Research Article |
Corresponding author: Lukas Dreyling ( ) Corresponding author: Imke Schmitt ( ) Academic editor: Pradeep Divakar
© 2024 Lukas Dreyling, Steffen Boch, H. Thorsten Lumbsch, Imke Schmitt.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Dreyling L, Boch S, Lumbsch HT, Schmitt I (2024) Surveying lichen diversity in forests: A comparison of expert mapping and eDNA metabarcoding of bark surfaces. MycoKeys 106: 153-172.
Lichens are an important part of forest ecosystems, contributing to forest biodiversity, the formation of micro-niches and nutrient cycling. Assessing the diversity of lichenised fungi in complex ecosystems, such as forests, requires time and substantial skills in collecting and identifying lichens. The completeness of inventories thus largely depends on the expertise of the collector, time available for the survey and size of the studied area. Molecular methods of surveying biodiversity hold the promise to overcome these challenges. DNA barcoding of individual lichen specimens and bulk collections is already being applied; however, eDNA methods have not yet been evaluated as a tool for lichen surveys. Here, we assess which species of lichenised fungi can be detected in eDNA swabbed from bark surfaces of living trees in central European forests. We compare our findings to an expert floristic survey carried out in the same plots about a decade earlier. In total, we studied 150 plots located in three study regions across Germany. In each plot, we took one composite sample based on six trees, belonging to the species Fagus sylvatica, Picea abies and Pinus sylvestris. The eDNA method yielded 123 species, the floristic survey 87. The total number of species found with both methods was 167, of which 48% were detected only in eDNA, 26% only in the floristic survey and 26% in both methods. The eDNA contained a higher diversity of inconspicuous species. Many prevalent taxa reported in the floristic survey could not be found in the eDNA due to gaps in molecular reference databases. We conclude that, currently, eDNA has merit as a complementary tool to monitor lichen biodiversity at large scales, but cannot be used on its own. We advocate for the further development of specialised and more complete databases.
Assessment, biodiversity, bioindicators, conservation, databases, floristic survey, identification, inventory, metabarcoding, monitoring
Lichens are important components of biodiversity in forest ecosystems, where they form epiphytic communities in the canopy (
The assessment of lichen biodiversity can be challenging, even for taxonomic experts (
Molecular markers are useful complementary tools to aid the identification of lichenised and non-lichenised fungi (
Biodiversity assessments using environmental DNA (eDNA) allow species-level identification from DNA present in environmental samples, such as water, soil or air (
In this study, we analyse the utility of eDNA – obtained from bark surfaces of tree trunks at breast height – to assess the diversity of lichen communities in central European forests. In previous studies, we have generated datasets of entire fungal communities associated with bark surfaces, based on ITS metabarcoding (
We surveyed communities of forest-dwelling lichen species in 150 plots, located in three regions, within the Biodiversity Exploratories framework (
In each plot, we collected eDNA samples from the bark surface of six trees of the respective dominant species in May 2021. The six individual tree samples were pooled into one composite sample per plot. Since we had previously shown large community differences between tree sizes (
Sampling procedure: We moistened the tree trunk on all sides at breast height and swabbed the bark surface in a zigzagging motion along a 10 cm wide band around the tree trunk. The swabbed area included smooth bark surfaces and crevices, as well as epiphytic organisms, if they were present.
A detailed description of the DNA extraction and bioinformatic processing of sequencing reads is given in
We used Cutadapt (v3.3;
The floristic survey was carried out in 2007 and 2008 and recorded occurrences of lichenised fungi in over 600 plots of the Biodiversity Exploratories (
A number of taxonomic changes took place in the approximately 13 years between the two surveys. We accommodated for these developments by harmonising the two species lists and adopting the names accepted as the current names in MycoBank (
To allow for comparisons between the two methods, we transformed the read counts obtained through the eDNA metabarcoding to presence-absence data. Using the two presence-absence datasets, we compared the two methods and assessed the diversity and species richness found with each method. Furthermore, we calculated the number of plots in which a species was found. Finally, we selected five species to visualise geographical occurrence patterns, based on the two different assessment methods.
In total, we found 167 species of lichenised fungi in the two surveys. The eDNA method found 123 species, while the traditional floristic survey recorded 87 species (Fig.
In our study, several species are detected exclusively or predominantly by either of the two methods. Additionally, even the most common species are not necessarily detected by both methods. For example, out of the five most common species (Fig.
Other taxa, commonly found in the eDNA metabarcoding dataset, had not been formally described at the time of the floristic survey. For example, both Opeltiella rubrisoli and Micarea czarnotae were only described in 2019 (
The floristic dataset also includes numerous taxa which were not identified in the eDNA approach. For example, Pseudosagedia aenea, a common species found in the floristic survey (occurring in 104 plots), was not found by the eDNA metabarcoding (Fig.
Overall, only very few species were found in a similar number of plots with both methods (Fig.
Another apparent reason for the differences in eDNA and floristic surveys are related to the databases necessary for taxonomic assignment of the metabarcoding reads. Despite large efforts in recent years towards the development of reference databases for fungal taxonomy, like the UNITE database (
Technical issues related to sequencing might be the reason that some species present in the floristic study could not be found in the eDNA assessment, although the ITS sequences are included in the UNITE and Martin7 databases. A search with Primer-BLAST (
There is a temporal gap of approximately 13 years between the floristic survey and the eDNA sampling, which may explain some of the observed differences, especially with regard to pollution with sulphur dioxide and nitrogen. Sulphur dioxide (SO2) pollution has been decreasing in western Europe since the 1970s, enabling the return of many species to formerly uninhabitable ecosystems (
The three study regions differed considerably in their lichen diversity. In the eDNA metabarcoding survey, the proportion of fungal reads assigned to lichens was highest in the south-western region with approximately 39% of the total fungal reads, 27% in the north-eastern and lowest in the central region with only 14%. On average, lichens accounted for 27% of the total fungal reads. We observe a similar pattern in the floristic survey, where the highest number of species was also recorded in the south-western region (82 species), followed by the central and the north-eastern region (32 species). Previous studies in the Biodiversity Exploratories found similar relationships between the regions for plants (
The differences amongst the three study regions are also apparent in the distribution maps of the five example species, Buellia griseovirens, Graphis scripta, Lepraria incana, Phlyctis argena and Physcia adscendens. These species were chosen as examples because they were amongst the most prevalent species (Fig.
Distribution of five example species within the analysed forest plots of the three regions. Shown are occurrence data based on the floristic survey and eDNA metabarcoding. Each map represents one region (Biodiversity Exploratory) A South-West (Swabian Alb) B Central (Hainich-Dün) C North-East (Schorfheide-Chorin). Each circle depicts a 100 m × 100 m forest plot.
The detection of these five lichen species was different between the methods in the each of the regions. Of the five example species, only L. incana was consistently found with both methods across the three regions and consequently is one of the most prevalent species we found. B. griseovirens and P. argena were found more often in the eDNA samples and almost exclusively with eDNA in the Central and North-East regions (Fig.
Nevertheless, Graphis scripta was rarely found in the eDNA, but recorded across all three regions in the traditional survey. This pattern is likely related to the use of ITS2 as a molecular marker in the eDNA, which has previously shown low amplification rates for the genus Graphis (e.g.
In its current form, eDNA metabarcoding cannot be used as a stand-alone tool to survey epiphytic lichen diversity. However, it can serve as a valuable complementary tool, similarly to studies from many other taxonomic groups (
We thank the managers of the three Exploratories, Max Müller, Julia Bass, Robert Künast, Anna K. Franke, Franca Marian and all former managers for their work in maintaining the plot and project infrastructure; Victoria Grießmeier for giving support through the central office, Andreas Ostrowski for managing the central data base and Markus Fischer, Eduard Linsenmair, Dominik Hessenmöller, Daniel Prati, Ingo Schöning, François Buscot, Ernst-Detlef Schulze, Wolfgang W. Weisser and the late Elisabeth Kalko for their role in setting up the Biodiversity Exploratories project. We thank the administration of the Hainich National Park, the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Swabian Alb and the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Schorfheide-Chorin, as well as all land owners for the excellent collaboration. Fieldwork permits were issued by the responsible state environmental offices of Baden-Württemberg, Thüringen and Brandenburg.
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
No ethical statement was reported.
The work has been (partly) funded by the DFG Priority Program 1374 “Infrastructure – Biodiversity- Exploratories” (SCHM 1711/8-1, FI 1246/6-1).
LD and IS conzeptualized the method; LD collected eDNA samples and generated the taxonomic data; SB conducted the floristic mapping; LD, SB, HTL and IS curated the species list; LD compared the datasets; LD and IS wrote the manuscript; HTL and SB provided feedback.
Lukas Dreyling
H. Thorsten Lumbsch
Imke Schmitt
The raw sequencing data for this study is provided in the NCBI Sequence Read Archive under accession number SRR23371988. The code for the analysis is available at
List of all species found in this study
Data type: csv
Explanation note: The table contains information on wether the species was identified with either the eDNA method or the floristic survey and in how many plots it occured.