Iodosphaeria chiayiensis (MFLU 21-0042, holotype) a substrate b ascomata on the host surface c section of ascoma d appearance of setae on peridium e peridium f, g asci h J+ apical ring (in Melzer’s reagent) i paraphyses j–m ascospores (m stained in lactophenol cotton blue). Scale bars: 50 μm (c, e); 5 μm (d); 20 μm (f–g); 5 μm (h, i); 10 μm (j–m).

  Part of: Dissanayake LS, Marasinghe DS, Samarakoon MC, Maharachchikumbura SS, Mortimer PE, Hyde KD, Kuo C-H, Kang J-C (2022) Three new species of Iodosphaeria (Xylariomycetidae): I. chiayiensis, I. jinghongensis and I. thailandica. MycoKeys 86: 1-17.