Dictyoarthrinium musae
(MFLU 20-0437, holotype) a conidia on the host b conidiophore and conidia with conidiophore mother cell c–f conidia with conidiophores on stalk g developmental stage of an immature lateral conidium h four-celled terminal conidium i conidiophore j conidiophores and conidia with terminal conidium k, l conidiophores without terminal conidium m attachment of a mature lateral conidium n–q warted four-celled mature conidia r, s mature conidia that split at septa t colony on PDA after 21 days. Scale bars: 500 μm (a); 50 μm (b, c); 20 μm (d–g, i); 10 μm (h); 5 μm (j–s).