The types of ascospores morphologies observed in natural specimens of Cordycipitaceae: a filiform, multiseptate, whole ascospores (square) b filamentous, multiseptate ascospores disarticulating into part-spores (circle) c bola-shaped, whole ascospores (triangle) and d whole ascospores with septate part-spores alternately connected with thread-like structures (star). Scale bars: 10 µm (a, b); 20 µm (c, d).

  Part of: Mongkolsamrit S, Noisripoom W, Tasanathai K, Kobmoo N, Thanakitpipattana D, Khonsanit A, Petcharad B, Sakolrak B, Himaman W (2022) Comprehensive treatise of Hevansia and three new genera Jenniferia, Parahevansia and Polystromomyces on spiders in Cordycipitaceae from Thailand. MycoKeys 91: 113-149.