ML topology of concatenated ITS, RPB2 and TEF1a sequences of Hebeloma sect. Hebeloma. Branch support was obtained through 1000 replicates of SH-like approximate likelihood ratio tests and ultrafast bootstrap annotated SH-aLRT/ufb at the branches for ≥ 85% SH-aLRT and ≥ 95% for ufb support. Dotted lines indicate parts of the tree where conflicts between single locus results were observed. Hebeloma sordescens (H. sect. Hebeloma) was used for rooting. Collections indicated with * are types; clade names indicated by * include type sequences. Collections and species names in red refer to Mexican material.

  Part of: Eberhardt U, Kong A, Montoya A, Schütz N, Bartlett P, Beker HJ (2022) Not (only) poison pies – Hebeloma (Agaricales, Hymenogastraceae) in Mexico. MycoKeys 90: 163-202.