Trimmatothelopsis mexicana, Huereca AH-877, Holotype A areolate thallus with apothecia B apothecium with elevated crown C vertical section of apothecium D apothecial crown E hemiamyloid reaction of hymenium and amyloid reaction in tholus F sparingly anastomosed paraphyses G terminal cells of paraphyses H young ascus I young ascus in IKI J mostly biguttulate ascospores K pycnidia on the thallus L vertical section of pycnidium with three chambers M long narrowly ampulliform conidiogenous cells producing conidia N conidia. Scale bars: 500 µm (A, B, K); 200 µm (C); 100 µm (L); 50 µm (D); 20 µm (E, H, I); 10 µm (F, G); 5 µm (J, M, N).

  Part of: Knudsen K, Kocourková J, Hodková E, Dart J, Huereca A, Malíček J (2023) Three new species of Trimmatothelopsis (Acarosporales, Acarosporaceae) from southwestern North America. MycoKeys 99: 251-268.