Research Article |
Corresponding author: Fang Wu ( ) Academic editor: Bao-Kai Cui
© 2020 Chao-Ge Wang, Shi-Liang Liu, Fang Wu.
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Wang C-G, Liu S-L, Wu F (2020) Two new species of Perenniporia (Polyporales, Basidiomycota). MycoKeys 69: 53-69.
Two new species of Perenniporia, P. pseudotephropora sp. nov. and P. subcorticola sp. nov., are introduced respectively from Brazil and China based on morphological characteristics and molecular data. Perenniporia pseudotephropora is characterised by perennial, pileate basidiocarps with distinctly stratified tubes, grey pores, tissues becoming dark in KOH, a dimitic hyphal system with slightly dextrinoid arboriform skeletal hyphae and broadly ellipsoid to subglobose, truncate, weakly dextrinoid, cyanophilous basidiospores, measuring 4.9–5.2 × 4–4.8 μm. Perenniporia subcorticola is characterised by resupinate basidiocarps, yellow pores with thick dissepiments, tissues becoming dark in KOH, flexuous skeletal hyphae, ellipsoid, truncate and slightly dextrinoid basidiospores, measuring 4.2–5 × 3.5–4.2 µm. The morphologically-similar species and phylogenetically closely-related species to the two new species are discussed.
phylogeny, polypore, taxonomy, wood-decaying fungi
Perenniporia Murrill (Polyporales, Basidiomycetes) is typified by Polyporus unitus Pers. (
Extensive studies on the genus have been carried out during the last 20 years showing a high species diversity and nowadays, 120 taxa have been found (e.g.
According to the phylogenetic analysis, based on ITS and nuclear ribosomal partial LSU DNA sequences,
During a study of wood-inhabiting polypore from Brazil and China, two unknown species of Perenniporia were distinguished by both morphology and molecular data. In this study, the two species are described and illustrated.
The studied specimens are deposited in the herbaria of the Institute of Microbiology, Beijing Forestry University (
A CTAB rapid plant genome extraction kit-DN14 (Aidlab Biotechnologies Co., Ltd, Beijing) was used to obtain PCR products from dried specimens, according to the manufacturer’s instructions with some modifications (
In the study, nuclear ribosomal RNA genes were used to determine the phylogenetic position of the new species. Sequence alignment was deposited at TreeBase (submission ID 26254). Sequences of Donkioporia expansa (Desm.) Kotl. and Pouzar and Pyrofomes demidoffii (Lév.) Kotl. and Pouzar, obtained from GenBank, were used as outgroups (
Phylogenetic analyses, used in this study, followed the approach of
The MP topology and bootstrap values (MP-BS) obtained from 1000 replicates were performed using PAUP* version 4.0b10 (
Bayesian phylogenetic inference and Bayesian posterior probabilities (BPP) were performed with MrBayes 3.1.2 (
Branches that received bootstrap support for maximum likelihood (ML), maximum parsimony (MP) and Bayesian posterior probabilities (BPP) ≥ 75% (ML-BS), 75% (MP-BT) and 0.95 (BPP) were considered as significantly supported, respectively.
The combined ITS and nLSU dataset contained 101 sequences from 101 specimens referring to 59 taxa in this study. They were downloaded from GenBank and the sequences about Perenniporia corticola, P. pseudotephropora and P. subcorticola are new (Table
Species | Sample namber | ITS | nLSU |
Abundisporus sclerosetosus | MUCL 41438 | FJ411101 | FJ393868 |
A. violaceus | MUCL 38617 | FJ411100 | FJ393867 |
Donkioporia expansa | MUCL 35116 | FJ411104 | FJ393872 |
Hornodermoporus latissima | Cui 6625 | HQ876604 | JF706340 |
H. martius | MUCL 41678 | FJ411093 | FJ393860 |
MUCL 41677 | FJ411092 | FJ393859 | |
Microporellus violaceo-cinerascens | MUCL 45229 | FJ411106 | FJ393874 |
Perenniporia africana | Cui 8674 | KF018119 | KF018128 |
P. africana | Cui 8676 | KF018120 | KF018129 |
P. aridula | Dai 12396 | JQ001854 | JQ001846 |
Dai 12398 | JQ001855 | JQ001847 | |
P. corticola | Dai 17778 | MT117219 | MT117224 |
Dai 18526 | MT117216 | MT117221 | |
Dai 18641 | MT117218 | MT117223 | |
Dai 18633 | MT117217 | MT117222 | |
P. bambusicola | Cui 11050 | KX900668 | KX900719 |
P. bannaensis | Cui 8560 | JQ291727 | JQ291729 |
Cui 8562 | JQ291728 | JQ291730 | |
P. bostonensis | CL Zhao 2855 | MG491285 | MG491288 |
CL Zhao 2854 | MG491284 | MG491287 | |
P. chiangraiensis | Dai 16637 | KY475566 | – |
P. cinereofusca | Dai 9289 | KF568893 | KF568895 |
Cui 5280 | KF568892 | KF568894 | |
P. subcorticola | Cui 2655 | HQ654093 | HQ848483 |
Dai 7330 | HQ654094 | HQ654108 | |
Cui 1248 | HQ848472 | HQ848482 | |
P. ellipsospora | Cui 10276 | KF018124 | KF018132 |
Cui 10284 | JQ861739 | KF018133 | |
P. fraxinea | Cui 8871 | JF706329 | JF706345 |
P. fraxinea | Cui 8885 | HQ876611 | JF706344 |
P. gomezii | Dai 9656 | KX900672 | KX900722 |
P. hainaniana | Cui 6366 | JQ861745 | JQ861761 |
Cui 6365 | JQ861744 | JQ861760 | |
P. japonica | Cui 7047 | HQ654097 | HQ654111 |
P. koreana | KUC 20091030-32 | KJ156313 | KJ156305 |
KUC 20081002J-02 | KJ156310 | KJ156302 | |
P. lacerata | Cui 7220 | JX141448 | JX141458 |
Dai 11268 | JX141449 | JX141459 | |
P. luteola | Harkonen 1308a | JX141456 | JX141466 |
Harkonen 1308b | JX141457 | JX141467 | |
P. macropora | Zhou 280 | JQ861748 | JQ861764 |
P. maackiae | Cui 8929 | HQ654102 | JF706338 |
Cui 5605 | JN048760 | JN048780 | |
P. medulla-panis | MUCL 43250 | FJ411087 | FJ393875 |
Cui 3274 | JN112792 | JN112793 | |
P. minor | Dai 9198 | KF495005 | KF495016 |
Cui 5782 | HQ883475 | HQ654115 | |
P. minutissima | Cui 10979 | KF495003 | KF495013 |
Dai 12457 | KF495004 | KF495014 | |
P. mopanshanensis | CL Zhao 5145 | MH784912 | MH784916 |
CL Zhao 5152 | MH784913 | MH784917 | |
P. nanlingensis | Cui 7620 | HQ848477 | HQ848486 |
P. nonggangensis | Dai 17857 | MT232521 | MT232515 |
GXU 2098 | KT894732 | KT894733 | |
P. piceicola | Cui 10460 | JQ861742 | JQ861758 |
Dai 4181 | JF706328 | JF706336 | |
P. pseudotephropora | Dai 17383 | MT117215 | MT117220 |
P. pyricola | Dai 10265 | JN048761 | JN048781 |
Cui 9149 | JN048762 | JN048782 | |
P. rhizomorpha | Dai 7248 | JF706330 | JF706348 |
Cui 7507 | HQ654107 | HQ654117 | |
P. robiniophila | Cui 7144 | HQ876608 | JF706341 |
Cui 5644 | HQ876609 | JF706342 | |
P. russeimarginata | Yuan 1244 | JQ861750 | JQ861766 |
P. straminea | Cui 8858 | HQ654104 | JF706334 |
Cui 8718 | HQ876600 | JF706335 | |
P. subacida | Cui 10053 | KF495006 | KF495017 |
Dai 8224 | HQ876605 | JF713024 | |
P. subadusta | Cui 8459 | HQ876606 | HQ654113 |
P. substraminea | Cui 10177 | JQ001852 | JQ001844 |
Cui 10191 | JQ001853 | JQ001845 | |
P. subtephropora | Dai 10964 | JQ861753 | JQ861769 |
Dai 10962 | JQ861752 | JQ861768 | |
P. tenuis | Wei 2969 | JQ001859 | JQ001849 |
Wei 2783 | JQ001858 | JQ001848 | |
P. tephropora | Cui 9029 | HQ876601 | JF706339 |
Cui 6331 | HQ848473 | HQ848484 | |
P. tibetica | Cui 9459 | JF706327 | JF706333 |
P. tianmuensis | Cui 2648 | JX141453 | JX141463 |
Cui 2715 | JX141454 | JX141464 | |
P. truncatospora | Cui 6987 | JN048778 | HQ654112 |
Dai 5125 | HQ654098 | HQ848481 | |
P. yinggelingensis | Cui 13856 | MH427957 | MH427965 |
Cui 13625 | MH427960 | MH427967 | |
Perenniporiella chaquenia | MUCL 47647 | FJ411083 | FJ393855 |
P. chaquenia | MUCL 47648 | FJ411084 | FJ393856 |
P. micropora | MUCL 43581 | FJ411086 | FJ393858 |
P. neofulva | MUCL 45091 | FJ411080 | FJ393852 |
Pyrofomes demidoffii | MUCL 41034 | FJ411105 | FJ393873 |
Truncospora detrita | MUCL 42649 | FJ411099 | FJ393866 |
T. macrospora | Cui 8106 | JX941573 | JX941596 |
T. ochroleuca | MUCL 39563 | FJ411097 | FJ393864 |
MUCL 39726 | FJ411098 | FJ393865 | |
Dai 11486 | HQ654105 | JF706349 | |
T. ohiensis | MUCL 41036 | FJ411096 | FJ393863 |
Cui 5714 | HQ654103 | HQ654116 | |
Vanderbylia delavavi | Dai 6891 | JQ861738 | KF495019 |
V. fraxinea | DP 83 | AM269789 | AM269853 |
V. vicina | MUCL 44779 | FJ411095 | FJ393862 |
From the phylogenetic tree (Fig.
Phylogeny of Perenniporia and related species generated by maximum parsimony analysis, based on combined ITS and nLSU sequences. Bootstrap supports for Maximum Likelihood (ML), Maximum parsimony (MP) and Bayesian posterior probabilities (BPP) are not lower than: 50% (ML-BS), 50% (MP-BT) and 0.90 (BPP) on the branches.
The very thick dissepiments (thicker than pore diameter), tissues becoming pale olivaceous to dark in KOH, flexuous and arboriform skeletal hyphae, ellipsoid to globose, truncate and slightly dextrinoid basidiospores measuring 4.9–5.2 × 4–4.8 μm highlight the species in Perenniporia.
Brazil. Manaus, Parque Municipal Cachoeira das Orqideas, on rotten angiosperm wood, 12. V. 2017, Y.C. Dai 17383 (BJFC024919).
Pseudotephropora (Lat.): referring to the species similar to Perenniporia tephropora.
Perennial, resupinate or effused-reflexed to pileate, without odour or taste when fresh, becoming hard corky when dry. Pilei applanate, semicircular to fan-shaped, projecting up to 1 cm, 3.5 cm wide and about 1 cm thick at base. Pileal surface pinkish-buff, grey to greyish-brown, smooth. Pore surface greyish to pale brown; pores tiny, round, 8–9 per mm; dissepiments thick, thicker than pore diameter, entire. Context thin, fawn to brown, corky, up to 0.5 mm thick. Tubes buff to brown, darker than pore surface, distinctly stratified, hard corky, up to 9.5 mm long.
Hyphal system dimitic; generative hyphae bearing clamp connections; skeletal hyphae arboriform branched, slightly dextrinoid, CB+; tissues becoming pale olivaceous to dark in KOH.
Generative hyphae infrequent, hyaline, thin-walled, bearing clamp connections, 1.6–2.2 μm in diam.; skeletal hyphae dominant, thick-walled with a wide lumen, hyaline to pale brown, frequently arboriform branched, flexuous, interwoven, 1.5–2.8 μm.
Generative hyphae infrequent, hyaline, thin-walled, bearing clamp connections, 1.5–2 μm in diam.; skeletal hyphae dominant, thick-walled with a wide lumen, hyaline to pale brown, frequently arboriform branched, flexuous, interwoven, 1.5–3 μm in diam. Cystidia absent, cystidioles present, clavate or fusoid, hyaline, thin-walled, 11–12.5 × 3–4 μm; basidia barrel- to pear-shaped, with four sterigmata and a basal clamp connection, 12.3–13.7 × 6.2–7.5 μm; basidioles in shape similar to basidia, but smaller.
Basidiospores broadly ellipsoid to subglobose, hyaline to pale brown, truncate, thick-walled, smooth, slightly dextrinoid, CB+, (4.5–)4.9–5.2(–5.3) × 4–4.8(–5) μm, L = 5.02 μm, W = 4.22 μm, Q = 1.19 (n = 30/1).
Perenniporia subcorticola is characterised by resupinate basidiocarps, yellow pores with thick dissepiments, tissues becoming dark in KOH, flexuous skeletal hyphae, ellipsoid, truncate and slightly dextrinoid basidiospores measuring 4.2–5 × 3.5–4.2 µm.
China. Fujian Province, Wuyishan Nature Reserve, on rotten wood of Pinus, 21.X.2005, Y.C. Dai 7330 (BJFC001421).
Perennial, resupinate, soft corky and without odour or taste when fresh, becoming corky when dry, up to 10 cm long, 5 cm wide, 3.5 mm thick at centre. Pore surface yellow when fresh, becoming buff-yellow to curry-yellow when dry; margin narrow, thinning out; pores tiny, round, 7–8 per mm; dissepiments thick, entire. Subiculum thin, cream, up to 2 mm thick. Tubes concolorous with pore surface, up to 1.5 mm long.
Hyphal system dimitic; generative hyphae with clamp connections; skeletal hyphae weakly dextrinoid, CB+; tissues darkening in KOH.
Generative hyphae infrequent, hyaline, thin-walled, occasionally branched, 2–3 µm in diam.; skeletal hyphae dominant, thick-walled with a wide lumen, frequently branched, interwoven, 2–3.5 µm in diam.
Generative hyphae infrequent, hyaline, thin-walled, occasionally branched, 2–3µm in diam.; skeletal hyphae dominant, thick-walled with a wide lumen, frequently branched, interwoven, 1.8–3 µm in diam. Cystidia absent, fusoid cystidioles present, hyaline, thin-walled, 14–18 × 4.5–7.5 µm; basidia barrel-shaped, with four sterigmata and a basal clamp connection, 13–16 × 6.5–9 µm; basidioles dominant, mostly pear-shaped to capitate, slightly smaller than basidia.
Basidiospores ellipsoid, truncate, hyaline, thick-walled, smooth, dextrinoid, CB+, (4–)4.2–5(–5.5) × (3–)3.5–4.2(–4.7) µm, L = 4.66 µm, W = 3.91 µm, Q = 1.16–1.23 (n = 60/2).
China. Hunan Province, Liuyang, Daweishan Forest Park, fallen angiosperm trunk, 21.XII.2000, Dai 3257 (BJFC009205); Zhejiang Province, Tianmushan Nature Reserve, on fallen angiosperm branch, 10.X.2005, Cui 2655 (BJFC001422).
Perenniporia corticola and P. dipterocarpicola Hattori & S.S. Lee were described from Malaysia (
Malaysia. Selangor, Kota Damansara, Community Forest Reserve, on angiosperm stump, 17. IV. 2018, Y.C. Dai 18641 (BJFC026929), Y.C. Dai 18633 (BJFC026921); Taman Botani Negara Shah Alam, on rotten angiosperm wood, 12. IV. 2018, Y.C. Dai 18526 (BJFC026815), Singapore. Singapore Botanical Garden, on rotten angiosperm wood, 17. VII. 2017, Y.C. Dai 17778 (BJFC025310).
Perenniporia pseudotephropora is somehow related to P. corticola and P. citrinoalba B.K. Cui, C.L. Zhao & Y.C. Dai in our phylogeny (Fig.
Perenniporia tephropora (Mont.) Ryvarden is similar to P. pseudotephropora in having perennial, resupinate to pileate basidiocarps with grey or greyish to pale brown pore surface, tissues becoming pale olivaceous to dark in KOH and broadly ellipsoid, truncate, dextrinoid basidiospores (
Phylogenetically, Perenniporia subcorticola is related to P. maackiae (Bondartsev & Ljub.) Parmasto and P. tenuis (Schwein.) Ryvarden (Fig.
Macromorphologically, Perenniporia subcorticola is similar to P. corticola by its yellow pores and almost the same size of basidiospores and that is the reason why the specimens of P. subcorticola were previously treated as P. cf. subcorticola (
Perenniporia xantha Decock & Ryvarden and P. subcorticola have yellow hymenophore and almost the same size of pores and basidiospores, but P. xantha has arboriform skeletal hyphae, lacks cystidioles and its basidiospores are weakly dextrinoid (
We express our gratitude to Prof. Yu-Cheng Dai (