Photographs of new species or records for the Nordic countries, Norway, and Sweden. Macroscopic habit of Tremella rhizocarpicola on Rhizocarpon lavatum (holotype, BG: L-68612) (A), T. pertusariae on Pertusaria hymenea (S: F-131626) (B), T. protoparmeliae, asymptomatic on Protoparmelia badia (S: F-255342) (C), T. caloplacae on Caloplaca decipiens (S: F-253110) (D), T. caloplacae on Xanthoria parietina (S: F-253109) (E), and T. rinodinae on Rinodina gennarii (S: F-255341) (F). Basidium morphology in Tremella rhizocarpicola (G), T. pertusariae (H), T. protoparmeliae (I), T. caloplacae (S: F-255314) (J), and T. rinodinae (K–L). Scale bars: 1 mm (A–F) and 10 mm (G–L).

  Part of: Millanes A, Diederich P, Westberg M, Knutsson T, Wedin M (2014) Tremella rhizocarpicola sp. nov. and other interesting lichenicolous Tremellales and Filobasidiales in the Nordic countries. MycoKeys 8: 31-41.