A–F Jahnula purpurea (from the HOLOTYPE; MJF 14016, ILLS 72402). A–C Ascomata on submerged wood. Note the purple stain. Arrowheads indicate the subtending superficial hyphae on wood, which connect multiple ascomata on wood D Ascoma in water showing broad hyphae emerging from the base of the fruiting body E, F Longitudinal section through ascoma. Note broad pseudoparenchymatic cells comprising the peridial wall. Scale bars: A, C = 500 µm; B = 1 mm; D = 100 µm; E–F = 20 µm;
Part of: Fournier J, Raja HA, Shearer CA (2015) Freshwater Ascomycetes: Jahnula purpurea (Jahnulales, Dothideomycetes), a new species on submerged wood from Martinique Island, Lesser Antilles. MycoKeys 9: 1-8. https://doi.org/10.3897/mycokeys.9.4440