Morphological features of Trochila urediniophila, holotype collection (PUL F27668) a1–a4 dried apothecia growing on uredinia of Cerotelium fici a2, a3 substrate (uredinia) on which the apothecia grow (arrows) b1 transverse section of apothecia; arrow pointing out the substrate b2, b3 details of excipulum at margin and upper flanks b4 cells at base c1–c3 asci d1 paraphyses e1–e3 ascospores e2, e3 oil drops (LBs) inside ascospores. Mounted in: Congo Red (c1, e2), H2O (b2, c3, d1, e1, e3), KOH (b1, b3, b4, c2). Scale bars: 1 mm (a1–a3); 500 µm (a4); 200 µm (b1); 50 µm (b2); 20 µm (b3, b4, c2, c3, d1); 2 µm (c1, e1–e3).

  Part of: Gómez-Zapata PA, Haelewaters D, Quijada L, Pfister DH, Aime MC (2021) Notes on Trochila (Ascomycota, Leotiomycetes), with new species and combinations. MycoKeys 78: 21-47.