Research Article |
Corresponding author: Putarak Chomnunti ( ) Corresponding author: Ting-Chi Wen ( ) Academic editor: Nattawut Boonyuen
© 2024 Yi Wang, De-Ping Wei, Xing-Can Peng, Ji-Chuan Kang, Zeng-Zhi Li, Chun-Ru Li, Xian Zhang, Gui-Ying Wang, Yun Zhou, Xin-Sheng He, Putarak Chomnunti, Ting-Chi Wen.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Wang Y, Wei D-P, Peng X-C, Kang J-C, Li Z-Z, Li C-R, Zhang X, Wang G-Y, Zhou Y, He X-S, Chomnunti P, Wen T-C (2024) Interesting mycoparasites and Paradingleyomyces lepidopterorum gen. et sp. nov. (Hypocreales, Polycephalomycetaceae) from Yunnan Province, China. MycoKeys 110: 185-210.
A novel genus, Paradingleyomyces was introduced to accommodate Pa. lepidopterorum sp. nov., based on a multigene phylogenetic analysis and its distinct morphological characteristics. Maximum likelihood (ML) and Bayesian inference analyses (BI) of ITS, SSU, LSU, tef-1α, rpb1, and rpb2 sequence data shown that Pa. lepidopterorum formed an independent lineage nested between Perennicordyceps and Dingleyomyces. Morphologically, Paradingleyomyces is distinguished from Perennicordyceps by the presence of a white subiculum on the stromata of Ophiocordyceps cf. cochlidiicola. Perithecia are produced sporadically from the base to the apex of the stromata, and the secondary ascospores exhibit a notable length-to-width ratio. These characteristics distinguish Paradingleyomyces from Perennicordyceps which exhibits tortuous, branched, clavate to cylindrical stromata with rhizomorphs, parasitism of coleopteran and hemipteran larvae, and colonizes a broader range of fungal hosts. Additionally, perithecia in Perennicordyceps typically arise from the middle to the upper regions of the stromata, with secondary ascospores displaying a comparatively lower length-to-width ratio. Paradingleyomyces is morphologically identical to Dingleyomyces in its direct production of superficial perithecia on the stromata of Ophiocordyceps species. However, the phylogenetic analysis indicates that Paradingleyomyces and Dingleyomyces are not congeneric. Moreover, this study introduces another novel species, Polycephalomyces tengchongensis, and a novel sexual morph of Pleurocordyceps yunnanensis. Dimorphic phialides and conidia of Pleurocordyceps parvicapitata were observed and described for the first time based on a fresh collection from Tengchong County, Yunnan Province, China.
Entomopathogenic fungi, new genus, phylogeny, taxonomy
Polycephalomyces was introduced as an entomopathogenic genus by
During our ongoing exploration of the diversity of entomopathogenic fungi and their associated fungi in Yunnan Province, China, several polycephalomyces-like species were found from various hosts including Elaphomyces sp., lepidopteran larvae, Ophiocordyceps nutans, and Perennicordyceps cf. elaphomyceticola. This study aims to assess the phylogenetic relationships of these samples with existing species of Polycephalomycetaceae using a concatenated SSU, ITS, LSU, tef-1α, rpb1 and rpb2 sequences, as well as detailed morphological analyses. The morphological observations and phylogenetic analyses allowed us to introduce a new genus, Paradingleyomyces, a new species, Polycephalomyces tengchongensis, a new sexual morph of Pleurocordyceps yunnanensis, and a new collection of Pleurocordyceps parvicapitata. These findings expand our understanding of this unique group of entomopathogens and mycoparasites, offering fresh and novel insights into their morphology, ecology and evolutionary relationships.
To explore the diversity of fungal resources, samples were collected from tropical and subtropical forests rich in evergreen trees diversity in southwestern China. Morphological studies followed the guidelines proposed by
DNA was extracted from fresh specimens and cultures using the E.Z.N.A.TM Fungal DNA MiniKit (Omega Biotech, CA, USA) following the manufacturer’s protocols. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was performed to amplify six loci: the small subunits nuclear of rDNA (SSU), the internal transcribed spacer (ITS), the large subunit nuclear of rDNA (LSU), the transcription elongation factor-1α (tef-1α), the partial RNA polymerase II largest subunit (rpb1) and the partial RNA polymerase II second largest subunit (rpb2). The primer pairs used for amplifying the six loci were as follows: NS1 and NS4 for SSU (
The newly generated sequences were checked and assembled using BioEdit v. (
Accession numbers of taxa used in this study. Newly generated sequences are indicated in bold. T Represents type strain, type specimens or neotype.
Current name | Voucher | SSU | ITS | LSU | tef-1α | rpb1 | rpb2 | Reference |
Dingleyomyces lloydii | PDD1212154T | OR647563 | OR602634 | OR602640 | OR588853 | OR588860 | OR588858 |
Paradingleyomyces lepidopterorum | HKAS 131926 T | – | OR878363 | OR828238 | – | OR829674 | OR880683 | This study |
Paradingleyomyces lepidopterorum | HKAS 131927 | – | OR878364 | OR828239 | OR880679 | OR829675 | – | This study |
Paradingleyomyces lepidopterorum | HKAS 131921 | – | – | OR828242 | – | OR829678 | – | This study |
Perennicordyceps cuboidea | NBRC 103836 | JN941721 | JN943332 | JN941420 | AB972951 | JN992455 | AB972955 |
Perennicordyceps cuboidea | NBRC 101740 | JN941724 | JN943331 | JN941417 | KF049684 | JN992458 | – |
Perennicordyceps cuboidea | TNS-F-18487 | KF049609 | – | KF049628 | KF049683 | – | – |
Perennicordyceps cuboidea | NBRC 101739 | – | AB378668 | AB378649 | – | – | – |
Perennicordyceps elaphomyceticola | NTUCC 17-022 | – | MK840824 | MK840813 | MK839230 | MK839221 | MK839212 |
Perennicordyceps elaphomyceticola | MFLU 21-0262 | OQ172101 | OQ172064 | OQ172032 | OQ459718 | OQ459747 | OQ459792 |
Perennicordyceps elaphomyceticola | MFLU 21-0263 | OQ172102 | OQ172065 | OQ172033 | OQ459719 | OQ459748 | OQ459793 |
Perennicordyceps elaphomyceticola | MFLU 21-0264 | OQ172103 | OQ172067 | OQ172035 | OQ459720 | OQ459749 | OQ459794 |
Perennicordyceps elaphomyceticola | MFLU 21-0266 | OQ172112 | OQ172068 | OQ172036 | OQ459732 | OQ459760 | OQ459806 |
Perennicordyceps elaphomyceticola | KUNCC23-16074 | PP129613 | OR878367 | OR828243 | – | OR829679 | – | This study |
Perennicordyceps lutea | KUMCC 3004 | – | – | OQ474910 | – | – | – |
Perennicordyceps paracuboidea | NBRC 100942 | JN941711 | JN943337 | JN941430 | AB972954 | JN992445 | AB972958 |
Perennicordyceps paracuboidea | NBRC 101742 | JN941710 | JN943338 | JN941431 | KF049685 | JN992444 | KF049669 |
Perennicordyceps prolifica | NBRC 100744 | JN941709 | AB925942 | JN941432 | AB972952 | JN992443 | AB972956 |
Perennicordyceps prolifica | NBRC 101750 | JN941708 | JN943340 | JN941433 | AB972953 | JN992442 | AB972957 |
Perennicordyceps prolifica | TNS-F-18547 | KF049613 | KF049660 | KF049632 | KF049687 | KF049649 | KF049670 |
Perennicordyceps prolifica | NBRC 103839 | JN941706 | JN943342 | JN941435 | – | JN992440 | – |
Perennicordyceps prolifica | NBRC 103838 | JN941707 | JN943339 | JN941434 | – | JN992441 | – |
Perennicordyceps prolifica | TNS-F-18481 | KF049612 | KF049659 | KF049631 | KF049686 | KF049648 | – |
Perennicordyceps prolifica | – | AB027324 | – | AB027370 | – | – | – |
Perennicordyceps ryogamiensis | NBRC 103842 | JN941701 | JN943345 | JN941440 | – | JN992435 | – |
Perennicordyceps ryogamiensis | NBRC 101751 | JN941703 | JN943343 | JN941438 | KF049688 | JN992437 | – |
Pleurocordyceps agarica | YHHPA1305T | KP276655 | KP276651 | – | KP276659 | KP276663 | KP276667 |
Pleurocordyceps agarica | YHCPA1303 | KP276657 | KP276653 | – | KP276661 | KP276665 | KP276669 |
Pleurocordyceps agarica | YHCPA1307 | KP276658 | KP276654 | – | KP276662 | KP276666 | KP276670 |
Pleurocordyceps aurantiacus | MFLUCC 17-2113T | MG136904 | MG136916 | MG136910 | MG136874 | MG136866 | MG136870 |
Pleurocordyceps aurantiacus | MFLU 17-1393T | MG136907 | MG136919 | MG136913 | MG136877 | MG136868 | MG136873 |
Pleurocordyceps aurantiacus | MFLU 21-0276 | OQ172097 | OQ172072 | OQ172042 | OQ459714 | – | OQ459788 |
Pleurocordyceps aurantiacus | GACP 20-2306 | OQ172098 | OQ172069 | OQ172041 | OQ459715 | – | OQ459789 |
Pleurocordyceps formosus | ARSEF 1424 | KF049615 | KF049661 | KF049634 | KF049689 | KF049651 | KF049671 |
Pleurocordyceps heilongtanensis | KUMCC 3008 | OQ172111 | OQ172091 | OQ172063 | OQ459731 | OQ459759 | OQ459805 |
Pleurocordyceps kanzashianus | – | AB027325 | AB027371 | AB027371 | – | – | – |
Pleurocordyceps lanceolatus | GACP 17-2004T | OQ172110 | OQ172076 | OQ172046 | OQ459726 | OQ459754 | OQ459800 |
Pleurocordyceps lanceolatus | GACP 17-2005T | OQ172109 | OQ172077 | OQ172047 | OQ459727 | OQ459755 | OQ459801 |
Pleurocordyceps lianzhouensis | HIMGD20918 | KF226245 | EU149921 | KF226246 | KF226248 | KF226247 | – |
Pleurocordyceps lianzhouensis | GIMYY9603 | KF226249 | EU149922 | KF226250 | KF226252 | KF226251 | – |
Pleurocordyceps marginaliradians | MFLUCC 17-2276 | MG136909 | MG136921 | MG136915 | MG136879 | – | MG271930 |
Pleurocordyceps marginaliradians | MFLU 17-1582 | MG136908 | MG136920 | MG136914 | MG136878 | MG136869 | MG271931 |
Pleurocordyceps nipponicus | BCC 1881 | KF049618 | – | KF049636 | KF049692 | – | KF049674 |
Pleurocordyceps nipponicus | NHJ 4268 | KF049621 | – | KF049639 | KF049695 | KF049654 | KF049676 |
Pleurocordyceps nipponicus | BCC 2325 | KF049622 | KF049665 | KF049640 | KF049696 | KF049655 | KF049677 |
Pleurocordyceps nipponicus | BCC 18108 | MF416624 | KF049657 | MF416569 | MF416517 | MF416676 | MF416462 |
Pleurocordyceps nipponicus | NBRC 101408 | JN941751 | JN943303 | JN941390 | – | JN992485 | – |
Pleurocordyceps nipponicus | NBRC 101407 | JN941752 | JN943302 | JN941389 | – | JN992486 | – |
Pleurocordyceps nipponicus | NBRC 101406 | JN941753 | JN943301 | JN941388 | – | JN992487 | – |
Pleurocordyceps nipponicus | Cod-RE1202 | MG031286 | KX827757 | MG031248 | MG196133 | MG196175 | – |
Pleurocordyceps nipponicus | BCC 1682 | KF049620 | KF049664 | KF049638 | KF049694 | – | – |
Pleurocordyceps nutansis | MFLU 21-0275T | OQ172119 | OQ172073 | OQ172048 | – | – | – |
Pleurocordyceps nutansis | GACP 19-1906 | OQ172117 | OQ172079 | OQ172049 | – | – | – |
Pleurocordyceps onorei | BRA: CR23902T | – | KU898841 | – | – | – | – |
Pleurocordyceps onorei | BRA: CR23904 | – | KU898843 | – | – | – | – |
Pleurocordyceps parvicapitata | MFLU 21-0272 | OQ172099 | OQ172084 | OQ172056 | OQ459716 | OQ459745 | OQ459790 |
Pleurocordyceps parvicapitata | MFLU 21-0273 | OQ172100 | OQ172085 | OQ172057 | OQ459717 | OQ459746 | OQ459791 |
Pleurocordyceps parvicapitata | MFLU 21-0270 | OQ172105 | OQ172082 | OQ172054 | OQ459722 | OQ459751 | OQ459796 |
Pleurocordyceps parvicapitata | MFLU 21-0271T | OQ172106 | OQ172083 | OQ172055 | OQ459723 | OQ459752 | OQ459797 |
Pleurocordyceps parvicapitata | HKAS 131924 | PP129615 | OR878368 | OR835990 | OR880682 | OR880686 | – | This study |
Pleurocordyceps parvicapitata | KUNCC23-16075 | PP129616 | OR878369 | OR835991 | – | OR880687 | – | This study |
Pleurocordyceps parvicapitata | HKAS 131925 | – | OR878366 | OR828241 | OR880680 | OR829677 | OR880684 | This study |
Pleurocordyceps phaothaiensis | BCC84551 | – | MF959731 | MF959735 | MF959739 | MF959743 | – |
Pleurocordyceps phaothaiensis | BCC84552 | – | MF959732 | MF959736 | MF959740 | MF959744 | – |
Pleurocordyceps ramosopulvinatus | SU-65 | – | – | DQ118742 | DQ118753 | DQ127244 | – |
Pleurocordyceps ramosopulvinatus | EFCC 5566 | – | KF049658 | KF049627 | KF049682 | KF049645 | – |
Pleurocordyceps ramosopulvinatus | – | AB027326 | AB027372 | – | – | – | – |
Pleurocordyceps sinensis | CN 80-2 | HQ832887 | HQ832884 | HQ832886 | HQ832890 | HQ832888 | HQ832889 |
Pleurocordyceps sinensis | GACP 20-2304 | OQ172107 | OQ172074 | OQ172044 | OQ459724 | – | OQ459798 |
Pleurocordyceps sinensis | GACP 20-2305 | OQ172108 | OQ172075 | OQ172045 | OQ459725 | OQ459753 | OQ459799 |
Pleurocordyceps sinensis | MFLU 21-0267 | OQ172121 | OQ172081 | OQ172051 | OQ459741 | OQ459767 | OQ459813 |
Pleurocordyceps sinensis | MFLU 21-0269 | OQ172122 | OQ172080 | OQ172050 | OQ459742 | OQ459768 | OQ459814 |
Pleurocordyceps sinensis | GACP 19-2301 | OQ172124 | OQ172078 | OQ172053 | OQ459744 | – | OQ459816 |
Pleurocordyceps sinensis | GZU 20-0865 | OQ172096 | OQ172071 | OQ172043 | OQ459713 | – | – |
Pleurocordyceps sinensis | HMAS 43720T | NR_119928 | NG_042573 | – | – | – | – |
Pleurocordyceps sinensis | CGMCC 3.19069 | MH454346 | MH459160 | – | – | – | – |
Pleurocordyceps sinensis | – | – | HQ918290 | – | – | – | – |
Pleurocordyceps sp. | JB07.08.16_08 | KF049616 | KF049662 | KF049635 | KF049690 | KF049652 | KF049672 |
Pleurocordyceps sp. | JB07.08.17_07b | KF049617 | – | – | KF049691 | KF049653 | KF049673 |
Pleurocordyceps sp. | BCC 2637 | KF049619 | KF049663 | KF049637 | KF049693 | – | KF049675 |
Pleurocordyceps sp. | GIMCC 3.570 | JX006097 | JX006099 | JX006098 | JX006100 | JX006101 | – |
Pleurocordyceps sp. | NBRC 109990 | – | – | AB925968 | – | – | – |
Pleurocordyceps sp. | NBRC 110224 | – | AB925931 | AB925969 | – | – | – | Unpublished |
Pleurocordyceps sp. | NBRC 109987 | – | AB925947 | AB925983 | – | – | – | Unpublished |
Pleurocordyceps sp. | NBRC 109988 | – | AB925948 | AB925984 | – | – | – | Unpublished |
Pleurocordyceps sp. | – | HM135166 | HM135164 | HM135165 | – | – | – |
Pleurocordyceps sp. | NBRC 110223 | – | AB925930 | – | – | – | – | Unpublished |
Pleurocordyceps vitellina | KUMCC 3006 | – | OQ172089 | OQ172061 | OQ459729 | OQ459757 | OQ459803 |
Pleurocordyceps vitellina | KUMCC 3007 | – | OQ172090 | OQ172062 | OQ459730 | OQ459758 | OQ459804 |
Pleurocordyceps yunnanensis | YHH PY1006T | – | KF977849 | – | KF977851 | KF977853 | KF977855 |
Pleurocordyceps yunnanensis | HAKS 131922 | PP129614 | – | OR828244 | OR880681 | OR829680 | – | This study |
Pleurocordyceps yunnanensis | YHC PY1005 | – | KF977848 | – | KF977850 | KF977852 | KF977854 |
Polycephalomyces albiramus | GACP 21-XS08T | OQ172115 | OQ172092 | OQ172037 | OQ459735 | OQ459761 | OQ459807 |
Polycephalomyces albiramus | GACPCC 21-XS08T | OQ172116 | OQ172093 | OQ172038 | OQ459736 | OQ459762 | OQ459808 |
Polycephalomyces formosus | NBRC 100686 | MN586821 | MN586830 | MN586839 | MN598054 | MN598045 | MN598061 |
Polycephalomyces formosus | NBRC 100687 | MN586822 | MN586831 | MN586840 | MN598055 | MN598046 | MN598062 |
Polycephalomyces formosus | NBRC 103843 | MN586823 | MN586832 | MN586841 | MN598056 | MN598047 | MN598063 |
Polycephalomyces formosus | NBRC 109993T | MN586824 | MN586833 | MN586842 | MN598057 | MN598048 | MN598064 |
Polycephalomyces formosus | NBRC 109994 | MN586825 | MN586834 | MN586843 | MN598058 | MN598049 | MN598065 |
Polycephalomyces formosus | GACP 21-WFKQ03 | OQ172113 | OQ172094 | OQ172039 | – | – | – |
Polycephalomyces formosus | GACP 21-WFKQ04 | OQ172114 | OQ172095 | OQ172040 | – | – | – |
Polycephalomyces ramosus | NBRC 101760 | MN586818 | MN586827 | MN586836 | MN598051 | MN598042 | MN598060 |
Polycephalomyces ramosus | NBRC 109984 | MN586819 | MN586828 | MN586837 | MN598052 | MN598043 | – |
Polycephalomyces ramosus | NBRC 109985 | MN586820 | MN586829 | MN586838 | MN598053 | MN598044 | – |
Polycephalomyces ramosus | MFLU 18-0162T | MK863043 | MK863250 | MK863050 | MK860188 | – | – | Unpublished |
Polycephalomyces ramosus | NBRC 109983 | – | AB925946 | AB925982 | – | – | – | Unpublished |
Polycephalomyces ramosus | RUTPP | – | – | AY259543 | – | – | – |
Polycephalomyces ramosus | RCEF 6016 | – | KC782530 | – | – | – | – |
Polycephalomyces tengchongensis | HKAS 131923T | PP129612 | OR878365 | OR828240 | – | OR829676 | OR880685 | This study |
Polycephalomyces tomentosus | BL 4 | KF049623 | KF049666 | KF049641 | KF049697 | KF049656 | KF049678 |
Tolypocladium ophioglossoides | NBRC 100998 | JN941735 | JN943319 | JN941406 | AB968602 | JN992469 | AB968563 |
Tolypocladium ophioglossoides | NBRC 106330 | JN941734 | JN943321 | JN941407 | AB968603 | JN992468 | AB968564 |
The phylogenetic analysis was constructed using sequence data from six loci, representing 112 Polycephalomycetaceae taxa. The alignment comprised 5142 base pair (bp) characters, including gaps (1026 bp for SSU, 602 bp for ITS, 845 bp for LSU, 901 bp for tef-1α, 711 bp for rpb1, and 1057 bp for rpb2). Of these, 3648 characters were constant, 1310 variable characters parsimony-uninformative and 1936 characters parsimony-informative. The likelihood of the best-scoring ML tree was -26079.662.
In the phylogenetic analyses (Fig.
Phylogenetic tree of Polycephalomycetaceae based on a concatenated data matrix of SSU, ITS, LSU, tef-1α, rpb1, and rpb2. Bootstrap values greater than or equal to 75% and Bayesian posterior probabilities greater than or equal to 0.80 are shown at the respective nodes. Newly added taxa from this study are highlighted in red.
Morphologically resembling the genus Dingleyomyces.
Paradingleyomyces lepidopterorum Y. Wang tris & T. C. Wen, sp. nov.
Parasitic on Ophiocordyceps cf. cochlidiicola. Sexual morph: Stroma absent. Perithecia forming from white subiculum covering stromata of Ophiocordyceps cf. cochlidiicola, superficial, scattered, brown, ovoid or ellipsoidal. Asci cylindrical with a thickened cap, attenuated toward the base. Ascospores filiform, hyaline, disarticulating into many cylindrical secondary ascospores at maturity. Secondary ascospores cylindrical, aseptate, smooth-walled, with truncated ends. Asexual morph: Undetermined.
Both Paradingleyomyces and Dingleyomyces are monotypic genera and share similar morphological characteristics, including the formation of superficial perithecia on a white subiculum, cylindrical asci with thickened caps, and filiform ascospores that disarticulate into cylindrical secondary ascospores. Additionally, the type species of both genera occur as hyperparasites on Ophiocordyceps species (
This epithet is named after the order of its primary host: Lepidoptera.
Parasitic on Ophiocordyceps cf. cochlidiicola. Stromata of host fungus are 55–180 mm in length, 1–3 mm in width, multiple, unbranched, brown at base becoming off-white toward the apex, fibrous, narrowly cylindrical to filiform. Sexual morph: Subiculum white, cottony, covering the stromata of host fungus. Perithecia 240–690 × 110–360 μm (x̄ = 430 × 228 μm, n = 25), emerging from subiculum, superficial, scattered or dense, flesh-colored, ovoid or ellipsoidal. Asci 150–400 × 3–8 μm (x̄ = 289 × 5 μm, n = 30), cylindrical, hyaline, with an apical cap. Apical cap 3–5 × 1–4 μm (x̄ = 3.8 × 2.3 μm, n = 40), hemispherical. Ascospores filiform, multiseptate, breaking into many secondary ascospores at maturity. Secondary ascospores 2–4 × 0.5–1 μm (x̄ = 2.5 × 0.9 μm, n = 50), hyaline, aseptate, smooth-walled, cylindrical with truncated ends. Asexual morph: Undetermined.
China: Yunnan Province.
: China • Yunnan Province, Tengchong County, Houqiao Town; 5 Nov. 2022; Collected by Yi Wang; Parasitic on the stromata of Perennicordyceps cf. elaphomyceticola; GYY543H (
Paradingleyomyces lepidopterorum lives as a hyperparasite on the remnant stromata of Ophiocordyceps cf. cochlidiicola. The aging stromata of the host fungus become covered with the perithecia of the hyperparasitic fungus, which closely resemble those of the host. However, the key distinguishing feature is that the hyperparasitic perithecia are flesh-colored and grow on a white subiculum, whereas the host’s perithecia are dark brown and directly connected to the stroma (Fig.
Paradingleyomyces lepidopterorum (
Morphological comparison between sexual species in Paradingleyomyces, Perennicordyceps, and Dingleyomyces.
Species | Host | Stromata (mm) | Perithecia (µm) | Asci (µm) | Apical cap (µm) | Secondary ascospores (µm) | References |
Dingleyomyces lloydii | Ophiocordyceps hauturu, Ophiocordyceps robertsii | Reduced to white subiculum, flat, thin, irregular plates, often obscured by the perithecia, white or yellowish | 300–950 × 300–650, superficial, ovoid, growing in small groups on white subiculum | 200–450 × 6–10 | 2–3 diameter, 4 thickness | 1.5–3 × 1–1.5 |
Perennicordyceps elaphomyceticola | Elaphomyces sp. | 20–100 × 0.1–0.5, cylindrical, the colours vary from dark brown, titian red, brownish orange, yellow to pale | 430–600 × 255–300, superficial, ovoid to ellipsoid, yellow when mature, pale when immature | 365–420 × 5.0–7.6 | 2–3.5 × 3.3–5.2 | 1.5–3.2 × 1.4–2.3 |
Pe. cuboidea | Beetle larva or other Cordyceps | 32–181 × 3–74, cylindrical, ochre yellow | 400–500 × 250–330, superficial, lemon-shaped, glabrate | 250–570 in length | 3–5 in thickness | 1.5–3 × 1–1.5 |
Pe. prolifica | Cicada nymph | 70.9–140.0× 0.8–2.2, thin cylindrical, brown | 320–530 × 200–340, superficial, ovoid or ellipsoidal, grayish brown | 430–650 in length | 3–5 in thickness | 2–3 × 1–2 |
Pa. lepidopterorum | Ophiocordyceps cf. cochlidiicola | Reduced to white subiculum | 240–690 × 110–360, superficial, ovoid to ellipsoidal, brown | 150–400 × 3–8 | 3–5 × 1–4 | 2–4 × 0.5–1 | This study |
Pe. paracuboidea | Coleopteran larva | 3.2–38.4 × 0.3–1.7, cylindrical | 400–600 × 290–400, superficial, lemon-shaped, pale orangish brown | 225–400 in length | 3–6.3 in thickness | 1.3–2.5 × 1–2 |
Pe. ryogamiensis | Coleopteran larva | 12–13 × 0.5, cylindrical, white, palely darkened, glabrate at the base | 320–430 × 200–230, superficial, ovoid | 450–610 in length | 3.8–5 in thickness | 2.5–5 × 1.5–2 |
Named after the location where the type specimen was found, Tengchong County, Yunnan Province.
Parasitic on Perennicordyceps cf. elaphomyceticola. Sexual morph: Undetermined. Asexual morph: Synnemata 18.7 mm long, 1–2 mm wide, cylindrical, white, growing in small group on stromata of Perennicordyceps cf. elaphomyceticola. Fertile parts yellowish, with conidial mass forming on middle part of synnemata. Phialides dimorphic. α-phialides 9–20 × 1–2 μm (x̄ = 12.3 × 1.2 μm, n = 45), phialidic, subulate, hyaline, smooth-walled, arranged in a parallel palisade-like layer around the fertile part. α-conidia 1–3 μm (x̄ = 2 μm, n = 45), globose, hyaline.
Polycephalomyces tengchongensis (B–I from
Colonies on PDA attaining a diam. of 28–31 mm in 14 days at 25 °C, white, leathery, radially striate, reverse dark brown and turns pale outward. β-phialides 18–44 × 1–3 μm (x̄ = 26.7 × 1.2 μm, n = 30), phialidic, lanceolate, smooth-walled. β-conidia 3–7 × 1.5–3 μm (x̄ = 3.9 × 2.2 μm, n = 45), ellipsoidal to broadly fusiform, hyaline, aseptate, smooth-walled.
China • Yunnan Province, Tengchong County, Houqiao Town; 5 Nov. 2022; Collected by Yi Wang; Parasitic on the stromata of Perennicordyceps cf. elaphomyceticola; GYY547 (
The newly described species Polycephalomyces tengchongensis is closely related to Po. formosus with strong support (MLBS = 100%, MIPP = 1.00, Fig.
A comparison of nucleotide sequences between Po. tengchongensis and the ex-type of strain of Po. formosus (NBRC 109993) revealed 1% differences (6/584 bp) including three gaps in the ITS region, 0.3% (3/774 bp) differences including one gap in the LSU region, 2.3% differences (16/684 bp) including three gaps in the rpb1 region and 1.6% differences (15/891bp) in the rpb2 region. Collectively, the differences both in phenotypic profiles and nucleotides sequences support the establishment of Polycephalomyces tengchongensis as a new species.
Parasitic on Elaphomyces sp. (Fig.
Pleurocordyceps parvicapitata (B–R from
Pleurocordyceps parvicapitata (
Colonies isolated from Elaphomyces sp. and Perennicordyceps elaphomyceticola present similar characteristics. Colonies on PDA attaining 41–45 mm in diam. after incubation at 25 °C for 14 days, white, leathery, reverse grayish yellow. Synnemata emerging from margin of colony in annular distributions, 1–3 mm long, 1–2.5 mm wide, white, erected, apically branched. Conidial mass gathers at middle part or tip of synnemata, pale yellow, waterish. Phialides two-typed. α-phialides 10–28 × 1–2 µm (x̄ = 15.7 × 1.5 µm, n = 50), hyaline, smooth-walled, subculate, caespitose, palisade-like. α-conidia 1–2 µm (x̄ = 1.7 µm, n = 45), one-celled, hyaline, smooth-walled, globose. β-phialides 6–8 × 0.5–1 µm (x̄ = 7.9 × 1.1 µm, n = 20), arising from hypha, solitary, lanceolate, hyaline, smooth-walled. β-conidia 2–6 × 1–2 µm (x̄ = 3.8 × 0.8 μm, n = 35), fusiform, hyaline, aseptate, smooth-walled, asymmetrical.
China • Yunnan Province, Tengchong County, Houqiao Town; 5 Nov. 2022; Collected by Yi Wang; Parasitic on Elaphomyces sp. buried in soil; GYY546 (
Pleurocordyceps parvicapitata, parasitic on Elaphomyces sp. and Perennicordyceps elaphomyceticola, was originally described by
Parasitic on Ophiocordyceps nutans (Ophiocordycipitaceae, Hypocreales) (Fig.
Pleurocordyceps yunnanensis (HAKS 131922) A habitat B–D stromata of Pl. yunnanensis growing from the host (Ophiocordyceps nutans) E fertile head F cross-section through fertile head G perithecium H peridium I–K asci L, M part of asci N part of ascospore O, P secondary ascospores. Scale bars: 5 mm (C, D); 1 mm (E); 100 µm (F, G); 50 µm (H–K); 20 µm (L, M); 5 µm (N–P).
China • Yunnan Province, Kunming City, the Wild Duck Lake Forest Park; 17 Sep. 2023; Collected by Yi Wang; Parasitic on Ophiocordyceps nutans; YYH13 (HAKS 131922).
The asexual morph of Polycephalomyces yunnanensis was first described by
Polycephalomycetaceae was introduced by
Perennicordyceps currently comprises six species, four identified based on their sexual morphology and two based on their asexual morphology. We have compared the sexual characteristics of Pa. lepidopterorum with the four sexual species of Perennicordyceps, as depicted in Fig.
Morphological comparison of Paradingleyomyces, Dingleyomyces and Perennicordyceps. In Perennicordyceps, the dotted line below indicates burial in soil or woods. Pe. cuboidea, Pe. prolifica, Pe. paracuboidea and Pe. ryogamiensis were redrawn from
Polycephalomyces was initially classified under Hypocreales incertae sedis (
Distinguishing characteristics between Po. tengchongensis and other Polycephalomyces species.
Species | Host | Synnemata | Phialides (µm) | Conidia (µm) | Reference |
Po. tengchongensis | Perennicordyceps cf. elaphomyceticola (Hypocreales, Polycephalomycetaceae) | Non-stipitate, without fertile head | Two-type, α-phialides 9–20 × 1–2, subulate; β-phialides 18–44 × 1–3, lanceolate | Two-type, α-conidia 1–3, globose; β-conidia 3–7 × 1.5–3, ellipsoidal to broadly fusiform | This study |
Po. albiramus | Gryllotalpa sp. (Orthoptera) | Stipitate, without fertile head | One-type, 12.8–18.3 × 1–2.2, narrowly subulate, awl-shaped | One-type 2.1–3.2 × 0.9–1.2, cylindrical to obovoid or subglobose |
Po. baltica | Nymph or short-winged female bark louse | Stipitate, with fertile head | One-type, 3–4 long, flask-shaped | One-type, 3–4, globose |
Po. cylindrosporus | Coleoptera, Formicidae and Pentatomidae | Stipitate, with fertile head | One-type, 7–25 long | One-type, 2.5–4, cylindrical to bacilliform |
Po. ditmarii | Paravespula vulgaris (Wasp), fly | Stipitate, with fertile head | One-type, 20–37 × 1.5–2.5, elongate, cylindrical, attenuating at the apex | One-type, 2.2–3 × 1.3–1.6, globose to subglobose to clavate |
Po. formosus | Coleopteran larvae or Ophiocordyceps barnesii | Stipitate, with fertile head | One-type, 6–25 × 1–1.2, cylindrical, tapering gradually | One-type, 2.5–3.2 × 1–1.2, ellipsoidal or ovoid |
Po. ramosus | Lepidopteran larvae or Hirsutella guignardii | Stipitate, with fertile head | Two-type, α-phialides 7–24 long, 1–2 at basal wide, cylindrical to narrowly lageniform; β-phialides 6–27 long, 2–3.5 at basal wide, 0.5–1 at neck width, narrowly lageniform or subulate | Two-type, α-conidia 2.4–3.2 × 1.6–2.4, ovoid; β-conidia 3.2–4 × 1.6–2, fusiform |
Po. paludosus | Lepidopteran larva | Stipitate, with fertile head | One-type, 2–20 long, 1–1.5 at basal wide, subulate | One-type, 8–2.5 × 1.1–1.3, obovoid |
Po. tomentosus | Myxomycetes | – | – | Three-type, globose or ellipsoidal or cylindrical |
Pleurocordyceps was introduced by
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
No ethical statement was reported.
This research was funded by the Science and Technology Foundation of Guizhou Province (No. [2019] 2451-3), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 31760014), and Thailand Science Research and Innovation (TSRl) grant No.672A01014 from the Fundamental Fund for Basic Research, National Research Council of Thailand.
Investigation: YZ, GYW, XZ. Resources: XCP, XSH. Writing – original draft: TCW, YW. Writing – review and editing: DPW, JCK, CRL, PC, RCL, ZZL. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Yi Wang
De-Ping Wei
Xing-Can Peng
Ji-Chuan Kang
Xian Zhang
Putarak Chomnunti
Ting-Chi Wen
All of the data that support the findings of this study are available in the main text.