Phylogram generated from nuc rDNA ITS+28S combined sequence data with Bayesian and maximum likelihood analysis. Maximum likelihood (ML) bootstraps from 1000 iterations. Bayesian posterior probabilities (BPP) from 1000 iterations (8 million runs sampling every 100th iteration). Bootstrap values ≥ 50% (ML) followed by the Bayesian posterior probability (≥ 90%) are indicated in the node branches; -: support values lower than 50/90%. Bold type identifies new obtained sequences. T indicates sequences obtained from the genic type species. Horizontal coloured stripes distinguish different clades as treated in the text. Horizontal stripes point out morphological and distributional features of taxa. (A) annual basidiome. (P) perennial basidiome. (1) Monomitic hyphal system. (2) Dimitic hyphal system. (ER) effused reflexed. (P) pileate. (R) resupinate. (-) granular core absent. (+) granular core present.