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Diversity and peculiarities of lichens in subnival habitats of Shalbuzdag Mountain (East Caucasus, Dagestan, Russia). Herzogia 34: .
First Survey of the Vascular and Cryptogam Flora on Bulgaria’s Ancient Mounds. Plants 11: 705.
Dry grasslands and thorn-cushion communities of Armenia: a first syntaxonomic classification. Vegetation Classification and Survey 5: 39.
Die Flechten, flechtenbewohnenden und flechtenähnlichen Pilze Deutschlands – eine überarbeitete Checkliste. Herzogia 35: .
Sarcogyne (Acarosporaceae) on calcareous rock in Europe and North America. Herzogia 36: .
Flechten der Schweiz. The Bryologist 127: .
Combined Lichenological Results of Two One Day Trips to Liechtenstein. Herzogia 31: 931.
Two poorly-known species of European Acarospora (Acarosporaceae). Herzogia 33: 1.
Contribution to the knowledge of the lichen biota of Pinus nigra stands in Greece. Herzogia 36: .
Notulae to the Italian flora of algae, bryophytes, fungi and lichens: 12. Italian Botanist 12: 49.
Contributions to the Bulgarian lichenicolous mycota – an annotated checklist and new records. Herzogia 34: .
Genome streamlining via complete loss of introns has occurred multiple times in lichenized fungal mitochondria. Ecology and Evolution 9: 4245.
The epiphytic lichens on Fagus sylvatica in beech forests of Europe: towards an open and dynamic checklist . Mediterranean Botany 44: e84299.
Alpine lichen diversity in an isolated sky island in the Colorado Plateau, USA—Insight from an integrative biodiversity inventory. Ecology and Evolution 11: 11090.
Notulae to the Italian flora of algae, bryophytes, fungi and lichens: 13. Italian Botanist 13: 1.
Symbiosis between river and dry lands: Phycobiont dynamics on river gravel bars. Algal Research 51: 102062.
Notulae to the Italian flora of algae, bryophytes, fungi and lichens: 10. Italian Botanist 10: 83.
Typification of the name Arthopyrenia parolinii Beltr. (Ascomycota, Dothideomycetes, Pleosporales, Arthopyreniaceae). MycoKeys 104: 1.
Varicellaria velata occurs in the Alps. Herzogia 35: .
Some interesting lichens on volcanic rocks in the inland regions of the Iberian Peninsula. Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madrid 81: e148.
Is that a relict rock glacier?. Geomorphology 330: 177.
Notulae to the Italian flora of algae, bryophtes, fungi and lichens: 16. Italian Botanist 16: 105.
Refining the picture: new records to the lichen biota of Italy. MycoKeys 82: 97.
A contribution to the diversity of lichens and lichenicolous fungi in North Macedonian mountainous areas. Herzogia 35: .
Records of lichen species from genus Acarospora, new for Serbia, Southwest Balkan Peninsula. Bulletin of Natural Sciences Research 13: 1.
Classification of the high‐rank syntaxa of the Central and Eastern Balkan dry grasslands with a new hierarchical expert system approach. Applied Vegetation Science 27: .
Nuevas aportaciones a la flora liquénica de la Comunitat Valenciana (E de España). Collectanea Botanica 38: 006.
Checklist of the lichens and lichenicolous fungi of Sierra Nevada (Spain). Botanica Complutensis 45: e74427.
Lichens of Pinus sylvestris stands in Makedonia and Thraki, Northern Greece. Herzogia 33: 75.
Umbilicaria meizospora comb. nov., a south-western European endemic species of the subgenus Papillophora. The Lichenologist 54: 1.
The macrolichens of Val di Scalve (northern Italy) and the first record ofParmelia pinnatifidain Italy. Webbia 74: 307.
Modelling range dynamics of terricolous lichens of the genus Peltigera in the Alps under a climate change scenario. Fungal Ecology 49: 101014.
Fast and persistent responses of alpine permafrost microbial communities to in situ warming. Science of The Total Environment 807: 150720.
Lichenologische Ergebnisse der Jahresexkursion 2014 der BLAM in Ettal, Ergänzt um Weitere Flechtendaten aus der Umgebung von Garmisch-Partenkirchen. Herzogia 31: 893.
Mapping mycological ignorance – checklists and diversity patterns of fungi known for West Africa. IMA Fungus 11: .
Lichens and associated fungi from Glacier Bay National Park, Alaska. The Lichenologist 52: 61.
Sharpening species boundaries in the Micarea prasina group, with a new circumscription of the type species M. prasina. Mycologia 111: 574.
A new species of Phaeocalicium (Mycocaliciaceae) on black walnut in central North America. The Bryologist 125: .
New country records of lichenized and non-lichenized fungi from Southeastern Europe. Herzogia 34: .
Jaka ma być ochrona gatunkowa? Część I. Ochrona gatunkowa porostów, czyli co tak naprawdę chronimy?. Wiadomości Botaniczne 65: .
Lichens recorded in chasmophytic communities associated with relict and endemic plant species in Bulgaria. Herzogia 33: .
Xeric grasslands of the inner-alpine dry valleys of Austria – new insights into syntaxonomy, diversity and ecology. Vegetation Classification and Survey 2: 133.
Notulae to the Italian flora of algae, bryophytes, fungi and lichens: 11. Italian Botanist 11: 45.
Silicicolous lichen communities of the Ukrainian Crystalline Shield. Applied Vegetation Science 25: .
Lichens of high mountainous beech forests of the Republic of Dagestan. Novosti sistematiki nizshikh rastenii 54: 413.
Notulae to the Italian flora of algae, bryophytes, fungi and lichens: 14. Italian Botanist 14: 61.
Macroclimate drives growth of hair lichens in boreal forest canopies. Journal of Ecology 109: 478.
Contribution to the knowledge of the lichenized biota of the East Aegean island Kos, Dodekanisos island group, Greece. Herzogia 35: .
MycoKeys issue 100: progress and innovation to enhance rapid publication in fungal systematics. MycoKeys 100: 1.
New and Interesting Species of the Lichen Genus Verrucaria (Verrucariaceae, Ascomycota) for Switzerland and France. Herzogia 31: 209.
OLICH: A reference library of DNA barcodes for Nordic lichens. Biodiversity Data Journal 7: .
Lichen Distribution Patterns in the Ecoregions of Italy. Diversity 12: 294.
New records and noteworthy data of plants, algae and fungi in SE Europe and adjacent regions, 17. Botanica Serbica 48: 105.
Three new species, new combinations and a key to known species ofLobothallia(Megasporaceae). The Lichenologist 51: 301.
The genus Cladonia in western Liguria (Northern Italy). Herzogia 33: 57.
Notulae to the Italian flora of Algae, bryophtes, fungi and lichens: 15. Italian Botanist 15: 35.
Composition and Conservation Value of Epiphytic Lichen Communities on Common Ash in North-Western Alps: A First Assessment. Forests 13: 1288.
Notulae to the Italian flora of algae, bryophytes, fungi and lichens: 8. Italian Botanist 8: 47.
Notulae to the Italian flora of algae, bryophytes, fungi and lichens: 7. Italian Botanist 7: 69.
Notulae to the Italian flora of algae, bryophytes, fungi and lichens: 9. Italian Botanist 9: 35.
The lichens of the Majella National Park (Central Italy): an annotated checklist. MycoKeys 78: 119.
Divergent responses of alpine bryophytes and lichens to climate change in the Swiss Alps. Journal of Vegetation Science 35: .
Die Flechtendokumentation von Anton Gisler (1820 –1888) – Aussagekräftige Funddaten für den Kanton Uri und die Schweiz aus dem 19. Jahrhundert: Die Corticolen und Lignicolen Taxa. Herzogia 32: 41.
The monophyletic Sarcogyne canadensis–wheeleri clade, a newly recognized group sister to the European Acarospora glaucocarpa group. The Bryologist 123: 11.
New and otherwise noteworthy records of lichenized and lichenicolous fungi from central European Russia II. Herzogia 35: .
Flechten und lichenicole Pilze im UNESCO-Biosphärenpark Salzburger Lungau (BLAM-Exkursion 2019). Herzogia 35: .
A hotspot of lichen diversity and lichenological research in the Alps: the Paneveggio-Pale di San Martino Natural Park (Italy). MycoKeys 94: 37.
Long sigmoid and twisted ascospores in the genusHarpidium: H. longisporumsp. nov., a synopsis of the genus and a key to the species. The Lichenologist 54: 175.
Notulae to the Italian flora of algae, bryophytes, fungi and lichens: 18. Italian Botanist 18: 59.
The ecology of lichenicolous lichens: a case-study in Italy. MycoKeys 105: 253.
Notulae to the Italian flora of algae, bryophytes, fungi and lichens: 17. Italian Botanist 17: 23.
Bilimbia fuscoviridis (≡ Bacidia fuscoviridis), another overlooked sorediate crustose lichen widely distributed in temperate eastern North America. The Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 150: .
Additions and Corrections to the Lichen Biota of the Czech Republic. Herzogia 31: 453.
Lichens and allied non-lichenized fungi of virgin forests in the Caucasus State Nature Biosphere Reserve (Western Caucasus, Russia). Herzogia 33: 90.
Epiphytic bryophytes and lichens in Graz and Podgorica (Austria and Montenegro). Herzogia 34: .
Dry grasslands of the central valleys of the Alps from a European perspective: the example of Ausserberg (Valais, Switzerland). Hacquetia 18: 155.
The Dolichens database: the lichen biota of the Dolomites. MycoKeys 103: 25.
Biology of Algae, Lichens and Bryophytes. Chapter 6: 385.
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