Phylogeny of the Pulveroboletus group based on a Bayesian and Maximum-likelihood inference analysis of a matrix of concatenated sequences from three nuclear gene regions (nrLSU/28S, rpb1 and rpb2). Zangia erythrocephala was used as outgroup taxon. Values for clades that are supported in either the Bayesian (posterior probabilities, BPP) and Maximum likelihood (ML bootstrap percentage, MLB) analyses are indicated. BPP ≥ 0.95 and MLB ≥ 70% are given above clade branches. Newly sequenced collections are boldfaced in black. For each collection, the specific epithet (as present in GenBank), the herbarium code and GenBank accession numbers of the nrLSU/rpb1/rpb2 sequences are reported.

  Part of: Gelardi M, Angelini C, Costanzo F, Dovana F, Ortiz-Santana B, Vizzini A (2019) Neoboletus antillanus sp. nov. (Boletaceae), first report of a red-pored bolete from the Dominican Republic and insights on the genus Neoboletus. MycoKeys 49: 73-67.