Haplotype network based on the concatenated sequences of ITS and beta-tubulin of Dasyscyphella longistipitata. The size of the circles represents the haplotype frequency; white dots represent mutational steps between haplotypes (note that the branches lengths do not correspond to genetic distances). Colors represent the locality of origin arranged as a latitudinal gradient where red represents the further north site.

  Part of: Gasca-Pineda J, Velez P, Hosoya T (2020) Phylogeography of post-Pleistocene population expansion in Dasyscyphella longistipitata (Leotiomycetes, Helotiales), an endemic fungal symbiont of Fagus crenata in Japan. MycoKeys 65: 1-24. https://doi.org/10.3897/mycokeys.65.48409