Basidiomata and microscopic structures of Favolaschia sinarundinariae A, B basidiomata (A Dai 26123, holotype B Dai 26116) C basidiospores D hymenium in trama E basidia and basidioles F tramal hyphae G cheilocystidia at dissepiment edge H hyphae and terminal cells of pileipellis. Scale bars: 1 cm (A, B); 10 µm (C–H).

  Part of: Zhang Q-Y, Liu H-G, Li W-Y, Zhang X, Dai Y-C, Wu F, Bian L-S (2024) Three new species of Favolaschia (Mycenaceae, Agaricales) from South China. In: Wijayawardene N, Karunarathna S, Fan X-L, Li Q-R (Eds) Taxonomy and secondary metabolites of wood-associated fungi. MycoKeys 104: 71-89.