in length | H. litschaueri |
– | Basidiospores < 9 µm in length | H. moniliforme |
13 | Basidiospores ellipsoid < 10 μm in length | H. rimulosum |
– | Basidiospores cylindrical > 10 μm in length | 14 |
14 | Basidiospores > 12 µm in length | H. cremeum |
– | Basidiospores < 12 µm in length | H. subclavatum |
15 | Hymenophore odontoid or grandinioid | 16 |
– | Hymenophore tuberculate, porulose | 19 |
16 | Hymenophore odontoid | 17 |
– | Hymenophore grandinioid | 18 |
17 | Basidiospores < 4.5 µm in width | H. transiens |
– | Basidiospores > 4.5 µm in width | H. formosanum |
18 | Basidiospores larger 7–10.5 × 3–4.5 µm | H. tenuissimum |
– | Basidiospores smaller 6–8 × 2.8–3.2 μm | H. subsetigerum |
19 | Cystidia of two types | 20 |
– | Cystidia of one type | 23 |
20 | Septate cystidia absent | 21 |
– | Septate cystidia present | 22 |
21 | Basidiospores < 4 µm in width | H. variolosum |
– | Basidiospores > 4 µm in width | H. crystallinum |
22 | Basidia 2-sterigmata, basidiospores > 13 µm in length | H. pinicola |
– | Basidia 4-sterigmata, basidiospores < 13 µm in length | H. floccosum |
23 | Septate cystidia present | 24 |
– | Septate cystidia absent | 25 |
24 | Hymenophore porulose to pilose, basidia < 5 µm in width | H. mopanshanense |
– | Hymenophore tuberculate, basidia > 5 µm in width | H. setigerum |
25 | Hymenophore porulose | H. obtusiforme |
– | Hymenophore tuberculate, colliculose | 26 |
26 | Cystidia < 30 µm in length | H. cremeoalbum |
– | Cystidia > 30 µm in length | 27 |
27 | Basidia > 30 µm in length | 28 |
– | Basidia < 30 µm in length | 29 |
28 | Hymenophore cracking, cystidia < 10 µm in width | H. medioburiense |
– | Hymenophore not cracking, cystidia > 10 µm in width | H. clavatum |
29 | Hymenophore colliculose | H. nemorale |
– | Hymenophore tuberculate | H. membranaceum |
The research was supported by the Yunnan Fundamental Research Project (Grant No. 202001AS070043) and Science Research Foundation of Yunnan Provincial Department of Education Project (Project No. 2021Y275).