Stephanospora mayana (JF-397-ITCV-HOLOTYPE). a Basidiomata showing the pileus and hymenophore b basidiospores c corona d hymenophoral trama e pileus hyphae f hyphae from the locules. Scale bars: 10 mm (a); = 10 µm (b, c, e, f); 40 µm (d).

  Part of: de la Fuente JI, Guevara-Guerrero G, Oros-Ortega I, Sánchez-Zavalegui R, Córdova-Lara I, García-Jiménez J (2019) Stephanospora mayana (Stephanosporaceae, Russulales), a new sequestrate fungus from Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico. MycoKeys 48: 115-124.