One of the most parsimonious trees (length = 137) from the combined sequence datasets of the ITS rDNA, Bt1 and EF1-α loci is shown (CI = 0.9444, RI = 0.99633, RC = 0.98178, HI = 0.94098). MP bootstraps and Bayesian posterior probabilities are indicated alongside the branches. C. pseudotsugae and C. orientalis EF1-α were selected as outgroup taxa.

  Part of: Migliorini D, Luchi N, Pepori AL, Pecori F, Aglietti C, Maccioni F, Munck I, Wyka S, Broders K, Wingfield MJ, Santini A (2020) Caliciopsis moriondi, a new species for a fungus long confused with the pine pathogen C. pinea. MycoKeys 73: 87-108.