Research Article
Research Article
Additions to Phaeosphaeriaceae (Pleosporales): Elongaticollum gen. nov., Ophiosphaerella taiwanensis sp. nov., Phaeosphaeriopsis beaucarneae sp. nov. and a new host record of Neosetophoma poaceicola from Musaceae
expand article infoDanushka S. Tennakoon§, Kasun M. Thambugala|, Dhanushka N. Wanasinghe, Eleni Gentekaki§, Itthayakorn Promputtha#, Chang-Hsin Kuo, Kevin D. Hyde¤#«
‡ National Chiayi University, Chiayi, Taiwan
§ Mae Fah Luang University, Chaing Rai, Thailand
| University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Nugegoda, Sri Lanka
¶ Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Science, Kunming, China
# Chiang Mai University, Chaing Mai, Thailand
¤ Mae Fah Luang University, Chiang Rai, Thailand
« Zhongkai University of Agriculture and Engineering, Guangzhou, China
Open Access


A novel ascomycetous genus, Elongaticollum, occurring on leaf litter of Hedychium coronarium (Zingiberaceae) in Taiwan, is described and illustrated. Elongaticollum is characterized by dark brown to black, superficial, obpyriform, pycnidial conidiomata with a distinct elongate neck, and oval to oblong, hyaline, aseptate conidia. Phylogenetic analyses (maximum likelihood, maximum parsimony and Bayesian) of combined ITS, LSU, SSU and tef1-α sequence data revealed Elongaticollum as a distinct genus within the family Phaeosphaeriaceae with high statistical support. In addition, Ophiosphaerella taiwanensis and Phaeosphaeriopsis beaucarneae are described as new species from dead leaves of Agave tequilana and Beaucarnea recurvata (Asparagaceae), respectively. Neosetophoma poaceicola is reported as a new host record from dead leaves of Musa acuminata (Musaceae). Newly described taxa are compared with other similar species and comprehensive descriptions and micrographs are provided.


Asparagaceae, Dothideomycetes, leaf litter, new taxa, Zingiberaceae


Plant litter is considered as one of the main contributors to net above-ground primary productivity of terrestrial ecosystems (Swift et al. 1979; Berg and McClaugherty 2008; Krishna and Mohan 2017). Since plant litter is returned back to the soil, it represents a major source of organic carbon in forest soils (Berg 2003). Plant litter can be defined as a collection of fallen leaves, twigs, seeds and other woody debris that accumulate on the ground as a natural part of the forest ecosystem (Johnson and Catley 2002; Berg and McClaugherty 2008). In particular, leaf litter is the main source of organic matter and nutrients of the soil, compared to other litter types (Robertson and Paul 1999; Berg and McClaugherty 2008; Krishna and Mohan 2017). Leaf litter decomposition is a key process contributing to biogeochemical cycles in any forest ecosystem. Microorganisms are the primary agents in this process (Purahong et al. 2016; Mlambo et al. 2019). Fungi are considered as the “key players” in leaf litter decomposition, because of their ability to produce a wide range of extracellular enzymes (Pointing et al. 2005; Berg and McClaugherty 2008; Bani et al. 2018). Many researchers have been carrying out studies of fungal species inhabiting leaf litter and have described numerous new species in Dothideomycetes (Hyde et al. 2019; Phookamsak et al. 2019; Tennakoon et al. 2019).

The family Phaeosphaeriaceae is considered to be one of the most species-rich families in Dothideomycetes and includes species that inhabit a wide range of ecosystems (i. e., marine, terrestrial, and mangroves) (Phookamsak et al. 2014, 2017; Bakhshi et al. 2019; Jones et al. 2019; Luo et al. 2019; Tennakoon et al. 2019). Phaeosphaeriaceae was established by Barr (1979), who designated Phaeosphaeria I. Miyake as the generic type of the family. Phaeosphaeriaceae species have immersed to superficial, globose to subglobose ascomata, short papilla, bitunicate asci and hyaline to pigmented, fusiform to ellipsoidal, filiform, or muriform ascospores (Bakhshi et al. 2019; Chaiwan et al. 2019; Maharachchikumbura et al. 2019; Yang et al. 2019). Members of Phaeosphaeriaceae are cosmopolitan, since they exhibit diverse lifestyles as saprobes, endophytes and pathogens of economically important plants (Barr 1992; Phookamsak et al. 2014, 2017; Yang et al. 2016; Hyde et al. 2020; Mapook et al. 2020). Apart from being cosmopolitan in nature, it appears that this family is phylogenetically highly diverse. Thus, recent studies have revealed a large number of new genera in this family. For instance, in the space of two years, eleven genera have been introduced, viz. Bhagirathimyces S.M. Singh & S.K. Singh (Hyde et al. 2020), Hydeomyces Maharachchikumbura et al. (Maharachchikumbura et al. 2019), Hydeopsis J.F. Zhang et al. (Zhang et al. 2019), Neostagonosporella C.L. Yang, et al. (Yang et al. 2019), Parastagonosporella M. Bakhshi, Arzanlou & Crous (Bakhshi et al. 2019), Pseudoophiosphaerella J.F. Zhang et al. (Zhang et al. 2019), Murichromolaenicola Mapook & K.D. Hyde (Mapook et al. 2020), Neoophiobolus Mapook & K.D. Hyde (Mapook et al. 2020), Paraleptospora Mapook & K.D. Hyde (Mapook et al. 2020), Pseudostaurosphaeria Mapook & K.D. Hyde (Mapook et al. 2020) and Vittaliana Devadatha et al. (Devadatha et al. 2019). Currently, more than 70 genera are accommodated in this family (Wanasinghe et al. 2018; Bakhshi et al. 2019; Maharachchikumbura et al. 2019; Phookamsak et al. 2019; Hongsanan et al. 2020; Hyde et al. 2020).

We are investigating the diversity of microfungi on leaf litter in the tropics with the aim of clarifying their taxonomy based on morphology coupled with multi-gene phylogeny. As a part of this study, we have collected and isolated four taxa from Taiwan, which belong to the family Phaeosphaeriaceae. We present herein comprehensive morphological descriptions and an in-depth phylogenetic investigation of the newly introduced species.

Materials and methods

Sample collection, morphological studies and isolation

Decaying leaf litter samples of Agave tequilana F.A.C. Weber (Asparagaceae), Beaucarnea recurvata Lem. (Asparagaceae), Hedychium coronarium J.Koenig (Zingiberaceae), and Musa acuminata Colla (Musaceae) were collected from Dahu Forest Area in Chiayi, Taiwan and taken to the laboratory in Zip lock plastic bags. Specimens were examined with a LEICA EZ4 stereomicroscope. Micro-morphological characters were determined using AXIOSKOP 2 PLUS compound microscope and images were captured with a Zeiss AXIOCAM 506 COLOR digital camera. Observations and photomicrographs were made from materials mounted in water. Permanent slides were preserved in lactoglycerol, sealed by applying nail-polish around the margins of cover slip. All measurements were made with ZEN2 (blue edition) and images used for figures were processed with Adobe Photoshop CS3 Extended version 10.0 software (Adobe Systems, USA).

Single ascospore and conidial isolation was carried out following the method described in Phookamsak et al. (2014). The single germinated spore was picked up and transferred to potato dextrose agar (PDA) and incubated at 25 °C in natural light. Subsequent sub-culturing was done carefully to obtain pure culture and ensure absence of contaminants. Culture characteristics were observed after three weeks. Colonies were photographed and colonial characters were noted and described. Type specimens of new taxa were deposited at the herbarium of Mae Fah Luang University (MFLU) and National Chiayi University Herbarium (NCYU). Living cultures were deposited in Mae Fah Luang University Culture Collection (MFLUCC) and National Chiayi University Culture Collection (NCYUCC). Faces of Fungi and Index Fungorum numbers were provided as in Jayasiri et al. (2015) and Index Fungorum (2020).

DNA extraction and PCR amplification

Total genomic DNA was extracted from scraped fresh fungal mycelium using the DNA extraction kit E.Z.N.A Fungal DNA Mini Kit (D3390-02, Omega Bio-Tek) following the manufacturer’s protocol. The DNA product was kept at 4 °C for DNA amplification and maintained at -20 °C for long term storage. DNA was amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for four genes, the large subunit (28S, LSU), small subunit (18S, SSU), internal transcribed spacers including the 5.8s rDNA (ITS1-5.8S-ITS2) and translation elongation factor 1 alpha (tef1-α). The partial LSU gene was amplified by using the primer combination LR0R and LR5 (Vilgalys and Hester 1990; Rehner and Samuels 1994); partial SSU was amplified with NS1 and NS4 (White et al. 1990), nuclear ITS was amplified with primers ITS5 and ITS4 (White et al. 1990), and tef1-α gene was amplified using the primers EF1-983F and EF1-2218R (Rehner et al. 2001). Amplification reactions were performed in 25 µl of total reaction that contained 9.5 µl of sterilized water, 12.5 µl of 2×Power Taq PCR MasterMix (Tri-I Biotech, Taipei, Taiwan), 1 μl of each forward and reverse primers and 1 μl of DNA template. The PCR thermal cycle program of ITS, LSU, SSU and tef1-α gene was processed initially at 94 °C for 3 minutes, followed by 35 cycles of denaturation at 94 °C for 30 seconds, annealing at 55 °C for 50 seconds, elongation at 72 °C for 1 minute and a final extension at 72 °C for 10 minutes and a holding temperature of 4 °C. The PCR products were analyzed by 1.5% agarose gels containing the Safeview DNA stain (GeneMark, Taipei, Taiwan) to confirm their expected molecular weight. PCR products were purified and sequenced with primers mentioned above by Tri-I Biotech, Taipei, Taiwan. Nucleotide sequences were deposited in GenBank (Table 1).

Phylogenetic analysis

Phylogenetic analyses were performed using a combined LSU, SSU, ITS and tef1-α sequence dataset. Newly generated sequence data were initially subjected to blast search in NCBI to obtain the closest matches in GenBank. Sequences generated from this study were analyzed with related taxa in the family Phaeosphaeriaceae, which were obtained from GenBank and from recently published data (Bakhshi et al. 2019; Hyde et al. 2019; Maharachchikumbura et al. 2019; Yang et al. 2019; Mapook et al. 2020) (Table 1). The combined dataset consisted of 168 sequences including our newly generated sequences. Multiple alignments were automatically made with MAFFT v. 7 at the web server (, using default settings (Katoh and Standley 2013). The alignment was refined manually with BioEdit v. (Hall 1999), where necessary.

Evolutionary models for phylogenetic analyses were selected independently for each locus using MrModeltest v. 3.7 (Posada and Crandall 1998) under the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC). Phylogenetic trees were obtained from Randomized Accelerated Maximum Likelihood (RAxML), maximum parsimony analysis (MP) and Bayesian inference analyses (BI). ML trees were generated using the RAxML-HPC2 on XSEDE (8.2.8) (Stamatakis et al. 2008; Stamatakis 2014) in the CIPRES Science Gateway platform (Miller et al. 2010) using GTR+I+G model of evolution. The MP analysis was performed using PAUP (Phylogenetic Analysis Using Parsimony) version 4.0b10 (Swofford 2002), with parameters as described in Tennakoon et al. (2019). Descriptive tree statistics for parsimony, such as Tree Length (TL), Consistency Index (CI), Retention Index (RI), Relative Consistency Index (RC) and Homoplasy Index (HI) were calculated.

The BI analysis was conducted with MrBayes v. 3.1.2 (Huelsenbeck and Ronquist 2001) to evaluate posterior probabilities (PP) (Rannala and Yang 1996; Zhaxybayeva and Gogarten 2002) by Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling (MCMC). Six MCMC chains were run simultaneously, starting from random trees for 3,000,000 generations. Trees were sampled every 100th generation for a total of 30,000 trees. The first 6,000 trees were discarded as the burn-in phase of each analysis. Posterior probabilities (Rannala and Yang 1996) were determined from a majority-rule consensus tree generated with the remaining 24,000 trees. Phylograms were visualized with FigTree v1.4.0 (Rambaut 2012) and annotated in Microsoft Power Point (2010). Sequences of the new strains generated in this study are deposited in GenBank. The final alignment and trees were deposited in TreeBASE, submission ID: 26088.

Table 1.

GenBank and culture collection accession numbers of species included in the present phylogenetic study. Newly generated sequences are shown in bold.

Species Strain/Voucher no. GenBank accession no.
LSU SSU ITS tef1–α
Acericola italica MFLUCC 13-0609 MF167429 MF167430 MF167428
Allophaeosphaeria muriformia MFLUCC 13-0277 KX910089 KX950400 KX926415
Alloneottiosporina thailandica MFLUCC 15-0576
Amarenographium ammophilicola MFLU 17-2571 MN017847 MN017913 MN047087 MN077065
Amarenomyces dactylidis KUMCC 18-0154 MK356345 MK356359 MK356371
Arezzomyces cytisi MFLUCC 15-0649 KT306950 KT306954 KT306947
Banksiophoma australiensis CBS 142163 KY979794 KY979739 KY979889
Bhagirathimyc es himalayensis AMH 10127 MK836020 MN121697 MK836021
Bhatiellae rosae MFLUCC 17-0664 MG828989 MG829101 MG828873
Brunneomurispora lonicerae KUMCC 18-0157 MK356346 MK356360 MK356373 MK359065
Camarosporioides phragmitis MFLUCC 13-0365 KX572345 KX572350 KX572340 KX572354
Chaetosphaeronema achilleae MFLUCC 16-0476 KX765266 KX765265
C. hispidulum CBS 216.75 KF251652 EU754045 KF251148 KF253108
Dactylidina shoemaker MFLUCC 14-0963 MG829003 MG829114 MG828887 MG829200
Dematiopleospora cirsii MFLUCC 13-0615 KX274250 KX274243 KX284708
D. mariae MFLUCC 15-0612 KJ749653 KJ749652 KX274244 KJ749655
Didymocyrtis xanthomendozae CBS 129666 KP170651 KP170677
Diederichomyces ficuzzae CBS 128019 JQ238616 KP170647 KP170673
Dlhawksworthia clematidicola MFLUCC 17-0693 MG829038 MG829144 MG828929
D. lonicera MFLUCC 14-0955 MG829012 MG829121 MG828902 MG829203
Edenia gomezpompae JLCC 34533 KC193601
LVPEI 3225 KU578033
Elongaticollum hedychii MFLUCC 18-1638 MT321810 MT321803 MT321796 MT328753
E. hedychii MFLUCC 17-2653 MT321811 MT321804 MT321797 MT328754
NCYUCC 19-0286 MT321812 MT321805 MT321798 MT328755
Embarria clematidis MFLUCC 14-0652 KT306953 KT306956 KT306949
MFLUCC 14-0976 MG828987 MG829099 MG828871 MG829194
Equiseticola fusispora MFLUCC 14-0522 KU987669 KU987670 KU987668 MG520895
Galiicola baoshanensis HKAS 102234 MK356348 MK356362 MK356374 MK359066
G. pseudophaeosphaeria MFLU 14-0524 MG520896
Hydeomyces desertipleosporoides SQUCC 15259 MK290839 MK290843 MK290841 MK290848
SQUCC 15260 MK290840 MK290844 MK290842 MK290849
Hydeopsis verrucispora SD 2016-5 MK522498 MK522504 MK522508 MK523388
Italica achilleae MFLUCC 14-0955 MG829012 MG829121 MG828902 MG829203
I. luzulae MFLUCC 14-0932 KT306951
Jeremyomyces labinae CBS 144617 MK442529 MK442589 MK442695
Juncaceicola italica MFLUCC 13-0750 KX500110 MG520897
J. luzulae MFLUCC 13-0780 KX449530 KX449531 KX449529
Kwanghwaensis miscanthi FU31017 MK503823 MK503829 MK503817 MT009126
Leptosphaeria doliolum CBS 505.75 GU301827 GU296159 JF740205 GU349069
Leptospora rubella CPC 11006 DQ195792 DQ195803 DQ195780
L. thailandica MFLUCC 16-0385 KX655549 KX655554 KX655559 KX655564
Longispora clematidis MFLU 15–1277
Loratospora aestuarii CBS 117592 MH863024
Mauginiella scaettae CBS 239.58 MH869303 MH857770
Melnikia anthoxanthii MFLUCC 14-1011 KU848204 KU848205
Murichromolaenicola chiangraiensis MFLUCC 17-1488 MN994559 MN994605 MN994582 MN998163
M. chromolaenae MFLUCC 17-1489 MN994560 MN994606 MN994583 MN998164
Muriphaeosphaeria galatellae MFLUCC 14-0614 KT438329 KT438331 KT438333 MG520900
MFLUCC 15-0769 KT438330 KT438332
Neoophiobolus chromolaenae MFLUCC 17-1467 MN994562 MN994606 MN994583 MN998164
N. chromolaenae MFLUCC 17-1449 MN994561 MN994607 MN994584 MN998165
Neosetophoma sp. MFLUCC 17-0844 MG829035 MG829141 MG828926 MG829219
N. aseptata CBS 145363 MK540024 MK539953
N. camporesii MFLUCC 15-0682 KU302778 KU302779
N. clematidis MFLUCC 13-0734 KP684153 KP684154 KP744450
N. garethjonesii MFLUCC 14-0528 KY501126 KY514402
N. guiyangensis GZ13 MH018132 MH018136 MH018134 MH051889
N. italica MFLU 14-0809 KP711361 KP711366 KP711356
N. lonicerae KUMCC 18-0155 MK356349 MK356363 MK356375 MK359067
N. lunariae CPC 26671 KX306789 KX306763
N. miscanthi MFLU 18-2675 MK503826 MK503832 MK503820
N. phragmitis CBS 145364 MK540025 MK539954 MK540148
N. poaceicola MFLUCC 16-0886 KY550382 KY550383 KY568986
MFLUCC 18-1632 MT321809 MT321802 MT321795
N. rosae MFLUCC 17-0844 MG829035 MG829141 MG828926 MG829219
N. rosaena MFLUCC 17-0768 MG829037 MG829143 MG828928
N. rosarum MFLU 17-0308 MG829036 MG829142 MG828927
N. salicis MFLU 17-0118 MK608026 MK608025
N. samarorum CBS 138.96 KF251664 GQ387517 MH862569 KF253119
N. sambuci CBS 145365 MK540026 MK539955 MK540149
N. shoemakeri MFLU 16-1606 MG602199 MG602201 MG602203 MG844352
MFLUCC 17-0780 MG844348 MG844350 MG844346 MG844352
N. tienshanensis MFLUCC 17-0844 MG829035 MG829141 MG828926 MG829219
N. xingrensis GZAAS18 0100 MH018133 MH018135
Neosphaerellopsis thailandica CPC 21659 KP170721 KP170652 KP170678
Neostagonospora caricis CBS 135092 KF251667 KF251163
N. phragmitis MFLUCC 16-0493 KX910090 KX950401 KX926416 MG520902
Neostagonosporella sichuanensis MFLUCC 18-1228 MK313854
MFLUCC 18-1231 MK313851
Neosulcatispora agaves CPC 26407 KT950867 KT950853
Nodulosphaeria multiseptata MFLUCC 15-0078 KY496728 KY496748
N. scabiosae MFLUCC 14-1111 KU708846 KU708842 KU708850 KU708854
Ophiobolopsis italica MFLUCC 17-1791 MG520959 MG520977 MG520939 MG520903
Ophiobolus disseminans MFLUCC 17-1787 MG520961 MG520980 MG520941 MG520906
O. rossicus MFLU 17-1639 MG520964 MG520983 MG520944 MG520909
Ophiosimulans tanaceti MFLUCC 14-0525 KU738891 KU738892 KU738890 MG520910
Ophiosphaerella agrostidis MFLUCC 11-0152 KM434281 KM434290 KM434271 KM434299
MFLUCC 12-0007 KM434282 KM434291 KM434272 KM434300
MFLUCC 16-0895 MF197563 MF351604 MF351996
IGM35 MF197563 MF351604
MFLUCC 11-0152 KM434281 KM434290 KM434271 KM434299
O. aquatica MFLUCC 14-0033 KX767089 KX767090 KX767088 MG520911
MFLUCC 14-0033 KX767089 KX767090 KX767088 MG520911
O. herpotricha k28 KP690992 KP691016
KS29 KP690986 KP691015
O. korrae ATCC 56289 KC848509 KC848515
O. narmari ATCC 64688 KC848510 KC848516
ATCC 201719 KC848508 KC848514
O. taiwanensis MFLU 18-2534 MT321815 MT321808 MT321801 MT328758
O. taiwanica NTUCC 17-024 MN082419 MN082417
NTUCC 17-025 MN082420 MN082418
Paraleptosphaeria dryadis CBS 643.86 GU301828 KC584632 JF740213 GU349009
Paraleptospora chromolaenae MFLUCC 17-1481 MN994563 MN994609 MN994587 MN998167
P. chromolaenicola MFLUCC 17-1450 MN994564 MN994610 MN994588 MN998168
Paraophiobolus arundinis MFLUCC 17-1789 MG520965 MG520984 MG520945 MG520912
P. plantaginis MFLUCC 17-0245 KY815010 KY815012 KY797641 MG520913
Paraloratospora camporesii MFLU 18-0915 MN756637 MN756635 MN756639
Paraphoma chrysanthemicola CBS 522.66 KF251670 GQ387521 KF251166 KF253124
P. radicina CBS 111.79 KF251676 EU754092 KF251172 KF253130
Parastagonospora dactylidis MFLUCC 13-0375 KU058722 KU058712
Parastagonosporella fallopiae CBS 135981 MH460545 MH460543 MH460549
P. fallopiae CCTU 1151-1 MH460546 MH460544 MH460550
Phaeopoacea muriformis MFLUCC 17-0372 MF611638 MF611639 MF611637
P. festucae MFLUCC 17-0056 KY824767 KY824769 KY824766
Phaeoseptoriella zeae CBS 144614 MK442547 MK442611 MK442702
Phaeosphaeria musae MFLUCC 11-0133 KM434277 KM434287 KM434267 KM434296
P. oryzae CBS 110110 KF251689 GQ387530 KF251186
P. papayae CBS 135416 MH866082
Phaeosphaeriopsis agapanthi CPC 26303 KX228311 KX228260
P. agavacearum CPC 29122 KY173520 KY173430
P. agavensis CBS 102206 KY090669 KY090693 KY090635
P. aloes CBS 145367 MK540030 MK539959 MK540153
P. aloicola CBS 145368 MK540031 MK539960 MK540154
P. amblyospora CBS 110131 MH862851
P. beaucarneae MFLU 18-2586 MT321813 MT321806 MT321799 MT328756
MFLU 18-2587 MT321814 MT321807 MT321800 MT328757
P. dracaenicola MFLUCC 11-0157 KM434283 KM434292 KM434273 KM434301
P. glaucopunctata MFLUCC 13-0265 KJ522477 KJ522481 KJ522473 MG520918
P. grevilleae CBS 145369 MK540032 MK539961 MK540155
P. nolinae CBS 102205 KY090667 KY090694 KY090637
P. obtusispora CBS 246.64 JX681119 KY090644
P. omaniana SQUCC:14333 MT075849 MT075840
P. phacidiomorpha CBS 198.35 AF275496 AF275515 FJ462742
P. pseudoagavacearum CBS 145370 MK540033 MK539962
MFLU 17-1800A MN750592 MN750607 MN750613 MN756837
P. triseptata MFLUCC 13-0271 KJ522479 KJ522484 KJ522475 MG520919
P. yuccae MFLUCC 16-0558 KY554481 KY554480 KY554482 MG520920
Piniphoma wesendahlina CBS 145032 MK442551 MK442615 MK442706
Populocrescentia ammophilae MFLUCC 17-0665 MG829059 MG829164 MG828949 MG829231
P. rosacea MFLU 17-0128 MG829060 MG829165 MG829232
Pseudoophiobolus achilleae MFLU 17-0925 MG520966 MG520946
P. galii MFLUCC 17-2257 MG520967 MG520989 MG520947 MG520926
Pseudoophiosphaerella huishuiensis HS13 MK522499 MK522505 MK522509 MK523389
Pseudophaeosphaeria rubi MFLUCC 14-0259 KX765299 KX765300 KX765298 MG520934
Pseudostaurosphaeria chromolaena MFLUCC 17-1490 MN994570 MN994616 MN994593 MN998174
P. chromolaenicola MFLUCC 17-1491 MN994571 MN994617 MN994594 MN998175
Poaceicola arundinis MFLU 16-0158 MG829057 MG829162 MG828947 MG829229
P. bromi MFLUCC 13-0739 KU058727 KU058717
Sclerostagonospora rosicola MFLUCC 15-0129 MG829068 MG829172 MG828957 MG829237
Scolicosporium minkeviciusii MFLUCC 12-0089 KF366382 KF366383
Septoriella phragmitis CPC 24118 KR873279 KR873251
S. pseudophragmitis CBS 145417 MK560161 MK559452
Setomelanomma holmii CBS 110217 GU301871 GU296196 KT389542 GU349028
Setophoma antiqua LC6594 MK511947 MK511909 MK525070
S. chromolaenae CBS 135105 KF251747 KF251244 KF253195
S. endophytica LC3163 MK511956 MK511931 MK525092
S. longinqua LC6593 MK511946 MK511908 MK525069
S. pseudosacchari CBS 145373 MK540039 MK539969
S. sacchari MFLUCC 11-0154 KJ476146 KJ476148 KJ476144 KJ461319
MFLUCC 12-0241 KJ476147 KJ476149 KJ476145 KJ461318
S. terrestris CBS 335.29 KF251749 GQ387526 KF251246 KF253196
S. vernoniae CBS 137988 KJ869198 KJ869141 MK540162
S. yingyisheniae LC12696 MK511950 MK511914 MK525075
S. yunnanensis LC6532 MK511945 MK511907 MK525068
Stagonospora foliicola CBS 110111 KF251759 EU754118 KF251256 KF253206
Sulcispora sp. MFLUCC 14-0995 KP271444 KP271445 KP271443 MH665366
Sulcispora pleurospora CBS 460.84 AF439498
Tintelnotia destructans CBS 127737 KY090664 KY090698 KY090652
T. opuntiae CBS 376.91 GU238123 GU238226 KY090651
Vagicola vagans CBS 604.86 KU058727 KF251193 KF253149
Vittaliana mangrovei NFCCI 4251 MG767312 MG767313 MG767311 MG767314
Vrystaatia aloeicola CBS 135107 KF251781 KF251278
Wingfieldomyces cyperi CBS 141450 KX228337 KX228286 MK540163
Wojnowiciella eucalypti CPC 25024 KR476774 KR476741 LT990617
W. kunmingensis KUMCC 18-0159 MK356354 MK356368 MK356380 MK359071
Xenophoma puncteliae CBS 128022 JQ238619 KP170686
Xenoseptoria neosaccardoi CBS 120.43 KF251783 KF251280 KF253227
CBS 128665 KF251784 KF251281 KF253228
Yunnanensis chromolaenae MFLUCC 17-1486 MN994573 MN994619 MN994596 MN998177
MFLUCC 17-1487 MN994574 MN994620 MN994597 MN998178
Yunnanensis phragmitis MFLUCC 17-0315 MF684863 MF684867 MF684862 MF683624
MFLUCC 17-1361 MF684865 MF684864 MF684869


Phylogenetic analysis

The combined dataset of ITS, LSU, SSU and tef1-α sequences comprised 3423 characters, of which 2418 characters are constant, 697 characters are parsimony-informative, while 308 variable characters are parsimony-uninformative in the maximum parsimony (MP) analysis (TL = 6364, CI = 0.250, RI = 0.657, RC = 0.164, HI = 0.750). The RAxML analysis of the combined dataset yielded a best scoring tree (Figure 1) with a final ML optimization likelihood value of – 34492.801018. The matrix had 1331 distinct alignment patterns, with 37.25% of undetermined characters or gaps. Estimated base frequencies are; A = 0.247120, C = 0.228182, G = 0.268238, T = 0.256459; substitution rates AC = 1.250439, AG = 3.526348, AT = 2.517351, CG = 0.798250, CT = 6.907432, GT = 1.000; proportion of invariable sites I = 0.596400; gamma distribution shape parameter α = 0.492378. All analyses (ML, MP and BI) gave similar results and are in agreement with previous studies based on multi-gene analyses (Hyde et al. 2019, 2020; Phookamsak et al. 2019). Phylogenetic analyses of the combined data matrix resulted in well-resolved clades, many of which had considerably high statistical support (Figure 1). Bootstrap support values for maximum likelihood, maximum parsimony ≥70%, and Bayesian posterior probabilities (BYPP) ≥0.95 are given above each branch in that order (Figure 1). Phylogenetic position and statistical support are noted in the taxonomy section.

Figure 1. 

RAxML tree inferred from combined dataset of ITS, LSU, SSU and tef1-α partial sequences of 168 strains of Phaeosphaeriaceae. Bootstrap support values for maximum likelihood (ML), maximum parsimony (MP) values ≥70%, and Bayesian posterior probabilities (BYPP) ≥0.95 are given above each branch respectively. The new species are highlighted in red, and the new record in green. Ex-type strains are in bold. The tree is rooted by Leptosphaeria doliolum (CBS 505.75) and Paraleptosphaeria dryadis (CBS 643.86).


Elongaticollum Tennakoon, C.H. Kuo & K.D. Hyde, gen. nov.


Refers to the fact that the pycnidia have elongated necks.


Saprobic on dead leaves of Hedychium coronarium J. Koenig. Sexual morph: Undetermined. Asexual morph: Coelomycetous. Conidiomata pycnidial, solitary, superficial, dark brown to black, obpyriform, papillate. Neck elongate, dark brown, usually straight, but sometimes slightly curved. Conidiomatal wall composed of 4–5 layers of light brown cells, arranged in textura angularis. Conidiophores reduced to conidiogenous cells. Conidiogenous cells hyaline, aseptate, smooth, ampulliform, arising from the inner cell wall of the apex. Conidia oval to oblong, smooth and thin-walled, hyaline, aseptate, with 1–2-minute guttules.

Type species

Elongaticollum hedychii Tennakoon, C.H. Kuo & K.D. Hyde.

Elongaticollum hedychii Tennakoon, C.H. Kuo & K.D. Hyde, sp. nov.

Figure 2


Name reflects the host Hedychium coronarium J. Koenig, from which the holotype was collected.


MFLU 18-2542.


Saprobic on dead leaves of Hedychium coronarium J. Koenig. Sexual morph: Undetermined. Asexual morph: Coelomycetous. Conidiomata 120–140 µm high, 60–70 µm diam., pycnidial, solitary, scattered, superficial, visible as small black spots on host surface, dark brown to black, obpyriform, papillate. Neck up to 80–100 μm long, 20–30 µm diam., elongated, dark brown, usually straight, but sometimes slightly curved. Conidiomatal wall 10–20 µm wide, composed of 4–5 layers of light brown, thick-walled cells, arranged in textura angularis. Conidiophores reduced to conidiogenous cells. Conidiogenous cells 3–4 × 3–3.5 μm ( = 3.6 × 3.2 μm, n = 10), arising from the inner cell wall of the apex, hyaline, aseptate, smooth, ampulliform. Conidia 4–5 × 1.8–2.2 μm ( = 4.6 × 2.1 μm, n = 30), oval to oblong, smooth, thin-walled, hyaline, aseptate, with 1–2-minute guttules.

Culture characteristics

Colonies on PDA reaching 30 mm diameter after 3 weeks at 20–25 °C, colonies medium sparse, circular, raised, surface slightly rough with entire edge, margin entire, colony from above: light brown to grey at the margin, dark brown at middle, dark brown to black at the center; reverse, light brown to yellowish at the margin, brown at middle, dark brown to black at the center; mycelium light brown to grey with tufts; not producing pigments in PDA.

Material examined

Taiwan, Chiayi, Fanlu Township area, Dahu Forest, dead leaves of Hedychium coronarium J. Koenig (Zingiberaceae), 15 August 2018 (23°27.514'N, 120°36.302'E), D.S. Tennakoon, TLF031-A (MFLU 18-2542, holotype), ex-type living culture (MFLUCC 18-1638 = NCYUCC 19-0163); ibid. 20 August 2018 (23°27.530'N, 120°36.314'E), TLF031-B (NCYU19-0139, paratype), living culture (NCYUCC19-0286); ibid. 25 August 2018 (23°27.512'N, 120°36.301'E), TLF031-C (NCYU19-0140, paratype), living culture (NCYUCC 19-0287).


The genus Elongaticollum differs from other asexual morphs in Phaeosphaeriaceae in dark brown to black, superficial, obpyriform, pycnidial conidiomata with distinct elongate necks (80–100 μm) and a globose base and oval to oblong, hyaline, aseptate conidia (Figure 2). Multi-gene phylogenetic analyses (LSU, SSU, ITS, tef1-α), show Elongaticollum strains constitute a highly supported independent lineage nested between Setophoma sensu lato and Neostagonosporella (97% ML, 80% MP, 1.00 BYPP, Figure 1). However, the asexual morph of Setophoma can be distinguished from Elongaticollum in having setose conidiomata without elongate necks and oblong to ellipsoidal conidia, whereas, Elongaticollum have conidiomata with distinct elongate necks and lacking setae and oval to oblong conidia (De Gruyter et al. 2010; Phookamsak et al. 2014). Despite some Setophoma species not having setae (i.e. S. antiqua, S. endophytica, and S. yunnanensis) (Liu et al. 2019), Elongaticollum species can be distinguished by its superficial conidiomata with elongate necks.

Figure 2. 

Elongaticollum hedychii (MFLU 18-2542, holotype) a specimen b appearance of conidiomata on host c close up of conidiomata on host d vertical section through conidioma e, f squash mount of conidioma g conidioma wall h, i elongated conidiomatal necks j conidiogenous cells k conidia l, m germinated conidia n colony from below o colony from above p, q pycnidia formed on PDA. Scale bars: 100 µm (c), 50 µm (d–h), 10 µm (g), 30 µm (i), 3 µm (j–m), 100 µm (p, q).

The asexual morph of Neostagonosporella differs from Elongaticollum in having multiloculate conidiomata without distinct elongate necks and two types of conidia (macroconidia: subcylindrical to cylindrical, transversely multi-septate, hyaline and microconidia oval, ellipsoidal or long ellipsoidal, aseptate, hyaline), whereas Elongaticollum has uni-loculate conidiomata with distinct elongate necks and oval to oblong conidia (Figure 2, Yang et al. 2019).

Phylogenetic investigations herein provide insights into the taxonomy of Setophoma as well (Figure 1). Two major clades of Setophoma are recovered (Setophoma sensu stricto and Setophoma sensu lato. The Setophoma sensu stricto clade includes S. brachypodii, S. poaceicola and S. terrestris (type species). Setophoma sensu lato comprises S. antiqua, S. chromolaenae, S. endophytica, S. pseudosacchari, S. sacchari, S. vernoniae, S. yingyisheniae and S. yunnanensis (Figure 1). Elongaticollum, differs from Setophoma sensu lato in having distinct superficial, obpyriform, pycnidial conidiomata with a globose base and distinct elongated necks (Figure 2, Liu et al. 2019). Further work is needed to resolve relationships between Setophoma sensu stricto and Setophoma sensu lato.

Ophiosphaerella Speg., Anal. Mus. nac. B. Aires, Ser. 3 12: 401 (1909)


Ophiosphaerella was introduced by Spegazzini (1909) to accommodate O. graminicola Speg. as the type species. The species of this genus are characterized by papillate ascomata bearing fissitunicate, cylindrical asci frequently narrower near the base, with a short furcate pedicel and filamentous, pale brown, multi-septate ascospores without swollen cells or separating into part spores. Barr (1987) placed Ophiosphaerella in Phaeosphaeriaceae and this was confirmed by Zhang et al. (2009, 2012) and Hyde et al. (2013) based on molecular phylogeny. Most Ophiosphaerella species are often found as pathogens or saprobes worldwide on Poaceae and Cyperaceae (Câmara et al. 2000). Currently, twelve Ophiosphaerella species are listed in Index Fungorum (2020). In this study, we introduce Ophiosphaerella taiwanensis from Agave tequilana F.A.C. Weber (Asparagaceae) as a new species.

Ophiosphaerella taiwanensis Tennakoon, C.H. Kuo & K.D. Hyde, sp. nov.

Figure 3


Named after Taiwan, where this fungus was collected.

Figure 3. 

Ophiosphaerella taiwanensis (MFLU 18-2534, holotype) a, b appearance of ascomata on host c close-up of ascomata d vertical section through ascoma e apex of ascoma f peridium g pseudoparaphyses h–j asci k, l ascospores m germinated ascospore in PDA n colony from above o colony from below. Scale bars: 100 µm (d, e), 15 µm (f), 50 µm (g–m).


MFLU 18-2534.


Saprobic on dead leaf of Agave tequilana F.A.C. Weber (Asparagaceae). Sexual morph: Ascomata 270–310 μm high, 220–260 μm diam., solitary, scattered, immersed to slightly erumpent through host tissue with papilla, visible as raised, small black dots in host surface, globose to subglobose, uniloculate, glabrous, dark brown to black, ostiole central, periphysate. Peridium 20–25 μm wide, thick-walled, of equal thickness, composed of 6–7 layers of small, flattened, brown to dark brown pseudoparenchymatous cells, hyaline towards the inside, arranged in a textura angularis, fusing and indistinguishable from the host tissues. Hamathecium of 1.5–2.5 µm wide, cellular, septate, rarely branching, pseudoparaphyses, anastomosing mostly above the asci and embedded in a mucilaginous matrix. Asci 115–140 × 8.5–10 μm ( = 121.6 × 9.2 μm, n = 20), 8-spored, bitunicate, fissitunicate, cylindrical to cylindric-clavate, short pedicellate, apically rounded, with a well-developed ocular chamber. Ascospores 110–132 × 2.2–2.7 μm ( = 117.2 × 2.4 μm, n = 20), fasciculate, parallel, scolecosporous, filiform, 12–13-septate, narrowing towards ends, pale brown to brown, smooth-walled. Asexual morph: Undetermined.

Culture characteristics

Colonies on PDA reaching 25 mm diameter after 3 weeks at 20–25 °C, colonies medium sparse, circular, raised, surface slightly rough with entire edge, margin well-defined, colony from above: gray to light brown at the margin, gray to cream at the center; reverse, gray to light brown at the margin, dark brown to black at the center; mycelium whitish gray with tufting; not producing pigments in PDA.

Material examined

Taiwan, Chiayi, Fanlu Township area, Dahu Forest, dead leaf of Agave tequilana F.A.C. Weber (Asparagaceae), 15 August 2018 (23°27.520'N, 120°36.310'E), D.S. Tennakoon, TLF016 (MFLU 18-2534, holotype); ibid. (NCYU19-0131, isotype), ex-type living culture, NCYUCC 19-0152.


The scolecosporous specimen was collected from dead leaves of Agave tequilana (Asparagaceae) in Taiwan. The multi-gene phylogenetic analysis (Figure 1) shows our strain (Ophiosphaerella taiwanensis, NCYUCC 19-0152), cluster with other Ophiosphaerella species, in particular with close affinity to Ophiosphaerella agrostidis with high bootstrap support (88% ML, 70% MP, 0.99 BYPP, Figure 1). Morphological characters of our collection (NCYUCC 19-0152) differ from Ophiosphaerella agrostidis in having periphyses in the ostiole, 12–13 septate ascospores and host occurrence (Asparagaceae). Ophiosphaerella agrostidis was introduced by Câmara et al. (2000) on Agrostis palustris (Poaceae), and is lacking periphyses, comprises 15-septate ascospores (Phookamsak et al. 2014). A comparison of the 619 nucleotides across the tef1-α gene region of Ophiosphaerella taiwanensis and O. agrostidis (MFLUCC 11-0152) reveals 17 base pair differences (2.74%).

Phaeosphaeriopsis M.P.S. Câmara, M.E. Palm & A.W. Ramaley, Mycol. Res. 107(5): 519 (2003)


The genus Phaeosphaeriopsis was introduced by Câmara et al. (2003) to accommodate Paraphaeosphaeria-like taxa, viz. P. agavensis A.W. Ramaley, M.E. Palm & M.E. Barr, P. glaucopunctata (Grev.) Shoemaker & C.E. Babc., P. nolinae A.W. Ramaley, P. obtusispora (Speg.) O.E. Erikss, Phaeosphaeriopsis amblyspora A. W. Ramaley and Phaeosphaeriopsis amblyspora A. W. Ramaley. The genus is typified by P. glaucopunctata and characterized by having immersed, sub-epidermal, globose to subglobose to pyriform ascomata, cylindric asci and septate, punctate or verrucose ascospores (Câmara et al. 2003; Phookamsak et al. 2014; Thambugala et al. 2014; Tibpromma et al. 2017). Currently, 17 Phaeosphaeriopsis species are accepted in Index Fungorum (2020). In this paper, Phaeosphaeriopsis beaucarneae is introduced from Beaucarnea recurvata (Asparagaceae) as a new species and the sexual/asexual morph connection between strains isolated from the natural habitat was established based on molecular sequence data.

Phaeosphaeriopsis beaucarneae Tennakoon, C.H. Kuo & K.D. Hyde, sp. nov.

Figures 4, 5


Name reflects the host Beaucarnea recurvata Lem., from which the holotype was collected.

Figure 4. 

Phaeosphaeriopsis beaucarneae (MFLU 18-2586, holotype) a appearance of ascomata on host b close up of ascoma c vertical section through ascoma d peridium e pseudoparaphyses f–i asci j–n ascospores o germinated ascospore in PDA p colony from above q colony from below. Scale bars: 100 µm (c), 15 µm (d), 50 µm (e–i), 10 µm (j–o).

Figure 5. 

Phaeosphaeriopsis beaucarneae (MFLU 18-2586, paratype) a appearance of conidiomata on host b close up of conidiomata c vertical section through conidioma d conidiomatal wall e, f conidiogenous cells and developing conidia g–i conidia j germinated conidium in PDA k colony from above l colony from below. Scale bars: 100 µm (c), 20 µm (d), 3 µm (e, f), 5 µm (g–j).


MFLU 18-2586.


Saprobic on dead leaf of Beaucarnea recurvata Lem. (Asparagaceae). Sexual morph: Ascomata 160–200 μm high, 220–250 μm diam., scattered, solitary, gregarious, coriaceous, immersed to semi-immersed, slightly raised, erumpent, visible as black spots on host surface, uniloculate, dark brown to black, globose to subglobose, ostiolate. Ostiole central, papillate. Peridium 20–30 μm wide, thick-walled, of equal thickness, composed of 4–5 layers of dark brown to brown, thick-walled, pseudoparenchymatous cells of textura angularis. Hamathecium of 1.5–2.5 µm wide, cellular, septate, rarely branching, pseudoparaphyses, anastomosing mostly above the asci and embedded in a mucilaginous matrix. Asci 80–90 × 9–10 µm ( = 86.5 × 9.6 µm, n = 25), 8-spored, bitunicate, fissitunicate, cylindrical to cylindric-clavate, short pedicellate, apically rounded, with a well-developed ocular chamber. Ascospores 20–25 × 5.5–7 μm ( = 22.6 × 6.2 μm, n = 20), overlapping 1–2-seriate, oblong to cylindrical, yellowish to light brown, slightly narrowing towards the end cells, mostly 5-septate, constricted at the septa, enlarged at the 4th cell from above, verruculose, straight to curved, lacking a mucilaginous sheath. Asexual morph: Conidiomata 180–200 µm high, 140–160 µm diam., pycnidial, solitary, immersed to erumpent, small black spots on host surface, globose to subglobose with centrally placed ostiole. Conidiomatal wall 28–34 µm wide, composed of 6–7 layers of dark brown cells, arranged in textura angularis. Conidiophores reduced to conidiogenous cells. Conidiogenous cells 3–4 × 2.6–3.1 μm, holoblastic, phialidic, single, discrete, sometimes integrated, ampulliform or cylindric-clavate, hyaline, arising from basal stratum. Conidia 6.8–7.4 × 3–4 μm ( = 7.1 × 3.4 μm, n = 30), 1-celled, globose to subglobose, initially hyaline, becoming brown to dark brown, aseptate, rough-walled.

Culture characteristics

Colonies on PDA reaching 27 mm diameter after 3 weeks at 20–25 °C, colonies medium sparse, circular, raised, surface slightly rough with entire edge, margin irregular, colony from above: light brown at the margin, white to cream at the center; reverse, yellow to light brown at the margin, light brown to brown at the center; mycelium white to cream with tufting; not producing pigments in PDA.

Material examined

Taiwan, Chiayi, Fanlu Township area, Dahu Forest, dead leaf of Beaucarnea recurvata Lem. (Asparagaceae), 21 July 2018 (23°27.514'N, 120°36.302'E), D.S. Tennakoon, SV027 (MFLU 18-2586, holotype); ibi. (NCYU19-0184, isotype), ex-type living culture, NCYUCC 19-0106; ibid., Dahu forest, dead leaf of Beaucarnea recurvata Lem. (Asparagaceae), 25 July 2018 (23°26.534'N, 120°36.220'E), D.S. Tennakoon, SV028 (MFLU 18-2587, paratype); living culture, NCYUCC 19-0107.


Phaeosphaeriopsis beaucarneae is similar to other Phaeosphaeriopsis species in having scattered, semi-immersed to erumpent, globose to subglobose, ostiolate ascomata and cylindrical to clavate asci and light brown, verrucose ascospores (Phookamsak et al. 2014; Thambugala et al. 2014; Hyde et al. 2020). According to the present multi-gene phylogenetic analyses (Figure 1), Phaeosphaeriopsis beaucarneae is grouped with other Phaeosphaeriopsis species, in particularly closely to P. grevilleae (CBS 145369) with high statistical support (70% ML, 75% MP, 0.99 BYPP, Figure 1). The asexual morph of P. grevilleae was isolated from leaves of Grevillea sp. (Proteaceae) and introduced by Marin-Felix et al. (2019). Phaeosphaeriopsis beaucarneae differs from P. grevilleae in having larger conidia (6.8–7.4 × 3–4 μm), whereas P. grevilleae has comparatively smaller conidia (5 × 3.5 μm). A comparison of the 516 nucleotides across the ITS (+5.8S rDNA) gene region of Phaeosphaeriopsis beaucarneae and P. grevilleae (CBS 145369) revealed 16 base pair differences (3.10%). In addition, we compared our new taxon with P. grevilleae based on base pair differences in the tef1-α gene region. We found a total of 19 base pair differences (3.06%) across 619 nucleotides.

Recent studies have revealed that Phaeosphaeriopsis is a species rich genus and numerous Phaeosphaeriopsis species have been described during the last few years (Thambugala et al. 2014; Tibpromma et al. 2017; Marin-Felix et al. 2019; Al-Jaradi et al. 2020; Hyde et al. 2020). With this study, the number of Phaeosphaeriopsis species increases to 18.

Neosetophoma Gruyter, Aveskamp & Verkley, Mycologia 102(5): 1075 (2010)


Neosetophoma was introduced by de Gruyter et al. (2010), typified by N. samararum (Desm.) Gruyter, Aveskamp. & Verkley. Species of Neosetophoma are characterized by globose to irregular conidiomata, with papillate ostioles, and yellowish conidia that are attenuate at one end (De Gruyter et al. 2010; Liu et al. 2015). Tibpromma et al. (2017) introduced Neosetophoma garethjonesii Tibpromma, E.B.G. Jones & K.D. Hyde as the first report of the sexual morph of Neosetophoma. Neosetophoma species have a diverse distribution as saprobes, endophytes, plant pathogens and soil fungi (Phookamsak et al. 2014; Hernandez-Restrepo et al. 2016; Karunarathna et al. 2017; Tibpromma et al. 2017; Wanasinghe et al. 2018). Currently, 19 Neosetophoma species are accepted in Index Fungorum (2020). In this study, we found Neosetophoma poaceicola Goonas., Thambug. & K.D. Hyde from dead leaves of Musa acuminata Colla in Taiwan. This is the first Neosetophoma species recorded from the plant family Musaceae.

Neosetophoma poaceicola Goonas., Thambug. & K.D. Hyde. Mycosphere 8: 742 (2017)

Figure 6


Saprobic on dead leaf petioles of Musa acuminata Colla (Musaceae). Sexual morph: Ascomata 70–100 μm high, 90–130 μm diam., solitary, gregarious, coriaceous, immersed to semi-immersed, slightly raised, visible as black spots on host surface, uni-loculate, dark brown to black, globose to ovoid. Peridium 15–20 μm wide, thick-walled, of equal thickness, composed of several layers of dark brown to brown, pseudoparenchymatous cells of textura angularis. Hamathecium of 1–2 µm wide, cellular, rarely branching, pseudoparaphyses, anastomosing mostly above the asci and embedded in a mucilaginous matrix. Asci 60–80 × 7–8 μm ( = 70.6 × 7.6 μm, n = 30), 8-spored, bitunicate, fissitunicate, cylindric-clavate with a short, rounded pedicel, apically rounded. Ascospores 20–30 × 3–4 μm ( = 25.5 × 3.7 μm, n = 40), overlapping 1–2-seriate, hyaline, fusiform, with acute ends, 1-septate, 3–4 eu-septate, cell near the septum slightly larger, slightly constricted at the septum, straight to curved, smooth-walled, guttulate. Asexual morph: Undetermined.

Culture characteristics

Colonies on PDA reaching 30 mm diameter after 3 weeks at 20–25 °C, colonies medium sparse, circular, flat, surface slightly rough with entire edge, margin well-defined, colony from above: yellow to light brown at the margin, brown at the center; reverse, yellow to light brown at the margin, dark brown at the center; mycelium light brown to whitish grey with tufting; not producing pigments in PDA.

Material examined

Taiwan, Chiayi, Fanlu Township area, Dahu Forest, dead leaf petiole of Musa acuminata Colla (Musaceae), 21 July 2018 (23°27.530'N, 120°36.340'E), D.S. Tennakoon, SV049 (MFLU 18-2597, new host record), living culture, MFLUCC 18-1632, NCYUCC 19-0119.


As morphological characters (immersed to semi-immersed ascomata, cylindric-clavate, apically rounded asci with short rounded pedicel and hyaline, fusiform, 1-septate ascospores) largely overlap with those of Neosetophoma poaceicola (MFLUCC 16–0886), we report our collection (MFLUCC 18-1632) as a new host record of N. poaceicola from dead leaves of Musa acuminata (Musaceae) in Taiwan. Combined multi-gene (LSU, SSU, ITS and tef1-α) based phylogenies also showed that our collection clustered with Neosetophoma poaceicola (MFLUCC 16-0886), with high bootstrap support (100% ML, 100% MP, 1.00 BYPP, Figure 1). Neosetophoma poaceicola was introduced by Thambugala et al. (2017) from dead leaves of grass species in Thailand. However, our collection slightly differs from Neosetophoma poaceicola (MFLUCC 16-0886) in having comparatively slightly larger ascospores (20–30 × 3–4 μm, versus 18.5–22.5 × 3.5–5 μm).

Neosetophoma species have been recorded from various host families, viz. Brassicaceae, Caprifoliaceae, Iridaceae, Malvaceae, Ranunculaceae, Salicaceae, but most are reported from Poaceae (Phookamsak et al. 2014; Karunarathna et al. 2017; Tibpromma et al. 2017, Wanasinghe et al. 2018; Marin-Felix et al. 2019). Interestingly, this is the first Neosetophoma species record (MFLU 18-2597) from the plant family Musaceae.

Figure 6. 

Neosetophoma poaceicola (MFLU 18–2597, new host record) a appearance of ascomata on host b close up of ascomata c vertical section through ascoma d peridium e pseudoparaphyses f–h asci i–k ascospores l germinated ascospore in PDA m colony from above n colony from below. Scale bars: 50 µm (c), 20 µm (d), 30 µm (e–h), 15 µm (i–l).


The taxonomy of Phaeosphaeriaceae has been subjected to several changes in recent years. Traditionally, morphology-based identification was the main means for identifying Phaeosphaeriaceae species (Barr 1979, 1992; Tomilin 1993). However, species identification has been revolutionized by the application of molecular based approaches incorporating DNA sequence data in Phaeosphaeriaceae (Phookamsak et al. 2014, 2017; Tennakoon et al. 2016; Wanasinghe et al. 2018; Bakhshi et al. 2019; Chethana et al. 2020; Hyde et al. 2020). Phaeosphaeriaceae species are adapted to a wide range of ecological environments and are present in soils, fresh and marine habitats and cause infections in humans (Yuan 1994; Phookamsak et al. 2014, 2017; Ahmed et al. 2017; Maharachchikumbura et al. 2019; Valenzuela-Lopez et al. 2019). Members of the Phaeosphaeriaceae have also been recorded from both temperate and tropical countries (i.e. Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Germany, Italy, Japan, Norway, Poland, Thailand, Sweden, Switzerland) and from different host families (i. e. Acoraceae, Arecaceae, Cyperaceae, Asparagaceae, Brassicaceae, Fabaceae, Poaceae, Marantaceae) (Shoemaker and Babcock 1989; Phookamsak et al. 2014, 2019; Wanasinghe et al. 2018; Maharachchikumbura et al. 2019; Farr and Rossman 2020). Due to their cosmopolitan distribution, in the last few years, many researchers have paid significant attention to the Phaeosphaeriaceae (Phookamsak et al. 2014, 2019; Tennakoon et al. 2016; Wanasinghe et al. 2018; Bakhshi et al. 2019; Hyde et al. 2020).

The fungi that decay leaf litter are highly diverse and may be host-specific (Parungao et al. 2002). Several studies have examined the succession of leaf degrading communities and found unique sets of species on different types of litter (Promputtha et al. 2002, 2017; Duong et al. 2008). Additional ecological studies are therefore needed to establish whether these fungi are generalists or specialists. This study provides evidence to indicate the fungal diversity in leaf litter, even within a single family, Phaeosphaeriaceae. Additional work is necessary to identify if the newly described species are host specific.


The authors would like to thank T.K. Goh for his valuable suggestions and help. Shaun Pennycook is thanked for checking species names. This research work was partially supported by Chiang Mai University and K.D. Hyde thanks Chiang Mai University for the award of Visiting Professorship. He also thanks the Thailand Research Fund for the Grant No. RDG613001, entitled “Impact of Climate Change on Fungal Diversity and Biogeography in the Greater Mekong Subregion”. D.N. Wanasinghe would like to thank the CAS President’s International Fellowship Initiative (PIFI) for funding his postdoctoral research (number 2019PC0008), the National Science Foundation of China and the Chinese Academy of Sciences for financial support under the following grants: 41761144055, 41771063 and Y4ZK111B01. Wanasinghe also thanks the 64th batch of China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (grant no: Y913083271).


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  • Hyde KD, Jones EBG, Liu JK, Ariyawansa H, Boehm E, Boonmee S, Braun U, Chomnunti P, Crous PW, Dai DQ, Diederich P, Dissanayake A, Doilom M, Doveri F, Hongsanan S, Jayawardena R, Lawrey JD, Li YM, Liu YX, Lücking R, Monka J, Muggia L, Nelsen MP, Pang KL, Phookamsak R, Senanayake IC, Shearer CA, Suetrong S, Tanaka K, Thambugala KM, Wijayawardene NN, Wikee S, Wu HX, Zhang Y, Begoña AH, Alias SA, Aptroot A, Bahkali AH, Bezerra JL, Bhat DJ, Camporesi E, Chukea E, Gueidan C, Hawksworth DL, Hirayama K, Hoog SD, Kang JK, Knudsen K, Li WJ, Li XH, Liu ZY, Mapook A, Mckenzie EHC, Miller AN, Mortimer PE, Phillips AJL, Raja HA, Scheuer C, Schumm F, Taylor JE, Tian Q, Tibpromma S, Wanasinghe DN, Wang Y, Xu JC, Yacharoen S, Yan JY, Zang M (2013) Families of Dothideomycetes. Fungal Diversity 63: 1–313.
  • Hyde KD, Tennakoon DS, Jeewon R, Bhat DJ, Maharachchikumbura SSN, Rossi W, Leonardi M, Lee HB, Mun HY, Houbraken J, Nguyen TTT, Jeon SJ, Frisvad JC, Dhanushka N, Wanasinghe DN, Luücking R, Aptroot A, Cáceres MES, Karunarathna SC, Hongsanan S, Phookamsak R, de Silva NI, Thambugala KM, Jayawardena RS, Senanayake IC, Boonmee S, Chen J, Luo ZL, Phukhamsakda C, Pereira OL, Abreu VP, Rosado AWC, Bart B, Randrianjohany E, Hofstetter V, Gibertoni TB, da Silva Soares AM, Plautz Jr HL, Sotão HMP, Xavier WKS, Bezerra JDP, de Oliveira TGL, de Souza-Motta CM, Magalhães OMC, Bundhun D, Harishchandra D, Manawasinghe IS, Dong W, Zhang SN, Bao DF, Samarakoon MC, Pem D, Karunarathna A, Lin CG, Yang J, Perera RH, Kumar V, Huang SK, Dayarathne MC, Ekanayaka AH, Jayasiri SC, Xiao YP, Konta S, Niskanen T, Liimatainen K, Dai YC, Ji XH, Tian XM, Mešić A, Singh SK, Phutthacharoen K, Cai L, Sorvongxay T, Thiyagaraja V, Norphanphoun C, Chaiwan N, Lu YZ, Jiang HB, Zhang JF, Abeywickrama PD, Aluthmuhandiram JVS, Brahmanage RS, Zeng M, Chethana T, Wei DP, Réblová M, Fournier J, Nekvindová J, do Nascimento Barbosa R, dos Santos JEF, de Oliveira NT, Li GJ, Ertz D, Shang QJ, Phillips AJL, Kuo CH, Camporesi E, Bulgakov TS, Lumyong S, Jones EBG, Chomnunti P, Gentekaki E, Bungartz F, Zeng XY, Fryar S, Tkalčec Z, Liang J, Li GS, Wen TC, Singh PN, Gafforov Y, Promputtha I, Yasanthika E, Goonasekara ID, Zhao RL, Zhao Q, Kirk PM, Liu JK, Yan JY, Mortimer PE, Xu JC (2019) Fungal diversity notes 1036–1150: taxonomic and phylogenetic contributions on genera and species of fungal taxa. Fungal Diversity 96: 1–242.
  • Hyde KD, Dong Y, Phookamsak R, Jeewon R, Bhat DJ, Jones EBG, Liu NG, Abeywickrama PD, Mapook A, Wei DP, Perera RH, Manawasinghe IS, Pem D, Bundhun D, Karunarathna A, Ekanayaka AH, Bao DF, Li JF, Samarakoon MC, Chaiwan N, Lin CG, Phutthacharoen K, Zhang SN, Senanayake IC, Goonasekara ID, Thambugala KM, Phukhamsakda C, Tennakoon DS, Jiang HB, Yang J, Zeng M, Huanraluek N, Liu JK, Wijesinghe SN, Tian Q, Tibpromma S, Brahmanage RS, Boonmee S, Huang SK, Thiyagaraja V, Lu YZ, Jayawardena LS, Dong W, Yang EF, Singh SK, Singh SM, Rana S, Lad SS, Anand G, Devadatha B, Niranjan M, Sarma VV, Liimatainen K, Aguirre-Hudson B, Niskanen T, Overall A, Alvarenga RLM, Gibertoni TB, Pliegler WP, Horváth E, Imre A, Alves AL, Santos ACDS, Tiago RV, Bulgakov TS, Wanasinghe DN, Bahkali AH, Doilom M, Elgorban AM, Maharachchikumbura SSN, Rajeshkumar KC, Haelewaters D, Mortimer PE, Zhao Q, Lumyong S, Xu JC, Sheng J (2020) Fungal diversity notes 1151–1276: taxonomic and phylogenetic contributions on genera and species of fungal taxa. Fungal Diversity 100: 1–273.
  • Jayasiri SC, Hyde KD, Ariyawansa HA, Bhat DJ, Buyck B, Cai L, Dai YC, Abd-Elsalam KA, Ertz D, Hidayat I, Jeewon R, Jones EBG, Bahkali AH, Karunarathna SC, Liu JK, Luangsa-ard JJ, Lumbsch HT, Maharachchikumbura SSN, McKenzie EHC, Moncalvo JM, Ghobad-Nejhad M, Nilsson H, Pang KA, Pereira OL, Phillips AJL, Raspé O, Rollins AW, Romero AI, Etayo J, Selçuk F, Stephenson SL, Suetrong S, Taylor JE, Tsui CKM, Vizzini A, Abdel-Wahab MA, Wen TC, Boonmee S, Dai DQ, Daranagama DA, Dissanayake AJ, Ekanayaka AH, Fryar SC, Hongsanan S, Jayawardena RS, Li WJ, Perera RH, Phookamsak R, de Silva NI, Thambugala KM, Tian Q, Wijayawardene NN, Zhao RL, Zhao Q, Kang JC, Promputtha I (2015) The faces of fungi database: fungal names linked with morphology, phylogeny and human impacts. Fungal Diversity 74: 3–18.
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  • Luo ZL, Hyde KD, Liu JK, Maharachchikumbura SSN, Jeewon R, Bao DF, Bhat DJ, Lin CG, Li WL, Yang J, Liu NG, Lu YZ, Jayawardena RS, Li JF, Su HY (2019) Freshwater Sordariomycetes. Fungal Diversity 99: 451–660.
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