Research Article |
Corresponding author: Hong Yu ( ) Academic editor: Marc Stadler
© 2024 Zuoheng Liu, Dexiang Tang, Yingling Lu, Juye Zhu, Lijun Luo, Tao Sun, Hong Yu.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Liu Z, Tang D, Lu Y, Zhu J, Luo L, Sun T, Yu H (2024) Morphology and phylogeny of four new species within Polycephalomycetaceae (Hypocreales) parasitising Ophiocordyceps species. MycoKeys 105: 179-202.
Species of the family Polycephalomycetaceae grow on insects or entomopathogenic fungi and are distributed from tropical to subtropical regions. This study proposed four new species of hyperparasitic fungi from China based on six molecular markers (ITS, SSU, LSU, TEF-1α, RPB1 and RPB2) phylogenetic analyses and morphological characteristics. The four new species, i.e. Pleurocordyceps litangensis, Polycephalomyces jinghongensis, Po. multiperitheciatae and Po. myrmecophilus, were described and illustrated. Pl. litangensis, exhibiting a hyperparasitic lifestyle on Ophiocordyceps sinensis, differed from Pleurocordyceps other species in producing subulate β-phialides and ovoid or elliptic α-conidia. Po. jinghongensis was distinct from Polycephalomyces other species, being parasitic on Ophiocordyceps sp., as producing oval or long oval-shaped α-conidia and columns of β-conidia. Po. multiperitheciatae differed from Polycephalomyces other species as having synnemata with fertile head, linear β-conidia and parasitic on Ophiocordyceps multiperitheciata. Po. myrmecophilus was distinct from Polycephalomyces other species, being parasitic on the fungus Ophiocordyceps acroasca, as producing round or ovoid α-conidia and elliptical β-conidia without synnemata from the colonies. These four species were clearly distinguished from other species in the family Polycephalomycetaceae by phylogenetic and morphological characteristics. The morphological features were discussed and compared to relevant species in the present paper.
entomogenous fungi, hyperparasite, micromorphology, phylogenetic analyses, taxonomy
The new family Polycephalomycetaceae was established within clavicipitoid fungi to accommodate Perennicordyceps, Pleurocordyceps and Polycephalomyces based on morphology and phylogenetic analyses (
Species of Polycephalomycetaceae grow on insects or other fungi, particularly Ophiocordyceps species and are distributed from tropical to subtropical regions (
South-western China is an area of high fungal biodiversity (
Fungal specimens parasitising Ophiocordyceps sp. were collected from different regions of south-western China, including Sichuan Province (Litang County) and Yunnan Province (Jinghong City, Yuanyang County, Pu'er City). The specimens were found in moist soils. Geographic information (longitude, latitude and altitude) of collection were recorded in the field, then specimens were collected in sterilised plastic containers and transported to the laboratory. The micro-morphological characters (Synnemata) were examined using an Olympus SZ61 stereomicroscope (Olympus Corporation, Tokyo, Japan). To obtain axenic culture, the stromata was divided into 2–4 segments with sterilised blades. Each segment was immersed in hydrogen peroxide 30% (H2O2) for 5 min and then rinsed five times in sterile water. After drying on sterilised filter paper, these segments were inoculated on Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA) plates. The conidial masses at the apex of the stipes were picked with an inoculating needle and immersed in 5 ml of sterilised water for blending. The homogenates were then spread on PDA plates containing 0.1 g/l streptomycin and 0.05 g/l tetracycline. The plates were maintained in a culture room at 25 °C. After purification, the cultures were stored at 4 °C (
Cultures on potato extract agar (PDA) were incubated for 21 days at 25 °C and photographed using a Canon 750 D camera (Canon Inc., Tokyo, Japan). For asexual morphological descriptions, microscope slide cultures were prepared by placing a small amount of mycelium on 5 mm diameter PDA medium blocks that were overlaid by a cover slip (
DNA templates were obtained from cultures using the CTAB method, following that described in
In order to construct a phylogeny of the major lineages in the family Polycephalomycetaceae, most of the DNA sequences used in this work were derived from previous phylogenetic studies (
Phylogenetic tree of Polycephalomycetaceae, based on the concatenation of ITS, SSU, LSU, TEF-1α, RPB1 and RPB2 sequence data. The tree was generated from an alignment of 6,384 sites and 113 taxa. The phylogeny was inferred using the IQ-tree. The Maximum likelihood bootstrap values greater than 75% (on the left) and the Bayesian posterior probabilities over 0.75 (on the right) were indicated above the nodes. The new species were indicated in back bold font.
Sources of selected isolates and GenBank accession number for ITS and five genes of three genera within Polycephalomycetaceae were used in this study.
Species name | Voucher | ITS | SSU | LSU | TEF-1α | RPB1 | RPB2 | References |
Cordyceps pleuricapitata | NBRC 109979 | AB925941 | AB925978 | Unpublished | ||||
Cordyceps pleuricapitata | NBRC 109978 | AB925940 | AB925977 | Unpublished | ||||
Cordyceps pleuricapitata | NBRC 109977 | AB925939 | AB925976 | Unpublished | ||||
Cordyceps pleuricapitata | NBRC 100746 | JN943306 | JN941749 | JN941392 | KF049680 | JN992483 | KF049668 |
Cordyceps pleuricapitata | NBRC 100745 | JN943304 | JN941750 | JN941391 | KF049679 |
Perennicordyceps elaphomyceticola | MFLU 21-0262 | OQ172064 | OQ172101 | OQ172032 | OQ459718 | OQ459747 | OQ459792 |
Perennicordyceps cuboidea | NBRC 100941 | JN943329 | JN941725 | JN941416 | JN992459 |
Perennicordyceps cuboidea | NBRC 103834 | JN943330 | JN941723 | JN941418 | JN992457 |
Perennicordyceps cuboidea | NBRC 103835 | JN943333 | JN941722 | JN941419 | JN992456 |
Perennicordyceps elaphomyceticola | MFLU 21-0264 | OQ172067 | OQ172103 | OQ172035 | OQ459720 | OQ459749 | OQ459794 |
Perennicordyceps elaphomyceticola | MFLU 21-0266 | OQ172068 | OQ172112 | OQ172036 | OQ459732 | OQ459760 | OQ459806 |
Perennicordyceps elaphomyceticola | MFLU 21-0263 | OQ172065 | OQ172102 | OQ172033 | OQ459719 | OQ459748 | OQ459793 |
Perennicordyceps elaphomyceticola | NTUCC 17-022 | MK840824 | MK840813 | MK839230 | MK839221 | MK839212 |
Perennicordyceps lutea | KUMCC 3004 | OQ474910 |
Perennicordyceps paracuboidea | NBRC 100942 | JN943337 | JN941711 | JN941430 | JN992445 | AB972958 |
Perennicordyceps prolifica | NBRC 103839 | JN943342 | JN941706 | JN941435 | JN992440 |
Perennicordyceps prolifica | NBRC 103838 | JN943339 | JN941707 | JN941434 | JN992441 |
Perennicordyceps prolifica | TNS-F-18547 | KF049660 | KF049613 | KF049632 | KF049687 | KF049649 | KF049670 |
Perennicordyceps prolifica | TNS-F-18481 | KF049659 | KF049612 | KF049631 | KF049686 | KF049648 |
Perennicordyceps ryogamiensis | NBRC 101751 | JN943343 | JN941703 | JN941438 | KF049688 | JN992437 |
Perennicordyceps ryogamiensis | NBRC 103837 | JN943346 | JN941702 | JN941439 | JN992436 |
Perennicordyceps ryogamiensis | NBRC 103842 | JN943345 | JN941701 | JN941440 | JN992435 |
Pleurocordyceps parvicapitata | MFLU 21-0270 | OQ172082 | OQ172105 | OQ172054 | OQ459722 | OQ459751 | OQ459796 |
Pleurocordyceps agarica | YHHPA 1305T | KP276651 | KP276655 | KP276659 | KP276663 | KP276667 |
Pleurocordyceps agarica | YHCPA1307 | KP276654 | KP276658 | KP276662 | KP276666 | KP276670 |
Pleurocordyceps agarica | YHCPA 1303 | KP276653 | KP276657 | KP276661 | KP276665 | KP276669 |
Pleurocordyceps aurantiaca | MFLUCC 17-2113T | MG136916 | MG136904 | MG136910 | MG136875 | MG136866 | MG136870 |
Pleurocordyceps aurantiaca | MFLUCC 17-2114 | MG136917 | MG136905 | MG136911 | MG136874 | MG136871 |
Pleurocordyceps aurantiaca | MFLU 17-1394 | MG136918 | MG136906 | MG136912 | MG136876 | MG136867 | MG136872 |
Pleurocordyceps aurantiaca | MFLU 17-1393T | MG136907 | MG136913 | MG136877 | MG136868 | MG136873 |
Pleurocordyceps ramosus like | NBRC 101760 | MN586827 | MN586818 | MN586836 | MN598051 | MN598042 | MN598060 |
Pleurocordyceps ramosus like | NBRC 109984 | MN586828 | MN586819 | MN586837 | MN598052 | MN598043 |
Pleurocordyceps ramosus like | NBRC 109985 | MN586829 | MN586820 | MN586838 | MN598053 | MN598044 |
Pleurocordyceps heilongtanensis | KUMCC 3008 | OQ172091 | OQ172111 | OQ172063 | OQ459731 | OQ459759 | OQ459805 |
Pleurocordyceps kanzashianus | AB027371 | AB027325 | AB027371 | Nikoh et al. (2000) | ||||
Pleurocordyceps lanceolatus | GACP 17-2004T | OQ172076 | OQ172110 | OQ172046 | OQ459726 | OQ459754 | OQ459800 |
Pleurocordyceps lanceolatus | GACP 17-2005T | OQ172109 | OQ172047 | OQ459727 | OQ459755 | OQ459801 |
Pleurocordyceps lianzhouensis | HIMGD20918T | EU149921 | KF226245 | KF226246 | KF226248 | KF226247 |
Pleurocordyceps lianzhouensis | GIMYY9603 | EU149922 | KF226249 | KF226250 | KF226252 | KF226251 |
Pleurocordyceps marginaliradians | MFLU 17-1582T | MG136920 | MG136908 | MG136914 | MG136878 | MG136869 | MG271931 |
Pleurocordyceps marginaliradians | MFLUCC 17-2276T | MG136921 | MG136909 | MG136915 | MG136879 | MG271930 |
Pleurocordyceps nipponica | BCC 1682 | KF049664 | KF049620 | KF049638 | KF049694 |
Pleurocordyceps nipponica | BCC 18108 | KF049657 | MF416624 | MF416569 | MF416517 | MF416676 | MF416462 |
Pleurocordyceps nipponica | NBRC 101407 | JN943302 | JN941752 | JN941389 | JN992486 |
Pleurocordyceps nipponica | NBRC 101405 | JN943442 | JN941754 | JN941387 | JN992488 |
Pleurocordyceps nipponica | BCC 2325 | KF049665 | KF049622 | KF049640 | KF049696 | KF049655 | KF049677 |
Pleurocordyceps nipponica | NHJ 4268 | KF049621 | KF049639 | KF049695 | KF049654 | KF049676 |
Pleurocordyceps nipponica | BCC 1881 | KF049618 | KF049636 | KF049692 | KF049674 |
Pleurocordyceps nutansis | GACP 19-1906 | OQ172079 | OQ172117 | OQ172049 | OQ459737 | OQ459763 | OQ459809 |
Pleurocordyceps nutansis | GACP 19-1907 | OQ172087 | OQ172118 | OQ172059 | OQ459738 | OQ459764 | OQ459810 |
Pleurocordyceps nutansis | GACP 19-3019T | OQ172086 | OQ172120 | OQ172058 | OQ459740 | OQ459766 | OQ459812 |
Pleurocordyceps nutansis | MFLU 21-0275T | OQ172073 | OQ172119 | OQ172048 | OQ459739 | OQ459765 | OQ459811 |
Pleurocordyceps onorei | BRA CR23904 | KU898843 |
Pleurocordyceps onorei | BRA CR23902T | KU898841 |
Pleurocordyceps ophiocordycipiticola | MFLUCC 22-0187 | NR185465 | NG229093 |
Pleurocordyceps ophiocordycipiticola | MFLU:22-0265 | OQ127364 | OQ127326 | OQ127397 | OQ186388 | OQ186435 |
Pleurocordyceps parvicapitata | MFLU 21-0271T | OQ172083 | OQ172106 | OQ172055 | OQ459723 | OQ459752 | OQ459797 |
Pleurocordyceps parvicapitata | MFLU 21-0272 | OQ172084 | OQ172099 | OQ172056 | OQ459716 | OQ459745 | OQ459790 |
Pleurocordyceps parvicapitata | MFLU 21-0273 | OQ172085 | OQ172100 | OQ172057 | OQ459717 | OQ459746 | OQ459791 |
Pleurocordyceps phaothaiensis | BCC84553T | MF959733 | MF959737 | MF959742 | MF959745 |
Pleurocordyceps phaothaiensis | BCC84552 | MF959732 | MF959736 | MF959740 | MF959744 |
Pleurocordyceps phaothaiensis | BCC84551 | MF959731 | MF959735 | MF959739 | MF959743 |
Pleurocordyceps ramosopulvinata | EFCC 5566 | KF049627 | KF049682 | KF049645 |
Pleurocordyceps ramosopulvinata | SU 65 | DQ118742 | DQ118753 | DQ127244 |
Pleurocordyceps sinensis | ARSEF 1424 | KF049661 | KF049615 | KF049634 | KF049689 | KF049671 |
Pleurocordyceps sinensis | CN 80-2T | HQ832884 | HQ832887 | HQ832886 | HQ832890 | HQ832888 | HQ832889 |
Pleurocordyceps sinensis | HMAS 43720T | NR119928 | NG042573 |
Pleurocordyceps sinensis | MFLU 21-0269 | OQ172080 | OQ172122 | OQ172050 | OQ459742 | OQ459768 |
Pleurocordyceps sinensis | GACP 20-2305 | OQ172075 | OQ172108 | OQ172045 | OQ459725 | OQ459753 | OQ459799 |
Pleurocordyceps sinensis | GACP 20-2304 | OQ172074 | OQ172107 | OQ172044 | OQ459724 | OQ459798 |
Pleurocordyceps sinensis | GZU 20-0865 | OQ172071 | OQ172096 | OQ172043 | OQ459713 |
Pleurocordyceps sinensis | MFLU 21-0268 | OQ172070 | OQ172123 | OQ172052 | OQ459743 | OQ459815 |
Pleurocordyceps sinensis | MFLU 21-0267 | OQ172121 | OQ172051 |
Pleurocordyceps sinensis | MFLU 18-0162 | MK863250 | MK863043 | MK863050 | MK860188 | Unpublished | ||
Pleurocordyceps sp. | BCC 2637 | KF049663 | KF049637 | KF049693 | KF049675 |
Pleurocordyceps sp. | JB07.08. 16_8 | KF049662 | KF049616 | KF049635 | KF049690 | KF049652 | KF049672 |
Pleurocordyceps sp. | JB07.08.17_07b | KF049617 | KF049691 | KF049653 | KF049673 |
Pleurocordyceps sp. | NBRC 109987 | AB925983 | Unpublished | |||||
Pleurocordyceps sp. | NBRC 109988 | AB925984 | Unpublished | |||||
Pleurocordyceps sp. | NBRC 109990 | AB925968 | Unpublished | |||||
Pleurocordyceps sp. | NBRC 110224 | AB925969 | Unpublished | |||||
Pleurocordyceps litangensis | YFCC 06109293 | PP410597 | PP541902 | PP410593 | PP550103 | PP697751 | This study | |
Pleurocordyceps litangensis | YFCC 06109294 | PP410598 | PP541903 | PP410594 | PP550104 | PP697752 | PP550107 | This study |
Pleurocordyceps litangensis | YFCC 06109295 | PP410600 | PP541905 | PP410596 | PP550106 | PP697754 | This study | |
Pleurocordyceps litangensis | YFCC 06109296 | PP410599 | PP541904 | PP410595 | PP550105 | PP697753 | PP550108 | This study |
Pleurocordyceps sp. | GIMCC 3.570 | JX006097 | JX006098 | JX006100 | JX006101 |
Pleurocordyceps tomentosus | BL4 | KF049666 | KF049623 | KF049641 | KF049697 | KF049656 | KF049678 |
Pleurocordyceps vitellina | KUMCC 3005 | OQ172088 | OQ172060 | OQ459728 | OQ459756 | OQ459802 |
Pleurocordyceps vitellina | KUMCC 3006 | OQ172089 | OQ172061 | OQ459729 | OQ459757 | OQ459803 |
Pleurocordyceps vitellina | KUMCC 3007 | OQ172090 | OQ172062 | OQ459730 | OQ459758 | OQ459804 |
Pleurocordyceps yunnanensis | YHCPY1005 | KF977848 | KF977850 | KF977852 | KF977854 |
Pleurocordyceps yunnanensis | YHHPY1006T | KF977849 | KF977851 | KF977853 | KF977855 |
Polycephalomyces albiramus | GACP 21-XS08T | OQ172092 | OQ172115 | OQ172037 | OQ459735 | OQ459761 | OQ459807 |
Polycephalomyces albiramus | GACPCC 21-XS08T | OQ172093 | OQ172116 | OQ172038 | OQ459736 | OQ459762 | OQ459808 |
Polycephalomyces formosus | NBRC 109993T | MN586833 | MN586824 | MN586842 | MN598057 | MN598048 | MN598064 |
Polycephalomyces formosus | NBRC 109994 | MN586834 | MN586825 | MN586843 | MN598058 | MN598049 | MN598065 |
Polycephalomyces formosus | NBRC 109995 | MN586835 | MN586826 | MN586844 | MN598059 | MN598050 | MN598066 |
Polycephalomyces formosus | GACP 21-WFKQ04 | OQ172095 | OQ172114 | OQ172040 | OQ459734 |
Polycephalomyces jinghongensis | YFCC 02959283 | PP274089 | PP274093 | PP274109 | PP581803 | PP697747 | PP581819 | This study |
Polycephalomyces jinghongensis | YFCC 02959284 | PP274090 | PP274094 | PP274110 | PP581804 | PP697748 | PP581820 | This study |
Polycephalomyces jinghongensis | YFCC 02959285 | PP274091 | PP274095 | PP274111 | PP581805 | PP697749 | PP581821 | This study |
Polycephalomyces jinghongensis | YFCC 02959286 | PP274092 | PP274096 | PP274112 | PP581806 | PP697750 | PP581822 | This study |
Polycephalomyces multiperitheciatae | YFCC 06149287 | PP274102 | PP274108 | PP274118 | PP581802 | PP581818 | This study | |
Polycephalomyces multiperitheciatae | YFCC 06149288 | PP274098 | PP274104 | PP274114 | PP581798 | PP697743 | PP581815 | This study |
Polycephalomyces multiperitheciatae | YFCC 06149289 | PP274101 | PP274107 | PP274117 | PP581801 | PP697746 | PP581817 | This study |
Polycephalomyces multiperitheciatae | YFCC 06149290 | PP274097 | PP274103 | PP274113 | PP581797 | PP697742 | PP581814 | This study |
Polycephalomyces multiperitheciatae | YFCC 06149291 | PP274100 | PP274106 | PP274116 | PP581800 | PP697745 | This study | |
Polycephalomyces multiperitheciatae | YFCC 06149292 | PP274099 | PP274105 | PP274115 | PP581799 | PP697744 | PP581816 | This study |
Polycephalomyces myrmecophilus | YFCC 09289443 | PP410602 | PP410608 | PP410605 | PP581795 | PP697740 | PP581812 | This study |
Polycephalomyces myrmecophilus | YFCC 09289444 | PP410603 | PP410609 | PP410606 | PP581796 | PP697741 | PP581813 | This study |
Polycephalomyces myrmecophilus | YFCC 09289445 | PP410601 | PP410607 | PP410604 | PP581794 | PP697739 | PP581811 | This study |
Tolypocladium ophioglossoides | NBRC 100998 | JN943319 | JN941735 | JN941406 | AB968602 | JN992469 | AB968563 |
Tolypocladium ophioglossoides | NBRC 106330 | JN943321 | JN941734 | JN941407 | AB968603 | JN992468 | AB968564 |
Sequences of 113 samples were used for phylogenetic analysis. Tolypocladium ophioglossoides (NBRC 106330) and T. ophioglossoides (NBRC 100998) were designated as the outgroup taxa (
litangensis = Litang County, the epithet referred to the nature study trail in Litang County, the locality where the type specimen was collected.
Pleurocordyceps litangensis and Pl. sinensis have the same host (O. sinensis) and β-Conidia, but the phialides (lanceolate or narrowly lageniform vs. spear point or subulate), α-conidia (Ovoid vs. Ovoid or ellipticare) are different.
Morphological features of Pleurocordyceps litangensis (Holotype: YHH 2306055) a overview of Pleurocordyceps litangensis and its host b synnemata on the insects c, d colony obverse and reverse e–h, k α-phialides i α-conidia j β-conidia and β-phialides. Scale Bars: 2 cm (a–d); 20 μm (e–j); 10 μm (k); 5 μm (g–i).
China, Sichuan Province, Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Litang County, parasitic on Ophiocordyceps sinensis (Ophiocordycipitaceae), on insects buried in soil, with erect stromata, 30°43′00″N, 100°52′00″E, alt. 4750 m, 10 June 2023, Hong Yu bis (YHH 2306055).
Synnemata arising from the stromata of O. sinensis, solitary or alternating; clavate or spatulate, branched and unbranched, straight or sinuous. Terminal portion of a synnemata covered by a viscous mass, khaki. Colonies on PDA growing slowly, attaining a diameter of 1.4–1.6 cm in 3 weeks at 25 °C, filiform, dark yellow and reverse dry yellow. Phialides existing in two types: α- and β-phialides. Both types of phialides often reproduce new phialides at their own apices and yield catenulate β-conidia, collarettes not flared, periclinal thickening not visible. α-phialides acropleurogenous solitary on hyphae; spear point, tapering gradually from the base to the apex, 11.2–12.8 μm long, 1.9–2.6 μm wide at the base and 0.7–0.9 μm wide at the apex. β-phialides terminal on solitary on hyphae; subulate, tapering abruptly from the base to the apex, 9.9–27.8 μm long, 1.6–2.5 μm wide at the base and 0.6–1.4 μm wide at the apex. α-conidia ovoid or elliptic and occurring on the final portion of synnemata, 3.2–6.1 × 1.8–3.9 μm; β-conidia fusiform, and produce on the surface mycelium of colony, multiple, usually in chains on a phialide, 3.5–6.1 × 1.4–2.5 μm.
Parasitic on Ophiocordyceps sinensis (Ophiocordycipitaceae).
China, Sichuan Province.
China, Sichuan Province, Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Litang County, parasitic on Ophiocordyceps sinensis (Ophiocordycipitaceae), on insects buried in soil, with erect stromata, 30°43′00″N, 100°52′00″E, alt. 4750 m, 10 June 2023, Tao Sun. Paratypes: YHH 2306058; other collections: YHH 2306059; Culture ex-type: YFCC 06109293; Other living cultures: YFCC 06109294, YFCC 06109295, YFCC 06109296.
Four strains, Pleurocordyceps sp. NBRC109990, Pl. sp. NBRC109987, Pl. sp. NBRC110224, Pl. sp. NBRC109988, were aggregated Pl. litangensis into one branch (Fig.
Species | Host | Synnemata | Phialides | Conidia | References |
Pl. agarica | Ophiocordyceps sp. or melolonthid larvae | Solitary, unbranched, agaricshaped; conidial mass pileus-like, light yellow to pale brown | α-phialides lanceolate; β-phialides narrowly lageniform or subulate | α-conidia globose to subglobose; β-conidia fusiform, catenate or clump together |
Pl. aurantiacus | Coleoptera larvae or O. barnesii | Emerging after 30 days, solitary or not solitary, branched or unbranched, showing 1–2 radiating ring like distributions | α-phialides, narrowly lageniform. β-phialides, lanceolate or narrowly lageniform | α-conidia, globose to subglobose. β-conidia, fusiform |
Pl. lanceolatus | Lepidoptera larvae | Lanceolate to corniform, solitary to crowded, stipitate, usually unbranched, rarely branched on the PDA, yellow to yellowish on the fresh specimen, covered with conidial masses, white on the PDA | α-phialides directly from hyphae, solitary, usually unbranched, subulate, at the base, tapering into a long neck; β-phialides branched into 2 or 3 phial ides, narrowly lageniform to lanceolate | α-conidia spherical, forming slimy conidial masses along the Synnemata; β-conidia fusiform |
Pl. marginaliradians | Cossidae larva | Emerging after 14 days, single or branched into 2 or 3 branched, showing 1–2 radiating ring like distributions | α-phialides, elongate lageniform; β-phialides, narrow slender to narrow lageniform | α-conidia globose, catenate, one-celled, pale yellow slimy in mass. β-conidia fusiform, one-celled |
Pl. parvicapitata | Perennicordyceps elaphomyceticola | Absent | Phialides, cylindrical at the base, tapering into a long neck | globose to subglobose |
Pl. sinensis | Lepidoptera larvae or Ophiocordyceps sinensis | Solitary, crowded, branched or unbranched, conidial mass yellow or yellow-orange | Lanceolate or narrowly lageniform | α-conidia, ovoid; β-conidia, fusiform |
Pl. vitellina | Ophiocordyceps nigrella | Absent | α-phialides, hyaline, smooth, elongated lageniform, crowed, gathered in the middle of colony. β-phialides, hyaline, smooth, directly growing from hyphae, with or without metula at the base, solitary, lanceolate, ovate at the base, tapering into a short neck | α-conidia spherical, one-celled, smooth-walled. β-conidia fusiform, catenulate |
Pl. yunnanensis | Hemiptera adults or Ophiocordyceps nutans | Solitary, caespitose or crowded, branched or unbranched; conidial mass white to yellow–brown | α-phialides cylindrical to subulate; β-phialides narrowly lageniform or subulate | α-conidia subglobose, ellipsoidal; β-conidia fusiform, catenate or clump together |
Pl. nutansis | Ophiocordyceps nutans | Cylindrical, clavate, capitate, stipitate, crowded, simple, white to yellowish | Two types, both of the types observed on the same synnemata. α-phialides, gathered at the apex of the synnemata, arranged in a parallel palisade-like layer around the apex of the fertile head, hyaline, usually branched into 2–6 phialides, narrowly slender lanceolate; β-phialides , solitary, scattered along the stipe, lanceolate, ovate at the base, tapering into a long neck | α-conidia, spherical, forming slimy conidial masses on the fertile head; β-conidia fusiform, produced along stipe of the synnemata |
Pl. heilongtanensis | Ophiocordyceps sp. | Scattered on the surface of host, cylindrical, stipitate, unbranched, white, with or without fertile head | α-phialides, hyaline, smooth, elongated lageniform, caespitose, palisade-like, crowed, gathered in the top of synnemata, mostly branched into 2–4 phialides. β-phialides hyaline, smooth, solitary, branched into 2 or 3 phial ides, with or without metula at the base, directly growing from hyphae | α-conidia, subglobose to ovoid,in yellowish slimy mass. β-conidia fusiform, one-celled |
Pl. lianzhouensis | Lepidoptera larva or Ophiocordyceps crinalis | Unbranched or dichotomously branched, conidial mass not seen | In whorls or intercalary and terminal, terminally awl-shaped | Ellipsoidal, oblong to cylindrical |
Pl. litangensis | Ophiocordyceps sinensis | Absent | α-phialides acropleurogenous solitary on hyphae; spear point. β-phialides terminal on solitary on hyphae; subulate | α-conidia ovoid or elliptical; β-conidia fusiform | This study |
jinghongensis = Jinghong City, the epithet referred to the nature study trail in Jinghong City, the locality where the type specimen was collected.
Polycephalomyces jinghongensis are similar to that of Po. multiperitheciatae regarding the production of α-conidia oval, but Po. jinghongensis differ by synnemata caespitose, white to orange-yellow colour, producing cylindrical β-conidia, parasitic on Ophiocordyceps sp.
China, Yunnan Province, Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture, Jinghong City, parasitic on Ophiocordyceps sp. (Ophiocordycipitaceae), on insects buried in soil, with erect synnemata, 23°47′9″N, 102°51′41″E, alt. 2053 m, 25 September 2022, Hong Yu bis (YHH 2206047).
Synnemata arising from the stromata of Ophiocordyceps sp., 0.8–1.6 cm long 0.1–0.3 cm thick, caespitose, unbranched or branched, white to orange-yellow colour. Colonies on PDA growing slowly, attaining a diameter of 1.3–1.7 cm in 3 weeks at 25 °C, clustered, white and reverse dry yellow. Synnemata emerging after 14 days, tufted, branched and 0.6–10 mm long, showing radiating distributions. Phialides existing in two types: α- and β-phialides. Both types of phialides often reproduce new phialides at their own apices or sides, collarettes not flared, periclinal thickening not visible. α-phialides verticillate and acropleurogenous on conidiophores and solitary on hyphae; lanceolate, tapering gradually from the base to the apex, 4.5–19.5 μm long, 1.4–2.5 μm wide at the base and 0.8–1.6 μm wide at the apex. β-phialides acropleurogenous in whorls of 2–3 or intercalary and terminal on conidiophores and solitary on hyphae; diamond-shaped; tapering abruptly from the base to the apex, 10.4–17.5 μm long, 1.1–2.7 μm wide at the base, and 0.4–1.1 μm wide at the apex. α-conidia oval or long oval shape and occurring in the conidial mass on the agar or on the final portion of synnemata, 1.1–3.4 × 0.8–1.9 μm; β-conidia columns and produced on the surface mycelium of colony, multiple, usually formed as spore balls at the phialidic apex, 2.3–3.1 × 1.2–1.3 μm.
Morphological features of Polycephalomyces jinghongensis (Holotype: YHH 2209031) a overview of Polycephalomyces jinghongensis and its host b synnemata on the insect c, d colony obverse and reverse e–g β-phialides h β-conidia i, k, l α-phialides j α-conidia. Scale Bars: 2 cm (a, c, d); 0.5 cm (b); 20 μm (e–h, j); 10 μm (i, k. l).
Parasitic on Ophiocordyceps sp. (Ophiocordycipitaceae).
China, Yunnan Province.
China, Yunnan Province, Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture, Jinghong City, parasitic on Ophiocordyceps sp. (Ophiocordycipitaceae), on insects buried in soil, with erect synnemata, 23°47′9″N, 102°51′41″E, alt. 2053 m, 25 September 2022, D.X. Tang. Paratypes: YHH 2206010; other collections: YHH 2207049; YHH 2206053. Culture ex-type: YFCC 02959283; Other cultures: YFCC 02959284, YFCC 02959285, YFCC 02959286.
Polycephalomyces jinghongensis was sister to Po. multiperitheciatae (Fig.
Species | Host | Synnemata | Phialides | Conidia | References |
Po. albiramus | Gryllotalpa sp. (Orthoptera, Gryllotalpidae) | Stipitate, gathered, branched, white to pale yellow, numerous, cylindrical and tapering at the apex, without fertile head | Phialides narrowly subulate, awl-shaped | Conidia cylindrical to obovoid or subglobose |
Po. baltica | Nymph or short-winged female bark louse (Psocoptera: Troctopsocidae) | Synnemata, simple, roundish | Phialides, light colored, micronematous, flask-shaped | Conidia globose, catenulate |
Po. cylindrosporus | Coleoptera, Formicidae and Pentatomidae | Synnemata cylindrical to capitate, stipitate, slender, branched | Phialides on verticils and/or acropleurogenously forming loosely arranged flared hymenia | Conidia one-type, cylindrical to bacilliform |
Po. ditmarii | Paravespula vulgaris (Wasp) | Synnemata 2 to 3 distinct branches, yellowish to white, darkening at the base; surmounted by a small subsurface capitulum, dotted with numerous small blisters of orange-yellow colour | Phialides elongate, cylindrical, attenuating at the apex | globose to subglobose |
Po. formosus (Type) | Coleoptera larvae or Ophiocordyceps barnesii | Synnemata 2 long, gathered, branched, with cylindrical stipe, with fertile head, spherical, white | cylindrical, tapering gradually | Conidia one-type, ellipsoid or ovoid |
In culture (PDA) | Synnemata 2–3 branches,arising as several radiating rings on the colony | Phialides terminal parts of Synnemata, cylindrical to subulate at the base; | Conidia of one type, one-celled, smooth-walled, ellipsoid to ovoid, arising in a conidial mass on the agar or on the terminal portions of synnemata |
In slide culture | Phialides monothetic and solitary or acropleurogenous in the whorls of 1–4, narrowly lageniform or subulate | Conidia obovoid to oblong ellipsoidal or cylindrical, forming irregular spore balls near the apex of phialides |
Po. ramosus | Lepidoptera larvae or Hirsutella guignardii | Synnemata solitary, crowded or caespitose, unbranched or branched, conidial mass yellow to orange-yellow | α-phialides cylindrical to narrowly lageniform; β-phialides narrowly lageniform or subulate | α-conidia, ovoid; β-conidia, fusiform |
Po. paludosus | Lepidoptera larva | Capitate, cinnamon brown, branched, the branches at right angles | Subulate, phialides occurring scattered on the branches below the heads, ventricose, occasionally stellate above | Conidia produced singly, hyaline, obovoid, covered by agglutinated mucus |
Po. tomentosus | Myxomycetes | Fructification a synnemata | Conidia three-type, globose or ellipsoidal or cylindrical |
Po. jinghongensis | Ophiocordyceps sp. (Ophiocordycipitaceae) | Synnemata caespitose, unbranched or branched, white to orange-yellow colour | α-phialides verticillate and acropleurogenous on conidiophores,and solitary on hyphae; lanceolate. β-phialides acropleurogenous in whorls of 2–3 or intercalary and terminal on conidiophores and solitary on hyphae; diamond-shaped. | α-conidia oval or long oval shape, β-conidia cylindrical | This study |
Po. multiperitheciatae | Ophiocordyceps multiperitheciata | Synnemata white to pale yellow, numerous, branched, with fertile head | α-phialides verticillate and acropleurogenous on conidiophores, and solitary on hyphae; spear point. β-phialides acropleurogenous in whorls of 2–3 or intercalary and terminal on conidiophores and solitary on hyphae; subulate. | α-conidia oval β-conidia linear | This study |
Po. myrmecophilus | Ophiocordyceps acroasca and Ophiocordyceps sp. | Absent | α-phialides verticillate and acropleurogenous on conidiophores, and solitary on hyphae; lanceolate, β-phialides acropleurogenous in whorls of 2–3 or intercalary and terminal on conidiophores and solitary on hyphae; sickle shape. | α-conidia round or ovoid; β-conidia, elliptical | This study |
The species name referred to the host species, Ophiocordyceps multiperitheciata.
Polycephalomyces multiperitheciatae are similar to that of Po. jinghongensis regarding the production of α-conidia oval, but Po. jinghongensis differ by being parasitic on O. multiperitheciata, synnemata clustered, white, β-conidia, linear.
China, Yunnan Province, Honghe Hani and Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Yuanyang County, parasitic on Ophiocordyceps multiperitheciata (Ophiocordycipitaceae), on insects buried in soil, with erect stromata, 22°1′51″N, 100°52′42″E, alt. 703 m, 25 September 2022, Hong Yu bis (YHH 2206031).
Synnemata arising from the stromata of Ophiocordyceps multiperitheciata, 0.8–1.8 cm long 0.2–0.5 cm thick, clustered, white to pale yellow, numerous, branched, with fertile head. Colonies on PDA growing slowly, attaining a diameter of 1.8–2.1 cm in 3 weeks at 25 °C, clustered, white and reverse dry yellow. Synnemata emerging after 15 days, solitary, branched and 0.8–2.1 cm long, showing radiating distributions. Phialides existing in two types: α- and β-phialides. Both types of phialides often reproduce new conidia at their own apices or sides, collarettes not flared, periclinal thickening not visible. α-phialides verticillate and acropleurogenous on conidiophores and solitary on hyphae; spear point, tapering gradually from the base to the apex, 10.5–18.7 μm long, 1.1–1.9 μm wide at the base and 0.4–0.6 μm wide at the apex. β-phialides acropleurogenous in whorls of 2–3 or intercalary and terminal on conidiophores and solitary on hyphae; subulate, tapering abruptly from the base to the apex, 11.3–28.8 μm long, 1.2–2.5 μm wide at the base and 0.5–1.1 μm wide at the apex. α-conidia,oval and occurring in the conidial mass on the agar or on the final portion of synnemata, 0.6–1.1 × 0.3–0.6 μm; β-conidia, linear and produced on the surface mycelium of colony, multiple, usually formed as spore balls at the phialidic apex, 0.8–1.3 × 0.3–0.7 μm.
Morphological features of Polycephalomyces multiperitheciatae (Holotype: YHH 2206047) a overview of Polycephalomyces multiperitheciatae and its host b Synnemata on the insect c, d colony obverse and reverse g, j α-phialides e, f, h, i β-phialides k α-conidia l β-conidia. Scale Bars: 2 cm (a, c, d); 0.6 cm (b); 20 μm (e–i, k); 50 μm (j); 10 μm (l).
Parasitic on Ophiocordyceps multiperitheciata (Ophiocordycipitaceae).
China, Yunnan Province.
China, Yunnan Province, Honghe Hani and Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Yuanyang County, parasitic on Ophiocordyceps multiperitheciata (Ophiocordycipitaceae), on insects buried in soil, with erect stromata, 22°1′51″N, 100°52′42″E, alt. 703 m, 25 September 2022, D.X. Tang. Paratypes: YHH 2209032; other collections: YHH 2209033; YHH 2209034. Culture ex-type: YFCC 06149287; Other cultures: YFCC 06149288, YFCC 06149289, YFCC 06149290, YFCC 06149291, YFCC 06149292.
Polycephalomyces multiperitheciatae is sister to Po. jinghongensis (Fig.
myrmecophilus = myrmecophilous, the epithet referred to the species parasitising myrmecophilous Ophiocordyceps species.
Polycephalomyces myrmecophilus are similar to that of Po. ramosus regarding the production of two types of conidia, but Po. myrmecophilus differ by α-conidia round or ovoid, β-conidia elliptical.
China, Yunnan Province, Pu’er City, The Sun River National Forest Park, parasitic on Ophiocordyceps acroasca (Ophiocordycipitaceae), on insects underside of leaves, with erect stromata, 30°34′34″N, 101°6′24″E, alt. 1095 m, 28 September 2020, Hong Yu bis (YHH 2009001);
Synnemata arising from the Ophiocordyceps acroasca or Colobopsis sp. corpses, tomentose, white. Colonies on PDA growing slowly, attaining a diameter of 1.7–2.1 cm in 3 weeks at 25 °C, villous, cinerous, and reverse black yellow. Phialides existing in two types: α- and β-phialides. Both types of phialides often reproduce new phialides at their own apices, collarettes not flared, periclinal thickening not visible. α-phialides verticillate and acropleurogenous on conidiophores and solitary on hyphae; lanceolate, tapering gradually from the base to the apex, 6.1–14.5 μm long, 1.4–2.3 μm wide at the base and 0.8–1.8 μm wide at the apex. β-phialides acropleurogenous in whorls of 2–3 or intercalary and terminal on conidiophores and solitary on hyphae; sickle-shaped, tapering abruptly from the base to the apex, 9.8–17.6 μm long, 0.9–1.6 μm wide at the base and 0.4–1.1 μm wide at the apex. α-conidia round or ovoid, and occurring in the conidial mass on the agar or on the final portion of synnemata, 0.4–0.9 × 0.3–0.9 μm; β-conidia elliptical and produced on the surface mycelium of colony, single or multiple, usually in the form of spore balls at the phialidic apex, 0.6–1.3 × 0.3–0.8 μm.
Parasitic on Ophiocordyceps acroasca and Ophiocordyceps sp.
China, Yunnan Province.
China, Yunnan Province, Pu’er City, The Sun River National Forest Park, parasitic on Ophiocordyceps acroasca (Ophiocordycipitaceae), on insects underside of leaves, with erect stromata, 30°34′34″N, 101°6′24″E, alt. 1095 m, 28 September 2020, D.X. Tang. Paratype: YHH 2006020. Culture ex-type: YFCC 09289443; Other cultures: YFCC 09289444.
Polycephalomyces myrmecophilus was sister to Cordyceps pleuricapitata (Fig.
Our taxonomic investigations revealed four new species of the family Polycephalomycetaceae, Pl. litangensis, Po. jinghongensis, Po. multiperitheciatae and Po. myrmecophilus. Morphological observations suggested that four species have sufficient morphological differences to justify their segregation into four species. A new species, Pl. litangensis, was described in the genus Pleurocordyceps. Pleurocordyceps litangensis was similar to Pl. agaricus, Pl. aurantiacus, Pl. lanceolatus, Pl. marginaliradians, Pl. sinensis, Pl. vitellina, Pl. yunnanensis, Pl. nutansis and Pl. heilongtanensis, by producing two types of conidia, while Pl. Parvicapitata and Pl. lianzhouensis had only one type of conidia. Pl. litangensis was distinct from other species of Pleurocordyceps, with having α-phialides spear point, β-phialides subulate, α-conidia ovoid or elliptic. Moreover, Pl. litangensis and Pl. sinensis both had the same host (O. sinensis) and β-Conidia, but their phialides, α-conidia size and shape were different (Table
Some species of the family Polycephalomycetaceae have been reported from more than one host, indicating their non-host specific nature (
We thank the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 31760011). We thank all those who have provided assistance for this work. Participation and sponsorship of the Yunnan University Professional Degree Graduate Practice Innovation Fund Program (ZC-22222937).
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
No ethical statement was reported.
This work was supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.31760011). Participation and sponsorship of the Yunnan University Professional Degree Graduate Practice Innovation Fund Program (ZC-22222937).
Zuoheng Liu: Mainly responsible for article conception, writing and editing and also mainly responsible for species identification (contributed equally to this work); Dexiang Tang: Mainly responsible for article conception writing and editing, morphological analysis and phylogenetic analysis(contributed equally to this work); Yingling Lu: Mainly responsible for article conception, and also responsible for experimental guidance and design; Responsible for the language polishing and format modification.Juye Zhu: Collecting the information of specimens and GenBank entry number required for research. Lijun Luo; Tao Sun: Responsible for picture editing and processing. Hong Yu: Investigation, responsible for the review and modification of the article, and conducting project administration and supervision.
Zuoheng Liu
Dexiang Tang
Yingling Lu
Juye Zhu
Lijun Luo
All of the data that support the findings of this study are available in the main text.