Bayesian MCC tree, with node values indicating posterior probabilities (above) and MP/ML bootstrap values (below). Thick branches indicate maximum Bayesian support (pp = 1.0). Photos of apothecia (left) and drawings of ascospores (right) from top to bottom: S. yugrana, holotype, YSU-F-03519, Russia, 9 Jun 2012; S. persoonii, Gilbert Moyne, H.B. 8889, France, 24.VI.2008; S. americana, Claude Page, France, 7 Apr 2016 (first French report in Moingeon and Page 2003). Scale bar: 20 µm.

  Part of: Haelewaters D, Filippova NV, Baral H-O (2018) A new species of Stamnaria (Leotiomycetes, Helotiales) from Western Siberia. MycoKeys 32: 49-63.