Ravenelia hernandezii. A Infected leaflets of S. tenuifolia B Mixed sori containing urediniospores and teliospores C Teliospore seen in LM D telium seen by SEM E Adaxial view of a teliospore by LM, with arrows indicating the uniseriate cysts F SEM view of spinescent teliospores G LM view of the upper surface H drawing of a urediniospore. Scale Bars: 0.5 mm (A); 0.1 mm (B); 20 mm (C–G); 10 mm (H).
Part of: Ebinghaus M, Begerow D (2018) Ravenelia piepenbringiae and Ravenelia hernandezii, two new rust species on Senegalia (Fabaceae, Mimosoideae) from Panama and Costa Rica. MycoKeys 41: 51-63. https://doi.org/10.3897/mycokeys.41.27694