Ochraceocephala foeniculi, holotype a culture on CMD (7d, 22 °C) b culture on MEA (21d, 22 °C) c conidiophores on aerial hyphae producing yellowish brown conidial masses in chains d–j, l, m unbranched (g–i) and verticillately branched (d–f, j, l, m) conidiophores (MEA, 21d, 22 °C) with phialides; in f with polyphialide (arrow) k, n, o phialides with collarettes (arrows) and young conidia p conidia. All microscopic preparations from MEA (21d, 22 °C) and mounted in water. Scale bars: 200 µm (c); 10 µm (d–j, l, m, p); 5 µm (k, n, o).