Research Article |
Corresponding author: Yu-Cheng Dai ( ) Corresponding author: Yuan Yuan ( ) Academic editor: Kentaro Hosaka
© 2024 Chao-Ge Wang, Jian Chen, Hong-Gao Liu, Yu-Cheng Dai, Yuan Yuan.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Wang C-G, Chen J, Liu H-G, Dai Y-C, Yuan Y (2024) Two new species of Perenniporia sensu lato (Polyporales, Basidiomycota) from China and two new combinations in Crassisporus. MycoKeys 105: 97-118.
Phylogenetic and morphological analyses on Perenniporia s.l. were carried out. Phylogenies on Perenniporia s.l. are reconstructed with two loci DNA sequences including the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions and the large subunit (nLSU). Two new species from Yunnan Province, southwest China, Perenniporia prunicola and P. rosicola in Perenniporia s.l., are illustrated and described. Perenniporia prunicola is characterised by the perennial and resupinate basidiomata with a clay pink pore surface when fresh, a trimitic hyphal system, the presence of clavate to fusiform hymenial cystidia, ellipsoid to broadly ellipsoid basidiospores measuring 4.8–6.2 × 3.6–4.5 µm. Perenniporia rosicola is characterised by annual and resupinate basidiomata with a white pore surface when fresh, a dimitic hyphal system, the presence of dendrohyphidia, broadly ellipsoid to subglobose basidiospores measuring 5–5.8 × 4–5.2 μm. In addition, Crassisporus is a genus in Perenniporia s.l., in which two new combinations Crassisporus minutus and C. mollissimus are proposed. Main morphological characteristics of species related to new taxa are also provided.
Phylogeny, polypore, taxonomy, wood-decaying fungi
Perenniporia Murrill (Polyporales, Basidiomycetes) is typified by P. medulla-panis (Jacq.) Donk and it is one of the species-rich genera of Polyporales. Traditionally, it is characterised by annual to perennial, resupinate, effused-reflexed to pileate basidiomata with a varied coloured pore surface when fresh, a dimitic to trimitic hyphal system with generative hyphae bearing clamp connections, variably dextrinoid and cyanophilous skeletal hyphae, ellipsoid, broadly ellipsoid to subglobose, mostly thick-walled and truncate variably dextrinoid, cyanophilous basidiospores and causing a white rot in dead angiosperm and gymnosperm woods (
Perenniporia was established by Murrill in 1942 just with two species, P. unita (Pers.) Murrill (Basionym: Polyporus unitus Pers.) and P. nigrescens (Bres.) Murrill (Basionym: Poria nigrescens Bres.), none of which was regarded as the type species (
Previous studies have shown that Perenniporia is a polyphyletic genus (
Crassisporus B.K. Cui & Xing Ji was proposed as a new genus (
During the fungal research work on polypores, the phylogeny, based on a two loci dataset (ITS+nLSU), was carried out and two unknown species of Perenniporia s.l. are found from southwest China and they are illustrated and described in the present paper. In addition, two new combinations in Crassisporus are proposed, based on phylogenetic and morphological analyses.
The studied specimens are deposited in the
Fungarium of the Institute of Microbiology, Beijing Forestry University (
A CTAB rapid plant genome extraction kit-DN14 (Aidlab Biotechnologies Co., Ltd, Beijing) was used to obtain DNA from dried specimens and to perform the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) according to the manufacturer’s instructions with some modifications (
The PCR procedure for ITS was as follows: initial denaturation at 95 °C for 3 min, followed by 34 cycles at 94 °C for 40 s, annealing at 54 °C for 45 s and extension 72 °C for 1 min and a final extension of 72 °C for 10 min. The PCR procedure for nLSU was as follows: initial denaturation at 94 °C for 1 min, followed by 34 cycles of denaturation at 94 °C for 30 s, annealing at 50 °C for 1 min and extension at 72 °C for 1.5 min and a final extension at 72 °C for 10 min. The PCR products were purified and sequenced at the
Beijing Genomics Institute (BGI), China,
with the same primers. DNA sequencing was performed at the Beijing Genomics Institute and the newly-generated sequences were deposited in GenBank. All sequences analysed in this study are listed in Table
Species name | Sample no. | Location | GenBank accession No. | References | |
ITS | nLSU | ||||
Abundisporus fuscopurpureus | Cui 8638 | China | JN048771 | JN048790 |
Abundisporus pubertatis | Dai 11927 | China | KC787569 | KC787576 |
Abundisporus pubertatis | Dai 12140 | China | JN048772 | JN048791 |
Abundisporus sclerosetosus | MUCL 41438 | Singapore | FJ411101 | FJ393868 |
Abundisporus violaceus | MUCL 38617 | Zimbabwe | FJ411100 | FJ393867 |
Amylosporia hattorii | Cui 10912 | China | KX900675 | KX900725 |
Amylosporia hattorii | Dai 10315 | China | JQ861740 | JQ861756 |
Aurantioporia aurantiaca | CBS 125867 | French Guiana | MH863779 | MH875242 |
Aurantioporia bambusicola | Cui 11050 | China | KX900668 | KX900719 |
Citrinoporia citrinoalba | Cui 13615 | China | MG847215 | MG847224 |
Citrinoporia citrinoalba | Dai 13643 | China | KX880622 | KX880661 |
Citrinoporia corticola | Dai 18633 | Malaysia | MT117217 | MT117222 |
Citrinoporia corticola | Dai 18641 | Malaysia | MT117218 | MT117223 |
Citrinoporia corticola | Dai 17778 | Singapore | MT117219 | MT117224 |
Citrinoporia corticola | Dai 18526 | Malaysia | MT117216 | MT117221 |
Crassisporus imbricatus | Dai 10788 | China | KC867350 | KC867425 |
Crassisporus leucoporus | Cui 16801 | Australia | MK116488 | MK116497 |
Crassisporus macroporus | Cui 14468 | China | MK116486 | MK116495 |
Crassisporus microsporus | Dai 16221 | China | MK116487 | MK116496 |
Crassisporus minutus | Zhou 120 | China | JX163055 | JX163056 | Unpublished |
Crassisporus minutus | Cui 6595 | China | KX081079 | KX081142 | Unpublished |
Crassisporus minutus | Dai 22571 | China | PP034100ª | PP034116ª | Present study |
Crassisporus mollissimus | Cui 6257 | China | JX141451 | JX141461 |
Crassisporus mollissimus | Dai 10764 | China | JX141452 | JX141462 |
Cystidioporia piceicola | Cui 10460 | China | JQ861742 | JQ861758 |
Cystidioporia piceicola | Dai 4181 | China | JF706328 | JF706336 |
Daedalea quercina | Dai 12659 | Finland | KP171208 | KP171230 |
Dendroporia cinereofusca | Dai 9289 | China | KF568893 | KF568895 |
Dendroporia cinereofusca | Cui 5280 | China | KF568892 | KF568894 |
Fomitopsis pinicola | Cui 10405 | China | KC844852 | KC844857 | Unpublished |
Hornodermoporus latissima | Cui 6625 | China | HQ876604 | HQ876604 |
Hornodermoporus latissimus | Dai 12054 | China | KX900639 | KX900686 |
Hornodermoporus martius | MUCL 41677 | Argentina | FJ411092 | FJ393859 |
Hornodermoporus martius | MUCL 41678 | Argentina | FJ411093 | FJ393860 |
Hornodermoporus martius | Cui 7992 | China | HQ876603 | HQ654114 |
Luteoperenniporia australiensis | Cui 16742 | Australia | OK642220 | OK642275 |
Luteoperenniporia australiensis | Cui 16743 | Australia | OK642221 | OK642276 |
Luteoperenniporia bannaensis | Cui 8560 | China | JQ291727 | JQ291729 |
Luteoperenniporia bannaensis | Cui 8562 | China | JQ291728 | JQ291730 |
Luteoperenniporia mopanshanensis | CLZhao 5145 | China | MH784912 | MH784916 |
Luteoperenniporia mopanshanensis | CL Zhao 5152 | China | MH784913 | MH784917 |
Luteoperenniporia yinggelingensis | Cui 13625 | China | MH427960 | MH427967 |
Luteoperenniporia yinggelingensis | Cui 13627 | China | MH427957 | MH427965 |
Macroporia lacerata | Cui 7220 | China | JX141448 | JX141458 |
Macroporia lacerata | Dai 11268 | China | JX141449 | JX141459 |
Macroporia macropora | Zhou 280 | China | JQ861748 | JQ861764 |
Macroporia subrhizomorpha | LWZ 20190722‐36 | China | MZ578440 | MZ578444 |
Macrosporia nanlingensis | Cui 7620 | China | HQ848477 | HQ848486 |
Macrosporia nanlingensis | Cui 7541 | China | HQ848479 | HQ848488 |
Microporellus subadustus | Cui 8459 | China | HQ876606 | HQ654113 |
Microporellus violaceo-cinerascens | MUCL 45229 | Ethiopia | FJ411106 | FJ393874 |
Minoporus minor | Cui 5782 | China | HQ883475 | – |
Minoporus minor | Dai 9198 | China | KF495005 | KF495016 |
Neoporia bostonensis | CLZhao 2854 | USA | MG491284 | MG491287 |
Neoporia bostonensis | CL Zhao 2855 | USA | MG491285 | MG491285 |
Neoporia koreana | KUC20091030-32 | Korea | KJ156313 | KJ156305 |
Neoporia koreana | KUC20081002J-02 | Korea | KJ156310 | KJ156302 |
Neoporia rhizomorpha | Cui 7507 | China | HQ654107 | HQ654117 |
Neoporia rhizomorpha | Dai 7248 | China | JF706330 | JF706348 |
Niveoporia decurrata | Dai 16637 | Thailand | KY475566 | OP289291 |
Niveoporia decurrata | Dai 16660 | Thailand | KY475567 | OP289292 |
Niveoporia russeimarginata | Yuan 1244 | China | JQ861750 | JQ861766 |
Niveoporia subrusseimarginata | Cui 16991 | China | OK642224 | OK642279 |
Niveoporia subrusseimarginata | Cui 16980 | China | OK642223 | OK642278 |
Perenniporia cf. dendrohyphidia | Zhou 273 | China | KX900670 | – |
Perenniporia eugeissonae | Dai 18600 | Malaysia | MT232518 | MT232512 |
Perenniporia eugeissonae | Dai 18605 | Malaysia | MT232519 | MT232513 |
Perenniporia hainaniana | Cui 6366 | China | JQ861745 | JQ861761 |
Perenniporia hainaniana | Cui 6365 | China | JQ861744 | JQ861760 |
Perenniporia luteola | Harkonen 1308a | China | JX141456 | JX141466 |
Perenniporia luteola | Harkonen 1308b | China | JX141457 | JX141467 |
Perenniporia medulla-panis | Cui 3274 | China | JN112792 | JN112793 |
Perenniporia medulla-panis | MUCL 43250 | Norway | FJ411087 | FJ393875 |
Perenniporia nonggangensis | GXU 2098 | China | KT894732 | KT894733 |
Perenniporia nonggangensis | Dai 17857 | Singapore | MT232521 | MT232515 |
Perenniporia prunicola | Dai 24280 | China | PP034101ª | PP034117ª | Present study |
Perenniporia prunicola | Dai 24751 | China | PP034102ª | PP034118ª | Present study |
Perenniporia prunicola | Dai 24752 | China | PP034103ª | – | Present study |
Perenniporia pseudotephropora | Dai 17383 | Brazil | MT117215 | MT117220 |
Perenniporia rosicola | Dai 22563 | China | PP034110ª | PP034123ª | Present study |
Perenniporia straminea | Cui 8858 | China | HQ654104 | JF706334 |
Perenniporia straminea | Cui 8718 | China | HQ876600 | HQ876600 |
Perenniporia substraminea | Cui 10191 | China | JQ001853 | JQ001845 |
Perenniporia substraminea | Cui 10177 | China | JQ001852 | JQ001844 |
Perenniporia subtephropora | Dai 10962 | China | JQ861752 | JQ861768 |
Perenniporia subtephropora | Dai 24890 | China | PP034104ª | PP034119ª | Present study |
Perenniporia subtephropora | Dai 25025 | China | PP034105ª | PP034120ª | Present study |
Perenniporia subtephropora | Dai 24871 | China | PP034106ª | – | Present study |
Perenniporia subtephropora | Dai 10964 | China | JQ861753 | JQ861769 |
Perenniporia subtephropora | Dai 24877 | China | PP034107ª | PP034121ª | Present study |
Perenniporia tephropora | Cui 9029 | China | HQ876601 | JF706339 |
Perenniporia tephropora | Cui 6331 | China | HQ848473 | HQ848484 |
Perenniporia tephropora | Dai 25106 | China | PP034108ª | – | Present study |
Perenniporia tephropora | Dai 24849 | China | PP034109ª | PP034122ª | Present study |
Perenniporiella chaquenia | MUCL 47647 | Argentina | FJ411083 | FJ393855 |
Perenniporiella chaquenia | MUCL 47648 | Argentina | FJ411084 | FJ393856 |
Perenniporiella micropora | MUCL 43581 | Cuba | FJ411086 | FJ393858 |
Perenniporiopsis minutissima | Cui 10979 | China | KF495003 | KF495013 |
Perenniporiopsis minutissima | Dai 12457 | China | KF495004 | KF495014 |
Perenniporiopsis minutissima | Dai 17383 | Brazil | MT117215 | MT117220 |
Perenniporiopsis minutissima | Dai 24887 | China | PP034111ª | – | Present study |
Perenniporiopsis minutissima | Dai 24885 | China | PP034112ª | – | Present study |
Perenniporiopsis minutissima | Cui 10221 | China | KX962546 | KX962553 |
Perenniporiopsis sinensis | Dai 26477 | China | PP034113ª | PP034124ª | Present study |
Perenniporiopsis sinensis | CLZhao 8278 | China | OR149913 | OR759768 |
Poriella africana | Cui 8674 | China | KF018119 | KF018128 |
Poriella africana | Cui 8676 | China | KF018120 | KF018129 |
Poriella ellipsospora | Cui 10284 | China | JQ861739 | KF018133 |
Poriella ellipsospora | Cui 10276 | China | KF018124 | KF018132 |
Poriella subacida | Dai 8224 | China | HQ876605 | JF713024 |
Poriella valliculorum | LE 222974 | Russia | KM411458 | KM411474 |
Poriella valliculorum | Cui 10053 | China | KF495006 | KF495017 |
Rhizoperenniporia japonica | Cui 7047 | China | KX900677 | KX900727 |
Sparsitubus nelumbiformis | Cui 6590 | China | KX880632 | KX880671 |
Sparsitubus nelumbiformis | Cui 8497 | China | KX880631 | KX880670 |
Tropicoporia aridula | Dai 12398 | China | JQ001855 | JQ001847 |
Tropicoporia aridula | Dai 12396 | China | JQ001854 | JQ001846 |
Truncatoporia pyricola | Cui 9149 | China | JN048762 | JN048782 |
Truncatoporia pyricola | Dai 10265 | China | JN048761 | JN048781 |
Truncatoporia truncatospora | Cui 6987 | China | JN048778 | HQ654112 |
Truncatoporia truncatospora | Dai 5125 | China | HQ654098 | HQ848481 |
Truncospora detrita | MUCL 42649 | French Guiana | FJ411099 | FJ411099 |
Truncospora macrospora | Cui 8106 | China | JX941573 | JX941596 |
Truncospora ochroleuca | MUCL 39726 | China | FJ411098 | FJ393865 |
Truncospora ochroleuca | Dai 11486 | China | HQ654105 | JF706349 |
Truncospora ochroleuca | MUCL 39563 | Australia | FJ411097 | FJ393864 |
Truncospora ohiensis | Cui 5714 | China | HQ654103 | HQ654116 |
Truncospora ohiensis | MUCL 41036 | USA | FJ411096 | FJ393863 |
Truncospora ornata | SP 6672 | Russia | KJ410690 | – |
Vanderbylia delavayi | Dai 6891 | China | JQ861738 | – |
Vanderbylia fraxinea | Cui 8871 | China | JF706329 | JF706345 |
Vanderbylia fraxinea | Cui 8885 | China | HQ876611 | JF706344 |
Vanderbylia fraxinea | DP 83 | Italy | AM269789 | AM269853 |
Vanderbylia robiniophila | Cui 7144 | China | HQ876608 | JF706341 |
Vanderbylia robiniophila | Cui 5644 | China | HQ876609 | HQ876609 |
Vanderbylia vicina | MUCL 44779 | Ethiopia | FJ411095 | FJ393862 |
Vanderbyliella sp. | Knudsen 04‐111 | China | JQ861737 | JQ861755 |
Vanderbyliella tianmuensis | Cui 2715 | China | JX141454 | JX141464 |
Vanderbyliella tianmuensis | Cui 2648 | China | JX141453 | JX141463 |
Xanthoperenniporia maackiae | Dai 8929 | China | HQ654102 | JF706338 |
Xanthoperenniporia maackiae | Cui 5605 | China | JN048760 | JN048780 |
Xanthoperenniporia punctata | Dai 26121 | China | PP034114ª | – | Present study |
Xanthoperenniporia punctata | Dai 26120 | China | PP034115ª | – | Present study |
Xanthoperenniporia punctata | Dai 17916 | China | MG869686 | MG869688 |
Xanthoperenniporia subcorticola | Dai 7330 | China | HQ654094 | HQ654108 |
Xanthoperenniporia subcorticola | Cui 1248 | China | HQ848472 | HQ848482 |
Xanthoperenniporia subcorticola | Cui 2655 | China | HQ654093 | HQ654093 |
Xanthoperenniporia tenuis | Wei 2969 | China | JQ001859 | JQ001849 |
Xanthoperenniporia tenuis | Wei 2783 | China | JQ001858 | JQ001848 |
Yuchengia kilemariensis | LE 214743 | Russia | KM411457 | KM411473 |
Yuchengia narymica | Dai 10510 | China | HQ654101 | JF706346 |
In this study, one combined matrix was reconstructed for phylogenetic analyses; a two loci dataset (ITS+nLSU) was used to determine the phylogenetic position of the new species. The sequence alignments and the retrieved topologies were deposited in TreeBase (, under accession ID: 31050 (Reviewer access URL: Sequences of Fomitopsis pinicola (Sw.) P. Karst. and Daedalea quercina (L.) Pers., obtained from GenBank, were used as the outgroups (
Sequences were analysed using Maximum Likelihood (ML) with RAxML-HPC2 through the CIPRES Science Gateway (;
The combined two loci dataset (ITS+nLSU) included sequences from 152 samples representing 80 taxa. The dataset had an aligned length of 2156 characters, of which 1385 (64%) characters were constant, 147 (7%) were variable and parsimony-uninformative and 624 (29%) were parsimony informative. The phylogenetic reconstruction performed with Maximum Likelihood (ML) and Bayesian Inference (BI) analyses for one combined dataset showed similar topology and few differences in statistical support. The best model-fit applied in the Bayesian analysis was GTR+I+G, lset nst = 6, rates = invgamma and prset statefreqpr = dirichlet (1, 1, 1, 1). Bayesian analysis resulted in a nearly congruent topology with an average standard deviation of split frequencies = 0.007133 to ML analysis and, thus, only the ML tree is provided (Fig.
The phylogeny (Fig.
Perenniporia prunicola nested in the Perenniporis s.s. clade and formed an independent lineage in the phylogeny (Fig.
ITS sequences produced significant alignments in NCBI ( about Perenniporia prunicola, the top ten of which represent P. medulla-panis and the similarities of them were less than 95%. The same goes for P. rosicola, the similarities of the top ten ITS sequences in NCBI were less than 90% excepting one sequence tagged P. dendrohyphidia (Zhou 273). They are consistent with our phylogeny.
Basidiomata. Perennial, resupinate, corky, without odour or taste when fresh, becoming hard corky upon drying, up to 15 cm long, 5 cm wide and 16 mm thick at centre. Pore surface clay pink when fresh, becoming cream, buff yellow to fawn upon drying; sterile margin very narrow to almost absent; pores round to slightly elongated, 4–6 per mm; dissepiments slightly thick, entire. Subiculum thin, cream, corky, up to 1 mm thick. Tubes pinkish-buff to clay buff when dry, distinctly stratified, hard corky, up to 15 mm long.
Hyphal structure. Hyphal system trimitic; generative hyphae bearing clamp connections; skeletal and binding hyphae IKI−, weakly CB+; tissues becoming orange brown in KOH.
Subiculum. Generative hyphae frequent, hyaline, thin-walled, occasionally branched, more or less flexuous, 2–4 μm in diam.; skeletal hyphae dominant, hyaline, thick-walled with a wide lumen, occasionally branched, more or less flexuous, 2.5–3 μm in diam.; binding hyphae hyaline, thick-walled with a wide lumen, frequently arboriform branched, flexuous, interwoven, 1.5–2 μm in diam.
Tubes. Generative hyphae infrequent, hyaline, thin-walled, occasionally branched, straight, 2–3 μm in diam.; skeletal hyphae dominant, hyaline, thick-walled with a medium lumen, occasionally branched, slightly flexuous, interwoven, 2–2.5 μm in diam.; binding hyphae hyaline, thick-walled with a medium lumen, frequently arboriform branched, flexuous, interwoven, 1.2–1.5 μm in diam. Hymenial cystidia present, clavate to fusiform, thin-walled, smooth, 25–31 × 5–5.5 µm; cystidioles present, ventricose to fusiform, hyaline, thin-walled, 16–20 × 4.5–5 μm. Basidia clavate, with four sterigmata and a basal clamp connection, 15–22 × 7–8 μm; basidioles more or less pyriform, but smaller. Irregular crystals present among the hymenium.
Spores. Basidiospores ellipsoid to broadly ellipsoid, hyaline, thick-walled, smooth, usually with a medium guttule, dextrinoid, weakly CB+, (4.5–)4.8–6.2(–6.5) × (3.5–)3.6–4.5(–4.9) µm, L = 5.39 μm, W = 4.07 μm, Q = 1.29–1.37 (n = 90/3).
Type of rot. White rot.
China. Guizhou Province, Zunyi, Suiyang County, Kuankuoshui Nature Reserve, on fallen trunk of Prunus, 7.VII.2022, Y.C. Dai 24280 (BJFC039522); Yunnan Province, Zhaotong, Yiliang County, Xiaocaoba, on dead tree of Prunus, 2.IV.2023, Y.C. Dai 24752 (BJFC040389).
Perenniporia prunicola is characterised by perennial and resupinate basidiomata with a clay pink pore surface when fresh, round to slightly elongated pores of 4–6 per mm, a trimitic hyphal system, the presence of clavate to fusiform hymenial cystidia, ellipsoid to broadly ellipsoid and thick-walled basidiospores measuring 4.8–6.2 × 3.6–4.5 µm and growth on Prunus in southwest China.
Basidiomata. Annual, resupinate, soft corky, without odour or taste when fresh, becoming corky when dry, up to 2 cm long, 1.5 cm wide and 1.2 mm thick at centre. Pore surface white when fresh, becoming pale orange brown upon bruising, eventually honey yellow to clay buff upon drying; sterile margin white when fresh, becoming cream upon drying, up to 0.5 mm wide; pores round, sometimes elongated, 5–7 per mm; dissepiments thin, entire to slightly lacerate. Subiculum very thin, cream, corky, up to 0.2 mm thick. Tubes concolorous with pore surface, corky, up to 1 mm long.
Hyphal structure. Hyphal system dimitic; generative hyphae bearing clamp connections; skeletal hyphae dextrinoid, weakly CB+; tissues becoming pale olivaceous in KOH.
Subiculum. Generative hyphae infrequent, hyaline, thin-walled, occasionally branched, straight, 2–2.5 μm in diam.; skeletal hyphae dominant, hyaline, thick-walled with a medium to narrow lumen, frequently arboriform branched, flexuous, interwoven, 1.5–2.5 μm in diam.
Tubes. Generative hyphae infrequent, hyaline, thin-walled, more or less flexuous, 2–2.5 μm in diam.; skeletal hyphae dominant, hyaline, thick-walled with a medium lumen, frequently arboriform branched, flexuous, interwoven, 1.5–2.5 μm in diam. Hymenial cystidia absent; cystidioles present, ventricose to fusiform, hyaline, thin-walled, 14–16 × 5–5.5 μm. Basidia barrel-shaped, with four sterigmata and a basal clamp connection, 16–20 × 7–8 μm; basidioles in shape similar to basidia, but smaller. Irregular crystals present amongst hymenia. Dendrohyphidia present.
Spores. Basidiospores broadly ellipsoid to subglobose, hyaline, thick-walled, smooth, sometimes with a medium guttule, dextrinoid, weakly CB+, 5–5.8(–6) × 4–5.2(–5.3) µm, L = 5.39 μm, W = 4.74 μm, Q = 1.14 (n = 30/1).
Type of rot. White rot.
Perenniporia rosicola is characterised by annual and resupinate basidiomata with a white pore surface when fresh, round to sometimes elongated pores of 5–7 per mm, frequently arboriform branched and narrow skeletal hyphae, the presence of dendrohyphidia, broadly ellipsoid to subglobose, thick-walled basidiospores measuring 5–5.8 × 4–5.2 μm and growth on Rosaceae in southwest China.
In our phylogenetic analyses, Crassisporus minutus and C. mollissimus form two independent lineages nested in Crassisporus (Fig.
Megasporoporia minuta Y.C. Dai & X.S. Zhou, in Zhou & Dai, Mycological Progress 7(4): 254 (2008).
Abundisporus mollissimus B.K. Cui & C.L. Zhao, in Zhao, Chen, Song & Cui, Mycological Progress 14(38): 5 (2015).
The genus Perenniporia s.s. clade includes four species, viz. P. hainaniana, P. medulla-panis, P. prunicola and P. substraminea and these species have the perennial and resupinate basidiomata with a cream, clay pink, buff yellow, pinkish-buff to fawn pore surface, a dimitic to trimitic hyphal system with amyloid or dextrinoid skeletal hyphae, ellipsoid, broadly ellipsoid to subglobose and thick-walled basidiospores (Table
Species | Type locality | Basidiomata | Upper surface | Colour of poroid surface | Dendrohyphidia | Basidiospores shape | Basidiospores size (μm) | References |
Crassisporus imbricatus | China: Hainan | Annual, effused-reflexed to pileate | Yellowish-brown | Buff when fresh, pale greyish-brown when dry | – | Oblong ellipsoid | 10–14 × 4.5–6.2 |
C. leucoporus | Australia: Queensland | Annual, effused-reflexed to pileate | Yellowish-brown to umber-brown | White when fresh; cream, clay buff to pale yellowish-brown when dry | – | Oblong ellipsoid | 8.4–11.2 × 4.2–5.4 |
C. macroporus | China: Guangxi | Annual, effused-reflexed to pileate | Buff to yellowish-brown when fresh, yellowish brown when dry | Cream, buff to cinnamon buff when fresh; buff, pale yellowish-brown to yellowish-brown when dry | – | Oblong ellipsoid | 9.5–13.2 × 4–6.2 |
C. microsporus | China: Yunnan | Annual, pileate | Pale yellowish-brown to yellowish-brown | Cream, buff to cinnamon buff when fresh; buff, pale yellowish-brown to yellowish-brown when dry | – | Broadly ellipsoid | 4–5 × 3–3.7 |
C. minutus | China: Guangxi | Annual to biennial, resupinate | – | Cream to pale buff when fresh; pale greyish when dry | – | Cylindrical to oblong ellipsoid | 7.7–9.7 × 3.6–4.9 |
C. mollissimus | China: Hainan | Perennial, effused-reflexed to pileate | Yellow brown to umber-brown | Buff to buff-yellow when fresh, buff-yellow when dry | – | Ellipsoid | 4–4.5 × 3–3.5 |
Perenniporia adnata | Singapore | Perennial, resupinate | – | Ochraceous buff to pinkish ochraceous | – | Broadly ellipsoid to subglobose | 4–4.5 × 3.5 |
P. albocinnamomea | Malaysia | Annual, effused-reflexed | Pallid buff to brownish | Light cinnamon buff | – | Ellipsoid | 3.7–4.7 × 2.5–3 |
P. dendrohyphidia | Burundi | Annual, resupinate | – | Wood-coloured to pale isabelline | + | Broadly ellipsoid to subglobose, sometimes truncate | 5.5–7 × 4.5–6 |
P. eugeissonae | Malaysia | Annual, resupinate | – | White when fresh, cream to pale straw-coloured when dry | + | Ellipsoid | 5–6 × 4–5 |
P. ferruginea | Brunei | Perennial, effused-reflexed | Ferruginous brown to fuscous blackish | Pallid wood white to pale brown | – | Ellipsoid, subtriangular to subglobose | 3.5–4.5 × 3–3.5 |
P. hainaniana | China: Hainan | Perennial, resupinate | – | Cream when fresh, cream-buff when dry | + | Broadly ellipsoid, truncate | 4–4.5 × 3–4 |
P. luteola | China: Henan | Annual, resupinate | – | Cream to buff when fresh, buff to yellowish-buff when dry | – | Ellipsoid, truncate | 6.1–7 × 5–5.7 |
P. medulla-panis | Australia | Annual to perennial, resupinate | – | White when fresh; white, cream, pale corky when dry; greyish-orange when bruised | – | Ellipsoid, broadly ovoid to subglobose, truncate | 4.7–5.8 × 3.5–4.5 |
P. nonggangensis | China: Guangxi | Annual, resupinate to effused-reflexed | – | Cream to greyish-cream when fresh; pale yellow-orange, capucine buff to sudan brown when dry | – | Broadly ellipsoid to subglobose | 3.1–4.4 × 2.7–3.6 |
P. puerensis | China: Yunnan | Annual, resupinate | – | Cream to buff when fresh, yellow to ochraceous when dry | – | Ovoid to subglobose | 4.3–5.5 × 3.7–4.7 |
P. penangiana | Malaysia | Annual, pileate with a stipe | Pale ochraceous to brownish | Pale tan ochraceous | – | Broadly ellipsoid | 5–6.5 × 4–5 |
P. prunicola | China: Yunnan | Perennial, resupinate | – | Clay pink when fresh; cream, buff yellow to fawn when dry | – | Ellipsoid to broadly ellipsoid | 4.8–6.2 × 3.6–4.5 | This study |
P. pseudotephropora | Brazil | Perennial, effused-reflexed to pileate | Pinkish buff, grey to greyish -brown | Greyish to pale brown |
+ | Broadly ellipsoid to subglobose, truncate | 4.9–5.2 × 4–4.8 |
P. rosicola | China: Yunnan | Annual, resupinate | – | White when fresh; pale orange brown when bruised, eventually honey yellow to clay buff when dry | + | Broadly ellipsoid to subglobose | 5–5.8 × 4–5.2 | This study |
P. sinuosa | Brazil | Annual, resupinate | – | Cream to ochraceous | – | Subglobose, truncate | 4–5 × 3–4 |
P. straminea | Philippines | Annual, resupinate | – | Straw-coloured when fresh; pale yellow brown with orange tints when dry | – | Ellipsoid | 2.5–3 × 2 |
P. subdendrohyphidia | Cameroon | Annual to biennial, resupinate | – | White, yellowish to pale pinkish cork-coloured when bruised | + | Oblong, Oblong ellipsoid to ellipsoid, truncate | 4–4.8 × 2.8–3.3 |
P. substraminea | China: Zhejiang | Perennial, resupinate | – | White to cream when fresh, cream to pinkish-buff when dry | + | Ellipsoid, truncate | 3.1–3.8 × 2.4–3 |
P. subtephropora | China: Guangdong | Perennial, resupinate | – | Cream when fresh; cream buff to greyish-buff when dry | – | Ellipsoid to broadly ellipsoid, truncate | 4–5 × 3.5–4.5 |
P. tephropora | Suriname | Perennial, resupinate to rarely effused-reflexed | Dirty greyish to black | Clay buff, grey to milky coffee or pale umber | – | Broadly ellipsoid, truncate | 4.5–6 × 3.5–4.5 |
Perenniporia prunicola is similar to P. medulla-panis by perennial and resupinate basidiomata with a clay pink to buff yellow pore surface, round to slightly elongated pores of 4–6 per mm, a trimitic hyphal system and ovoid to broadly ellipsoid basidiospores. In addition, both species are phylogenetically related, but the latter lacks cystidia and usually has truncate basidiospores (
Perenniporia rosicola is morphologically similar and phylogenetically related to Perenniporia cf. dendrohyphidia (Fig.
All species in the Perenniporia s.s. clade have perennial basidiomata with a cream, clay pink, buff yellow, pinkish-buff to fawn pore surface, a dimitic to trimitic hyphal system, sometimes the presence of dendrohyphidia and truncate basidiospores. Perenniporia cf. dendrohyphidia and P. rosicola both have annual basidiomata with a white to cream pore surface, a dimitic hyphal system, the presence of dendrohyphidia and broadly ellipsoid to globose basidiospores without truncation. All in all, some morphological characteristics of above taxa are overlapping, but the Perenniporia s.s. clade is unrelated to the Perenniporia rosicola clade in our phylogeny (Fig.
Crassisporus minutus was originally described in Megasporoporia by Dai and Zhou from China and it is characterised by resupinate basidiomata with a cream to pale buff pore surface when fresh, distinct sterile margin, round pores of 4–6 per mm, a dimitic hyphal system; thick-walled to subsolid skeletal hyphae, cylindrical to oblong-ellipsoid basidiospores measuring 7.7–9.7 × 3.6–4.9 µm (
Crassisporus mollissimus was originally described in Abundisporus by Cui and Zhao from China and it is characterised by perennial, effused-reflexed to pileate basidiomata with a concentrically zonate pileal surface, a buff to buff yellow pore surface when fresh, round pores of 7–8 per mm, ellipsoid and slightly thick-walled basidiospores measuring 4–4.5 × 3–3.5 µm (
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
No ethical statement was reported.
The research is supported by the Research Project of Yunnan Key Laboratory of Gastrodia and Fungi Symbiotic Biology (TMKF2023A03) and the Yunnan Province expert workstation programme (No. 202205AF150014).
All authors designed the research and contributed to data analysis and interpretation, and prepared the samples and drafted the manuscript.
Chao-Ge Wang
Yuan Yuan
All of the data that support the findings of this study are available in the main text.