Coprotus epithecioides (CNF 2/10450, holotype). a Fresh apothecia on Rupicapra rupicapra dung b Cross section through the whole apothecia c Cross section in dark field d Asci e Freshly ejected ascospores glued together with a sheath and individual ascospores f Freshly ejected ascospores in phase contrast g Epithecioid paraphyses h Clavate paraphyses with pigment content i Epithecioid hymenial cover j Excipular flank k Marginal tissue. All elements observed in tap water and in living state, except two asci on d marked with a cross (†); Scale bars: a 0.5 mm, b, c 50 μm, d–k 10 μm, phot. N. Matočec & I. Kušan.