Phylogenetic relationships of Xanthagaricus species and its allied genera inferred from ITS-28S data using ML method. RAxML bootstrap support values (ML BS, ≥50%) are indicated on the branches at nodes. The two new species of Xanthagaricus from Bangladesh and China, and Heinemannomyces splendidissimus from China, are highlighted in bold on the tree. Herbarium or voucher specimen numbers and country names are provided after the species name. Chlorophyllum rachodes is rooted as the outgroup. Bar: indicates 0.1 expected change per site per branch.

  Part of: Hosen MI, Song ZP, Gates G, Karunarathna SC, Chowdhury MSM, Li TH (2017) Two new species of Xanthagaricus and some notes on Heinemannomyces from Asia. MycoKeys 28: 1-18.