Maximum parsimony phylogenetic tree generated from analysis of a combined ITS, LSU, tef1 and tub2 sequence dataset for 59 taxa of Allantonectria, Nectria, Neothyronectria and Thyronectria. Emericellopsis glabra (CBS 125295), Hydropisphaera fungicola (CSB 122304), Nectriopsis exigua (CBS 126110) and Verrucostoma freycinetiae (MAFF 240100) as outgroup taxa. Values above the branches indicate maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood bootstrap (left, MP BP ≥ 50%; right, ML BP ≥ 50%). The branches with significant BIPP values (≥ 0.95) in the BI analysis are thickened. Scale bar = 80 nucleotide substitutions. Strains in current study are in blue. Ex-type strains are indicated in bold.

  Part of: Yang Q, Chen W-Y, Jiang N, Tian C-M (2019) Nectria-related fungi causing dieback and canker diseases in China, with Neothyronectria citri sp. nov. described. MycoKeys 56: 49-66.