Basidiomes of Hydnum species. A, B H. albidum 10640TJB (CORT 012029, epitype, photo T.J. Baroni) C H. alboaurantiacum RAS186 (TENN 073053, holotype, photo R.A. Swenie) D H. alboaurantiacum BPL876 (TENN 073003, photo B.P. Looney) E, F H. albomagnum RAS231 (TENN 073062, epitype, photo R.A. Swenie) G H. subtilior PBM4093 (TENN 073034, holotype, photo P.B. Matheny) H H. subtilior showing characteristic staining of context RAS180 (TENN 073050, photo R.A. Swenie). Scale bar: 20 mm.

  Part of: Swenie RA, Baroni TJ, Matheny PB (2018) Six new species and reports of Hydnum (Cantharellales) from eastern North America. MycoKeys 42: 35-72.